9 years ago

Volume 12 - Issue 3 - November 2006

  • Text
  • Theatre
  • Toronto
  • November
  • Jazz
  • Arts
  • Musical
  • Orchestra
  • December
  • Glenn
  • Gould

... CONCERTS: Toronto

... CONCERTS: Toronto and nearby- 8:00: Markham Theatre for Perform·ing Arts. Chantal Kreviazuk. 171 Town CentreBlvd., Markham. 905-305-7469. .- 8:00: Meagan O'Shea . something blue.Interactive sound/video installation & danceproject from stories about the no longer mar·ried, choreographed by Meagan O'Shea, soundscoreby Lori Clarke, interactive installationcreated with Martha Cockshutt & Dave Pi·juan-Nomura. Aviva Chernick, vocalist, MeaganO'Shea, dancer. Dancemakers Centre forCreation, The Distillery District, Building 58,Studio 313, 55 Mill Street. 416-204-1082.; $ l 5(sr/st/underemployed/CADAI;$ l 7(preview); $ l 2(preview sr/st/underemployed/CADA).For complete run see musictheatre listings.- 8:00: Music Toronto. St. LawrenceDuarte!. Dohnanyi: Serenade (string trio);Shostakovich: Sonata for Cello and Piano ind,Op.40 (1934); Arensky: Two-Cello Quartet.Guests: David Finckel, cello; Wu Han, piano.Jane Mallett Theatre, St. Lawrence Centre forthe Arts, 27 Front St. East. 416-366· 7723,800· 708-6754. , ; 18-35 pay yourage; (st), accompanying adult y, price.- 8:00: Theatre Sheridan. She loves Me.Book by Joe Masteroff; music by Jerry Bock;lyrics by Sheldon Harnick; a musical valentineset in a 1930s Hungarian perfume shop. Main·stage Theatre, Sheridan College, 1430 Trafal·gar Rd., Oakville. 905-815-4049. -,sr/st/alumni discounts, call for details. For completerun see music theatre listings.-8:30: Hugh's Room Ian Tyson. See Nov 27.Wednesday November 29- 12:30: Coalition for Music Education inCanada Christmas Tuba Festival and Choir Sing­Along. Orin Isaacs, emcee; Scott Irvine, arranger;TBA, Diane Jamieson, conductors. Nathan Phil·lips Square, 100 Queen St. West. 416-298-2871. Free.- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Choral Music. Works by Lauridsen,Aguiar, Gardner, Whalum, Smith, Persichetti &others. YU Male Vocal Ensemble, Lisette Canton,director. Recital Hall, Accolade East, YU, 4700Keele St. 416-736-5186. Free.- 12:30: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch Noonday Organ Recital. William Maddox,organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-11 67. Free.- 7:00: Goethe·lnstitut Toronto .HeineandYiddish Song. Song settings of Yiddish poets influ·enced by Heine, some dated to the poets' musicalcontemporaries, others newly-composed settingsby Wall, Lerner & Albershteyn. Adrienne Cooper,voice; Marilyn Lerner, piano. Goethe-lnstitut Ki·nowelt Hall, 163 King St. West. 416-593-5257.; $ l 2(adv); limited seating.- 7:00: Tafelmusik. TheFairyOueen. By Pur·cell, inspired by Shakespeare's A MidsummerNight's Dream. Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestraand Chamber Choir; Laurie Reviol, soprano; MarcMolomot, haute-contre; Olivier Laquerre, baritone.and actor/narrator; Richard Egarr, director. T rini·ty·St. Paul's Centre, 427 Bloor St. West. 416·964-6337. -; -(65 +/st).- 7:30: Mozart Society of Toronto. JiriHanousek, cello, Pavel Ka spar, piano in Concert.Works by Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven. First Uni·tarian Congregation, 175 St. Clair Ave. West.416-201-3338. (guests); free(members).- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Small Jazz Ensembles. Walter Hall,Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen's Park. 416·978-3744. Free.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Wind & Band Series. Wind Classics byJacob, Herberman & Vaughan Williams. Sym·phonic Winds, Jeffrey Reynolds, conductor. Mac·Millan Theatre, Edward Johnson Building, 80Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. ; (sr/st).- 8:00: Harbourfront Centre/ArabesqueDance Company. Asa/a (Roots/. Choreographedby Yasmina Ramzy, most music composed by theplayers; from Sufi Whirlers to Port Said fisher·men, from veiled women of Saudi Arabia to bellydancers of Cairo, accompanied by traditionalacoustic music, full orchestra of Arabian instru·ments (qanoon, oude, naye, dumbek, semsemaya,mizmar). Dr. George Sawa, Prof. BassamBishara, Suleiman Warwar, Ernie Tollar, MiladDaher, players; Najwa T annus, vocals. PremiereDance Theatre, Queen's Quay Terminal, 207Queens Quay West. 416-973-4000. ;(sr/st/CADA). For complete run see musictheatre listings.Specially-priced CD+Catalogue•·• = "'~~·Canada- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Imagesof Russia. Mussorgsky: Khovantchina Introduction;Tchaikovsky: Variations on a RococoTheme; Scriabin: Symphony #3 (The DivinePoem). Shauna Rolston, cello; Yannick Nezel·Seguin, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 SimcoeSt. 