9 years ago

Volume 12 - Issue 3 - November 2006

  • Text
  • Theatre
  • Toronto
  • November
  • Jazz
  • Arts
  • Musical
  • Orchestra
  • December
  • Glenn
  • Gould

CENTREDISCSCENTREDISQUESCONGRATULATIONS TO CENTREDISCSON YOUR 25TH ANNIVERSARYCanada Council for the ArtsCBC RecordsTwo New Hours, CBC Radio TwoDistribution Fusion IllradioioClassica lSOCAN FoundationScreen Images Ltd.WholeNoteWorld Replication GroupCANADIAN MUSIC CENTRECENTRE DE MUSIOUE

wholenoteThe Toronto Concert-Goer's GuideVolume 12 #3, November 1 - December 7, 2006Copyright©2006 WholeNote Media, Inc.720 Bathurst Street, Suite 503, Toronto ON M5S 2R4General Inquiries: 416-323-2232 info@thewholenote.comPublisher: Allan Pulkerpublisher@thewholenote.comEditorial Office: 416-603-3786; Fax: 416-603-4791Editor-in-Chief: David Perlmaneditorial@thewholenote.comDiscoveries Editor: David Olds, discoveries@thewholenote.comBeat by Beat: Quodlibet (Allan Pu Iker); Early (Frank Nakashima); Choral (LarryBeckwith); World (Karen Ages); New Music (Jason van Eyk); Jazz (Jim Galloway, SophiaPertman); Band (Jack MacQuarrie); Opera (Christopher Hoile); TMA (Brian Blain);Musical Life (mJ buell); Books (Pamela Margles)Features (this issue): David Olds, Pamela Margles, Tiina KiikCD Reviewers (this issue): John Beckwith, Larry Beckwith, Seth Estrin, DanielFoley, Jim Galloway, Janos Gardonyi, John S. Gray, Richard Haskell, Tiina Kiik,Pamela Margles, Heidi McKenzie, Gabrielle Mclaughlin, Lesley Mitchell-Clarke,Frank Nakashima, Ted O'Reilly, Jamie Parker, Allan Pulker, Tom Sekowski, BruceSurtees, Andrew Timar, Robert Tomas, Ken Waxman, Dianne Wells, Mertin WilliamsEditorial Assistant: Donald PulkerProofreaders: Simone Desilets, Karen Ages, Sheila McCoyAdvertising, Memberships and Listings:Phone: 416-323-2232; Fax: 416-603-4791National & retail advertising: Allan Pu Iker, publisher@thewholenote.comEvent advertising/membership: Karen Ages, members@thewholenote.comProduction liaison/education advertising: Jack Buell, adart@thewholenote.comClassified Advertising; Announcements, Etc:Simone Desilets, classad@thewholenote.comListings co-ordinator: Les Redman, listings@thewholenote.comJazz Listings: Sophia Perlman, jazz@thewholenote.comCirculation, Display Stands & Subscriptions:416-406-5055; Fax: 416-406-5955Circulation Manager: Sheila McCoy, circulation@thewholenote.comPaid Subscriptions (/year + GST)Production: 416-351-7171; Fax: 416-351-7272Production Manager: Peter Hobbs, production@thewholenote.comLayout & Design: Verity Hobbs, Rocket Design (Cover Art)Web/ Systems/Special Projects 416-603-3786; Fax: 416-603-4791Systems Manager: Paul Farrelly, systems@thewholenote.comSystems Development: James LawsonWebmaster: Colin Puffer, webmaster@thewholenote.comDATES AND DEADLINESNext issue is Volume 12 #4 covering December 1, 2006 - February 7, 2007Free Event Listings Deadline: 6pm Wednesday, November 15Display Ad Reservations Deadline: 6pm Wednesday, November 15Advertising Materials Due: 6pm Friday, November 17Publication Date: Thursday November 30WholeNote Media Inc. accepts noresponsibility or liability for claims made forany product or service reported on oradvertised in this issue.CCAB Qualified Circulation,March 2005: 33,402Printed in Canada by CoutoPrinting and PublishingServicesCanadian Publication Product SalesAgreement 1263846ISSN 14888-8785 WHOLENOTEPublications Mail Agreement #40026682Return undeliverable Canadianaddresses to:WholeNote Media Inc.503-720 Bathurst StreetToronto ON M5S 2R4GREAT CHAMBER MUSIC DOWNTOWNVOGLER QUARTET OF BERLINA RARE MUSICAL UNANIMITYIn its 21st season together, the Voglerreturns to Toronto to play Haydn,Lutoslawski and Schubert.Thursday November 16 at 8 pmST. LAWRENCE QUARTETAS AN EXCITING TRIOViolinist Scott St. John returns to Toronto,but first violinist Geoff Nuttall is becominga father, so Geoff's 3 colleagues will openwith the Dohnanyi Serenade (a string trio).Cellist David Finckeland pianist Wu Hansparkle withShostakovich.And forces combine for Anton Arensky'sString Quartet for two cellos.Tuesday November 28 at 8 pmtorontdartsbouncif~ CanadaCouncil ConseildesArtsAn.,m o ••"ll"'-c• •~• '"Y"' '"'""'" ~forthe Arts du Canada~·YoR6Ni%atwww . mu sic~to ronto.comJane Mallett TheatreSt. Lawrence Centrefor the Artswww.thewholenote.com416-366-7723. 1-800-708-6754order online at www.stlc.comNOV EMBER 1 - D ECEMBER 7 2006 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM 9

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