... CONCERTS: Toronto and GTA- 8:00: Jazz at Oscar's. JMC Project.Arbor Room, Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle.416-978-2452. Free.- 8:00: Performing Arts York Region.Music of Clarke, Coulthard, Ravel & Dvorak.Made in Canada Piano Quartet: Judy Kang,violin; Sharon Wei, viola; Denise Djokic, cello;Angela Park, piano. Thornhill PresbyterianChurch. 271 Centre St. 905 886-2012. .- 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall. InternationalVocal Recitals: Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, soprano,Farewell Tour. Warren Jones, piano. 60Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. -5.- 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music.Dance & Romance. Debussy: Nocturnes;Kodaly: Dances from Galanta; Prokofiev:Romeo and Juliet selections. Royal ConservatoryOrchestra of the Glenn Gould School; UriMayer, conductor. George Weston RecitalHall, Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040 YongeSt. 416-872-1111 . 1adult); Olsr&st).- 8:30: Hugh's Room. The Bums Sisters.WOMEN'S MUSICAL CLUB OF TORONTOThe Women's Musical Club of Toronto gratefully acknowledges thegenerous support of the following for its llOth Anniversary season:SERIES SPONSORBMO e· Financial GroupGuest: Cara Luft. 2261 Dundas St. West.416-531 -6604. .50;.501adv).Saturday October 20- 12:30,2:30,4.30,8:00pm: Eve Egoyan/Earwitness Productions. Alvin Curran's 'InnerCities". Eve Egoyan, piano. Glenn GouldStudio, 250 Front Street West.416-205-5555. ;isr/st).- 1 :00: York University Department ofMusic. Gospel Inter-Varsity Explosion(G./. V.E.J. Works by Franklin, Pace, Kee andothers. YU Gospel Choir; Karen Burke, director;U of T Gospel Choir; Lisa Toussaint;Mc Master University Gospel Choir; HeavenSound of Humber College. Tribute CommunitiesRecital Hall, 219 Accolade E. YU. 4700Keele St. 416- 736-5186. Free.- 1 :30 & 3:30: Toronto SymphonyOrchestra. Roald Dahl's little Red RidingHood. Actors, puppets, costumes; for ages 5Celebratingthe 1 OOthAnniversaryDewi Sant Welsh United Churchpresents100 '.}]otce QtoncertQtpngerbb p Qtantfeaturing theToronto Welsh Male Voice ChoirBurlington Welsh Male ChorusSoloist/ Harpist -Gwenan Gibbard from WalesM.C.- Rev. Dr. Cerwyn DaviesSaturday, October 207:00 pmYorkminster Park Baptist Church1585 Yonge Street, TorontoTickets: www.ticketbreak.comContact: 416.485.7583www.dewisant.comto 12. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828. ;.- 3:00: Walmer Rd. Baptist Church. AProgram of Music for Soprano and Organ.Works by Mozart & Debussy. lmre Ohlah,organ; Paula Brooks, mezzo-soprano. 188Lowther Ave. 416-924-1121. Free, butdonations accepted.- 7:00: Toronto Welsh Male VoiceChoir/Burlington Welsh Male VoiceChorus. 100 Voice Concert (CyngerddMawreddog}. Guest from Wales, solo harp.Yorkminster Park Baptist Church, 1585 YongeSt. 416-443-9737. .- 7:30: Raag-Mala. Shujaat Khan, sitar.Medical Sciences Auditorium, 1 King 's CollegeCircle, UofT. 416-281-3725. ; 1mbr);1sr); 1sr mbr); 1st).- 7:30: St. Andrew's Lutheran Church.Organic Evolution 2. Classical music, jazz,folk, contemporary and music from othercultures. Rob Adlers organ; Ken Baird, SteveCochrane and Leif Bloomquist, guests. 383Jarvis St. 416- 705-2522. .- 7:30: Tallis Choir. Splendours of theGerman Renaissance. Works by Handel,Lassus & Striggio. St. Patrick's Church, 141Mccaul St. 416-286-9798. -.- 8:00: Dance Works. DW166: Recipes forCurry. inDANCE. See Oct 18.- 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall/Massey Hall.Art of Song. Sinead O'Connor, singer/songwrit ·er. Massey Hall, 15 Shuter St. 416-872-4255. .50-.50.- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchest ra.National Arts Centre Orchestra. Louie: InfiniteSky with Bird; Grieg: Piano Concerto; Haydn:Symphony No.49 ILa Passione); Tchaikovsky:Romeo and Juliet Fantasy-Overture. YujaWang, piano; Pinchas Zukerman, conductor.Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828. -3.Sunday October 21- 10:30am: Humbercrest United Church.gr;th Anniversary Celebration. Hymns ofCharles Wesley. Salvation Army TorontoBrass; Humbercrest Choir; Melvin J. Hurst,music director. 16 Baby Point Rd. 416-767-6122. Free.- 12:00 noon: Derek Macrae. Guitar SoloConcert. See Oct 7.Sun Life FinancialWomen's Musical Club of TorontoCentennial FoundationThe Catherine & Maxwell MeighenFoundationBen and Hilda Katz CharitableFoundationSonja N. KoernerKatheri ne L. MorrisonCharles H. Ivey FoundationManulife FinancialImperial Oil FoundationOntario Arts CouncilToronto Arts CouncilYamaha Canada Music Ltd.The Mcl ean FoundationThe Henry White Kinnear FoundationInvestors Group Matching GiftProgrammeCBC Radio MusicFaculty of Music, Universityof TorontoWMCT Members & FriendsALVIN CURRAN'S 'INNER CITIES'Saturday, October 20, 2007Movements 1-3 at 12:30 pm; 4-7 at 2:30 pm; 8-9 at 4:30 pmMovements 10-12 at 8 pm•Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. W.Box Office (416) 205-5555Tickets (all inclusive), students/seniors wmctrawmct. on.ca I www.wmct.on.ca I 41 6-923-705234 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COMBack to Ad Index
