9 years ago

Volume 12 - Issue 3 - November 2006

  • Text
  • Theatre
  • Toronto
  • November
  • Jazz
  • Arts
  • Musical
  • Orchestra
  • December
  • Glenn
  • Gould


II! WORKSHOPSII!I T M I A NETCETERAsisandotherinterpretativetoolsforthe "sung *November 177:30-10pm: Recorder Play- ORONTO USIC IANS SSOC IATION EWSmonologue". Yonge & Eglinton area -please call ers' Society. Opportunity for recorder and/or Guess who's turning 90? TMA Lifefor exact location. 416-483-9532, other early instrument players to gettogether in Member Bernard Charles Temoin celwww.singingstudio.cauncoached groups and play Renaissance & Ba- ebrates his 90th birthday with a BirthdayWORKSHOPS*November 41 Oam-12:30: Music at Ascension.Advent and Liberation Theology-A Workshopon Spirituals. Discussion of the importanceof spirituals in the realm of church music and ourculture. Brainerd Blyden-Taylor, clinician. 33Overland Or. 416-444-8881. $12, (sr/st).*November 4, 11, 18, 25: RCM World MusicCentre. Esco/a de Samba Workshops. Dedicatedto the study, practice and performance ofthe Samba Enredo. 1 :OO:Beginnermusic class;2:30:Dance class; 3:30: Open rehearsal. ConcertHall, 90 Croatia St. 416-408-2824 x321. PWYC( suggested donation).*November 4 8:00: Mill Race Folk Society.Folk Club. Bring your musical instruments, yourtunes or just come to listen & participate in thisopen music club format. Ernie's Roadhouse Tavern,7 Queen St. West, Cambridge. 519-621 -7135. .*November 51 :30-4:00: Toronto EarlyMusic Players Organization. Workshop withMichael Franklin on Italian medieval music, offer·ing percussion suggestions to acompany the music.Bring your drums as well as viols & recorders.Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave. 416-778-7777. , members free.*November 8 8:00: Te-Amim Music Theatre/MNjcc:TheShoponMainStreet. Musicalworkshop reading based on the novel by LadislawGrosman. Guests: George Grosman; Ballet Espressivo(presenting excerpts from the balletUprising); choreographer Donna Greenberg; MilesNadal JCC Choir; Harriet Wichin, conductor. AlGreen Theatre, MNjcc, 750 Spadina Ave. 416-924-6211, Free_*November 11 2:00-4:00: Long & Mc·Ou a de. Flute Choir Clinic with Nancy Nourse.Discussion of approaches to playing in a flutechoir, from piccolo to contrabass flute; opportunitiesto try piccolos, alto flutes, bass flutes &more. Bring your instrument! Pre-registrationrecommended_ 933 Bloor St. West. 416-588-7886_ Free_*November 12 3:00-5:00: Mill Race FolkSociety .British Isles Traditional Folk Music PubSession. Informal gathering of like minded musicians,playing together for fun. Repertoire consistsof mainly English music, with a focus ontune playing. Golden Kiwi, 4 7 Dickson St., Cambridge.519-621 -7135.*November 14 7:30: Long & Mclluade/Paiste/Tama. Drum Clinic with Bill Bruford.Auditorium, Mohawk College, Hamilton. 905-319-3330. .*November 15 7:30: Toronto ShapenoteSinging from Sacred Harp. Beginners welcome_St. Stephen-in-the-Fields, 103 Bellevue Ave. 416-922 · 7997 or*November 16 12 noon-2:30. Royal Conservatoryof Music Community School.Application of Vocal Phrasing to InstrumentalMusic. Workshop by Dr. Alexander T umanov.Instrumental music teachers and students areinvited to attend this discussion of the linguisticsources of musical phrasing and the application ofvocal line and its principles to instrumental music.Concert Hall, 90 Croatia St. 416-408-2824x719. PWYC.60roquemusic. Church of the Transfiguration, 111 Bash/Open House. Bernie was formerlyManor Rd. East. 416-694-9266. O(CAMMAC the bass clarinetist with the TSO. He wasmember), $12(non-member).born November 3, 1916 in Vancouver*November 18 2:00-4:00: Long & Mc- BC. The party is Saturday November 4, 2-0uade. Colleen Allen -Reeds and What to Practise.Colleen shares her views about the searchfor the elusive "Perfect Reed", and her insights onwhat really requires attention in practice sessionsto make you the musician you want to be. Bringyour reeds & your horn! 933 Bloor St. West.416-588-7886. Free.*November 18 8:00: Mill Race Folk Socie·ty. Folk Club. Roadhouse Tavern, Cambridge. SeeNovember4.*November 19 2:00: CAMMAC. MusicalReading. Workshop for recorders, viols & voicesled by recorder player & teacher, Janos Ungvary.Music includes: Gabrieli: 0 Magnum Mysterium;Telemann: T rauer-Actus. Elliott Hall, ChristChurch Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416-421 -0779, , O(non-members).*November 25 2:00-4:00: Long & Mc­Ouade. Effortless Music Making. Clinic withJoan Watson, horn. Bring your instrument! 933Bloor St. West. 416-588-7886. Free.*November 26 3:00-5:00: Mill Race FolkSociety. British Isles Tradlfional Folk Music PubSession. See November 12.*November 27 7:30: Toronto Early MusicCentre. Vocal Circle. Recreational reading ofearly choral music. Ability to read music desirablebut not essential. 12 Millbrook Gres. 416-920-5025. Members free, (non-members).*November 28 8:00: Toronto Folk Singers'Club. An informal group for the purpose of performance& exchange of songs. T ranzac Club,292 Brunswick Ave. 416-532-0900.*December 2 1 Oam-4pm: Toronto EarlyMusic Centre. Pastime wlfh Good Company:Viola da Gamba Workshop: A Day with SusieNapper. Morning session: Realizing Continua onthe Bass Viol,· afternoon session: coached consortsfor all sizes of viols (music to be assignedand provided in advance). Participants and auditorswelcome. 10 Cardinal Place. Please RSVP to416-760-8610 or bml byNovember 15. (all day), (half day), O(auditor). Must be a member in good standingof TEMC.*December 2 2:00-4:00: Long & Mclluade.The Colour of Sound. Jazz trumpeter Lina Allemanogives an introduction to the secrets of creatinga broader spectrum of sounds & coloursusing mutes & extended techniques on brassinstruments. 933 Bloor St. West. 416-588-7886. Free.*December 2 8:00: Mill Race Folk Society.Folk Club. Roadhouse Tavern, Cambridge. SeeNovember4.*MNjcc. Ear Training and Sight Singing. Learnhow to use the basics of music literacy tostrengthen your music reading and performanceskills. Simple & complex rhythms, major & minorscales, modes and harmony within the context ofchoral music. Designed for amateur choral singers.Teodora Georgieva, instructor. 5 classes onSundays from 3-4:30, starting November 5.750 Spadina Ave. 416-924-6211 xl 11.(MNjcc members), $ 75(non-members).5pm at the Markhaven Horne for Seniors,54 Parkway Avenue in Markham(sshhh.... it's a surprise). No gifts please,but the family would be glad to pass onany special messages or best wishes.Donations may be made in Bernard's name to further info contact TereseTemoin Downs or Neil Downs,905-472-9296 (home), 416-314-7452 (work), 416-721-9296 (cell)or email neil.downs@rogers.comMusic Education CommitteeNews: McNally Piano Moverscontinues to offer used pianos tofamilies, music schools and communitycentres. There is a shortwaiting list of families that wouldlike pianos, but McNally does acquirepianos for redistribution periodically.There are new and usedguitars in storage that are ready togo! Corkie Davis coordinates theInstrument bank for the TMA.Please contact her at Line Music, a partner inour "at risk youth " program reportsthat our combined project islooking promising. There hasbeen contact with the TorontoPublic Library who are interestedin potentially running our sessionsfor kids around Christmas,and during March break. TheHarbourfront Community Centrehas shown interest in having usrun programs also. If yourschool or community centrewould like some information onour rhythm basics program,please contact Jane Fair Youth Orchestra of CanadaOrchestre national des jeunes du CanadaNATIONALAUDITIONSNATIONAL AUDITION ~ Canada Trust Mv1;ca TOUR SPONSOR ..:. 1r1~"For anyone with an eye to the future, this has got to beCanada 's most important orchestra."David Gordon Duke, The Vancouver SunThe Future. Hear.TD CANADA TRUST NATIONAL AUDITIONSThe National Youth Orchestra of Canada is nowaccepting applications for the 2007 Orchestra.Principal Conductor: Yoav TalmiApplication Deadline: December 8, 2006To apply on line and for more information visit:www.nyoc.orgA. BRITISH COLUMBIAPatrlmolnecanadlenfC» ~:s .. ~~~£1::WWW. TH EWHOLEN O TE .COM NOVEMBE R 1 - DECEMBER 7 2006I