416-5934828. -7.- 8:00: TrypTych A Holly Jolly ChristmasCabaret West Hall Theatre, Trinity PresbyterianChurch, 2737 Bayview Ave.416-763-5066 xl..- 8:30: Hugh's Room/Richard Flohil. DavidWilcox. Blues/rock guitarist with original, electricroots music. Opening: Danielle Miraglia. 2261Dundas St. West. 416-5316604. .50;.50(adv).- 9:00pm & 10: 15pm: Mezzetta Restaurant.Wednesday Concert Series. Latin jazz. AmandaMartinez, vocals; Kevin Laliberte, guitar. 681 St.Clair Ave. West. 416-658-5687. $ 7cover.Thursday November 30- 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre Vocal Series:Enter the Albanians: The Art of Operatic Disguise.Students of the University of Toronto OperaDivision. Four Seasons Centre for the Per·forming Arts, 145 Queen St. West. 416-363-8231. Free.- 12:00 noon: CBC Radio. Music Around UsNew Generation Series: Joni Henson, soprano.Songs by Bizet and Strauss, an aria by Mozart,Britten: song cycle On This Island. Liz Upchurch,piano; Marie Berard, violin; Keith Horner, host.Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. West. 416-205-5555. Free.- 12: 10: University ofT oronto Faculty ofMusic. Thursdays at Noon. Works by Barber,Carter, Francaix & Luedeke. Toronto Wind Quin·let. Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building, 80Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.- 12:30: Christ Church Oeer Park AnglicanChurch Noonday Chamber Music. Worksby Bach, Buxtehude, Franck. Bruce KirkpatrickHill, organ. 1570 Yonge Street. 416-920-5211 .Collection.- 2:00 Northern District Library. Windsong:Music for Flute, Recorder, Oboe, Bassoon & piano. Works by Michael Haydn, Dvorak, Rutter,Piazzolla, Morricone, Vicenti, Rieti. 40 OrchardView Blvd. 416-393- 7610. Free.- 7:00: Brampton Music Theatre.OisneysCinderella Kids. Sherry Ross, producer. Cyril Clarklibrary Theatre, 20 Loafer's Lake Lane, Bramp·ton. 905-874-2800. $12; l(sr/st); $ lO(ch).For complete run see music theatre listings.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Voca!Jazz Ensemble. Guests: 11O'Clock Jazz Orchestra, Terry Promane, director;Vocal Jazz Ensemble, Lisa Martinelli, director.Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building, 80Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. ; (sr/sl).- *7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Symphonic Music. lidov: Ghazal (worldpremiere); works by Gounod, Dvorak. YU SymphonyOrchestra, Mark Chambers, director. RecitalHall, Accolade East, YU, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-5888. $12; (st).*See York University ad on page 38- 8:00: Markham Theatre for PerformingArts. John McDermott. Markham Theatre Fund·raiser. 171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham. 905·305-7469. ; (with pre-show reception).- 8: 00: Tafelmusik. The Fairy Oueen. Trinity­St. Paul's Centre. See Nov 29.- 8:00: Theatre Sheridan.Candide. Based onthe novel by Voltaire; book by Hugh Wheeler;music by Leonard Bernstein; lyrics by RichardWilbur; additional lyrics by Stephen Sondheim &John Latouche; Voltaire's irreverent satire onoptimistic philosophies. Studio Theatre, SheridanCollege, 1430 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville. 905-815-4049. , sr/st/alumni discounts, call for details.For complete run see music theatre listings.- 8:00:Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Imagesof Russia. Roy Thomson Hall. See Nov 29.7:00: Discussion with Rick Phillips.- 8:30: Hugh's Room/Richard Flohil. StaceyEarle & Mark Stuart Singer/songwriter address·es tough issues beneath the surface. Opening:Danielle Miraglia. 2261 Dundas St. West. 416-531 -6604. .50; (adv).Friday December 01-12:00 noon: University of Toronto Facul·ty of Music. World of Music. World Music Ensembles:African Drumming & Dancing, BalineseGamelan, Japanese Taiko Drumming, Klezmer,Steel Pan. MacMillan Theatre, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.

- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. String Music. YU String Orchestra, MarkChambers, director. Recital Hall, Accolade East,YU, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-5186. Free.- 7:30: Canadian Children's Opera Cho·rus. A Dickens of a Christmas. Children's operaby Errol Gay & Michael Patrick Albano, based onCharles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Har·bourfront Centre Theatre, 231 Queens QuayWest. 416-973-4000. ; (sr/st). For com·plete run see music theatre listings.- 7:30: Counterpoint Chorale. Sing-AlongDowntown Messiah. The T alisker Players;Abigail Freeman, soprano; Deborah Overes, mez·zo-soprano; Taras Chmil, tenor; Vasil Garvanliev,baritone; William Woloschuk, director. Church ofthe Holy Trinity, 10 Trinity Sq. 416-253-4674.; (adv).- 7:30:University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic.Choirs in Concert. University Women'sChorus & Master Chorale, Robert Cooper & BradRatzlaff, conductors. Victoria College Chapel, 93Charles St. West. 416-978-3744. ; (sr/st).- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic.Gospel Music. YU Gospel Choir, KarenBurke, director. Recital Hall, Accolade East, YU,4700 Keele St. 416· 736-5888. $12; (st).- 8:00: CBC DnStage. Brazilian Pathways:Celso Machado & friends. Brazilian Music andbeyond. Celso Machado; vocals/guitar/percussion;Carfinhos Machado; vocals/guitar; Cyro Baptista;Brazilian percussion; David Virelles; piano; RichBrown; bass. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St.West. 416-205-5555. ; .75(sr/st).- 8:00: Elmer lseler Singers. Handel's Messiah.Guests: orchestra; The Amadeus Choir; MonicaWhicher, soprano; Christine Stelmacovich, mez·zo-soprano; David Pomeroy, tenor; AlexanderDobson, bass; Robert Venables, Robert DiVito,trumpet; Patricia Wright, organ; Lydia Adams,conductor. Metropolitan United Church, 56 QueenSt. East. 416 217-0537. ; (sr/st).- 8:00: Etobicoke Philharmonic Orchestra.Conductor Col/age: Water and Ice. Handel: Doublehorn concerto; Symond: On an Emerald Sea; Gia·zunov: The Seasons: Winter; Schumann: Sympho·ny #3 (Rhenish); Anderson: Sleigh Ride. PeterSamuelson, Tom Fleming, French horns; StephanePotvin, conductor. 7:00: Auction. Humber ValleyUnited Church, 76 Anglesey Blvd. 416-239·5665. ; $ l 5(sr/st); free(l 6 & under withadult).- 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall/House of BluesConcerts Canada. Holly Cole. Singer & herorchestra with jazz, pop and seasonal classics.60SimcoeSt.416-872-4255. -.-8:00: Tafelmusik. TheFairyDueen. Trinity·St. Paul's Centre. See Nov 29.- 8:00: The Music Gallery. The Hylozoistswith Whippoorwill. Pop Avant series; post-rock/surf-pop instrumental orchestra; duo of bassist/guitarist Chris Gartner & drummer Great BobScott; video by Brenda Goldstein; Paul Aucoin,Patrick Conan, Jason Tait, vibraphone/glocken·spiel/drums; Jason Ball, organ; Matt Faris, drums;Paul Loman, bass; & others. Saint George theMartyr Church, 197 John St. 416-204-1080.; $12(adv).- 9:00pm: Association of Improvising MusiciansToronto/Arraymusic. leftover Day·light Series. Jazz & improvised music. Arraymu·sic Studio, Suite 218 (rear door), 60 Atlantic Ave.416-539-8752. - O(sliding scale).Saturday December 02- 8:00: Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra/Concert Winds. Pomp & PipeslKarg-Elert:Praise the Lord with Drums and Cymbals; Whita·ere: October; Hoshide: A Christmas Carol Fania·sy; Wagner: Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral; &other works. Aaron James, organ; Colin Clarke,conductor. Grace Church on· the-Hill, 300 Lons·dale Rd. 416-481 9099. $TBA- 2:00: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. World of Music. Electroacoustic music,with performers and live electronics. AndrewStaniland & Dennis Patrick, coordinators. WalterHall, Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen's Park.416-978-3744. Free.- 3:00: Etobicoke Suzuki School of Music.Winter Concert: 25th Anniversary. 