9 years ago

Volume 12 - Issue 3 - November 2006

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  • Theatre
  • Toronto
  • November
  • Jazz
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(sr); O(st)- 3:00:

(sr); O(st)- 3:00: Symphony Hamilton. The Magic ofJazz & Classics Bernstein: Candide Overture;Sauter: Focus; Shostakovich: Symphony #5.Guest: Darcy Hepner, tenor saxophone; James R.McKay, conductor. Royal Botanical Gardens, 680Plains Rd. West, Burlington. 905-526-6690.; O(sr/st); (under 12).- 3:00: Wilfrid Laurier University Facultyof Music. WLU Jazz Ensemble. Ron Schirm,conducto r. Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, 75University Ave. West, Waterloo. 519-884-0710 x2150. ; (st).- 8:00: Kitchener·Waterloo Chamber Mu·sic Society. Penderecki Ouartet in ConcertDebussy: Quartet in g; Bartok: Contrasts for via·lin, clarinet & piano; Penderecki: Clarinet Quartet;Prokofiev: Overture on Hebrew Themes. Guests:Michael Thompson, clarinet; Susan Lee, piano.KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. West, Waterloo.519-886·1673. ; (sr); (st).Tuesday November 07- 12:00 noon: Wilfrid Laurier UniversityFaculty of Music. Music at Noon. Music ofMozart. Julie Baumgartel, violin; Boyd McDonald,fortepiano. Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, 75University Ave. West, Waterloo. 519-884-0710 x2150. Free.- 12:30: Mc Master University School ofthe Arts.lunchtime Concert Series. Hugh HartwellTrio plays traditional & innovative jazz. HughHartwell, piano; Marek Semeniuk, bass; JohnBrownwell, drums. Convocation Hall (UH-213),University Hall, McMaster University, 1280Main St. West, Hamilton. 905-525-9140x24246. Free.- 7:30: River Run Centre. Songbird Cafe.Local acoustic singer/songwriters. Co-operatorsHall, River Run Centre, 35 Woolwich St.,Guelph. 519-763-3000, 800-520·2408. .Wednesday November 08- 12:30: Noon Hour Concert Series, Con·rad Grebel University College. TraditionalCentral Javanese Game/an Music. WiryawanPadmonojati, Andrew Timar & Sandra Phillips,performers. Conrad Grebel University CollegeChapel, University of Waterloo, 140 WestmountRd. North, Waterloo. 519-885·0220 x24226.Free.- 2:00: Sanderson Centre for the Perform·ing Arts. Broadway Heroes. Music from Camelot,Fiddler on the Roof, Oklahoma, West SideStory, Man of La Mancha, The Phantom of theOpera and others. David Rogers, singer. 88 DalhousieSt., Brantford. 519-758-8090. .- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Mu·sic Society. Rachel Mercer, cello in Concert.Stravinsky: Suite ltalienne; Kodaly: Sonata forCello and Piano, Op.4; Grieg: Piano Sonata. Guest:Greg Oh, piano. KWCMS Music Room, 57 YoungSt. West, Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ;(sr); O(st).- 8:00: Orchestra London. Enigma. TobinStokes: Mind Over Mountain; Faure: Pelleas etMelisande Suite; Vaughan Williams: Fantasia on aTheme by Thomas Tallis; Elgar: Variations on anOriginal Theme (Enigma). Tania Miller, conductor.Centennial Hall, 550 Wellington St., London.519-679-8778. -; (sr).- 8:00: Wilfrid Laurier University Facultyof Music.New Music Concert. Maureen ForresterRecital Hall, 75 University Ave. West,Waterloo. 