9 years ago

Volume 12 - Issue 3 - November 2006

  • Text
  • Theatre
  • Toronto
  • November
  • Jazz
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York Accoladescontinued

York Accoladescontinued from previous pageraising the admissions bar, particularlyby insisting on live auditions."If you expect much, much is muchmore likely to come your way!" Thiswill be a step on the way to making"this department the best place tostudy music in Canada. We have thetalent here to do itand beautiful, wellequippedfacilities in which to makeit happen." The development of agraduate program in performance,still several years away, is also partof her plan. This will open the doorto fully-staged operatic productionsin the new theatre, something she isunwilling to do with undergraduates,whose voices are not ready for thedemands of operatic roles.I went on to ask Robbin aboutthe challenges she faces. "Well, Isuppose I would have to admit thatgeography is a challenge ... up hereon the north end of the city .... I'dlove to be able to tell you that thesubway is corning ... it will make atremendous difference to us. " Thereare also, she added, advantages toYork's location, being so close toYork Region, one of the fastestgrowing areas in the province.York's motto "Redefine the possible"inspires Robbin. Perhaps itshould inspire those of us who havebeen deterred from going to a concertat York to go and experiencethe new recital hall. There are lotsof events to choose from in November:a student vocal recital Nov 1 &2, Trichy Sankaran and his percussionensemble on Nov 2, a WorldMusic Festival Nov 7 to 9, EnglishTudor choral composers on Nov.14, Baroque Music for brass instrumentsNov 17 .. . . The list goes on.Long may it do so.WANTEDViolists, CellistsnyceNorth YorkConcert OrchestraWant to play in an excitingNorth York community orchestra?Wednesday eveningweekly rehearsalsNorth York Community Orchestracontact Eleanor Heinz ateheinz@rogers.com416 4811406BooK Shelfby Pamela Marg/esWhat Morton says, what Richard thinksand what makes a Steinway grandMorton Feldman Says:Selected Interviews andLectures 1964-1987edited by Chris VillarsHyphen Press304 pages; .00 US'Feldman loved to talk' writesChris Villars in his introductionto this collection of lectures andinterviews with American composerMorton Feldman. Whatemerges is an irrepressible, outrageousand brilliantly singularpersonality.The best pieces are the mostuntouched, like Toronto composerLinda Catlin Smith's transcriptionof Feldman's 1982 lecture atMercer Union in Toronto. Apartfrom whatever thought-provokingideas Feldman is developinghere, this is wildly hilarious. "Idon't mean to be a stand-up comedian,though it looks as if I'mdeveloping some gifts I didn'tknow about," Feldman says atone point in his discourse.3 manual,32 pedalRODGERSORGANAsl:?ing ,900York University professoremeritus Austin Clarkson's interviewwith Feldman concerningFeldman's own teacher StefanVolpe, is published in fullhere for the first time. It revealsa lot about Feldman as a teacherand as a student. Judging byhow often he tells it, Feldmanrelishes his terrific story abouthow Wolpe was once lecturinghim about pleasing the 'man onthe street' when Feldman lookedout the window and saw JacksonPollock walking down thestreet - "and he was nuts aboutmy music".Howard Skernpton relatesFeldman's discussion of his collaborationwith Samuel Becketton the opera, Neither. Beckett,embarrassed, apparently toldhim, "Mr. Feldman, I don't likeopera", and Feldman replied, "Idon't blame you".There is some choice autobiographicalmaterial, as well as unusuallyvivid discussions ofFeldman' s music in RudigerMeyer's transcription of lecturesgiven in Johannesburg in 1983.This volume makes an interestingcompliment to Feldman'scollected essays, Give My Regardsto Eighth Street. It hasbeen bound with care, with terrificphotos, score samples, aconcise biography, bibliographyand superior index. MortonFeldman Says is , 1 would say ,essential - and enjoyable - readingfor anyone interested in 20thcentury music, art and culture.Call: Keith Hargrave at 416-536-9912Piano & organ teacher - first lesson free!W WW. TH EWHO LENOTE .COMRichard Cook's JazzEncyclopediaby Richard CookPenguin Books702 pages; .00This is an encyclopedia with adifference - it's full of opinions.For the most part the entries dealwith jazz musicians. But recordcompanies, jazz writers, schools,and recording producers are alsolisted. Richard Cook even takeson some jazz terms like ' improvisation','riff', and ' free jazz'.It's hard to see how Cook canmake room for Norah Jones butnot Bessie Smith or AlbertaHunter. Since he is British, heincludes a lot of Brits, like thedelightfully 'sharnbolic' singerand great writer George Melly.He does include a number of Canadianmusicians, but leaves outJane Bunnett, Don Thompsonand others who should be counted.And whether through faultyresearch or a typographical error,he has former Torontonian BillSmith now living on Horny Island.He can be pretty harsh in hisjudgments. Slam Stewart, ConnieKay, Carla Bley and ReginaCarter are some of the playerswho deserve better than they getfrom him. But for the most parthe is pretty ebullient, especiallyabout artists he is clearly mostpassionate about, like Sonny Rollins.In discussing the music, he focusesmainly on the recordings,and for each musician he offersjust one single recommendation -a tricky, controversial, but effectiveapproach.But what really sets this volumeapart is the vivid , wittywriting. Cook really does grapplewith the music, and in the processoffers a provocative and entertainingvolume.

