9 years ago

Volume 12 - Issue 3 - November 2006

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  • Theatre
  • Toronto
  • November
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  • December
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- 2:00:Westben Arts

- 2:00:Westben Arts Festival Theatre.The Little Match Girl Messiah. Campbellford.See Nov 18.- 3:00: Elora Festival Winter Series.SoupConcert: A Canadian Choral Tapestry. Cross­Canada sampling of composers in the last 15years. Elora Festival Singers; Noel Edison, con·ductor. 1 :30 lunch, 2:30 talk. St. John's Church,Henderson and Smith Sts, Elora. 519-846-0331. , (no lunch). See ad previous page.- 3:00: Mc Master University School of theArts. McMaster Concert Band Convocation Hall(UH-2 13), University Hall, McMaster University,1280 Main St. West, Hamilton. 905-525·9140 x24246. Free.- 3:00:Variante Duo .Make a Difference MSBenefit Concert. Variante Duo: Nathalie Younglai,harp; Catherine Richardson, flute; C.H. NortonPrimary Choir; Sam Cino, percussion; guest vocal·ists. Compass Point Bible Church, 2501 Eagles·field Dr., Burlington. 905-335-0001. ;(adv); O(ch). Proceeds to MS mobility aidsfor Darcy Hewitt.- 4:00: Lindsay Concert Foundation. lntradaBrass. 30 member British-style brass band.Bram Gregson, music director. Academy Theatre,2 Lindsay St. South, Lindsay. 705-324-911 1,877-888-0038. ; Olyouth).- 8:00: University of Western Ontario.UWOpera. Talbot Theatre, London. See Nov 17.Monday November 20-12:30: University of Western Ontario.Faculty Artists Series: Gwen Beamish & Friends.van Kuster Hall, Music Building, UWO, London.519-661-3767. Free.Tuesday November 21- 12:00 noon: Wilfrid Laurier UniversityFaculty of Music. Music at Noon. Works byStevens, Schoenfeld & Poulenc. Guy Few, trumpet/piano;Stephanie Mara, piano; Michael Purves­Smith, oboe; Nadina Mackie Jackson, bassoon.Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, 75 UniversityAve. West, Waterloo. 519-884-0710 x2150.Free.- 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Jazz Ensemble. Bruce Smith, director.TalbotTheatre, Talbot College, UWO, London 519-661 -2111 x85381.Free.- 7:30: Grand Theatre. Disney's Beauty andthe Beast. Inner beauty reveals true love; Musicby Alan Menken, lyrics by Howard Ashman &Tim Rice; book by Linda Woolverton. 4 71 Rich·mond St., London. 519-672-8800, 800-265-SOUPConcertSurK iay. November 19. 2006S1. Jo l1n ·s Cl1urc1·11593. Call for prices. For complete run see musictheatre listings.Wednesday November 22- 12:30: Conrad Grebel University College.Student Recital. Conrad Grebel UniversityCollege Chapel, University of Waterloo, 140Westmount Rd. North, Waterloo. 519-885-0220 x24226. Free.- 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Symphonic Band. Remembering. Gary Mccumber,director.Talbot Theatre, T alba! College, UWO,London. 519-661 -3767. Free.- 6:00: University of Guelph School ofFine Art and Music. End of Semester Events.UofG Concert Winds, John Goddard, conductor.University Centre Courtyard, UofG, 50 Stone Rd.East, Guelph. 519-824-4120 x52991. Free.- 7:30: Plumbing Factory Brass BandTimes & Places: In Honour of Music's PatronSaint. Purcell (arr Meredith): Hail! Bright Cecilia!(Suite of music written for St. Cecilia's Day);Rossini: Overture to L'ltaliana in Algeri; Hudlot:Trois Rivieres T ricentenaire Marche; J. F. Wagner:Tiroler Holzhackerbaub'n Marsch; Thiele: Landof the Heather; Hacker: A Slippery Place ComicRag-March; Liszt: Les Preludes. Henry Meredith,director. Byron United Church, 420 Boler Rd.,London. 519-471-1250. $12; (adv); (st);(st adv).- 7:30: Royal City Musical Productions.The Sound of Music. By Rodgers and Hammerstein.Main Stage, River Run Centre, 35 WoolwichSt., Guelph. 519-763-3000, 800-520-2408. -, (eyeGOJ. For complete runsee music theatre listings.- 8:00: Orchestra London .Classical Romance.Mozart: Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra;Beethoven: Symphony #2 in D, Op.36. SimonAldrich, basset horn; Timothy Vernon, conductor.St. Paul's Cathedral, 472 Richmond Street. London.519-679-8778. ; (sr/stl.- 8:00: University of Western Ontario.Symphonic Band/Wind Ensemble. Gala evening.Gary Mc Cumber, director. Talbot Theatre, TalbotCollege, UWO, London. 519-661-3767. Free.- 8:00: Wilfrid Laurier University Facultyof Music.New Music Concert. Maureen For·rester Recital Hall, 75 University Ave. West,Waterloo. 519-884-0710 x2150. Free.Thursday November 23- 12:00 noon: University of Guelph Schoolof Fine Art and Music. Thursdays at Noon.Student soloists' day, showcase of applied musicThe Elorci Festival Singersl/\lciyne R;clclell . conrh rcior1 :30 p.rn Lunch. 2:30 p.m. Talk. 3:00 p. 11. Concer·t~)30. 1.·vitl 1out lu11c liCa 1aclian com posers wi!I b e featur ecl in tl1is mosaic of musicgleanecl from li1e past 15 years . A c ross-country tapestry11vill feature lo p se!ections w rl h discussion about the m usicllappenino prior to tii e concer·t. Join us for lunc h a1 1 :30 p.m1I 10 111 l

