Glenn Gould Studio . CBC Building.250 Front Street WestWEINBERG - Sonata for clarinet and pianoARENSKY • Quartet op. 35 for 2 violins . viola . 2 cellosMCDONAGH -Quintet for clarinet and stringsSCHULHOFF • String SextetJoining founding AMICI members ,Joaquin Valdepeiias and David Hetherington are:Erika Raum . violin: Stephen Sitarski . violin:Steven Dann . viola ; Teng Li . viola;Winona Zelenka, cello and Dianne Werner . piano .SINGLE TICKETS NOW ON SALE!Call the Amici Chamber EnsembleBox Office 416-368-8743 . 00 - 545 . 00Subscription packages starting at stillavailable. Call now and saveup to 22% on 4 great concerts!CALL: 416-368-8743www. am i ci ensemble. cornBfs C.:ln~d,,I COM l!lldrsAn1 PA_ Otlf,'..RIOARTSCOUrl(IL tOrOntCaftSbQUOCil~ forlheArt.l duC.:mad.s )'-'\. COIISE 1L0£SARrSOEl'O.'IU,Rfl ~' ,,..,, •~Q" • !•oJ, H •'• - - - - - - - 12:00noon: Hart House Music Commit-A TORONTO CHILDREN'S CHORUSElise Bradley. Artistic DirectorSINCI:: !97SSongs All Children Should KnowSunday October 28, 2007 at 4:00 pmTimothy Eaton Memorial Church230 St. Clair Avenue WestToronto Children's Chorus Training Choirspresent "Songs All Children Should Know:'Conducted by Artistic Director EliseBradley, and conductors Carole Andersonand Teri Dunn, this concert features worksby Kabalevsky, Vaughan Williams,Schumann, Coulthard, Dunhill and Handel.Adult: Student/Senior: Songs from Across the Seasand SeasoNZSaturday November 3, 2007 at 3:00 pmMetropolitan United Church56 Queen Street EastThis family concert features songs thatcelebrate the connection between Canadaand New Zealand, homeland of ArtisticDirector Elize Bradley.Adult: Student/Senior: Tickets and Information416-932-8666 x231www.torontochildrenschorus.comWWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM OCTOBER 1 - NOVEMBER 7 2007Back to Ad Index
tee. Midday Mosaics. Works by Haydn,Franck, Brahms & Mendelssohn. ValentinBlamer, piano. Hart House Music Room, 7Hart House Circle. 416·978·2452. Free.- 12:00 noon: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. Jennifer Goodine, organ. 1585Yonge St. 416·922· 1167. Free.- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Singing our Songs. Arias, art songsand ensemble pieces. Young artists from thestudios of Catherine Robbin, Norma Burrowes,Stephanie Bogle, Michael Donovan, JanetObenneyer and Karen Rymal; Karen Rymal, piano.Tribute Communities Recital Hall, 219 AccoladeE. YU. 4700 Keele St. 416·736·5186. Free.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. DirtyDancing. Written & created by EleanorBergstein. Kate Champion, choreography;James Powell, director. Royal AlexandraTheatre, 260 King St. West. 416·8]2. 1212,800-461-3333. ;; ;. Forcomplete run see music theatre listings.- 9:00pm & 10: 15pm: Mezzetta Restaurant.Wednesday Concert Series. Bill McBirnie, flute; Reg Schwager, guitar. 681 St.Clair Ave. West. 416-658-5687. Cover.Thursday November 01- 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Compa·ny. The Richard Bradshaw AmphitheatreChamber Series: Accordion Now from StreetCorner to Concert Hall Works by Berio,Pritchard, Hatzis. Joseph Petric, accordion;Alan Stanbridge, music-sociology professor.Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts,145 Queen St. West. 416-363-8231. Free.- 12:10: St. Paul's Foundation for theArts. St. Paul's Noon Hour Recital Series:Tom !itches, organ. St. Paul's Bloor StreetAnglican Church. 227 Bloor St. East. 416-961-8116 x251.Free.