519-884-0710 x2150. Free.Thursday November 09- 12:00 noon: University of Guelph SchoolCANADIAN PREMIERE Ot: Karl Jenkins/1 7(-mkttlleb [)tlf RfZc1w,,,wrn I MASSED Cl IOIR & ORCI IES'J~ ~ -FEATURING ,The Hamilton Children's ChorusMargaret Bardos, Mezzo SopranoShawn Grenke, ConductorJenkins"Pallad10' Concerto Grosso forStnng orchestra will also be performedSaturday November 11th8:00 p.m. · Pre-concert J,ecture at 7:30 p.m.Sunda November 12th1.1 :00 a.m. (excerpts)CENTENARY CONCERT SERIES24 Main Street \Vest,Hamilton, ON L8P 1H2905.522.6843 + www.centcnaryunitcd.comof Fine Art and Music. Thursdays at Noon.Mirobolus Piano Trio: Boddan Djukic, violin; Mani·ca Fedrigo, cello; Bret Higgins, double bass.Mac Kinnon 107, Goldsmith Room, UofG, 50Stone Rd. East, Guelph. 519-824-4120x52991. Free.- 8:00: River Run Centre. Windjammers:War and Remembrance. Guests: Ted Follows,Dinah Christie, Irvine Sisters, Bluevale CollegiateChoir; Harry Currie, director. Main Stage,River Run Centre, 35 Woolwich St., Guelph.519· 763-3000, 800·520·2408. -,$12.50(vets), (eyeGOJ.Friday November 10- 12:30: University of Western Ontario.12:30 Fridays. Greensleaves: Music of the 16th& 17th centuries. Shannon Purves-Smith & MarilynFung, viols; Magdalena T omsinska, lute; JennyEnns-Modolo, mezzo.soprano. van Kuster Hall,Music Building, UWO, London. 519-661 -3767.Free.- 2:00: Sanderson Centre for the Perform·ing Art& Swingin' Hits of the Blitz Hit paradesongs, Vera Lynn ballads, war tunes, swing bandsand more. Norm Amadio, piano/director. 88 DalhousieSt., Brantford. 519-758-8090. .- 7:30: Perimeter Institute Event HorizonsSeason.GidonKremer, violininConcert. Bach:"Fuga canonica" from Musical Offering,BWV.1079 (1747); Two chorales transcr. Zia·bys; Part: Frat res; Bart6k: Tempo di chaconna &Fuga from Sonata for solo violin (1944); Tickmayer:Three variations on a Theme of Bach; Bach/Pushkarev: 3 two·voice inventions; Piazzolla/Gubaidulina: Le Grand Tango; Piazzolla/Push·karev: Three Milongas. Gidon Kremer, violin;Andrei Pushkarev, vibraphone; AndriusZlabys,piano. Mike Lazaridis Theatre of Ideas, 31 CarolineSt. North, Waterlon 519·883-4480. ,(st).Saturday November 11- 7:30: Serenata Choir. faure'sRequiem.Gary Heard, artistic director. St. Mark's AnglicanChurch, 303 Third St., Midland 866-461-1830. Free.- 7:30:Waterloo Entertainment Centre!Live, Upfront & Personal Swing Rosie -AnEvening to Remember. Jazz trio, carrying on thetradition of the Andrews Sisters. 24 King St.North, Waterloo. 519-883-0300.$ 28.50, .50(sr/st).- 8:00: Capitol Arts Centre.Heartsong: ToHelp Us Remember.Tribute to those who servedand those who "kept the home fires burning"(We'll Meet Again, A Nightingale Sang in BerkeleySquare, When the Lights Go On Again), plusBroadway & popular hits from the 20's to 80's(They Can't Take That Away From Me, As TimeGoes By, Don't Get Around Much Anymore).Susan Tanner piano; David Tanner, saxophone;Heather Stubbs, vocals. 20 Uueen St., PortHope. 905·885· 1071, 800-434 5092. . Allprofits to "Save the Capitol" campaign.- 8:00: Centenary Music Remembrance DayReflection. Jenkins: Requiem (Canadian premierewith orchestra); Palladio Concerto Grosso forstring orchestra (Diamond Music). MargaretBardos, mezzo-soprano; orchestra; massed choir,Shawn Grenke, director(callfor audition); HamiltonChildren's Chorus, Zimfira Poloz, director.Centenary United Church, 24 Main St. West,Hamilton. 