9 years ago

Volume 12 - Issue 10 - July/August 2007

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  • Festival
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  • Jazz
  • August
  • Toronto
  • Musical
  • Theatre
  • September
  • Concerts
  • Choir

.~.f&eke~"rLydia Adams,

.~.f&eke~"rLydia Adams, Conductor 29th Season2007-2008 Concert SeriesSunday, September 23, 2007 • 7:00 p.m.TRIBUTE CONCERT in honour ofJOHN CHARLES BIRDOur Lady of Perpetual Help Church78 Clifton Rd. at St. Clair EastSpecial Guest Artists:Canadian Brass; Peter Tiefenbach - organSaturday, October 13, 2007 • 8:00 p.m.BYZANTINE CELEBRATIONSt. Anne's Anglican Church - 270 Gladstone AvenueIn collaboration with SoundStreams Canada"The Troparion of Kassiani" - Christos Hatzis"The World" and the Canadian Premiere of'The Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete" - John Tavener"Come Holy Ghost" - Jonathan HarveySpecial Guest Artist: Patricia Rozario, SopranoFriday, December 7, 2007 - 8:00 p.m.MESSIAH by G. F. HandelMetropolitan United Church - 56 Queen St. EastSpecial Guest Artists: The Amadeus ChoirSoloists - Meredith Hall, Anita Krause, Mark DuBois andAlexander DobsonPre-Messiah Dinner at the Albany Club - 91 King Street E.Saturday, February 16, 2008- 8:00 p.m.THE JOURNEYJane Mallet Theatre, St. Lawrence Centre - 27 Front St. E.In collaboration with Soundstreams Canada"Pimooteewin- The Journey"- Melissa Hui (World Premiere)Libretto by Tomson Highway,Choreography by Michael GreyeyesNarrator, Soprano and Tenor Soloist (To be announced)Friday, March 7, 2008 - 8:00 p.m.CHORAL CELEBRATIONMetropolitan United Church - 56 Queen St. EastMusic by Whittaker and Willan and a World Premiere byChristos Hatzis.Special Guest Artists: Vancouver Chamber Choir,Jon Washburn, conductorAll programmes and locations subject to changeSubscriptions to our 5-concert Toronto series are 0for regular tickets, and $105 for seniors and students.Single Tickets are regular and Seniors/Students,except for Messiah, for which tickets are and .Pre-Messiah dinner at the Albany Club 2180 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4N 3K7Canada Council Conseil des Arts t 0 r o n t~ d artsb 0 Un Ci IAn arm·s 1engthbody ol the Ci1yolToron1e>Q.:> for the Arts du Canada ~ ONTARIO ARTS COUNCILJ'-1\ CONSEIL DES ARTS m: l:ONTARIOFOR SUBSCRIPTIONS, TICKETS OR BROCHURECALL 416-217-0537 Monday to Friday 9 am • 5 pmBack to Ad IndexThe idea of a summer season with as many concerts as the whole rest ofthe year is a thought that could exhilarate or depress, depending on yourpoint of view. My own p.o.v.? Shading toward midnight melancholic,after a week's worth of internet and e-mail crashes, and printing backlogsoccasioned by inks not taking kindly to being globally warmed. And sourgrapes, watching everyone starting to take off, while we're still puttingtogether all this information about where to take off to.I've been grumbling ever since the first ten days of June about nothaving had time for LuminaTo. So am I now getting ready to drop everythingthe first ten days next June (having saved up for it from now tillthen)? Not really very likely. Not with a July issue to put to bed, kids stillin school, and, yikes! a tidal wave of summer musical events to process -almost as many as the whole rest of the year. Did I mention that?I'm quite willing to accept that for as long as Toronto keeps"world-class" in its lexicon of cures for self-loathing, we'll continue tobow in slack-jawed deference to the proposers of cultural megaprojectspitched to "the world" as the cure for what ails us (all the while, of course,assuming that ail we do).What I can't swallow is the misgiving that saying yes to LuminaTOwill inevitably lead to taking money away from what I would call communityarts - from things like the neighbourhood Celebrate Toronto streetfestivals, or from many of the community-based smaller festivals that cramthis issue's pages, or from relatively spontaneous cultural uprisings likeNuit Blanche, or from the regular season's lovingly curated series whichare food for our home-town souls during the year's grind.Community arts. There's a "world class" notion.David PerlmanCBC Radio Two help - Reader RequestA number of my friends and I are very concerned about the changesmade back in March to cbc radio two. We feel that the evening programmescuts, and also the cuts to other quality programmes were illadvised, and these cuts are alienating the primary audience for classicalprogramming. Additionally the new programmes are being pushed byusing commercial like promos that are extremely annoying to this type ofaudience.You can read a couple of web sites that have been set up tosend a petition to the cbc management etc. If you feel that you agreewith this, is there any way you could list these websites, or is there anyother way that our concerns can be published or could you could help inany other way? I think most people who get WholeNote would beinterested in preserving classical music broadcasting in the evening.Here are the web sites:www and http://cbcradiotwoandme.blogspot.comBrian AveryWHO'S READING WHOLENOTE?award-winningSoulpepper TheatreCompany.LOG ON TO WIN DINNER & THEATRE TICKETS!www.thewholenote.comWHOLENOTE. COM ] ULY 1 - S EPTEMBER 7 2007

J ULY 1 - SEPTEMBER 7 2007WWW. THEWHOLENOTE. COM9Canada's Premier Professional Brass BandSUBSCRIBE TODAY!4/5/6 concert packagesSpecial rates for students and seniorsCall the St. Lawrence Centre Box Office416-366-7723 or 1-800-708-6754For information on guest conductors, guest soloists, choirs, ensembles and concert repertoire, vist our website:www.hssb.ca2007/2008 SeasonThe Village BandSunday, October 14, 2007, 3 p.m., Jane Mallett TheatreBattlefield BrassSunday, November 11, 2007, 3 p.m., Jane Mallett TheatreThe Majesty of ChristmasMonday, December 17, 2007, 8 p.m., The Cathedral Church of St. JamesSalvation's Blast!Sunday, February 17, 2008, 3 p.m., Jane Mallett TheatrePrincipals on DisplaySunday, April 13, 2008, 3 p.m., Jane Mallett TheatreMaking OverturesSunday, May 25, 2008, 3 p.m., Jane Mallett TheatreThe Hannaford Street Silver Band is grateful for t he assistance received from its corporate and its many individual donors, and from the following:l•I f;.~ ~"'::'" Canada ~ ::::,,::- =.:- -~- ') ~·:.""~c • 11 ? : 1;; ""so

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)