9 years ago

Volume 12 - Issue 7 - April 2007

  • Text
  • Theatre
  • April
  • Toronto
  • Jazz
  • Arts
  • Musical
  • Yonge
  • Symphony
  • Choir
  • Orchestra

... CONCERTS: Toronto

... CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAof the five senses, works by Mcintosh, Roi,Gardiner, & Johnston. Diana Mcintosh, JaneBlackstone, Mary Gardiner, piano; BeverleyJohnston, percussion. Heliconian Hall. 35Hazelton Ave. 416·239·5195. .- 8:00: International Bellydance Confer·ence of Canada. Ma1i1stage 1 PerformanceSolo, duet, & ensemble; see Announcements forrelated events. Hungarian Canadian CulturalCentre, 840 St. Clair Ave. West. 416·920·5593..- 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music,Glenn Gould School. Student Recital. MauraBellimo, violin. Concert Hall, 90 Croatia St. 416·408·2824 x32 l. Free.- 8:00: Streetsville Musicorp. Justus.Pattin' on the Glitz. Music from the 30's &40's: Gershwin, Porter, Berlin & Big BandSwing. Meadowvale Theatre, 6315 Montevi·deo Rd., Mississauga. 905·615-4 720. ·.- 8:00: The Music Gallery. Momca Germino·Plugged & Unplugged. Inter Avant series; soloprogram for violin, voice, soundtrack, effects,movement, & film from Amsterdam; ter Veldhu·is: Suites of Lux, for electric violin and soundtrack(short version); Bach: Sarabande, from Partita II ind, BWV.1004; Andriessen: Xenia; Glass: StrungOut, for amplified violin; Goebbels: Part 6 fromBagatellen !Ur Violine, for amplified violin withdistortion, and samples; Brown: The Bravery ofWomen, with film and soundtrack; Gordon:Industry, for adapted violin and electronics. 7:00:Artist's talk. Saint George the Martyr Church,197 John St. 416-204· l 080. ; O(sr/member); (st).-8:00: Toronto Symphony OrchestraHosts. National Arts Centre Drc/1estra. Bach:Violin Concerto #2; Schoenberg: Verklarte Nacht;Schumann: Symphony #4 ind (Tragic). PinchasZukerman, violin/conductor. Roy Thomson Hall,60 Simcoe St. 416·593-4828. ·$120.- 8:00: Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra/Concert Winds. The Planets. Holst: ThePlanets, Op.32 (scored for concert band &chorus); Zdechlik: Psalm 46; Hosay: BlackGranite; & other works. Agincourt Singers;James Pinhom, Colin Clarke and Michael Perkins,conductors. George Weston Recital Hall, TorontoCentre forthe Arts, 5040 Yonge St. 416·872-1111. .50; $l 5(st).- 8:30:Hugh's Room .Madvtolet. 2261Dundas St. West. 416·531 ·6604. ;(adv).Friday April 20- 7:00: Peter Margolian and Friends.Chamber Music. Asafiev: Sonatina, for oboe andpiano; O'Carolan: Fanny Power, for harp andstrings; Casadesus: Sonate pour flute et piano;Martin: Trio: Variations on Irish Folk Tunes, forviolin, cello, and piano; Bach: Trio Sonata in G;Loeffler. Two Rhapsodies, for oboe, viola, andpiano. Hazel Boyle, oboe; Peter Margolian, piano;Charlotte Garcia, harp; Irene Bradshaw, GinaMaenhaut, Steve Prime, violins; John Whittacker,viola; Allan Shantz, Denis Kulesha, cellos; JonnaLights tone, flute. Performing Arts Lodge, 110The Esplanade. 416·250·5475. Free.- 7:30: Maple Grove United Church. TorDPercuss1ort Duartet. New Commissions fromStanford, Burrows, & Morphy. Richard Burrows,Jamie Drake, Christa Mercey, Daniel Morphy,performers. 346 Maple Grove Dr., Oakville. 416·788·8272. $ l 0.- 7:30: Willowdale Presbyterian Church.Bae/I & Pops. Derrick Lewis, piano/organ; MeriDolevski, clarinet/piano; Mark Mc Kie, violin;Joshua Zung, clarinet; Eaunice Asuncion, piano.Willowdale Presbyterian Church, 38 Ellersle Ave.64 7· 238·2921. , O(sr/st); $ 5112 &under).- 8:00: CBC On Stage. Fmal Fantasy. OwenPallett, violinist. vocalist & songwriter. GlennGould Studio, 250 Front St. West. 416·205·5555. ; (sr/st).- 8:00: Embrujo Flamenco. Flamen tango.Blends traditional Andalusian flamenco withsearing Argentinian tango. Maria Serrano, dancer.Elgin Theatre, 189 Yonge Street. 416·8 72-5555. ·5; (st, rear balcony only).- 8:00: Etobicoke Musical Productions.Man of La Mancha. By Dale Wasserman, lyricsby Joe Darion, music by Mitch Leigh, derivedfrom Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes.Bumamthorpe Auditorium, 500 The East Mall.416·248-0410. ; (16 & under). Forcomplete run see music theatre listings.