9 years ago

Volume 13 - Issue 2 - October 2007


THEROYALCONSERVATORY OFMUSICDon't just listen to music ...Make it!Progressive SongwritingWorkshopSunday, November 18Join other songwriters to craft a newsong and then give it a twist! Choosefrom specialized workshops onproduction, MC techniques or jazzarrangements. The final sessionbrings all three styles together tocreate a musical masterpiece.Limited spaces - Register today416.408.2825www.rcmusic.caANNOUNCEMENTS, ... WORKSHOPS, ETCby Mike Spring. (Preceding 11 am Cello/PianoRecital- see daily listings.I Centenary UnitedChurch, 24 Main St. West, Hamilton. 905-525-9140 ext.23674. .*October 7 11am-12 noon: MNjcc. SundayMusic lecture: I'm always Chasing .. ... Dollar:Early Tin Pan Alley & the American MusicBu$ine$ $. See September 23.*October 17 7:30: Mozart Society. lainScott will discuss Mozart's opera ldomeneo,with audio/video illustrations. Sunderland Hall,First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto, 175St. Clair Ave. West.416-201-3338. (nonmembers),members free.*October 22 6:00: Toronto Bach Festival.St. John Passion: Film & Commentary.Presentation and discussion of the Passion infilm and text, featuring excerpts from Pasolini's "The Gospel According to St. Matthew"& Saville's "The Gospel of John" (narrated byChristopher Plummer); followed by paneldiscussion on John's presentation of thebetrayal, trial & crucifixion in comparison withthe account of Matthew & the other gospels.Isabel Bader Theatre, 93 Charles St. West.416-978-3744. General admission.*October 22 8:00: Toronto WagnerSociety. Wagner in the Stratton Collection.Lecture by Stephen Clarke on Ring Cyclerecordings from outside Germany. Arts andLetters Club, 14 Elm Members free, non·members by donation ( suggested).*October 23 12:00 noon: Toronto BachFestival. Bach Talk. Interactive discussion,lecture and panel with Bach Artists andScholars, moderated by William Littler. WalterHall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744, 416·978-3515. Free.*October 2412:00 noon: Toronto BachFestival. Bach Talk. See October 23.* October 2512:00 noon: Toronto BachFestival. Bach Talk. See October 23.*October 26 12:00 noon: Toronto BachFestival. Bach Talk. See October 23.Carlos. Speakers include Hans Schulte, T.J.A.Le Goff, Roger Parker, Joseph Ziegler. Fol·lowed by panel discussion with members ofthe COC's creative teams. 416-363-8231 .Isabel Bader Theatre, 93 Charles St. W. ,(Uo!T faculty). (st with ID).MASTER CLASSES*October 5 3:00-5:00: University ofToronto Faculty of Music. Ken PageMemorial Trust Jazz Master Class. Led byTom from The Rex. Boyd Neel Room, 80Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.*October 12 3:00-5:00: University ofToronto Faculty of Music. Selling andPromoting Jazz. Master class with LeslieMitchel Clarke and Scott Morin. Boyd NeelRoom, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.*October 13 7pm-9:30pm: proVOCEStudios Canada. Vocal master class withMichael Warren OMA. An organic approach tovocal technique that enhances innate talentwith a secure technical process. Auditorswelcome. College Street United Church, 452College St. 416-413-1657. .*October 14 2:00-5:30: Singing Studio ofDeborah Staiman. Master class in musicaltheatre/audition preparation, using textualanalysis and other interpretative tools for the"sung monologue". Yonge & Eglinton area -please call for exact location. 416-483-9532,*October 22 12:00 noon: Toronto BachFestival. Singing Bach. Vocal master classes.Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744, 416-978-3515.*October 23 2:00: Toronto Bach Festival.Discovery Series. Observe open rehears·als and conducting master classes withtalented young singers & conductors. TheFleck Family Foundation Bach Academy forYoung Choirs program hosts school anduniverstiy choirs. Walter Hall, 80 Queen'sPark. 