100 youngviolinists and cellists from age 3 to 17. Venue1ALLIS CHOIR-preJentJctl_,M-fwvu:Ji~cb(,U)M-if'it-~Gloria for Seven Voices t Missa In Illo TemporeWorks by Gabrieli & CavalliChoir, organ, anJ perioJ inJtrwnentJ recreate anauthentti· Chn",itniad celelmztion from St, Mark :.i, VeniceSATURDAY, DECEMBER2, 7:30 PMSt. Patrick's Church, 141 McCaul St.Tickets: , seniors, students with IDORDER ONLINE AT www.tallischoir.comPlease visit our website for exciting subscriptionTBA. 416-239-4637. Free.- 3:00: University ofT oronto Scarbor·ough .Sounds of the Season. Annual holidayconcert by UTSC staff, faculty & students. UTSCWind Ensemble, Lynn Tucker, director; UTSCConcert Choir & UTSC String Ensemble, LenardWhiting, director. ARC Theatre, Academic Re·source Centre, 1265 Military Trail. 416-287-7076. Free, donation of non-perishable or cannedgood.- 7:00:Royal Conservatory of Music,Glenn Gould School Student Recital. Flute,ADO yr.2 grad; teacher Kathleen Rudolph. A.Emre Sagbas, flute. Concert Hall, 90 Croatia St.416-408-2824 x321. Free.- 7:30: Forte· The Toronto Men's Chorus.Forte in Formal Connell: setting of What a pieceof work is a man ("Hamlet" (Act 21, by Shake·speare, world premiere); Mozart: Masonic FuneralMusic, K.4 77 (Canadian premiere in originalchoral form); Faure: Ave Maria; Cantique de JeanRacine; Biebl: Ave Maria; three Holocaust ·eraworks by Jewish composers. Guests: StephenErickson, tenor; Bruno Cormier, baritone; EdwardConnell, music director. Metropolitan UnitedChurch, 56 Queen St. East. 416-961-5708.,(sr/st).- 7:30: Pickering Village United Church.Christmas Concert The County Town Singers.300ChurchSt. North, Ajax. 905-683-4721. U- 7:30: Tallis Choir. Monteverdi's MidnightMass. Also Monteverdi: Gloria, for seven voices;Missa In Illa T empore; works by Gabrieli & Caval·Ii. St. Patrick's Church, 141 Mc Caul St. 416·533-6179. ; (sr); $ lO(st with ID).- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Wind & Band Series: Old Music in NewClothing. Marshall: L'homme Arme Variations;Tull: Sketches on a Tudor Psalm; works byGrainger & Vaughan Williams. Wind Ensemble,Gillian MacKay, conductor. MacMillan Theatre,Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen's Park. 416·978-3744. ; lsr/st).- 8:00: Acoustic Harvest Folk CluhAChristmas in Peru with Rukanas. Joyful musicfrom Peru and the Andes. St. Nicholas AnglicanChurch, 1512 Kingston Rd. 416-264-2235. .- 8:00: Cantores Celestes Women's Choir/Beyond the Pale/The Emperor String Trio.Music for the Season of Peace. Eastern EuropeanChristmas & Hanukkah traditions, works byVivaldi, Propera, Chilcott, and Luengen (worldpremiere). Runnymede United Church, 432 Run·nymede Ave. 416-236-1522. . 00 dona·tion to The Red Door Shelter.- 8:00: City of Brampton Concert Band.Christmas at the Rose. Darryl Eaton, conductor.Rose Theatre, 1 Theatre Lane, Brampton. 905·874-2800. ; (sr/st).- 8:00: Living Arts Centre. Natalie MacMas·M U S I C A T S T. A N D R E W 'S 2006(on King St., I block west of University) Tel. 416-593-5600Go to: forMAP & CONCERT DETAILSDec 2 • 8:00 p.m.Concert 'f 'Music~avent &' CliristmasErica Goodman •HarpSuzanne Shulman • FluteSt. Andrew's Choir• Dec 10. 10:30 a.m.Christmas Pa3eant• Dec 17 • 4:00 p.m.Service of Lessons &' CaroCs• Dec 24. 10:30 a.m.Worsh~ Service• Dec 24 • 6:30 p.m.'Fami{y Service• Dec 24 • 11:00 p.m.'T'raditiona( 'Mid"niaht Service• Dec 31 • 10:30 a.m.Worsh~ ServiceConcert rr'icketsMAY BE PURCHASEDAT CHURCH OFFICETues-Fri Nov. 28-30 & Dec. 173 Simcoe St.,S. of King, Across fromRoy Thomson Hallor forPRE-PAID ADVANCE Tl CKETSPICKED UP AT THE DOORsavings and further season details "''\Mail Cheques payable to:Douglas Bodle, Dir. of MusicSt. Andrew's Church - Concert73 Simcoe St.,~Adults - Toronto, ON M5J I W9ONTARIO ARTS COUNCILStudents - $ 10CONSEIL DES ARTS DE l'ONTARIOOVEMB ER 1 - WWW. THEWHOLENOTf.COM 45

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