CIVIC LIGHT OPERA COMPANYFounded in 1979, our much-heralded musical theatrecompany makes its home at the Fairview Library Theatrein Toronto, offering unique, professional entertainment ataffordable prices. Each season we offer four productions.Our 100+ shows range from the well-loved Broadwayclassics to revues and concert stagings to more obscureshows also deserving of attention, recent examples beingthe February 2006 Canadian premiere of Titanic: TheMusical and 2004's first-ever Canadian production ofRodgers and Hammerstein's lost masterpiece, Allegro, bothof which played to sold-out houses and phenomenal reviews.A world-premiere original musical adaptation of TheWonderful Wizard of Oz---score by James P. Doyle, bookby Joe Cascone- was staged in 2000 and 2002, tocorn prehensive acclaim.This season, we offer Irving Berlin's As ThousandsCheerlrom Sep 5 to 22, Meredith Willson' s - Here's Love- The Miracle on 34 Street Musical from Dec 5 to 23, Kander&Ebb's TheRinklromFeb 13 to Mar I, and the Broadwayclassic Kismet from May 22 to June 8.Join us as our theatrical journey continues!Joe Cascone, artistic directorSubscription information/box office: 416-755-1717www.civiclighloperacompany.comCONTACT CONTEMPORARY MUSICCONTACT contemporary music is one of Toronto's mostinnovative new contemporary music organizations and isset to embark upon its filth concert season. Our 2007/2008concert season is our most ambitious season to dateas we present the world premiere production of the multimediamusic/video concert by New York composer DavidLang entitled Elevated, featuring films by William Wegman,Matt Mullican, Bill Morrison and Doug Aitken. Theproduction will tour to Queen's University in Kingston andthe National Archive in Ottawa. We continue our season asa presenter in the second edition of soundaXis, and end theseason with our annual Official Pride Event concert, GirlOn Girl, featuring virtuoso performer Lori Freedman.In addition to our concert activity, we are establishinginnovative community outreach and audience developmentprograms that further our ties to the community. In additionto the first ever Toronto (new music) Marathon on September8, we will continue our successful workshop for youth calledMusic From Scratch, engaging youth with professionalcomposers and musicians to explore their creativity in July,'08.Akiyo Hattori and Jerry Pergolesi, artistic directors416-902-7010info@contaclconlemporarymusic.cawww.conlaclcontemporarymusic.caCONTINUUM CONTEMPORARY MusicContinuum presents works by emerging and establishedCanadian and international composers. The core ensembleis made up of Anne Thompson (flute). Max Christie(clarinet), Benjamin Bowman (violin), Paul Widner (cello),Laurent Philippe (piano) and Ryan Scott (percussion), andis often augmented by voice, other instruments orelectronics. The group has toured Canada and Europe, isheard on radio and television and recently released SeaChange, a CD of new discoveries and commissions.Concerts in the 2007-08 season include works from themost recent Call for Scores and works discovered throughresearch abroad, with commissions from ChristopherButterfield, Cassandra Miller, Justin Christensen, GyulaCsapo and Aaron Gervais. Concert dates are October 26,January 31, April 20 and June 8 (as part of the SoundaXisfestival) . This season Continuum also performs at the RoyalOntario Museum and on the Four Seasons Centre's freeconcert series.Now an institution, Continuum's biennial Call for Scoresis an important tool for discovering the latest generation ofcomposers and emerging musics. This year's Call is allCanadian - deadline November I, 2007.Jennifer Waring, artistic director416-924-4945adminislralor@continuummusic.orgwww.conlinuummusic.orgCOUNTERPOINT CHORALE"Dedicated to the community and to the performing arts"Counterpoint Chorale (CC) is a 45-voice and rapidlygrowing choral movement based in the university campuscorridor of downtown Toronto. Founded in 2001. by currentartistic director, Wm. Woloschuk, the choir is gaining widespreadrecognition for its passionate interpretation ofclassical and multi-lingual performances. The choir isaccompanied by professional soloists and orchestras. CC isaffiliated with Surrey Place Centre in a teaching andlearning adult choir capacity partnership. Become part ofthe CC experience by simply contacting us. We request thatyou attend 2 general rehearsals in September to validateyour commitment lo joining. Sectionals are scheduled onan alternating SA/TB basis: 6:15 - 7pm (Tuesdays) .General rehearsals are held on Tuesdays from 7:15 -9: 15pm at St Vladimir Institute - 620 Spadina St. (nearHarbord St). Free parking and easy mass !rans access.Wheelchair accessible.Contact: William Woloschuk416-253-4674vargar@rogers.comrqwww.counlerpoinlchorale.comCOUNTERPOINT COMMUNITY ORCHESTRACounterpoint Community Orchestra wasformed in 1984 by gay and lesbian, and ~gay and lesbian positive musicians toIprovide line music and create a deeper ~sense of community and diversity in ~.downtown Toronto. People from all walks of life are amongour more than 40 players. We welcome anyone with apositive outlook towards gay, lesbian, bi-sexual,transgendered and two-spirit people of our community.Come hear Counterpoint in its 24th annual season withexciting programmes of classical to new Canadiancomposers on December 1 (including Brahms SymphonyNo. I), March I (including Wotan's final aria of DieWalkure) and May 31 (including Symphony No. 3 in cminor by Saint-Saens.)We rehearse Mondays at 8 pm at the 519 Church St.Community Centre and regularly perform at St. Luke'sUnited Church (Sherbourne at Carlton). We welcome newplayers, volunteers, and members of our board of