A CHORAL LIFE Q &ACONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGEHonestly, I couldn't do enough choral singing to satisfy myhunger-and I don 't mean feeding myself! Each experience deepensmy connection to music and gives me more that I can give back tomy own ensembles. A choir is such an enigmatic instrument; thereare so many ways to communicate with your singers . There areconductors who possess a gorgeous gestural palate so they needn'tspeak during rehearsal. Others use anecdotes or imagery to getsingers to lift the music from the page. Some model incredibleartistry with their efficient rehearsal management and organization.Their mastery in these different areas is a constant source ofinspiration and one of the things I enjoy most about working withdifferent conductors.What kind of concerts do you like to attend? How often?Shamefully, I don' t attend as many concerts as I would like to. Mymusical commitments consume every weeknight while other workand my personal relationships occupy most of my other time. WhenI am able to take in a concert it is just as likely to be an outdoorrock show as an orchestral or choral performance. I love all typesof music. Hearing one of Toronto's professional choirs is alwaysinspiring. Best concerts I've ever been to? Phish at the Gorge inGeorge, WA , The Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir at theChan Centre at UBC and James Brown in Montreux, Switzerland.Do personal dynamics among singers affect the sound of a choir?Absolutely! I hope that it is not only our love for music but ourlove for one another that compels us to sing together. The voice isa unique instrument: there is no material object involved in thechanneling of our expressed emotions. To sing freely with artistryand expressiveness we need to first cast aside our inhibitions, ourpride, our insecurities. Before we can create sweet harmonymusically, we are required to be in harmony with one anotheremotionally. At the centre of this is friendship.Does being in a choir offer social opportunities you would nototherwise have?Definitely. The opportunity to travel and the rapidity with whichrelationships develop on tour are part of what makes singing in achoir such an amazing experience. I was still in high school when Iwas first fortunate enough to travel internationally as a member of amusical ensemble. Every tour with the Dett Chorale yields incredibleexperiences of cultural bridge-building, social healing and personalgrowth, and memories that will last a lifetime.Singers, conductors, accompanists, and all otherfolks with the choral habit are invited to share theirexperiences. Professional or amateur: if you 'd like tobe part of A Choral Life Q&A,please contactmus icsch ii dren@thewho lenote. co m~ TENOR,ETOBICOKEWCENTENNIAL CHOIR BARITONE LEADSThe Etobicoke Centennial Choir invitesinquiries from tenor and baritone leads.This vibrant mixed-voice ensemble, now inits 41 st season, rehearses on Tuesday eveningsin preparation for an exciting 3-concertseries of varied choral repertoire.Contact: Susan Le Tendre, 416-622-6923sletendre@pathcom.comSheet Music & BookstoreEverything for the music loverWith thousands of instrumental and vocal music titles in-stockand direct access to hundreds of publishers worldwide, we areyour dedicated source for printed music, both popular and classical.We also boast one of the largest choral music collections inCanada with over 10,000 samples on display.For customers unable to visit our easily-accessible midtownlocation, we offer rapid & inexpensive shipping through ourtelephone order departmentwww.remenyi.com210 Bloor Street West, Toronto • 416.961.31111455 16th Ave. #6, Richmond Hill • 905.881.3400Tuesday, November 6th, 2007Session l: 2-4pm Session 2: 7 -9pmTo be held atThe Church of the Redeemer162 Bloor Street West(at Bloor and Avenue Rd)Come hear and sing compositions from profilecomposer, Bob Chilcott, one of Britain's mostactive composers and choral conductors.Mr.Chilcott has written a wide variety of choral music,including a significant amount of musicfor young choirs.Seating is limited, so please phone us at leastONE WEEK prior if you wish to attend416.961.3111 ext. 21852Back to Ad IndexWWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COMO CTOB ER 1 - N OVEM BER 7 2007
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