ANNOUNCEMENTS, LECTURES,MASTER CLASSES ... ETCETERAANNOUNCEMENTS*November 2 7:00: New Music Concerts.Slowind Blows Goodwill-A Benefit Performanceon Behalf of New Music Concerts. Performance includes works by Scarlatti, Mozart,Nielsen, Ligeti; includes hors d'oeuvres & openbar. Gallery 345, 345 Sorauren Ave. 416·961 ·9594. , $ 50(advance). Proceeds to benefitNew Music Concerts; max. allowable charitablereceipt issued.*November 2 7:00: Toronto Sinfonietta.Screening of the 1922 classic horror movie Nos·feratu(directed by R.W. Murnaul accompanied bynew music written by resident composer PhilipMcConnell. Ramada Hotel Toronto Airport, 2Holiday Dr. 416-410-4379. .*November 3 7:00: The John Laing Singers.Merrily Sing We! CD Launch including refresh·ments and musical interlude. Canadian MarineDiscovery Centre, Pier 8, 57 Discovery Dr.,Hamilton. 905·628·5238, 877 ·628·5238.Free.*November 1212 noon: Orchestra London.Serenade Brunch: Violin and Oboe Duets. Enjoythe Best Western Lamplighter Inn's sumptuousbrunch, followed by chamber music performed byOrchestra London members. 591 Wellington Rd.South, London ON. 519·679·8778. , (sr).*November 13 4:30·8:00: University Set·tlement Music and Arts School. 85th Anm~versary Celebration. 4:30·5:00: Drop in Pre·school Music Circle; 5:30·6:30:drop in Drum·ming Circle for kids & teens (bring your own in·strument if possible); 7:00:student recital. Re·freshments available. 23 Grange Rd. 416·598·3444 x243/244. Free; donations appreciated.*November 18 9:00: Toronto All·Star BigBand. VictoryDinner0ance.1940s·themedprizes. Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum,9280 Airport Rd., Mount Hope. 905·679-4183x221. (dance), (dinner/dance).*November 20·24 1 Oam·4pm: Alliance forCanadian New Music Projects. Contempo·rary Showcase Festival adjudicated sessions inpiano, voice, solo strings, winds. EastminsterUnited Church, 310 Danforth Ave. 416·963-5937. Free.*November 21 6:30: University Settle·ment Music and Arts School. 85th Anniver·sary Celebration: Investing in our Community.Dinner, musical entertainment, silent auction.Featured performers: Jacques lsraelievitch, violin& Winona Zelenka, cello. Arcadian Court, 401Bay St., 8th floor. 416·598·3444 x266. $125,00 (table of 10).*November 24 time tba: Canadian Ab orig·inal Festival. Canadian Aboriginal MusicAwards. Categories include Best Blues Album,Best Folk Album, Best Songwriter & many oth·ers. John Bassett Theatre, 255 Front St. West.416·872- 1111. (advance), (door).*November 25 9am start: Kitchener·Wa·terloo Chamber Orchestra. 16th AnnualStudent Concerto Competition. Beginning withJunior Competition; Open Class follows. Publicwelcome. Room 318, Wilfrid Laurier UniversityFaculty of Music. 519· 744·3828, (all·dayticket), KWCO subscribers free.*November 26 2:30: Orchestra Toronto.Musicale, Afternoon Tea and Silent Auction.With performances by Ensemble Members ofOrchestra Toronto. Gibson Room, Novotel Hotel,3 Park Home Ave. 416-489·3131.. Pro·ceeds to benefit the Orchestra Toronto Fund.*December 3 2:00·5:00: Elmer lseler Sing·ers.SherryandShortbread. Relax in the gracioussurroundings of the historic Albany Club, join inthe silent auction & enjoy music of the holidayseason. 91 King St. East. 416·217·0537. .*National Association of Pastoral Musi·cians/Friars of the Atonement.Hymn Com·petition: That All May Be One. Competition fortwo liturgical songs to be sung at the 2007 NPMNational Convention, and in preparation for thecentennial observance in 2008 of the Week ofPrayer for Christian Unity. Submission deadline:November 30, 2006. For*November 112:10: University ofTorontoFaculty of Music.Lecture demonstration withcomposer James MacMillan. Walter Hall, 80Queen's Park. 416·978·3744. Free.*November 212:10: University ofTorontoFaculty of Music. Musicking: A Ritual in SocialSpace. Lecture by Christopher Small. Walter Hall,80 Queen's Park. 416·978·3744. Free.*November 6 7:00·9:00: Cambridge Centrefor the Arts. How to Enjoy French Opera. Lee·ture by opera educator lain Scott. 45 ThorneStreet, Cambridge ON. 519·622·9676. ,(members).*November 9 12:00 noon: National Balletof Canada. Behind the Scenes: Ballet 101. Rich·ard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, Four Seasons Cen·Ire for the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. West.416·363-8231. Free.*November 10 4:30·6pm: Goethe·lnstitutToronto.Talk by Robert Lippok, sound installa·lion artist & co· founder of the experimental elec·Ironic post ·rock band To Roccoco Rot. 163 KingSt. West. 416·593·5257. Free.