- 2:00: Bernie Lynch/Robert de Vrij. AnOld Fashioned Sunday Afternoon Vocal Concert.Bernie Lynch, tenor; Robert de Vrij, bassbaritone;David McCartney, piano. St. Anne'sAnglican Church, 270 Gladstone Ave. 905-792-7626. .- 2:00: Roy Thomson Hall/Massey/Royal Canadian Military Institute.Massed Military Band Spectacular. RTH, 60Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. .50-.50.- 2:00: Toronto Latvian Concert Association.Works by Schumann, Ginastera, MerabGagnidze and various Latvian composers.Liene Circene, piano. Glenn Gould Studio, 250Front St. West. 416-481-8616.(door);(st. with ID);free(under 16 withan adult).- 2:30: Aldeburgh Connection. SundayAfternoon Concert Series: New York Exotic.Songs by Britten, Porter & Greer. MonicaWhicher, soprano; Elizabeth Turnbull, mezzo;Colin Ainsworth, tenor; Mark Pedrotti, baritone;Stephen Ralls & Bruce Ubukata, piano.Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-735-7982. .- 3:00: Markham Concert Band. TheAmazing Journey. Ballet Parisien, SlavonicDances. Markham Theatre. 171 Town CentreBoulevard . 905-305-7469, 866-768-8801 ..50; .50(sr/child).- 3:00: Orchestra Toronto. Dance Capitalsof the World. Dvorak: Symphony No.9 "Fromthe New World"; Rodgers: Slaughter on TenthAvenue from On Your Toes; Bernstein: ThreeDance Episodes from On The Town; Copland:Suite from Rodeo. Pro Arte Danza, Errol Gay.conductor. 2: 15: Pre-concert talk by CatherineManoukian. George Weston Recital Hall,LLIS CHOIRDirected By Peter Mahon-pre.1ent.1-~pftU~UUtS nf f qr,ermau ~euaissaureFeaturing: THE "OTHER 40 PART MOTET"Ecce Beatam Lucetn by Striggwand mlldic by LaJJuJ, Hand!, Ha.JJ!e,~ and GabriefiSATURDAY, October 20, 7:30 PMSt. Patrick's Church, 141 McCaul St.(north of Dundas)Tickets: , seniors, students with IDInfo: 416.286.9798ORDER ONLINE AT www.tallischoir.com"'~,2007-2008 season subscriptionsstill available: call or visit us online ! ~_,--::,-- r?. a /---) /( I t _...,.,7 /r.Dt~l!f -__/f -e u1?7;,lIJH_/ ( ) l /0.f'._cra Favorites by Mozar(djfenbach, Puccini and moreONTARIO ARTS COUNCIL(ONSEIL DES ARTS DE L'ONTARIOFeat11ri11g:wwdy Dobson - soprano Sarah Hailylmrto11 - sopranoLward whilifLq - Tenor DM~qirrs Tr,rnqrwda - BaritoneBrahm Goldhamer - PianoSunday, October 21St, 3:3oymHeliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton AveTickets I students and seniorsTickets available at the door416-4-66-3449 for more infoToronto Centre for the Arts, 5040 Yonge St.416-467-7142. ; (st/sr).- 3:00: Pax Christi Chorale. BuxtehudeSuper Concert with baroque string ensemble.Buxtehude: Missa Brevis and Magnificat,sonatas for violas da gamba, ciacona fororgan, harpsichord suite. Bruce KirkpatrickHill, organ; Joelle Morton and Justin Haynes,violas da gamba. Grace Church on-the-Hill,300 Lonsdale Rd. 416-499-0403.;;;.- 4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. JazzVespers: Brian O'Kane Ouintet. Music of DizzyGillespie. 1570 Yonge St. 416-920-5211.Free; donations welcomed.- 7:30: York Symphony Orchestra.Beethoven: Prometheus Overture; Brahms:Academic Festival Overture, Symphony No.1;Vieuxtemps: Violin Concerto No.5. Robert Han,violin. Markham Theatre. 905-305-7469.,--..,~/ ,/,} www.aldeburghconnect1on.org~/?£ Celebrating~ the Art of Songto ro ntdartsbo u n c i IAn arm's length body al th e City of TorontoNew York ExoticBritten, Pears, Auden, Bowles,McCul/ers, Gypsy Rose Lee ...1941 communal living ... anextraordinary menage ... a uniquemoment in American cultural history.Monica Whicher sopranoElizabeth Turnbull mezzoColin Ainsworth tenorMark Pedrotti baritoneStephen Ralls & Bruce Ubukata piano~ ONTARIO ARTS COUNCIL7-1\ CONSEIL DES ARTS DE t:ONTARIOSUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2:30 PM -WALTER HALLTickets: /student rush Call (416) 735-7982O CTOBER 1 - N OVEMBE R 7 2007 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM 35Back to Ad Index
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