9 years ago

Volume 12 - Issue 3 - November 2006

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  • Theatre
  • Toronto
  • November
  • Jazz
  • Arts
  • Musical
  • Orchestra
  • December
  • Glenn
  • Gould


••. CONCERTS: Toronto and nearbyTheatre Lane, Brampton. 905-874-2800. ;(sr/st); (8-12).- 8:00: Korean Canadian Symphony Or·chestra Concert 33. Beethoven: Triple Concertoin C, Op.56; Brahms: Symphony 112 in D. JungTrio: Jennie, piano; Ellen, violin; Julie, cello; Rich·ard Lee, music director. George Weston RecitalHall, Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040 Yonge St.416-937-6410. ;.- 8:00: Massey Hall.Afro Cuban All Stars.Multi-generational 17-piece band, pre-Castro1950s big band sound, in new arrangements.Juan de Marcos Gonzalez, leader. 15 Shuter St.416-872-4255. .50-.50.- 8:00: Newtonbrook Nights. An evemng oforgan and vocal music. Various organ works, clas·sical & contemporary vocal works. NewtonbrookChancel Choir; Taylor Sullivan, organ. Newton·brook United Church, 53 Cummer Ave. 416-222·5417..- 8:00: Oakville Symphony Orchestra.Opening Celebration. Mozart: Overture to LeNozze di Figaro; Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto;Shostakovich: Symphony 115. Guest: Joseph Pe·leg, violin; Roberto De Clara, conductor. OakvilleCentre for the Performing Arts, 130 Navy St.,Oakville. 905-815-2021, 888-489· 7784. Ex·tremely limited tickets: ; (sr); (st).- 8:00: Scaramella. Such Sweet Sorrow.Music of the early Italian Renaissance, by Jos·quin, Compere, T romboncino, Cara; plus Part:Stabat Mater; Es sang var langen Jahren, Sum·ma. Katherine Hill, soprano/tenor viol; DanielCabena, countertenor; Brandon Leis, tenor; Kath·leen Kajioka, violin/viola; Sheila Smyth, viola/tre·ble viol; Joelle Morton, violas da gamba. VictoriaCollege Chapel, 2nd Floor, Victoria College Build·All concerts, Saturdays, 7:30 pmNovember 4, 2006LOKA AND FRIENDAnne Lederman, Loretto Reid,Kelly Hood, and FriendA CELTIC FEASTFebruary 10, 2007THE MARION SINGERSTony Browning, DirectorACAPPELLAMay 12, 2007GEORGE HELDTPiano & OrganGEORGE ROCKS!Single concert: Child , Adult Series: Child , Adult St. Mark's Presbyterian ChurchI Greenland Road (Donway East &Don Mills Road,south of Lawrence)Information & Ticket ReservationsBeth Clelland, 416-444-676232ing, 91 Charles St. West. 416-760-8610. ;(st).- 8:00: TrypTych Productions Contempo·rary Opera Workshop. American Operas inMiniature. Weisgall: The Stronger; Barab: Mush·room Pizza; Barber: A Hand of Bridge. Stagedirector Edward Franko; music directors JamesWells & William Shookhoff; Jennifer Griffiths,Anna Belikova, James Tuttle, Marion Samuel·Stevens, performers.Trinity Presbyterian Church,2737 Bayview Ave. 416-763-5066. . Forcomplete run see music theatre listings.- 8:30: Hugh's Room. Stan Rogers Tribute.Celebration of Stan's life on the 23rd anniversaryof his passing, artists perform his songs & sharememories of the man & his music. Beth & DavidRogers, Paul Mills (aka Curly Boy Stubbs), MaryKelly, Tim Harrison, Dan McKinnon, Bobby Watt,&more. 2261 Dundas St. West. 416-531 ·6604. ; (adv).Sunday November 05- 10:30am: Humbercrest United Church. ATime of Remembrance. Prose, poetry and choralmusic for Remembrance Day. Eric Friesen, read·er; Humbercrest Choir, Melvin James Hurst,director of music. 16 Baby Point Rd. 416-767·6122. Offering.- 1 :OD: Off Centre Music Salon. Shostakovich:A Orama in life and Music. Works by Shasta·kovich. Michail Gantvar, violin; Sergei Roldugin,cello; Inna Perkis, Boris Zarankin, piano; singersfrom the Mariinsky (Kirov) Theatre. Glenn GouldStudio, 250 Front St. West. 416-466-1870.; (sr/st).- 1 :30: CAMMAC/McMichael Art Gallery.Sunday Concert Series. Ardeleana, classical en·semble. 10365 Islington Ave., Kleinburg. 905·893-1121, 888-213-1121. Admission withgallery price: ; (sr/st); (1amily); free(5&under).