*November 1211am·12:30: MNjcc.From TinPan Alley to Broadway: Great Jewish Compos·ers Make Their Mark. Records, Radio, Rhythmand Jews. Lecture by Jordan Klapman. 750Spadina Ave. 416·924·6211 x 111. .*November 13 7:00·9:00: Cambridge Cen·tre for the Arts. How to Enjoy German Opera.Lecture by opera educator lain Scott. 45 ThorneStreet, Cambridge ON. 519·622·9676. ,(members).*November 14 7:00: University of TorontoFaculty of Music.Shostakovich in Words andMusic. Lectures by Dr. Alexander Rapoport: HowShostakovich became Shostakovich: the Influenceof Moussorgsky, Tchaikovsky & Glazounov; Rob·ert Rival: Harmonic and Modal Fluctuation inShostakovich's Fifth Symphony, largo, JuliaGalieva·Szokolay:Shostakovich 's legacy in theWorks of Contemporary Russian Composers;viola sonata performed by Katharine Rapoport &Gergely Szokolay. Room 330, Edward JohnsonBldg, 80 Queen's Park. 416·978·3744. Free.*November 16 12:00 noon: National Balletof Canada. Revitalizing The Sleeping Beauty.Talk by Marjory Fielding, Wardrobe Supervisor.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St.West. 416·363-8231. Free.*November 20 7:00·9:00: Cambridge Cen·tre for the Arts. How to Enjoy Russian Opera.Lecture by opera educator lain Scott. 45 ThorneStreet, Cambridge ON. 519·622·9676. ,(members).*November 26 11am·12:30: MNjcc. From TinPan Alley to Broadway: Great Jewish Compos·ers Make Their Mark. Yiddish American Swing.Lecture by Jordan Klapman. 750 Spadina Ave.416·924·6211xl11. .*November 26 2:00: Toronto Opera Club.Ten Deadly Sins in Opera. Audio·visual presenta·lion by guest speaker lain Scott. CDs to be won.Room 330, Edward Johnson Bldg, 80 Queens'Park. 416·924·3940. O(non·members).*November 27 7:00: Toronto Wagner Soci·ety. Donald Collup presents his video documenta·ry on the late dramatic soprano Astrid Varnay.Arts and Letters Club, 14 Elm St.www.richard Membersfree, non· members by donation ( to sug·gested).*November 28 7:30: University of TorontoA u,tu,wv11.i Lea,O esDon't miss this opportunityto learn from the best inthe business - for free!All clinics will be held onSaturdays from 2 to 4pmat the Bloor Street band clinic seriesNov.l lNov.18Nov.25Dec.2Flute ChoirColleen AllenJoan WatsonLina AllemanoFaculty of Music.John Oswald's Plunderphon·ics: The Communication and Revision of MeaningThrough Ouotation. Lecture by Troy Ducharme;discussion to follow. Room 330, Edward John·son Bldg, 80 Queen's Park. 416·978·3744. Free.*International Touring Productions. Alittle Night Music. Six lectures by conductorKerry Stratton about various aspects of musicand music making, for the music lover who hasalways promised him/herself to spend time learn·ing more about music. Includes live performance.Nov 6: Angel Voices: Heavenly Music; Nov 13:Mozart and Weber: Redux for Clarinet and StringDuarte!; Nov 20: Wagner: Brilliance, Beauty andlight. All lectures 7:30·9:30.North York Memo·rial Community Hall, 5120 Yonge St. 905-886·2185. .50 each lecture.MASTER CLASSES*November 1 & 2 2:00: University of To·ronto Faculty of Music. Master class withpianist Peter Frankl. Walter Hall, 80 Queen'sPark. 416·978·3744. Free.*November 29:30am·12:30: U of WesternOntario, Don Wright Faculty of Music.Master class with Slowinds. Location tba, UWO,London. 519·661·2111 x80532.*November 3 10am-12:30: Glenn GouldSchool. Solo woodwind master class with Dav·id Shifrin. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408·5010.Free.*November 31 Oam-1:00 & 5:00·6:00:Glenn Gould School. Vocal Showcase Coach·ing with Tom Diamond. RCM, 90 Croatia St.416-408·5010. Free.*November 3 2:00·4:30: Glenn GouldSchool. Woodwind excerpts master class withDavid Shifrin. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408·5010. Free.*November 3 2:00: U of Western Ontario,Don Wright Faculty of Music. Piano masterclass with Thomas Lanners. Location tba, UWO,London. 519·661 ·2111 x80532.Big voice?Big problems?Big teacher.Students have sung at:Bayreuth Festival:- Brunnhilde, Kurvenal,WotanENO:- BrunnhildeMetropolitan Opera:- Wozzeck, PizarroTheater Unter denLinden, Berlin- Fliegende Hollander,ScarpiaWiener Staatsoper:- WotanCOC Ring Cycle:- DonnerJoel Katz, RCM416.408.2824x803