Orchestra in trouble: The OrquestaFilarm6nica de Santiago(Chile), which for many decadeshas played regularly in the TeatroMunicipal, has been shut downbecause the current managementwill not respect the conditions ofthe contract established by the Unionof Musicians and the administration.September 29, the administrationof the theatre finished firingeveryone pertaining to the unionand the collective contract. Therehas been little effective supportfrom the government of PresidentMichelle Bachelet and her Ministerof Culture, Paulina Urrutia.It is a sad state of affairs for acountry whose Constitution dictates,"it is the government's obligationto stimulate artistic creationand to protect and increase the culturalpatrimony of the nation." Theinternational community decries thedestruction of the largest symphonyorchestra in Chile and is appealingto the government of Chileto respect its workers/artists, andprotect its national cultural treasures.You can add your voice tothe protest by _campaign.TMA News is compiledby Brian BlainQuoolibetcontinued from page 18York Accoladesinvitation of former chair MichaelCoghlan, moving quickly fromworking as a part-time instructor,to a contractually limited appointmentto an associate professorshipand head of vocal studies, to thisyear beginning a three-year appointmentas chair of music. WhileMichael Coghlan, whose proteanknowledge of all that the departmentoffered facilitated his runningthe department single-handed,Robbin knew this would not bethe right approach for her, so shenow has three associate chairs.There is no doubt in her mind thatthis approach is better not only forher but also for the department,which has " ... a lot of other peoplewith tremendous strengths whoought to be brought in. To moveforward from his (Coghlan's)chairship ... it is important that wedelegate responsibility."I asked Robbin about her visionfor the department. Having inheritedfrom Coghlan a very strong and talentedfaculty, at the top of her list isCONTINUES ON PAGE 62CLASSES & LESSONSALL AGES. ALL LEVELS. FOR EVERYONEJoin Canada's leading musicschool!• Over 40 different instruments & genresranging from classical to rock, folk, worldmusic and hip-hop• Over 230 professional faculty dedicatedto excellence in music education• Classes for beginners (adults & children)• Convenient monthly payment planPrivate Lessons can start at anytime. Full details are Royal Conservatory of MusicToronto:416.408.2825 (Dufferin & Bloor)Mississauga:905.891.7944 (Cawthra & Lakeshore)

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