- 8:00: International Bellydance Confer·ence of Canada. Mairtstage 2 Petfo1manceSolo, duet, & ensemble. See Announcements forrelated events. Hungarian Canadian CulturalCentre, 840 St. Clair Ave. W. 416-920·5593..- 8:00: Markham Theatre for PerformingArts. Puttin' Ort tile Ritz. Kerry Stratton conductsGrand Salon, Canada's Palm Court Orchestra.171 Town Centre Blvd ., Markham. 905·3057469. .- 8:00: Oakville Centre for the PerformingArts. Jesse Cook. ' SOLD OUT'- 8:00: RCM. GGS New Music Ensemble.Glenn Gould School Students from brass,woodwind, string, piano, harp, percussion &voice departments; Brian Current, conductor.RCM Concert Hall, 90 Croatia St. 416-408·2824 x321. Free.- 8:00: Scarborough Gilbert & SullivanSociety. The Mikado, or The Town of TitipuBrian Farrow, music director; Judi White,artistic director; Stan Farrow, piano accompa·nist. Stan Farrow Auditorium, David & MaryThomson Collegiate Institute, 2740 LawrenceAve. East. 416-424· 1850. ; (60 + ,under 19). For complete run see music theatrelistings.- 8:00: Small World Music. ShivkumarSharma and Zaloi HussaJ/1. Indian classicalmusic, santoor and tabla players; 2007 SouthAsian Music Festival. George Weston RecitalHall, Toronto Centre For The Arts, 5040Yonge St. 416·870·8000. · .- 8:00: Stephen Satory. Solo PianoRecital Works by Beethoven, Chopin, &Bartok. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave.416·969·0279. ; O(sr/st).Dr. STEPHEN SATORYPiano Music by Beethoven,Chopin and Bart6kFriday, April 20 at 8 pmHeliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave.Tickets at door , sis- 8:00: Streetsville Musicorp. Just/lsPuttm on t/Je Glitz Meadowvale Theatre,Mississauga. See Apr 19.- 8:00: The Music Gallery/UndertonesMusic. FemBots, Nathan lawr & the Mmotaws.Pop Avant series; frantic pos t·industrial folksongs; rock soul troubadours. Guests: NathanLawr, drums; Paul Aucoin, vibraphones; GregSmith, bass; FemBots: Dave Mac Kinnon, BrianPoirier. Saint George the Martyr Church, 197John St. 416·924-4945. $12; O(adv).- 8:00: Toronto Consort. The Ntght Games ofStena (le Veg!te dt Siena) A madrigal comedy byOrazio Vecchi; musical riddles, mimicry, doubleentendres & lusty play. Anne·Marie Gardette,Pierre Chartrand, dancers; Jean · Fran~ois Gagnon,commedia artist; Marie·Nathalie Lacoursiere,actor/stage director; David Fallis, artistic director.T rinity·St. Paul's Centre, 427 Bloor St. West.416·964·6337. .-8:30: Hugh's Room.AIStewa1t. 2261Dundas St. West. 416·531 ·6604. .50;(adv).-9:00pm: Association of ImprovisingMusicians Toronto/Arraymusic. LeftoverDaylight Se11es. Jazz & improvised music.Arraymusic Studio, Suite 218 (rear door). 60Atlantic Ave. 416·539·8752. . O(slidingscale).Saturday April 21- 1 :OD: Royal Conservatory of Music.Glenn Gould School Showcase. Brass. RCMConcert Hall, 90 Croatia St. 416-408·2824x321. Free.-1:30&3:30: Toronto Symphony Orches·tra Hosts. Tomoavw's Symphony Today/ Ravel:Tzigane; Prokofiev: Lieutenant Kije Suite (ex·cerpts); for ages 5· 12. Toronto Symphony YouthOrchestra; Toronto Children's Chorus; AlainTrudel. conductor. Yz·hour preceding: pre.concertperformance. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St.416·593-4828. .50,.50.- 2:00 & 8:00: Streetsville Musi corp.Justus. Putti11' on tl1e Glitz. MeadowvaleTheatre, Mississauga. See Apr 19.- 3:00: Royal Conservatory of Music.Glenrt Gould School Showcase.· Ptarta RCMConcert Hall, 90 Croatia St. 416-408-2824x321.Free.- 5:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. RCMCommumty School Showcase. Students of allages, musical of all genres. RCM Concert Hall, 90Croatia St. 416-408·2824 x321. O; (srlst).Proceeds to support RCM Community SchoolMIMICO CHAMBER ORCHESTRApresentsJi-1,ir.: I:: v., ·.11 · , t i·;···-.! ·1.1 t· .. ·::J.·1·:·.1·;· !I !'f• 1 1 \ 1•.· l :r'i' .-. ! , r_.··;,• '. f ! t:;: ·1 ·1~··u·-: ·_. ~; · 1 ~ .- ··-•.~·:· : .... . '. I 1 l:!: 1_·1~ l hu i.•:•·?•'J .! ! - !.:' ~ ,- . : ' :: ~"1 f.,,;:! II d·::·!-:.;::.o !' 11 r ; 'I~