- 2:00: Harbourfront Centre/Toronto All­Star Big Band. They're Playing our Song. Vintagedance tunes (Let's Dance, String of Pearls,Beginthe Beguine, Woodchopper's Ball, MoonlightSerenade) by Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, theDorsey brothers & others. lakeside Terrace, YorkOuay Centre, 235 Queens Quay West. 416-973-4000. PWYC( suggested min).- 2:00: Mississauga Pops Concert Band.Concert 1. Colin Clarke, mu~c director. MeadowvaleTheatre, 6315 Montevideo Road, Mississauga.905-615-4720 x2588. ; (sr/st).- 2:00: Oakville Symphony OrchestraOpening Celebration. Oakville Centre for the Per -forming Arts, Oakville. See Nov 4.- 2:30: Adelaide Bell. Celebrate Mozart withAdelaide Bell, piano, & Friends. Mozart: PianoSonata 1111 in A, K.331; Piano Concerto 1120 ind,K.466 (orchestra part on 2nd piano); songs &operatic arias. Guests: Larissa Zoubareva, piano;Judy Anzelc, soprano. 4 Dominion Rd. 416-251 ·8397. ; (sr/st).Reservations required.- 3:00: Alicier Arts Chamber Music. "ACappel/a''. Works by Bach, Debussy, Piazzola &others. Allison Marcaccini, soprano; PhoebeTsang, violin; Tom Georgi, viola d'amore; AdrianaPera, cello; Christopher Lee, Kim Schemeit,flutes; Max Christie, clarinet; Scott Good, tram·bone; Stephanie Chua, toy piano. St. George's on·the-Hill, 4600 Dundas St. West. 416-731 -3599.; $12(sr); O(st).- 3:00:1saacs (LXXX) Seen and Heard.SBC: Samuel Beckett Centennial. Samuel Beck·ett's Act Without Words, translated into a pro·gram-filling piano solo, performed by Udo Kase·mets. Victoria University, Emmanuel CollegeChapel, 75 Queen's Park (third floor, south).416·929-5849. Free.- 3:00: TSO. The Carnival of the Animals. RoyThomson Hall. See Nov 4.- 4:00: Association of Improvising MusiciansToronto/Now Lounge. Jazz & ImprovisedMusic. Showcasing local talent. NowLounge, 189 Church St. 416- 769-2841. .- 4:00: Christ Church Deer Park AnglicanChurch Concert for Remembrance. Howells:Requiem; Willan: In the heavenly kingdom; Durufle:Requiem. Choir of Christ Church Deer Park;Bruce Kirkpatrick Hill, organ/music director; DermotMuir, organ. 1570 Yonge Street. 416-920-12th Season!at Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. WNovember 5th, 2006, 1 :00 pmShostakovich:A Drama in Life and MusicJoin us as we ce lebrate the life of Dmitri Shostakovich, the artistand the man: conformist and innovator, patriot and denouncerof totalitarianism. Assembling a stellar cast from his native city ofSt. Petersburg, we are proud to present our first festival-withinan-afternoon,featuring Mariinsky (Kirov) Theatre so loist sopranoElena Gorshunova, as well as violi nist Michail Gantvarg andcell ist Sergei Roldugin (in his Canad ian debut), joining EmiliaBoteva (mezzosoprano), Dr.Sterling Beckwith,and our very ownpian ists InnaPerkis and BorisZarankin.Enjoy the intimacy of the 19th Century Salon with our"special blend" of music, poetry and pastry!WWW. THEWHOLENOTE .COM5211 . .-4:00: St James' Cathedral. Sunday After·noon Twilight Recital. Dupre: Cortege et Litanie,Op.19/2; Prelude and Fugue in g, Op.7; Franck:Cantabile; Ourufle: Meditation, Op.posth. MarkToews, organ. 4:30: Choral Evensong. 65 ChurchSt. 416-364· 7865 x224. Free.- 7:00: Federation of Turkish CanadianAssociations. Yeni Turku. Traditional Turkishand modern musical instruments, producing arange of Turkish & Mediterranean melodies.George Weston Recital Hall, 5040 Yonge St.416-8721111. -.- 7:00:Kingsway-Lambton United Church .Music Salon. Including works of Schubert, Piaz.zolla. Amity Trio: Michael Adamson, violin; AlyssaWright, cello; Craig Winters, piano. 85 TheKingsway. 416-231-9120. Donations for artists.- 7:30: Erynn Marshall/Chris Coole. HouseConcert. Southern style fiddler, and clawhammerbanjoist, performing new tunes & songs beingrecorded for upcoming duet CD. Near St. ClairWest subway station. 416-516-3796. O;reservations required.- 7:30: llueensmen ofToronto/WestwaySanctuary Choir. We Remember. RemembranceDay Concert. Westway United Church, 8Templar Or. 416-249-7135. .- 8:00: Markham Theatre for PerformingArts. The Afro-Cuban All Stars. 171 Town Cen·tre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469. .