9 years ago

Volume 12 - Issue 3 - November 2006

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  • Toronto
  • November
  • Jazz
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  • December
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2 6\'--------~COStnOLmusicFine quality instruments & accessories to suit any budget- Woodwinds, Brass, Strings & PercussionExpert Instrument Repairs in one of North America'slargest and best-equipped facilitiesComprehensive Band & Orchestra Rental Programwith over 9,000 instruments in inventoryYork Region's Largest Music Schoolserving over I ,200 studentsSALES• RENTALS • REPAIRS • LESSONS • PRINT MUSICFeaturing some of Toronto's best jazz musicianswith a brief reflection by .Jazz Vespers ClergySunday, November 17th - 4:30 p.m.THE TARA DAVIDSON QUINTETTARA DAVIDSON - saxophone, WILLIAM CARN - trombone,JON MAHARAJ - bass, DAVID BRAID - piano,ERNESTO SURDINI - drumsChrist Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge Street(north of St. Clair at Heath St.) 416-920-5211Admission is free.An offering is received to support the work of the church , including Jazz Vespers.1~HARKNETTMusical Services Ltd.MUSIC BOOKSBEST SELECTION OF POPULAR& EDUCATIONAL MUSICPiano - Guitar - InstrumentalMid-Town StoreBrass - Woodwind -String Instruments - GuitarBuy direct from the Distributor 416-423-9494AUIBORIZED DEALER FOR:943 Eglinton Ave. E. (W of Leslie)Armstrong, Artley, Besson, Benge (Next door to Robert Lowrey's Piano Experts)Boosey & Hawkes. Buffet, ConnGetzen, Jupiter, Keilworth, KingMain StoreIbanez Guitars, Scher! & Ruth String Inst.www.harknettmusic.com905-477-11412650 john Street Gust North of Steeles)BAND Standby Jack MacQuarrieThe Battleof the BandsLast month we issueda challenge tobands with legiti- ..., ~ -..,. ,.._, ,.._mate claims to beCanada' s oldest.The NewmarketCitizens' Bandwas first off themark with a submissionwhich includednewspaper photosfrom 1883 and museumrecords fromten years earlier.These were soon followed by submissionsfrom the Ayr-Paris Bandand the Perth Citizens' Band.We have included one photo hereto whet the appetites of all of youcloset amateur historians. Let us hearfrom you with any information youmay have. (Also, our turf mainlycovers Ontario; we are sure thereare contenders in many parts of thecountry) . Finding a winner is notthe main aim: let's hope that thisexercise will stimulate a movementto reclaim our community music.At this point, I would be remissnot to acknowledge the brief notefrom one of our readers who "thoroughlyenjoyed your piece on 'TheOldest Band' , but can' t understandall the fuss .. .. These bands have allevolved over the years so it standsto reason that as soon as you changethe personnel it's not the same band,even if the name is the same. Surelythe "oldest band" is the one whosemembers are collectively the oldest.(John Orr)" .Family BandingIn the last issue we also asked forinformation on families playing togetherin bands. Here again thefloodgates opened. We have toomuch material to include here. Keepsending us material and we'll have aseparate story on that subject. Fornow , let's just say that it is going tobe tough to beat the family story fromthe Ayr-Paris Band.Recent happeningsIt was a busy band month for me:accepting a few of the many invitationsreceived during the compilationof our annual directory of bands.The first visit was the PeterboroughConcert Band Autumn FestivalConcert with the Royal City SaxophoneQuartet in Peterborough' sMarket Hall Performing Arts Centre- an ideal venue. The audiencearea is divided into two sections: afront cabaret sty le area of small tablesand chairs (where we sat); andmore traditional tiered auditoriumseating in the rear half of the hall.The band performed a traditionalprogramme on a raised stage underPeter Sudbbury; the visiting Quartetperformed an eclectic programmefrom down in the cabaret area, whereleader Ernie Kalwa and his cohortswere able to exploit their unique blendof showmanship and musicianship.Our second visit was to sit in at aregular rehearsal of Valley ConcertBand in Arnprior (whose conductorKeith Estabrooks had providedyeoman service in the compilationof the annual directory). We weregraciously welcomed and spent anenjoyable evening sight reading potentialworks for the coming season.Our third visit took us from a typicaltown band rehearsal to the topprofessional band in the country. Itwas Hannaford Street SilverBand's first concert of the season.with a brief pre-concert discussionby guest conductor Alain Trudel andtrumpet soloist Jens Lindemann. Thefirst solo in the main program wason euphonium by Cameron Rawlins,a music student at U of T - anexcellent rendition of a little knowwork by Alexandre Guilmant. Thencame the feature attraction; a mixtureof sensitive musicianship technicalmastery and a clown act on theCarnival of Venice by trumpet virtuosoLindemann.Coming events: Quick PicksNov 8: The Hannaford Street SilverBand commemorates RemembranceDay with "The Night toSing: A Concert of Remembrance"featuring special guests: the AmadeusChoir and trombone soloistAlastair Kay .Nov 26: The Pickering CommunityConcert Band will perform theirCONTINUESWWW. THEW HOLENOTE.COM NOVEMBER 1 - D ECE MBER 7 2006

