9 years ago

Volume 12 - Issue 3 - November 2006

  • Text
  • Theatre
  • Toronto
  • November
  • Jazz
  • Arts
  • Musical
  • Orchestra
  • December
  • Glenn
  • Gould


Season SponsorsmRENAULTY:::~.:d;., ..

sophia plusThe presence of guest composer Sophia GubaEdullnamQ'kes Esprit's concert a very s1eclal event - oneassociated to an artist of the highest stature on theworld stage. Her compos1ition Seven Wo.rds refersdl1rectly to two works entitled The Seven Last Wonfsof Dur Savior on the Crass and Joseph Haydn's setof seven orchestral mo·vements. lihe spatia'I aspectof Current's Concertlno Is Integral to the charm ofthis piece which was specially composed fo11 thevirtuosity of Robert Aitken. Also having a workspecially composed f·or he·r, Louise Bessette givesthe second pe,rformance of ArcurPs Concerti)foHowlng its premiere with I Music! de Montreamsev·eral weeiks ea rlief,Sunday:, November 2·6.96A1lex IPauk • conductorFdedrtclh Lips bayan - Paul Widner celloRobert Altken Dute - Lou1lse Bessette pianoSophia Gubaidulina (Russia) Seven WordsBr:ian Current (Canada)Sophia Gubatdulina (Russia}Serge Arcuri (Canada}note:ConcertinoDe ProfundlsConcert·O fgr Plano·and String OrchestrafocatiBn & time fol' aU esprit "u:hestra concerts:S pm concert / 7::16 pm pre-eencert tallkJane Malllett Theatre, St Lawiren·ce Centre for the Arts,27 Front St. E., Toronto, ONesprit programming is subj act t o chan(l!e w ithout notlce- ' ': . 'e ,~ 5 ,, ~ '-, i ~ t o ~ c h e s t r a . ,.,c o mS(5C/\~\ ].. 94~~CBC $ fadio :-;:{-,,.:(.'.J' Scotiobonk Grouptorontdartsbounci I>;.l'l.'ol.l f:_!ll.C t '). l_l_:\. 1, :_ i,CU'\lll :in•r."\Ull'U"l lol._•mCREATi\"L T R l "STr:.·r:·r1·:1 · C!:lr1Metcalf Cli.vit.!ll'•Fou ndationThe JuHe·J lggs Fou ndatlonMargary Griffith BequestJ·ean Eccles BequestRoger D. Moore

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)