PIANOPiano: The Making of aSteinway Concert Grandby James BarronTimes Books280 pages illustrated; .00Not every great piano is a Steinway. But no other maker - notBosendorfer, Bechstein, or thedazzling Italian newcomer Fazioli- has the mystique of Steinway.James Barron calls the Steinwaya 'ritual of the early industrialage'. It's actually reassuring tolearn, from his detailed descriptionof the process of building aSteinway concert grand, how littlehas changed over the pastcentury-and-a-half in the waythey are made - still by hand andstill painstakingly. Barron fashionshis story around the manufactureof a single concert grand.From the factory near La GuardiaAirport in Queens, NewYork, it goes to the Manhattanshowroom whose famous basementis filled with the pianosregularly used by the top performersin the world.Barron covers all aspects ofpiano-making. He tells somethingof the rocky history of the company,introduces the individualcraftsmen and their jobs, and discussesthe materials that go intothe instruments. But his chapterabout some of the pianists whoplay these instruments barelyglances the surface.Barron is a newspaper reporter.He has a strong eye for thecolourful detail and a good senseof a story line. His attempts tobe breezy sometimes turn windy,but this is the liveliest and mostcolourful of the many books onSteinway pianos to have appeared.Notes, an interesting bibliographyand index back up theextensive research.NOVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 7 2006INSTRUCTIONCLARINET LESSONS: all ages, reasonable,Toronto East, Scarborough, Pickering; RCMexams, school assist, hobby. 416-694-8610.CLASSICAL GUITAR LESSONS RCMtrained. Beginners welcome. Walter 416-924-2168.EAR TRAINING, MUSICIANSHIP,SIGHT-SINGING, THEORY, JAZZ THE­ORY.Alllevels, professional/serious beginners.Art Levine, MA, ARCT Host. "Art Music", CBC.30 years experience: RCM, U of'!; York.416-924-8613.;artlevine@sympatico.caEVE EGOYAN seeks advanced, committedpiano students ( or416-504-4297)PIANO LESSONS ADELAIDEBELL, A.R.C.T., R.M.T; pianist, teacher ofclassical piano music. Preparation for RCMexaminations, recitals and festivals. All ages,all grades, reasonable rates. Studio in SW Etobicoke.416-251 -8397.PIANO LESSONS: All ages, styles - beginner,classical, jazz, pop, RCM exams. Feel the joy ofmaking music I Peter Ness, ARCT. 416-767-9747.SINGING TEACHER with MMus and professionalperforming experience accepting students.Classical and Musical Theatre. All LevelsWelcome. Call 416-200-4 721 .THEORY, SIGHT-SINGING, EAR-TRAININGLESSONS: All grades, RCM exam prep (rudiments,harmony, history, counterpoint). Learningcan be fun and easyl Peter Ness, ARCT416-767-9747.FOR SALEEb BARITONE SAXOPHONE, excellent condition,hard case and stand. 00.00. Call 905-407-1979.~PHDPIF##Pl###§R#P#Pf~ (~ 314 Churchill Ave 'rJ Toronto , Ontario ?~ M2R 1E7 Can.:ld.n ~~ Tel: 416-224-1956 I(! Fax: 416-224-2964 '.r! MIKROKOSMOS www.mikrokosrnos .com ;.;! ((!r!(!"~(!"(!