Jazz Notesby Jim GallowayAlive, but what?.A look at the club listings in WholeNote might suggest that jazzis alive and healthy. There certainly is a lot going on, with listings forabout 40 venues, but most of it in small clubs for one or two nights aweek - and the money? Let's just say that you won't be eating out atThe Four Seasons.So alive, yes, but healthy? - not if you expect to make a living. Infact, at a number of the clubs the band passes a tip jar and what goesinto the jar becomes the band 's pay for the night. It has to be said thatthis is not always a bad thing, because sometimes the band collectsmore than the club would be able, or willing, to pay. Maybe the wholeidea of making a living playing jazz is a fantasy except for a few. I'mnot talking about the big names who travel the festival and concertcircuit; I am talking about the footsoldiers slogging it out in the jazztrenches. Right here in Toronto, perhaps the greatest concentration oftalent in the country, only a handful make a decent living from jazz;most have to supplement their income, perhaps by teaching and thusproducing even more talented players for an ailing work scene.We have come full circle. The originators of this music were largelysemi-pro. Buddy Bolden, the first legendary trumpet player to emergefrom New Orleans, was a barber and playing was a part-time thing . Itnever has been a surefire way to fame and fortune and for everysuccess story there are a thousand might-have-beens.Passing ChordWinnipeg-born singer, songwriter, producer Jackie Rae died last month.Born in 1922 his stage career began at age 3 with his brother Saul andsister Grace. They were billed as "The Three Raes Of Sunshine". ASpitfire pilot in the Second World War, he received the DFC.A highly successful career in radio and tv followed and in later yearsmany music fans knew him as vocalist and MC of The Spitfire Bandwhich he formed in 1981. He received the Order of Canada in 2002 forhis contributions to radio and television.We also lost promoter and PR guru Gino Empry in October. Born inToronto to Italian parents, Gino got the show bis bug at age 14 when hestarted a drama group. As a publicist he had a career-long relationshipwith Canada's best-known showman and entrepreneur, Ed Mirvish andfor many years was Entertainment Director/Public Relations consultantfor The Imperial Room in the Royal York Hotel. In 1993 , Empry receivedthe City of Toronto's highest honour, the Award of Merit.Bernard Primeau, for many years one of the mainstays of jazz inMontreal, also passed away last month. He gave a sparkling performanceat this year's Toronto Jazz Festival and there was no indication that itwould be his final appearance in Toronto. He was a superior drummer, agood bandleader and possessed a large helping of Gallic humour.The Montreal jazz scene is less bright with his passing.Clubs come and clubs go and the very recent demise of yetanother Toronto venue suggests to me that perhaps we need a simpleguide for prospective owners of jazz clubs. So here it is.BANDSTAND (continued from previous page)Christmas concert at Forest BrookCommunity Church, Ajax.Dec 3: The Northdale ConcertBand, Stephen Chenette, music director,present a holiday concertfeaturing guest trumpet soloist AllenBachelder at St Jude's AnglicanChurch (Wexford).Directory of BandsWe have one new band to add toour online directory of over 100community bands in Southern Ontario:LaSalle Community Band(Kingston) Mr. Chris Alfano613-546-1737To find the online directory ofcommunity bands go to, and click onBandStand at the top of the listof sections. There's a link to thedirectory right there.A SIMPLE GUIDE FOR PROSPECTIVE OWNERS OF JAZZ CLUBS1. Be prepared to commit to the music policy for several months.Don't quit after two weeks!2. Ask for advice from knowledgeable people in the business.Get some input from recognised people in the jazz scene.3. Listen to the advice.4. Be consistent with your musical policy.Changing horses in mid-stream may mean you take a bath.5. Promote what you are selling. There is no point in presentingmusic and then not telling anyone about it. You wouldn't hireSonny Rollins and keep it a secret.6. Don't do it if you don't like jazz! There are no guarantees.At the end of the day, you might still lose money!Other suggestions are welcome.In the Jazz Listings (p.s1)The sixth annual Open Door Festival of Music comes to the Mod Clubon Wednesday November 22nd. This benefit supports the Red DoorShelters in Toronto, and this year's event, hosted by Avril Benoit,promises some wonderful musicians - including The Ember SwiftBand, Kellylee Evans, and Julie Michels.Two wonderful women of jazz releaseCDs this month - Colleen Allen onNovember 7th at the Lula Lounge, andRosemary Galloway on November 9that The Rex. And a couple of proper"sit down" concerts this month begattention: Michael Kaeshammer andHarry Manx team up for a night ofcrossover music at the HarbourfrontCentre, November 15th. Tickets are. Also, The Afro Cuban All Starsappear at Massey Hall November 4th.Manx and KaeshammerWholeNote received information from two new venues this month -whose listings weren't ready in time for this month's magazine. We'dlike to welcome to the fold: Opal Jazz Lounge, on Queen West, whichhas already started presenting live music with their artist in residenceWashington Savage. We'd also like to welcome The Central, whoseowners, Julie, Steve and Clem are taking over the old Red Guitar onMarkham. (And thank you, Corry and Tim!) Sophia PerlmanTO~ONTO HLL-STH~A classicChristmas Showof yesteryear,on tour! ~HNDNovember 26 2 pmMarkham Theatre, Markham(905) 305 - SHOWDecember 9 2 pmRoxy Theatre, Owen Sound(888) 446 - ROXYDecember 16 2 pmSt. Lawrence Centre, Toronto(416) 366- 7723NOVEMBER 1 - DECEMB ER 7 2006 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM 27

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