- 8:00: New Music Concerts/The MusicGallery.Slowindin Concert. Aitken: Folia; Glo·bokar: Avgustin, dober je vin (Canadian premiere);Wyttenbach: Serenade vor luhhiissen (Canadianpremiere); Lebic: Dogodki II (Events II) (Canadianpremiere); Ligeti: 10 Pieces for Woodwind Quintet.Slowind Woodwind Quintet. 7: 15: Introduction.Saint George the Martyr Church, 197 JohnSt.416-2041080. ; (sr); (st).- 8:00: The Rose Theatre. The PhilosopherKings in Concert. Genre defying, big band sound. 1Theatre Lane, Brampton. 905-874-2800. -.- 8:30: Arabesque. layali Arabesque(ArabesqueNights}. Traditional acoustic music by theAl icier ArtsChamber Music"A Cappdla"5_:; r;. Y.k!f.i:£ Sc ."os ar. .1: D;.i:an:i: ;J;t:;rF~a:urf.rog:Max

Arabesque Orchestra; professional bellydancers.Prof. Bassam Bishara, vocals/oude; George Bar·bas, dhoholla; Sebastian Gatto, katim; Walid Naj·jar, piano/organ; Suleiman Warwar, lead dumbek/leader. Gypsy Co-op, 815 Queen St. West. 416·920-5593. cover.Tuesday November 07- 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre Chamber MusicSeries: Harps Galore. Glenn Gould School HarpEnsemble. Four Seasons Centre for the Perform·ing Arts, 145 Queen St. West. 416-363-8231.Free.- 12:10: University ofToronto Faculty ofMusic. Voice Performance Class. Songs of Re·membrance. Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Build·ing, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.-12:30 & 7:30: York University Depart·ment of Music. World Music Festival. Cross·cultural rhythmic kaleidoscope of music; runs toNov 9. Robb Simms, director. Recital Hall, Acco·lade East, YU, 4700 Keele St. 416· 736-5186.Free.- 1 :OO:St. James' Cathedral. Music at Mid·day. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in b. BWV.544;Pishny-Floyd: Pibroch; Gibbons: Ground; Hailstork:Balm in Gilead; Every Time I Feel the Spirit; VeniEmmanuel; Gigout: Toccata. Stillman Matheson,organ. 65 Church St. 416-364· 7865 x224. Free.- ?:Oil Holocaust Education Week. FromDestruction Through Survival To Strength: AMusical Celebration Of The Jewish Spirit. MosheHammer, violin; Shoshana Friedman-Brazeau,soprano. Baycrest Wagman Centre, Posluns Audi·torium, 55 Ameer Ave. 416· 785-2500 x2388.Free.- 7:30: Hummingbird Centre for the Per·forming Arts. Eye of the Storm. *CAN·CELLED*- 8:00: ERGO Projects. An Evening with Gil·lian Karawe Whitehead Music by Whitehead.ERGO ensemble. 7:00: The ERGO Lounge. GlennGould Studio, 250 Front St. West. 416-41 D·1948. ; (sr/st).Ergo Projects ...- 8:00: The Rose Theatre/Troika Enter·tainment. Cats. Composed by Andrew LloydWebber, based on T.S. Eliot's Old Possum's Bookof Practical Cats. 1 Theatre Lane, Brampton.905-874 2800. -. SOLD OUT. For com·plete run see music theatre listings.- 8:00: Toronto Theatre Organ Society/Kiwanis Club of Casa Loma. Wurlitzer Popsat Casa Loma. David Peckham, theatre organ.Casa Loma, 1 Austin Terrace. 416-499-6262..- 8:30: Hugh's Room.A Winter's Eve. Emilie·Claire Barlow, Melanie Doane & Kathryn Rosesing in separate and combined sets, with reducedversions of their bands. 2261 Dundas St. West.416-531 6604. ; (adv).Wednesday November 08- 12:30: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch.Noonday Organ Recital. Peter Nikiforuk,organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free.- 12:30 & 7:30: York University Depart·ment of Music. World Music Festival RecitalHall, YU. See Nov 7.- 7:30: Double Dragon Productions. TheAult Sisters in Concert. Amanda, Alicia & Alannacelebrate the release of their debut CD ChristmasFeelings. RBC Theatre, Living Arts Centre, 4141Living Arts Drive, Mississauga. 905-306-6000. .- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Small Jazz Ensembles. Walter Hall,Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen's Park. 416·978-3744. Free.