9 years ago

Volume 12 - Issue 3 - November 2006

  • Text
  • Theatre
  • Toronto
  • November
  • Jazz
  • Arts
  • Musical
  • Orchestra
  • December
  • Glenn
  • Gould

I'm getting too old for

I'm getting too old for this so if there's anything you've beenmeaning to suggest to that editor at WholeNote, this would bea good time to do it.I'm getting too old for that one last photo that won't be found;that one last story that refuses to fall into place; that ad thatstill won't print; all the stragglers and strays that must becorralled or cut loose: I'm too old for it, and after elevenyears my nerves are shot.Last night for example it was jumping on a bicycle at 7pm andbooting it down to the RTH performers' entrance to grab thatone crucial missing photo (for We are all Music's Children,page 64) from - oops, nearly gave it away.It's never the same culprit twice in a row. Jim Galloway'sgiven us more than one nail-biter (with the travelling he does),but this time he strolled in from Vienna a luxurious 24 hoursahead of press time, and still found time to come up withsome pithy suggestions for prospective jazz club owners.DISC· 1 :·~, ·~ ··~EDITOR'S CORNER~------- ---- ---· -· -------~At right:Chalmers House,home of the CMCsince 1984.Cl'li• -u•.•·a• ·-· D " HP •••••. .:;:; ;,.-And then of course, final straw, once I've finished blaming oneor other of my writers for holding things up, it's always thisblasted Opener that actually ends up being the cause of thefinal delay. So as I said, if there's something you've beenAs you will have noticed elsewhere in this issue, the Canadian Musicmeaning to suggest to this editor (helpful and hopeful are Centre's recording arm, Centrediscs, is celebrating 25 years ofnice) ... this is the time to do it.productivity this month. This is a label that has provided a wealth ofmaterial for me over the years in my various capacities as broadcaster,A confession: I can barely read music and stand in awe of researcher and presenter, and countless hours of pleasure to me simplyas a lover of good music . I sat down last night to try to make a "shortpeople who can pick up a score and digest it the way I do alist" of the particular titles that had most impressed me over the pastnewspaper page - the music released through notation directlytwo and a half decades and I found that it was simply not possible. Theto the mind. And then the other day I found myself realizing list kept growing and growing. Early releases such as "Impact"that there are probably people out there who can read theWholeNote listings the same way they read a score - they can(CMCCD 2786) featuring the percussive wizardry of BeverleyJohnston in the stunning Steal the Thunder by Jean Piche,look at the names of the works being performed and release to "Masquerade" (CMCCD 3488) with Colin Tilney and the CanadianChamber Ensemble performing Murray Schafer's Concerto formind from memory the sounds that the words represent. JohnHarpsichord and Eight Winds, and "Shadow Box" (CMCCD 3288)Q. Walker, as Colin Eatock explains (page 16), has programmeda piano to do Gould's Goldberg without benefit of New Hours" fame, among others, made a lasting impression on me.with electronic compositions by David Jaeger and Larry Lake of"TwoGlenn. Maybe he could come up with a little something tobring our Listings alive without the reader having to go out theI first saw Rivka Golani perform during theWorld Music Days of the International Societyfor Contemporary Music held in Toronto (anddoor. Just think, we'd none of us ever have to go to anotherMontreal) in 1984. Anyone who has seen thisconcert.dynamic violist in concert knows what acaptivating experience it is. She recorded onWe didn't start out with the intention of being archivists,however accidental. But imagine some musicologist, somenumerous occasions for the Centrediscs labelbut the highlight for me was "Prouesse"future hence, finding a copy of WholeNote and using these(CMCCD 4492), specifically the playfullydemanding title track by Jean Papineau-Couture, Ann Southam 'sListings to decode our ancient civilization. It will still be ofhauntingly hypnotic Re-Tuning and Marjan Mozetich's post-modernuse, however slight.Baroque Diversion.Other highlights from the early '90s include Robert Cram and theHow much more so then, will be the value of the archiving ofnational musical consciousness embodied in twenty five yearsPierrot Ensemble's performances of chamber works by Brian Cherney,Bruce Mather and especially Gilles Tremblay on "Envol" (CMCCDof Centrediscs at the Canadian Music Centre. There will be a5094), and the wonderful tribute to one of Canada's true musical icons,Sir Ernest MacMillan, on "A Centenary Celebration" (CMCCD 4993).reception (November 25) celebrating the 25 years. I hope IOne of the treasures of my vinyl collection is an old Deutschecan cadge a ticket to listen to some of the justifiable bragging Grammophon LP by the Amadeus Quartet of MacMillan's Stringgomg on.Quartet and Two Sketches on French Canadian Airs. (Some day I'dDavid Perlman, Editor like to find out the story behind that recording. Perhaps I should askCONTINUES ON PAGE 6610 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM NOVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 7 2006

~~omi~ ~o•rtsFriday, December 1 /06Celso Machado & FriendsBrazilian PathwaysGuitarist, percussionist and vocalist Celso Machado returns to wow the audience at Glenn Gould Studio.He's joined by brother Carlin hos Machado, Brazilian percussionist Cyro Baptista, the outstanding youngpianist David Virelles, and the versatile Rich Brown on bass for a Brazilian musical adventure.Tuesday, December 5 /06Dave McMurdo Jazz OrchestraNimmons 'n MoreThrough dynamic compositions and arrangements, the DMJO lends an invigorating breath to the big bandtradition. Works by several members of the band will be included, along with music by Harry Freedman andPhil Nimmon's recent SOCAN commission, Conversations, written specifically for this 19-piece big band.An evening that you won't soon forget!Saturday, January 13 /07Canzoni def SudMichael Occhipinti, guitar & Alessandra Belloni, vocals/percussionTwo artists exploring and reshaping the folk music of Southern Italy join in a unique collaboration at GlennGould Studio. Inspired by field recordings of Sicilian folk music, they add a jazzy twist to traditional tunes .Also featuring guest vocalist Domenic Mancuso, and more.Saturday, January 20 /07Scots, Wha HaeMeredith Hall, soprano, Toronto Masque Theatre & Shaggy HaggisRaise a wee dram with a program of words and music around a Scottish theme. A mixture of instrumentaland vocal music, with readings and songs in a wide range of styles, from the Renaissance to Reels toRobert Burns.Newly Announced!Friday, April 20 /07Final FantasyOwen Pallett, violinist, vocalist and songwriterWinner of the Inaugural Polaris Music Prize with a special concert presentation for Glenn Gould StudioFor complete details of the 13th Season OnStage, visitwww.glenngouldstudio.comTickets can be purchased in the following ways:• In Person by visiting the Glenn Gould Studio Box Office,at the Canadian Broadcasting Centre, 250 Front St. West, Toronto,during regular hours, 2:00 - 6:30 p.m., Mon-Sat. (except holidays)• By Phone: (416) 205-5555 or By Fax: (416) 205-5551• By Mail: Glenn Gould Studio Box Office,250 Front St. West., Toronto, ON, M5V 3G5• By Internet: visit www.glenngouldstudio.comBroadcasts of concertsOnStage at Glenn Gould Studiocan be heard on Sundaysat 2:05 P.M. on CBC Radio Two& at 8:05 P.M. on CBC Radio OneHosted by Shelley SolmesCBC •ig!· r a cl i o_~/.'('It{)~JJCBC ·~~~· radicf.'Glenn Gould Studio, Canadian Broadcasting Centre, 250 Front St. West, TorontoNOVEMBER 1 - D ECEMBE R 7 2006 WWW. TH EWHO LEN OTE. COM 11

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