Brock University, St. Catharines. 9D5·687-4993 x2. ·; $ lO(st); group rates.- 3:DD: Georgetown Bach Chorale. Han·del's Messiah. See Nov 25. St. James' AnglicanChurch, 6D25 Old Church Rd., Caledon East-3:DD: Kawartha Youth Orchestra .Orches·tral Concert. Khachaturian: Masquerade Suite;Debussy: Petite Suite; Grieg: Holberg Suite; Schu·bert: Rosamunde Overture; & other works.Michael Newnham, director. Market Hall, 336George St. North, Peterborough. 7D5-74D·9D18. $12; (adv).- 3:00:McMaster University School of theArts. Mc Master Choir: Holiday Concert. See Nov25. Convocation Hall (UH-213), University Hall,McMaster University, 1280 Main St. West,Hamilton.- 3:00:0ntario Registered Music Teach·ers' Association, Hamilton-Halton Branch.First-Class Honours Recital & Canada MusicWeek Poster Competition. Features studentsscoring 80% on a Royal Conservatory Exam in thepast year. St. Christopher's Anglican Church, 662Guelph Line, Burlington 905-963-1268. Free,donations accepted.- 3:DO: University of Western Ontario.UWO Symphony Orchestra: Threnody Weber:Overture to Der Freischutz; Penderecki: ThrenodyFor the Victims of Hiroshima; R. Strauss: Tad undVerklarung, Op.24 (Death and Transfiguration);Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto 112. Alice Yoo,piano; Jerome Summers, director. Alumni Hall,UWO, London. 519-679-8778. , (sr/st)- 3:00: Wilfrid Laurier University Facultyof Music. WW Symphony Orchestra with WWChoir. Theatre Auditorium, Waterloo. See Nov25.- 3:30: Gerald Fagan Singers. TrilliumChristmas. Seasonal works by Ontario campus·ers (Enns, Anderson & others), plus Bach: Mag·nificat. Concert Players Orchestra; Gerald Fagan,conductor. St. Peter's Basilica, 196 DufferinAve., London. 519433-9650, 866-244-0762.; (sr); (st).- 7:30: Brantford Music Club. Lucille Chung,piano in Concert. Sanderson Centre for the Per·forming Arts, 88 Dalhousie St., Brantford. 519·758-8090. , (st).- 8:00: Kitchener.Waterloo Chamber Mu·sic Society. Triple Forte in Concert. Haydn: Trioin e-flat, Hob.XV 1125; Beethoven: Trio in E·flat,Op. 70/2; Ives: Trio; Brahms: Trio 113 inc. JasperWood, violin; Yegor Dyachkov, cello; David Jal·bert, piano. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St.West, Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr);(st).- 8:00: River Run Centre. James Gordon& Friends in Concert. Cooperators Hall, RiverRun Centre, 35 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519·763·3000, 800-52D-2408. -, (eye­G0).Monday November 27- 12:30: Conrad Grebel University Col·lege. Student Recital. Conrad Grebel UniversityCollege Chapel, University of Waterloo, 140Westmount Rd. North, Waterloo. 519-885·0220 x24226. Free.- 7:30: Grand Philharmonic Choir Host.RIAS Chamber Choir of Berlin, in Concert. JamesWood, conductor. Centre In The Square, 101Queen St. North, Kitchener. 519-578-1570,800-265-8977. -; O(st rush; ch tograde 8); (eyeGO).Tuesday November 28- 12:00 noon: Wilfrid Laurier UniversityFaculty of Music.Music at Noon. Anya Alex·eyev, piano; Alexander lvashkin, cello. MaureenForrester Recital Hall, 75 University Ave. West,Waterloo . 519-884-0710 x2150. Free.- 12:30: Conrad Grebel University Col·lege. Student Recital. Conrad Grebel Universi·ty College Chapel, University of Waterloo, 140Westmount Rd. North, Waterloo. 519-885·0220 x24226. Free.- 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Early Music Series. Early Music Studio. vonKuster Hall, Music Building, UWO, London.519-661-3767. Free.- 8:0D: University of Western Ontario.Faculty Artists Series. Fourtissimo Clarinet Quar·tel. Robert Riseling, Gary McCumber, AmandaPalmer & Marie Johnson, clarinets. von KusterHall, Music Building, UWO,London. 