- 12: 15: Metropolitan United Church.Noon atMet Organ Recital. Janet Peaker, organ. 56Queen St. East.416-363-0331 x26. Free.- 12:30: Christ Church Deer Park.Noonday Chamber Music Concerts. Music byBach & Vivaldi. Nata Belkin, cello; BruceKirkpatrick Hill, organ. 1570 Yonge St. 416-920-5211. Free.- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Singing our Songs. Nathalie Nakhmanovich,piano. See Oct 31.- 7:00: St. James' Cathedral. The Eve ofall Souls. Faure: Requiem. Choir of St. James'Cathedral/St. James Singers. Andrew Ager,conductor. 65 Church St. 416-364-7865.Free; offering.- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Faculty Concert Series: SundarViswanathan Ouartet. Jazz standards andoriginal compositions. Tribute CommunitiesRecital Hall, 219 Accolade East, YU. 4700Keele St. 416- 736-5888. ;.- 8:00: Music Toronto. Ouatuor Bozzini.Vivier !arr Oesterle): Pulau Oewata; Stiegler:Namenlose Garten; Brahms: String Quartet inB flat, Op.67. Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 Front St.East. 416-366- 7723, 800-708-6754. ,118-35); lst, accompanying adult Y, price).- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Bach: St. John Passion. Laura Albino, AgnesZsigovics, soprano; Roxana Constantinescu,contralto; Lothar Odinius, tenor; Nathan Berg,Klaus Haeger, bass; University of TorontoBach Festival Singers; Helmuth Rilling, conductor.Part of the International Bach Festival. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828.-3.UKRAINIAN BANDURIST CHORUSOLEH lv1AHUIY -ARTISTIC DIRECTOR AND CONDUCTORu.n4'0Ll.L 017SUNDAY, OCTOBER 282:00 P.M.RYERSON THEATRE43 GERRARD STREET EASTTORONTOTICKETS AVALIABLE ATUKRAINIAN CREDIT UNIONBRANCHESFOR MORE INFORMATION ABOlIT THE CONCERT,POST CONCERT VIP RECEPTION, ANDGROUP SALES RATE, PLEASE CALL: 905.467.8238OR E-MAIL TO: UBCfORON'TC@JBANDURA.ORGVisit us on the World Wide Web at www.bandura.orgFriday November 02- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Singing our Songs. Raisa Nakhmanovich,piano. See Oct 31.- 8:00: Jazz at Oscar's. Jenny OwenYoungs. Arb or Room. Hart House, Universityof Toronto, 7 Hart House Circle. 416-978-2452. Free.- 8:00: Music Gallery. Double bill: JohnKameel Farah. piano + electronics, with video byEamon MacMahon; Hauschka, piano + electronics.197 John St. 416-204-1080. $TBA.- 8:30: Mississauga Arts Council. GoodRockin' Tonight. Living Arts Centre, 4141Living Arts Dr. Mississauga. 905-306-6000. and up.- 9:00: Mississauga Arts Council. Lava.Jazz Quartet include keyboard, guitar and 2vocals. Gator Ted's Tap & Grill, 419 DundasSt East, Waterdown. 905-690-3133.Saturday November 03- 11:00am & 2:00: Solar Stage Chil dren's Theatre. Tailor of Gloucester.Musical based on the Beatrix Potter story.William Martyn and Zenon Skrzypczyk,musical adaptation; Zenon Skrzypczyk, artisticdirector. Solar Stage, 1 DO Upper MadisonAve. 416-368-8031, 1-877-368-8031. .For complete run see music theatre listings.- 3:00: Toronto Children's Chorus.Songs from across the Seas and SeasoNZ.Songs that celebrate the connection betweenCanada and New Zealand. Elise Bradley,artistic director. Metropolitan United Church, 56Queen St. East. 416-932-8666 x231. ;.- 7:30: Gilbert & Sullivan Society ofToronto. Trial by Jury. St. Andrew's UnitedChurch, 117 Bloor St. East. 416-922-4415. lvistor); freelmember).