905-522-6843. suggested donation.- 8:00: Folk Night at the Registry. lest WeForget Songs and stories of war and conflictthrough the years, a Mill Race Folk Society Fund·raiser. Brad McEwen, Geoff Lewis, Jean Mills,Paul Morris & other performers. Registry Thea·tre, 122 Frederick Street, Kitchener. 519-7 45-6565. (adv); (door).- 8:00: Guelph Chamber Choir.Mozart'sRequiem. Also, spirituals from Tippett: A Childof Our Time; Persichetti's Song for Peace.Main Stage, River Run Centre, 35 WoolwichSt., Guelph. 519763-3000, 877-520·2408.; O(st); eyeGO.- 8:00: Millpond Centre for the Art& SistersEuclid. Original music in a mixture of styles.Gary Taylor, drums; Ian DeSouza, bass; Rob Guseves,organ; Kevin Breit, guitar. 6:00: Dinner, reservations req'd. 106 Victoria St. West,Alliston. 705-435 3092. .- 8:00: The OaCapo Chamber Choir. Twilight- there will be rest Dove: The Passing ofthe Year; Daley: Requiem; & other works. LeonardEnns, director. St. John the Evangelist AnglicanChurch, Kitchener. 519-725-7549. ;(sr/st); (eyeGO).- 8:00: Wilfrid Laurier University Facultyof Music. WLU Baroque Ensemble. MichaelPurves·Smith, conductor. Maureen ForresterRecital Hall, 75 University Ave. West, Water·loo. 519-884-0710 x2150. O; (st).- 8:30: Jack Street Productions. The JackStreet Show. Jack's poetry, and musical improvisationsof Tim Gibbons and Mark Foley. Featuringflea circus "Poetry To Dance To". The Pearl Company,16 Steven Street, Hamilton. 905-529-9485. .Sunday November 12-11 :OOam: Centenary Music. A RemembranceDay Reflection. Centenary United Church,Hamilton. See Nov 11. Excerpts.- 2:00: The Gallery Music Group. ChamberMusic. Larry Moser, clarinet; Peter Bald, piano;The Venturi Winds: Greg Stoh, flute; Beryl Hultin,oboe; Mark Carbone, clarinet; Judith Douglas,French horn; Lutzen Riedstra, bassoon. WellingtonCounty Museum & Archives, 0536 County Road18, RR#1, Fergu& ; (under16) (includesMuseum admission).- 2:30: Georgian Bay Symphony. Illuminations.Mascall: Illuminations; Mozart: KegelstattTrio; Beethoven: Trio, Op.11. Kate T remills, piano;Rob lite, clarinet; Ben Bolt·Martin, cello;Paul Earle, viola. Knox United Church, 890 4thAve. East, Owen Sound. 519-372-0212. ;(sr); O(st); free(grade 8 & under).- 2:30: Kingston Symphony. The Great Mo·zart Hunt. Uncover the mystery in Mozart's oeuvre,hunt for missing Mozart manuscripts, tanta ­lizing clues about unknown works by Mozart andhis contemporaries. George Zukerman, bassoon;Ron Hadler, actor; Glen Fast, music director. St.George's Cathedral, 270 King St., Kingston613-530-2050. ; (sr); (st); (ch).- 3:00: Mc Master University School of theArt& McMaster Chamber Orchestra. Mozart:Overture: La Clemenza di Tito, K.621; ClarinetConcerto, K.622; Champagne: Danse villageois;Gounod: Symphony #1 in D. Zoltan Kalman, clarinet;Keith Kinder, conductor. Convocation Hall(UH·213), University Hall, McMaster University,1280 Main St. West, Hamilton 905-525-9140 x24246. .- 3:00: Music at St. Luke's. The Great FallHymn Sing. Anthems include Mozart: Gloria(from the Twelfth Mass); hymns section includesaudience requests. Choirs of St. Luke's Anglican,West Plains United & St. Matthew's Anglicanchurches. St. Luke's Anglican Church, 1371 ElginSt ., Burlington. 905-639-7643. ; (sr/st).Benefit for the David Davis Memorial Piano.0 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE .COM