students & programs.- 7:00:Acoustic Harvest Folk Club. 10thYear Ar111ive1sary Celebration & Party PennyLang, Caitlin Hanford, Ken Whiteley, Ian Tamblyn,James Gordon, Nancy White, Anne Lindsay,Jason Fowler, David Woodhead, Anne Lederman,Liam Titcomb, Dala, The Choir Girlz, & manymore. St. Nicholas Anglican Church, 1512Kingston Rd. 416 264-2235. .- 7:00:St. James Town Youth Choir.Fundrarsmg Concert. Folk and popular music. IanCrowley, director. Rosedale Presbyterian Church,129 Mt. Pleasant Rd.416921-1931. ;(adv).- 7:30: Canadian Opera Company. ElektraBy R. Strauss; unreduced score. Susan Bullock,soprano; Ewa Podles, contralto; Thomas deMallet Burgess, director; Richard Bradshaw,conductor. See May 5 Announcements for OperaExchange Symposium. Four Seasons Centre forthe Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. West. 416·363-8231. -5; -(15 & underwith adult); (spec price, call). For completerun see music theatre listings.- 7:30: Fairlawn Avenue United Church.Jazz in Sacred Spaces. Gospel jazz, classichymns & gospel tunes (Abide with Me, Rock ofAges, etc.) infused with jazz rhythm & soul.Peter Woods, saxophone; Brian Browne, piano. 28Fairlawn Ave. 416-481-6848. . Proceeds toChurch greening initiative.- 7:30: High Park Choirs of Toronto/Hamilton Children's Choir. S111g Into Spring!Open community concert, featuring music ofStephen Hatfield. Stephen Hatfield, guestconductor; Zimfira Poloz, artistic director. St.Anne's Anglican Church, 270 Gladstone Ave.416· 762-0657. Offering.- 7:30: Music On The Oonway. CelebrateTl1e World. International tunes. Hilariter: 10 piecevocal/instrumental group with guitars, keyboard,violin, flute & percussion; Daniel Rubinoff,saxophone. The Donway Covenant United Church,230 The Donway West. 416-444-8444. ;$12(12 & under).- 7:30: The Mimico Chamber OrchestraDark Pearl Mozart: Symphony #40 (Lambach);Brahms: two Intermezzi. The Assembly Hall, 1Colonel Samuel Smith Park Dr. 416-504-7529.; O(st).- 7:30: Singing Together. Sri1gri1g Togetl1er.Pait II Twelfth multi-cultural concert; see Apr 14for Part I. Chinese Canadian Choir ofT oronto;Edelweiss Chor (Austrian); T rilliumJapaneseChoir of Toronto; Coro Italia L' Aquila (Italian);Cro.Arte Chorale (Croatian). Toronto KoreanPresbyterian Church, 67 Scarsdale Rd. 416-667·0468. .- 7:30: Toronto Youth Theatre MainStage. Crtyof Angels. Book by Larry Gelbart,music by Cy Coleman, lyrics by David Zippe!;musical comedy in contemporary jazz idiom, setin 40's Hollywood. Papermill Theatre, TodmordenMills, 67 Pottery Road. 866-808-2006. ;(st). For complete run see music theatrelistings- 7:30: University ofToronto Faculty ofMusic. Opera Series Ope1etta and MusicalTheatre. Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Buildng,UolT, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. ;(sr/st). For complete run see music theatrelistings.- 8:00: Academy Concert Series. Freedam & Fire Music by Beethoven, Mendelssolm & Spohr: Beethoven: "Harp" Quartet,Op.74; Mendelssohn: String Quartet, Op.12;Spohr: Fantasy & Variations, Op.81 ; and otherworks. David Stewart, Paule Prefontaine,violins; Stephen Marvin, viola; ChristinaA PR IL 1 - M A Y 7 2 0 0 7SHOWCASE FESTIVALA weekend of concerts featuring talented students from The RoyalConservatory of Music. FREE unless otherwise indicated.NEW MUSIC ENSEMBLEGlenn Gould School StudentsBrian Current conductorMusic by Edgar Varese, BrianCurrent, Tod Machover and aWorld Premiere by Omar DanielFRIDAY, APRIL 20, 8 PMCOMMUNITY SCHOOL SHOWCASEStudents from the RCM CommunitySchool's diverse programs adults, students & seniorsSATURDAY APRIL 21, 5 PMRCM Concert Hall90 Croatia Streetl+I HeritageCanadianPatrimoinecanadienWWW, TH EW HOLENQTE.CO MGGS SHOWCASE CONCERTSStudents from The Glenn GouldSchool brass, woodwind, string , piano,harp and percussion studiosSATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1 & 3 PMSUNDAY, APRIL 22, 12, 2 & 5 PMYAPA SHOWCASEStudents from the Young ArtistsPerformance AcademySATURDAY APRIL 21, 8 PM416.408.2824, ext.

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