519-661·3767. Free.Wednesday November 29- 8:0D: Kitchener.Waterloo Chamber Mu·sic Society. David Gillham, violin & Chiharulinumu, piano in Concert. Mozart: Sonata in G,K.379; Mendelssohn: Sonata in F; linuma: NewWork; Respighi: Sonata. KWCMS Music Room,57 Young St. West, Waterloo. 519-886· 1673.; (sr); (st).Thursday November 30-12:DO noon: University of Guelph Schoolof Fine Art and Music:. Thursdays at Noon.Gilham & linuma Duo: David Gilham, violin; Chi·haru linuma, piano. MacKinnon 1 D7, GoldsmithRoom, UofG, 5D Stone Rd. East, Guelph. 519·8244120 x52991. Free.- 2:00: Sanderson Centre for the Perform·ing Arts. The Walters Family Christmas. Old·fashioned country Christmas. 88 Dalhousie St.,Brantford 519-758·809D. .- 8:00: Harlequin Singers. Winter Wonder·land Songs and carols of the Christmas season.Laura Pin, piano; Lynne Jamieson, percussion;Ryan Scott, flute; John Packer, director. DruryLane Theatre, 2269 New St., Burlington . 9D5·637-3979. D.- 8:0D: orchestra@uwaterloo. In Concert.Brahms: Tragic Overture; Mozart: Concerto forClarinet in A; Dvorak: Symphony 118 in G. JeffreyQuillam, clarinet (winner of the 2D06 ConcertoCompetition); Erna Van Daele, conductor Humani·ties Theatre, J. G. Hagey Hall of the Humanities,University of Waterloo, 20D University Ave.,Waterloo. 519-8884908. $TBA.- 8:00: Wilfrid Laurier University Facultyof Music:. Chamber Music.Simon Fryer, director.Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, 75 UniversityAve. West, Waterloo. 519-884-0710 x215D.Free.Friday December 01- l 2:3D: University of Western Ontario.12:30 Fridays/Choral Series. Raminsh: Magnifi·cat; Britten: Ceremony of Carols. UWO Singers(Raminsh); Les Choristes (Britten); Lori Gemmel,harp. van Kuster Hall, Music Building, Universityof WeS1ern Ontario, London 519-661-3767. Free.- 2:00 & 8:00: Sanderson Centre for thePerforming Arts. The Walters Family Christ·mas. Brantford. See Nov 3D.- 7:DD: Fanshawe Chorus London. ChristmasCelebration Percussion Trio: Rob Inch, RobLarose, Greg Mainprize; St. Mary's School Choir,Brenda Zadorsky, Christine Petrasiunas, conduc·tors; Audience & Children's Choir, Louise Fagan,director; Peter Garland, MC; Gerald Fagan, con·ductor. Post-concert: reception. Centennial Hall,550 Wellington St., London. 519433-965D,866-244-D762. ; (12 & under).- 7:30: Cellar Singers .Handel's Messiah.Amy Dodington, soprano; Vicki St. Pierre, mezzo.soprano; Mark Dubois, tenor; Steven Pitkanen,baritone; Blair Bailey, accompanist; Albert Greer,artistic director. St. Joseph's Catholic Church,118 McMurray St., Bracebridge.7D5-326·8011. D; (st).- 7:30: Perimeter Institute/NU MUS. Pushingthe Perimeter: Russian Canons. Korndorf:Triptych, for cello and piano (world premiere);Shostakovich (arr. Rudolf Barshai): String Quartet113, for nonet; Schnittke: Dialog for Cello andseven players; Music to an Imagined Play, forensemble; Gubaidulina: Concordanza, for ensem·ble. Anya Alexeyev, piano; George Greer, bass;Evan Mitchell, percussion; Penderecki StringQuartet; Pentaedre Wind Quintet of Montreal;Alexander lvashkin, cello/conductor. Mike La·zaridis Theatre of Ideas, 31 Caroline St. North,Waterloo. 519-883-4480. , (st).- 8: DO: Arts in Concert. Christmas Cheer.Jazz & funk restylings of holiday favourites.Marvin Munshaw, piano; Kenny Munshaw, piano/singer. 7:0D: Visual artist reception, Heidi Bran·nan, host. Redeemer University College Auditori·um, 777 Garner Rd. East, Ancaster. 905·648·

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