- 3:30: Friends of Music. Vogler String Ouar·tet, with Angela Cheng, Piano. Works by Haydn,Prokofiev, Dvorak. Capitol Arts Centre, 20 QueenSt., Port Hope. 905-885· 1071, 800434·5092. ; $ l 5(st).- 7:30: ChamberWORKS. Schubert's Eight.Schubert: Octet in F for clarinet, horn, bassoon, 2violins, viola, cello & bass, Op.166, D.803. Do·tasco Centre for the Arts, Theatre Aquarius, 190King William St.,Hamilton. 905·522· 7529,800 465· 7529. ,; ,(65 + );(st, at door with ID).- 8:00: Gryphon Theatre. International GuitarNight. Acoustic guitarists perform their latestoriginal compositions and exchange musical ideas.Administrative Centre, Bldg. C, Georgian College,1 Georgian Drive, Barrie. 705·7284613. .Tuesday November 14- 12:00 noon: Wilfrid Laurier UniversityFaculty of Music.Music at Noon. The duo pianomusic of Cyril Scott. Anya Alexeyev, Les De'Ath,pianos. Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, 75 Uni·versity Ave. West, Waterloo. 519·884·0710x2150. Free." ... sheer heaven."TAMARA BERNSTEIN, THE GLOBE & MAIL1•1 = =:: Canad'a :::..~becl: &- 8:00: Muskoka Concert Association.Folies. Works by Marin Marais, Sainte· Colombe,Couperin. Les Voix Humaines: Susie Napper, Mar·garet Little, violas da gamba. Gravenhurst OperaHouse, 295 Muskoka Rd. South, Gravenhurst.705·687-5550, 888495·8888. ; (chl.Wednesday November 15- 12:30: Noon Hour Concert Series, ConradGrebel University College. Linda Me/sf.ed, violin in Concert. Conrad Grebel UniversityCollege Chapel, University of Waterloo, 140Westmount Rd. North, Waterloo. 519·885·0220 x24226. Free.- 8:00: Kitchener.Waterloo Chamber Mu·sic Society. Robert K ortgaard & Peter Tie fen·bach, 4-Hands Piano. Mozart, & other compos·ers. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. West,Waterloo. 519-886· 1673. ; (sr);(st).Thursday November 16- 12:00 noon: University of Guelph Schoolof Fine Art and Music. Thursdays at Noon.UofG Concert Winds, John Goddard, conductor.Mac Kinnon 107, Goldsmith Room, UofG, 50Stone Rd. East, Guelph. 519·8244120x52991. Free.- 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Choral Series: Uberlebensgr6ss ('7arger thanlife'J. Program of music that celebrates women. LesChoristes worren's choir. von Kuster Hal, MusicBuilding, UWO, London. 519·661 ·3767. Free.- 8:00: Sanderson Centre for the PerformingArts. David Francey on Stage. Singer andstoryteller. 88 Dalhousie St., Brantford. 519·758·8090. .Friday November 17- 12:30: University of Western Ontario.12:30 Fridays. Cello music. David Eggert, cello.von Kuster Hall, Music Building, UWO, London.519·661 ·3767. Free.- 5:30: Perimeter Institute Bistro Jazz.Jake Langley, guitar in Concert. Black Hole Bistro,31 Caroline St. North, Waterloo. 519·883-4480. .- 8:00: McMaster University School of theArts. Celebrity Concert Series. Taiko drumming.Kiyoshi Nagata Ensemble; Kiyoshi Nagata, direc·tor. Convocation Hall (UH·213), University Hall,McMaster University, 1280 Main St. West,Hamilton. 905-525·9140 x24246. ;$12(sr); $ 5(st).- 8:00: Sanderson Centre for the Perform·ing Arts.Chantal Kreviazukin Concert. 