- 8:00: Hannaford Street Silver Band. TheNight to Sing: A Concert of Remembrance. Tovey:Requiem Mass for a Charred Skull; The Night toSing; Walton: Prelude & Fugue· Spitfire; Bidwell:Vimy Ridge; Healey: In Flanders Field; Whitacre:Sleep; Sassman (arr Daum): I'm Getting Senti·mental Over You. Alastair Kay, trombone; Arna·deus Choir; Lydia Adams, director; BramwellTovey, chief conductor. Metropolitan UnitedChurch, 56 Queen St. East. 416-366· 7723, 800·708 -6754. ; (sr); (st); (adult grp10 +); (stgrp 10+).AN EVENINGwithGILLIAN KARAWE WHITEHEADa selection of chamber works by Maori composerGillian Karawe Whitehead (New Zealand)featuring the ERGO Ensembleunder the direction of conductor Alex PaukNOVEMBER 7th, 20067pm: The ERGO Lounge (pre-concert)8pm: ERGO concertGlenn Gould Studio, CBC Broadcasting Centre250 Front Street West, Toronto general admission; seniors/studentsadvance tickets: (416) 410-1948or ergo@primus.caOVEM BER 1 - 6 WWW. THEWH O LE N OTf.COM- 8:30: Hugh's Room Eliza Gilkyson. Texassinger/songwriter, edgy lyrics with piercing im·agery. 2261 Dundas St. West.416-531 -6604..50; .50(adv).- 9:00pm & 10: 15pm: Mezzetta Restau·rant. Wednesday Concert Series. Kye Marshall,cello; Andrew Scott, guitar. 681 St. Clair Ave.West. 416-658-5687. cover.Thursday November 09- 12:00 noon: CBC Radio. Music Around UsNew Generation Series: Joseph Salvalaggio,oboe. Mozart: Quartet in F for oboe and strings;Mozetich: Calla Lilies; operatic fantasias by Pas·culli and Klein; work by Lewis. Peter Longworth,piano; Tokai String Quartet: Amanda Goodburnviolin; Czaba Koczo, violin; Yosef T amir, viola;Rafael Hoekman, cello; Keith Horner, host. GlennGould Studio, 250 Front St. West. 416-205·5555. Free.-12:10: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Thursdays at Noon. "Stop Thief II:They're Getting Away", more stolen gems fromthe major repertoire for clarinet and piano, worksby Mozart, Messiaen & Schubert. Peter Stoll,clarinet; Robert Kortgaard, piano. Walter Hall,Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen's Park. 416·978-3744. Free.- 12:30: Christ Church Deer Park Angli·can Church.Noonday Chamber Music. Worksby Stravinsky & Grieg. Rachel Mercer, cello;Gregory Oh, piano. 1570 Yonge Street. 416-920·5211. Collection.-12:30 & 7:30: York University Depart·ment of Music. World Music Festival RecitalHall, YU. See Nov 7.-6:30:Bata Shoe Museum.Two-Tone Thurs·days: Jazz at the Bata Shoe Museum: lightningCrawford & little Miss Phrase-ology. Rita diGhent pays homage to music and shoes. JasonCrawford, guitar. 327 Bloor St. West. 416-979·7799 x242. PWYC ( suggested).- 7:30: National Ballet of Canada. TheSleeping Beauty. By Tchaikovsky. National BalletOrchestra. Rudolf Nureyev, choreography; KarenKain, rest aging. 45 minutes prior: Ballet Talk.Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts,145 Queen St. West. 416-345-9595. ·0. For complete run see music theatre list·ings.- 7:30: Toronto Masque Theatre. Venus andAdonis. Dramatic rendering of Shakespeare'spoem, and John Blow's masque, from Ovid's tale.Derek Boyes, actor; Michele DeBoer, RachelHarwood-Jones, sopranos; Andrew Mahon, bass;Marie-Nathalie Lacoursiere, dancer/choreogra·pher; Avery Maclean, recorder; Terry Mc Kenna,lute; period instrument band, Larry Beckwith,director/violin. 6:45: Pre-show chat. WinchesterStreet Theatre, 80 Winchester St. 416-41 D·4561. ; (sr/st).- 7:30:University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Opera Series: Die Fledermaus. By JohannStrauss Jr., performed in English. Sandra Horst,conductor; Michael Patrick Albano, director. Mac·Millan Theatre, Edward Johnson Building, 80Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. ; (sr/st).For complete run see music theatre listings.- 8:00: Brampton Music Theatre. fiddler onthe Roof. Book by Joseph Stein, music by JerryBock, lyrics by Sheldon Harnick, based on SholomAleichem's stories. Michael Maclennan, artisticdirector and choreographer. Lester B. PearsonTheatre, 150 Central Park Drive, Brampton. 905·874-2800. ; (sr/st); (ch). For completerun see music theatre listings.- 8:00: Harbourlront Centre/Art of TimeEnsemble. Arnold Schoenberg: A Portrait. Sch·

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