416-978-3744, 416-978-3515. Free.*October 24 2:00: Toronto Bach Festival.Discovery Series. See October 23.*October 27 10am-4pm: Canadian Opera *October 25 2:00: Toronto Bach Festi-Company/Munk Centre for lnternation- val. Discovery Series. See October Studies. The Dpera Exchange: Verdi's DonToronto: (Dufferin & Bloor)Lawrence Park: (Glenview Senior P.S.)416.408.2825Mississauga: (Cawthra & Lakeshore)905.891.7944Back to Ad IndexWWW. TH EWHO LENO TE.COM

*October 26 2:00: Toronto Bach Festival.Discovery Series. See October 23.*October 26 3:00-5:00: University ofToronto Faculty of Music. Master classwith the David Occhipinti Group & MikeMurley. Boyd Neel Room, 80 Queen's Park.416-978-3744. Free.*October 28 2:00-5:30: Singing Studioof Deborah Staiman. Master class inmusical theatre/audition preparation. SeeOctober 14.*November 4 2:00-5:30: Singing Studioof Deborah Staiman. Master class inmusical theatre/audition preparation. SeeOctober 14.WORKSHOPS*October 5 7:30-10pm: Recorder Players'Society. Opportunity for recorder and/orother early instrument players to play Renaissance& Baroque music in groups. Church ofthe Transfiguration, 111 Manor Rd. East.416-534-7931. O(CAMMAC member),(non-member).*October 6 1 :00-4:45: CAMM AC. Workshopin the Kodaly Sight Singing Method. Ledby Annamaria Dan. Northern District Library,40 Orchard View Blvd. 416-421-0779,*October 10 8:00: St. Gabriel's CatholicChurch. Organ & midi workshop. HectorOlivera, organist & clinician. 670 SheppardAve. East. 877-676-5263 xl. Free admission(pre-registration required).*October 13 9am-4pm: Toronto EarlyMusic Players Organization. All-daySaturday workshop on early music for winds& strings, led by Francis Colpron. Bring yourearly instruments & stand. Rosedale HeightsSchool for the Arts, 711 Bloor St. East. 416-778- 7777. .*October 131:00-4:45: CAMMAC. Workshopin the Kodaly Sight Singing Method. SeeOctober 6.*October 17 7:30: Toronto ShapenoteSinging from Sacred Harp. Beginnerswelcome. St. Stephen-in-the-Fields, 103Bellevue Ave. 416- 922-7997*October 20 9am-5pm: Muskoka Saxo·phone Society. Saxorama 2007. Guestclinician: James Houlik; presentation onsaxophone care by Gino Nobili; performancesby the Huntsville Saxophone Ensemble,Gravenhurst Saxophone Quartet; local saxophonists;Muskoka Saxophone Choir. St.Attention: Opera SingersDo you have a dream rolethat you want orneed to perform?It is easier than you think!More info: www.OperabyRequest.caopei-~ by i-e~uest01rec1or: Wiffiam ShookhoffOCTOBER 1 - NOVEMBER 7 2007Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Huntsville.705- 789-8860. .*October 20 1 Oam-4pm: Toronto EarlyMusic Centre. Pastime with Good Company:Viola da Gamba Workshop. Coached gambaconsorts with Rachel Cama-Lekx (Boston) andJosh Lee (Atlanta). Auditors welcome. 10Cardinal Place. Space is limited; pleasecontact Joelle Morton by October 5: 416-760-861 D. . Also available is a "NoviceClass" for those who are interested in rentinga viol (instruments available, please enquire).*October 20 1 :00-4:45: CAMM AC. Workshopin the Kodaly Sight Singing Method. SeeOctober 6.*October 26 7:30-1 Opm: Recorder Players'Society. Opportunity for recorder and/orother early instrument players to play Renaissance& Baroque music in groups. Church ofthe Transfiguration, 111 Manor Rd. East.416-534-7931. O(CAMMAC member),(non-member).*October 27 9am-2pm: Ontario Centrefor Music Software Training. SibeliusNotation Software Training. Level 1: Basictraining on note entry, creating a score,automatic accompaniment, publishing musicon the internet. Jean Mc Ken, presenter.Downtown location. For info & to register:416-476-8014. + GST.