- 7:30: Music On The Donway. Music ofDaniel Rubinoff and his Influences. Works byRubinoff, Debussy, Schumann & Tallis;Klezmer. Vania Chan, soprano; Ellen Meyer,piano; Daniel Rubinoff, saxophones; singersfrom the Tafelmusik Baroque Choir. DonwayCovenant United Church, 230 The DonwayWest. 416-444-8444. ;112yrs &under).- 7:30: Orpheus Choir. Ecce Car Meum.McCartney: Ecce Cor Meum; Chatman: ProudMusic of the Storm. Leslie Ann Bradley,soprano; Orpheus Choir ofT oronto, ChorusNiagara, London Pro Musica Choir; OrchestraLondon; Robert Cooper, Ken Fleet, conductors.Yorkminster Park Baptist Church, 1585 YongeStreet. 416-530-4428. ;.- 7:30: Willowdale United Church.Charity Fund Raising Concert for DxfamCanada. Works by Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt.Thomas Yu, Elina Kelebeev, Leonard Gilbert,Ricker Choi, piano. 349 Kenneth Ave. 416-889-9461 .' - 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall/Massey Hall/Ad Libitum Productions Inc. BernardLachance, singer/songwriter. Massey Hall, 15Shuter St. 416-872,4255. .50.- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Bach: St. John Passion. Roy Thomson Hall.See Nov 1.Sunday November 04- 1:30: CAMMAC/McMichael Gallery.Sunday Concerts. Stephanie Chua, piano/cello.McMichael Gallery, 10365 Islington Ave. 1-888-213-1121. ;$ l 5;.- 2:00: Jazz at R.Y. The Rick WilkinsOuartet. Royal York Road United Church, 851Royal York Rd. 416-231-1207. ;$ l 71sr). Inaid of various causes including Local Outreach,Youth Without Shelter, and Women's Habitat.- 2:00: Trio Bravo. Music by Ellenwood,Jacob, Ravel, Peterson, Reade, Babiak andMozart. Terry Storr, clarinet; Baird Knechtel,viola; John Selleck, piano. All Saints KingswayAnglican Church, 2850 Bloor St. West. 416-242-2131. $ l 8;.5Dlregular);;idoor).- 3:00: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. Raised in Song- Great Hymns andChoruses. Audience sing-along with greathymns & choruses from favourite oratoriomasterworks. Giles Bryant, raconteur; WilliamMaddox, organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167.- 4:00: St. James' Cathedral. TwilightRecital Series: Allan Pulker, flute; AndrewAger, organ. C.P.E. Bach: Sonata in a; J.J.Ouantz: Concerto in G. 65 Church St. 416-364- 7865. Free.- 4:30: St. Clement's Anglican Church.Commemoration of all Souls. Vierne: MesseSolennelle. St. Clement's Choir, ThomasFilches, conductor. 59 Briar Hill Ave. 416-483-6664. Donation accepted.- 7:30: Les AMIS Concerts. Viennese Duo.Works by McConnell, Kreuz, Sulzer, Schrodl,& Hueber. January Reznicek, viola; EduardSpacil, piano. Heliconian Hall, 35 HazeltonAve. 905-773-7712. ;;.- 8:30: Hugh's Room. Ian Tyson. 2261Dundas St. West. 416-531 -6604.;.5Dladv).Monday November 05- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Classical Instrumental Recital SeeOct 22.- 7:15: Toronto Theatre Organ Society/Kiwanis Club of Casa Loma. WurlitzerTheatre Organ Pops. Donna Parker, organ.Casa Loma, 1 Austin Terrace. 416-499-6262.lidoor); 1advance).- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. YU Chamber Choir. Works by Palestrina,Rossini, Gerton, Miintyjiirvi, Ahlen, Part,Daley & Britten. Nathalie Lalkens-Doucet,piano; Lisette Canton, director.Tribute CommunitiesRecital Hall, 219 Accolade East, YU;4700 Keele St. 416- 736-5888. ;.- 8:00: JAZZ. FM91. Sound of Jau ConcertSeries: Kind of Blue. Kevin Turcotte Pat LaBarbera,Richard Underhill, Bernie Senensky, BrandiO CTO BER 1 - N OVEM BER 7 2007 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM 41Back to Ad Index