.•. LECTURES, MASTERCLASSES, ... ETCETERA*November 5 2:30-5:30: Singing Studio ofDeborah Staiman. Master class in musicaltheatre/audition preparation, using textual analysisand other interpretative tools for the "sungmonologue". Yonge & Eglinton area - please callfor exact location. 416-483-9532,www.singingstudio.ca416-408-5010. Free. *November 19 2:30-5:30: Singing Studio*November 16 6:00-8:30: Glenn Gould of Deborah Staiman. Master class in musicalSchool. Chamber music master class with AndresCardenes. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408- sis and other interpretative tools for the "sungtheatre/audition preparation, using textual analy5010. Free.monologue". Yonge & Eglinton area - please callfor exact location. 416-483-9532,*November 17 1 Oam-12 noon & 2:00-4:00:www.singingstudio.caGlenn Gould School. Piano master class withJohn Perry. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408-5010.Free.*November 10 1 Oam-12 noon, 2:00-4:00 &*November 2112:10: U ofT Faculty of5:00-7:00: Glenn Gould School. Piano masterMusic. Opera master class with Hakenclasses with Marc Durand. RCM, 90 Croatia St.Hagegard. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416·416-408-5010. Free.*November 17 1 Oam-12:30: Glenn Gould978-3744. Free.School. String master class with Andres*November 10 1 Oam-12:30 & 5:00-6:30:Cardenes. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408-5010. *November 24 1 Oam-12 noon & 2:00-4:00:Free.Glenn Gould School. Cello master classeswith Desmond Hoebig. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408-5010. Free.*November 15 1 Oam-12:noon: GlennGould School. Chamber music master classwith the Vogler Quartet. RCM, 90 Croatia St.*November 17 3:00: U of T Faculty of Music.Jazz Entrepreneurs. Master class withHeather Bambrick and Dave Young. Open to thepublic. Boyd Neel Room, Edward Johnson Bldg,80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.Glenn Gould School. Piano master class withJorge Luis Prats. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408-5010. Free.*November 27 10am-12:30: Glenn GouldSchool. Solo woodwind master class withMathieu Dufour. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408-5010. Free.*November 27 2:00-4:00: Glenn GouldSchool. Woodwind excerpts master class withMathieu Dufour. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408-5010. Free.*November 28 1:00-3:00: Glenn GouldSchool.Piano master class with Wu Han. RCM,90 Croatia St. 416-408-5010. Free.*November 30 2:00-6:00: Glenn GouldSchool. Voice master class with Richard Margi·son. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408-5010. Free.*December 11 Dam -12:30: Glenn GouldSchool. Violin master class with Lucie Robert.RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416·408-5010. Free.*December 3 2:30-5:30: Singing Studio ofDeborah Staiman. Master class in musicaltheatre/audition preparation, using textual analyEducationWholeNote MarketPlaceEducationEducationPIANO LESSONSConservatory gradR.sVoice .Lessons Competitions'Begimier instruments:Viofin, guitar, 'f(ute, Cfarin.etSong 13inf Stwfios 416-767-8779Jia[[ie 'l(ezsnyaf:,, :M :Mus 'EaJll/fifiate of tfie 'f\pyaf Conservatory(Vwufas an.rf 'l(gefe)NORTH TORONTO INSTITUTE OF MUSICPrivate instruction and exam ~preparation by qualified teachersin the heart of Toronto.• Piano • Voice • Guitar • Strings• Woodwinds • Percussion • Theory•Music Theatre •Pre-school550 Eglinton Avenue East416-488-2588 www.nlimusic.comPLAY THE FLUTE OR THE RECORDERStudy with Allan Pulker• eleven years' experienceteaching children and teenagersat Etobicoke's Kingsway,. ,;;, ·"" '~ • Conservatory of Music ·~ "'-'"". 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TH EWHOLEN OTf. CO M~lLove To Sing?•All styles •All Levels •Beginnersand Children welcome •Excellentfor public speakers, actors, etc.Breathe new life into your voice with a unique andsensible kinesthetic approach to vocal pedagogy.Call Pattie Kelly for privatelessons at 905-271-6896CLAIM YOUR VOICEOrganic and functional vocal training togain access to your full range, resonanceand vocal freedom. For singers, publicspeakers, teachers, clergy, or if you justwant to enjoy using your voice.Sue Crowe ConnollyHamilton Studio Toronto Studio905-5441302 416-523-1154;reef the joy of maKJng music in thecafm, nurturing environment of:Mary '13wufy :MusicStutfw& Award-winning, nationally-broadcast ~ JiI 111 \ pianist, composer, now accepting a fewmotivated students. Reg'd. Music Teacher 25 years,piano and theory. A.R.C.T. (Piano Performance·1st Class Honours). 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