~(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!?;We buy yourclassical LPcollection(classical, such asBeethoven, Mozart ,Stockhausen)we travel anywhere~ for good collections'CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGFOR SALE: Finale music notation software,2003 version. Can be easily updated. Requesting$125 or best offer Contact 416-921 -2409 orlymack5 @ HORN Must sell, one-of-a-kind,double horn, by Reynolds. Excellent condition.Endorsement available. Call Jack at 416-721-4940.MUSICIANSAVAILABLEBARD - EARLY MUSIC DUO playing recorderand virginal availoble to provide backgroundatmosphere for teas, receptions or otherfunctions - greater Toronto area . For rates andinfo call 905-722 -5618 or email us atmhpape@ interhop.netMUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Smallensembles, Dance Band, Big Band; Cocktail Hour,Dinner music, Concerts, Shows; Classical, Contemporary,Dixieland, rraditional and SmoothJazz I JSL Musical Productions 905-276-3373.MUSICIANSWANTEDALTO SECTION LEAD POSITION forLeaside United Church (822 Millwood Road,Toronto). Eclectic choral music program withopportunities for solos. Thursday evening rehearsalsand Sunday morning services. ContactSharon Beckstead, 416-696 -6051 orsharon.beckstead@ sympatico.caBASS/ BARITONE WANTED for churchin Willowdale, right on subway line. Sight Readerplease. A little piano would be nice but notPRIVATE PIANO OR VOCAL LESSONSat Yonge & Steeles. RCM curriculum, or enjoyment.Music degree, CMEA member & 20 yrsessential. 0/ mo. Thursday rehearsal & oneSunday service. Solos not essential.experience. Limited spots available. Call). Wilsonat 416-223-2975.Call Derrick @416-434-3001.kcirredsiwel@hotmail.comROB CARROLL Jazz and classical guitar FESTIVAL WIND ORCHESTRA is seekinstruction,theory, ear training 416-703-5992,ing additional members. Instruments needed are:www.robcarroll.rsmrecords.comCLARINET, ALTO SAX, TROMBONE, TUBAand MALLETT PERCUSSION. Professionalconducto[ Three programs per season. Rehearsalson Tuesdays in the Yonge/Sheppard area.For details phone 416 -491 -1683 or visitwww.festivalwindorchestra.comMONTCREST SWING BAND needs a trumpet,trombone and guitarist. Wednesday 5-7 Broadview/Danforth.Great director, repertoire, lots ofgigs and fun. Mike 416-804-5161.MUSICIANS & VOCALISTS WANTEDINow auditioning for 3 of the Top 5 Dance/BigBands in Ontario! Saxophones/Trumpets/Trombones/ Gui tar/ Piano/ Bass/Dr urnsWWWSHERATONCADWELLCOM Phone416-712-2555.SERVICESACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX SERVICEfor small business and individuals, to save youtime and money, customized to meet your needs.Norm Pulker, B. Math. CMA. 905-251 -0309 or905-830-2985.COPYIST AVAILABLE: full scores, orchestralparts, transpositions (vocal, instrumental); goodrates; professional results; phone or e-mail forinfo/rates Attila 416 -575-7397takenotedme@hotmail.comThe PERFORMING EDGE Performance enhancementtraining in tension management,concentration, goal setting, imagery. Individualizedto meet your performance situation. KaterHays, practising clinical and performing artspsychology. 416-961 -0487www.theperformingedge.comSIMONE TUCCI Piano Tuner.'.fecbnician­Complete Piano Care Service -'Concert'Studio'Home'. Affiliated with TheRoyal Conservatory of Music piano servicestaff. Registered Craftsman Member of0 .G.PT Inc. Associate Memberof PTG. Ser v­icing Toronto and G.TA. areas. Call: 416-993-6332.CD 911d D~Pfuupli~~ · Sh-ort runs (5 - 500 or more) •Brochures ~4'• Colour or B&W printed CD's • PostersI •Complete packaging/~-· Business cards• Fast dependable s_ervlce • DJgita\~olour Printing• Top quality \ • Graphic Design \I • Co~ effective \ • Audio &.Video transfers- ~' ' I\ I. ~l y ~aarn 'i ~ Hi'~e-~ r,v iJ ~ !~ l \?JIJ° ll"\~~~'1J.Jd~- ' . !l!l.J_u~"~/' - •267'eshore Blvd. W. Toronto MSW 2N5 416 620-6933b,._ _L -~- .-,, ~ /WWW. TH EWHOLENOH.COM 6 3

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)