*October 28 2:00: CAM MAC. MusicalReading. Barry Peters leads a reading ofVivaldi's Credo. For singers with piano accompaniment.Elliott Hall, Christ Church DeerPark, 1570 Yonge St. 416-421 -0779, (non-members).*October 29 7:30: Toronto Early MusicCentre. Vocal Circle. Recreational reading ofearly choral music. Ability to read music isdesirable but not essential. 12 Millbrook Cres.416-920-5025. (non-members), membersfree.*October 30 8:00: Toronto Folk Singers'Club. Informal group that meets for the purposeof performance & exchange of songs. T ranzacClub, 292 Brunswick Ave. 416-532-0900.*November 3 & 4 2:00-5:00: CAMMAC.Ghanaian Music. Workshop with Ghanaianmusicians. Morningside-High Park PresbyterianChurch, 4 Morningside Ave. 416-421-0779,*November 4 1 :30-4:00: Toronto EarlyMusic Players Organization. Workshop onearly music for winds and strings, led by SusieNapper. Bring your early instruments & stand.Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave. 416-778- 7777. , members free.r- TRYPTYCH W~-~[[~ND OPfRA iAUDITIONS :Winter Opera Workshop(Lizzie Borden - Jack Beeson)and Future ProjectsSaturday, October 20, 2007416 763-5066 ext. 1info@tryptych.orgEdward Franko, Lenard WhitingArtistic DirectorsIIIIIIIIMUSICAL LIFEA CHORAL LIFE Q &AFeaturing DALLAS BERGENSERIES DEVISED AND EDITED BY MJBUELL;,;mr-----~~---------- - ·- -·- --------·---- zThe mission statement for Dallas Bergen's Univox says "UnivoxChoir is a community choir for young adults with relationshipbuilding, social responsibility and musical excellence at its core". Ibelieve those first two things are requisite for the latter.(Dallas Bergen, back row, left)What was your first ever choral experience?My first choral experiences came from my involvement in churchand school programs as a child but it wasn't until I went to juniorhigh school that I found my passion for choral music. Singingexcerpts of Carmina Burana with the Saskatchewan Honour Choirunder the direction of Doreen Rao was one of my first great choralexperiences. Around that time, during my final year of high school,I decided I wanted to be a choral singer, conductor and educator.What choirs have you sung with?I went on to study for a Bachelor of Music at the University ofVictoria where I was a member of the Chamber Singers and PrimaYouth Choir. I later lived in Thailand and found time to commute toBangkok to sing Messiah with the Thai National Symphony and achoir of Thais and expatriates from around the world-an incredibleexperience! After Thailand I went to New York where I sang witha number of choirs including a performance with Manhattan ConcertProductions at Carnegie HallAre you currently singing with a choir, or planning to?I have been a member of the Canadian Chamber Choir since2001. Upon coming to Toronto I joined the Nathaniel DettChorale and accepted section lead positions with All The King'sVoices and Humbercrest United Church. I am in my third seasonwith the NDC and Humbercrest. I sang with All The King'sVoices for one and a half seasons before being offered theconducting position with the Harbourfront Chorus, an adultcommunity choir, also on Tuesday evenings. I am also the foundingdirector of Univox, a community choir for young adults.Where does your choral singing fit into other aspects of your life?It is the other aspects of my life that have to fit into my life as achoral singer and director! Incredibly challenging - but myorganizational skills are ever improving. I owe tremendous thanksto my conductors and employers for accommodating my erraticschedule of tours, concerts and rehearsals.CONTINUES NEXT PAGEWWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM 51Back to Ad Index

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