88 Dal·housie St., Brantford. 519-758·8090. .- 8:00: Theatre An caster. My Fair lady. The·atre Auditorium, Ancaster High School, 374Jerseyville Rd. West, Ancaster. 905·304· 7469.; (sr); (st). For complete run see mu·sic theatre listings.- 8:00: University of Western Ontario.UWOpera. Opera Gala with the words and musicof Shakespeare, from opera, songs and musicals,such as Kiss Me Kate. Theodore Baerg, director.Talbot Theatre, Talbot College, UWO, London.519·679·8778. ; (sr/st).- 8:00: Wilfrid Laurier University Facultyof Music. Opera Excerpts. Theatre Auditorium,75 University Ave. West, Waterloo. 519·884·0710 x2 150. ; (st). For complete run seemusic theatre listings.Saturday November 18- 2:00: Westben Arts Festival Theatre.The little Match Girl Messiah. Westben Festi·val Chorus & Westben Youth Chorus. St.John's United Church, 50 Bridge St. West,Campbellford. 877-883-5777. ;$ l 5(st); $ 75(family).- 8:00: Capitol Arts Centre.JeffHealey'sJazzWizards. Jazz golden·era hits of the 20' sand 30' s.Jazz Wizards; Jeff Healey, lead vocals/valvetrom·bone/trumpet/guitar. 20 Queen St., Port Hope.905·885· 1071, 800434·5092. .- 8:00: Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra.Eroica. Estacio: Such Sweet Sorrow; Mozart:Piano Concerto #23 in A, K.488; Beethoven:Symphony #3 in E·flat, Op.55 (Eroica). Sara Dav·is Buechner, piano; Timothy Vernon, conductor.Hamilton Place, 1 Summers Lane. 905·526·7756. ·; ·(sr); $12·(st);(ch to 13).- 8:00: Karen Schuessler Singers. Aroundthe World in 80 Minutes' A musical world tour.Grace Lou, erhu; Alfredo Caxaj, percussion; SzikraZither Ensemble; Karen Ann Schuessler, conduc·tor. Wesley·Knox United Church, 91 Askin St.,London. 519438·4460. ; (adv);(sr); (sr adv); Dist); freel6· 12).- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Concert. Brahms: Tragic Overture;Dvorak: Notturno; Romance; Symphony #7. VickyDvorak, violin; Daniel Warren, conductor. Water·loo Entertainment Centre, 24 King St. North,Waterloo. 519·743-0589. $12; Olst/sr).WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM- 8:00: Music at St. Luke's .In Harmony.Works by Mozart, Offenbach, Verdi, Handel;Lloyd Webber: Pie Jesu; Think of Me; plus WalkHand in Hand with Me, Ave Maria, Flow GentlySweet Afton, Plaisir d' Amour. Rachel Snow,soprano; Igor Saika-Voivod, piano. St. Luke's Angli·can Church, 1382 Ontario St., Burlington 905·639· 7643. . Benefit forthe David DavisMemorial Piano.- 8:00: Orchestra London. Guitarra Viva.Rodrigo: Concierto de Aranjuez; Dallapiccola:Piccola musica notturna; Gerhard: Alegrias Suite.Aimee Piche, guitar; Giuseppe Pietraroia, conduc·tor. Beal Auditorium, Beal Secondary School, 525Dundas St., London. 519·679-8778. ;(sr/st).- 8:00: University of Western Ontario.UWOpera. Talbot Theatre, London. See Nov 17.- 8:00: Wilfrid Laurier University Facultyof Music. Distinguished Organists in RecitalSeries. First United Church, 16 William St. West,Waterloo. 519·884·0710 x2150. Free.Sunday November 19- 2:00: Kitchener Waterloo Opera/Op·era Hamilton. Great Singers Recital Series.Measha Bruggergosman, soprano. Centre InThe Square, 101 Queen St. North, Kitchener.519·578· 1570, 800·265·8977. ·85; sr/st discounts.

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