directors.Our player levels range from beginner to professional andwe will help you grow musically. As a registered charity weinvite gilts to support our many programmes.Terry Kowalczuk,conductor and music director: 416-658-5359Program Info: 416-925-9872 - extension 2066info@ccorcheslra.orgwww.ccorcheslra.orgCOUNTY TOWN SINGERSCounty Town Singers is a community choir based in Whitbybut drawing talented singers of all ages from the DurhamRegion. Under the direction of Barbara Ouellette with NataliaKolacz, accompanist, we practice Wednesdays from 7:30-IOpm at the Seniors' Centre on Brock St., Whitby. Auditionsare held twice a year, the first two Wednesdays after LabourDay, and after New Year's Day.We are now busily preparing our 40th AnniversaryChristmas concerts being held at Forest Brook Church inPickering Village, December 13 and 14 at 8pm. Make this86 WholeDote MEMBER PROFILES 2007-2008a wonderful way to kick-start your holiday season. Alsowatch for our 2008 Spring Shows in early May.With each new season we strive for musical excellencewhile presenting audiences with a wide variety ofchallenging choral music. We "Sing for the Love of It".The County Town Singers gratefully acknowledge thesupport of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, an agency ofthe Ministry of Citizenship and Recreation.Doreen Dean, publicity directorstandor@attglobal.netwww.countylownsingers.comCZECH COMMUNITY CONCERTS ATMASARYKTOWN,SCARBOROUGHUnder the auspices of Masaryk Memorial Institute, musicenthusiast Dr. Milos Krajny started a series of concerts forthe Czech community six years ago. In its seventh season,Masaryk Memorial Institute presents six classical concerts,one jazz concert (George Grosman) and one audiovisualpresentation on the Czech composer Leos Janacek(Catherine Belyea from CBC Radio). This year's concertsinclude: the Zemlinsky Quartet from Prague; KaterinaEnglichova, harpist with Milan Brunner, flute and MartaLaruincova, piano; Petr Macecek, violin; Gustav Belacek,bass; and Boris Krajny, pianist from Prague. All of theperformers are either of Czech or Slovak origin living abroador in Czech Republic or Slovakia, or must have a connectionto their land.Most events take place in the cozy Prague Restaurantat 450 Scarborough Golf Club Road, which comfortably seats120 people. If a larger crowd is expected, the downtownChurch of St.Wenceslas at 496 Gladstone Avenue is used.Our audiences are growing; presently we have 65subscribers. More information at Masaryk MemorialInstitute, 450 Scarborough Golf Club Road (Lawrence andMarkham area).Dr. Milos Krajny, artistic director416-439-4354THE DACAPO CHAMBER CHOIRThe DaCapo Chamber Choir was founded in 1998 and isdedicated to exploring unaccompanied music, primarily ofthe 20th century and later. Their performance seasonconsists of three annual concerts in Kitchener-Waterloo:once in the fall around Remembrance Day, a mid-winter,and a spring concert. Special guests this year includemezzo-soprano Esther Farrell (November), the GuelphChamber Choir (March), and saxophonist WillemMoolenbeek (May).During their 2007-2008 season, they will also beperforming as part of Brock University's Encore concertseries (March), with Kingston's Cantabile Choirs (April),and at the Royal Canadian College of Organist's nationalconvention Uuly).The choir's debut CD, "STILL", has received muchcritical praise, and was most recently heard on PrincetonUniversity's radio program Classical Discoveries.Leonard Enns, director519-725-7549info@dacapochamberchoir.cawww.dacapochamberchoir.caEAST YoRK CHOIRThe East York Choir, founded in 1988, is a mixed-voice,auditioned ensemble which performs an eclectic mix of choralworks often in collaboration with other artists andensembles. Mozart's Requiem, Orff's Carmina Burana,Handel's Messiah, and Vivaldi's Gloria are among thelarger works the choir has performed with orchestra orinstrumental ensemble. Our season consists of two concerts,as well as performances at benefits and community events.Our artistic director is Jenny Crober, and our accompanistis Elizabeth Acker.
Recent guest artists include percussionist LarryGraves, African drummer Fule Badoe, storyteller/dancerAdwoa Badoe, klezmer musician Jonna Lightstone, andharpist Lori Gemmell, as well as some of Canada's finestCeltic performers, including Loretto Reid, Anne Ledermanand Sharlene Wallace. Our concert on December 2 atEastminster United Church will feature excerpts fromHandel's Messiah with the Talisker Players, as well asselections with guest acoustic guitarists, Charlie Roby andPaul Bartlett.Join us in song and camaraderie (including once-amonthafter-rehearsal refreshments) on Monday evenings,7:30- 9:30pm at our new venue, Eastminster UnitedChurch.Jenny Grober, artistic director/conductor416-463-8225easlyorkchoir@sympatico.caEGLINTON Sr. GEORGE'S UNITED CHURCHThe choir of Eglinton St. George's United Church is a mixedvoiceensemble of 45, with 8 professional singers. It anchorsa music program of high quality and exuberant eclecticism.Highlights of the current season include: a LatinAmerican Thanksgiving service, October 7; four Gospelmusic Sundays (November) with Joe Sealy and AlanaBridgewater; a Sing-Along Messiah, December 2;Christmas Eve candlelight choral services; a CelticCandlemas service, February 3; Bach's St. MatthewPassion, with the Bach Consort under Yannick NezetSeguin, February 15; a Jazz Lent, with some of Canada'sfinest jazz musicians, Sundays from February 10 to March9; Palm Sunday with dancers from the Pia Bouman Schoolto music by Arva Piirt, March 16; Messiah, complete andwith orchestra, March 16; Easter morning with the TrilliumBrass, March 23; Concert for Italy, May 23; choir tour toItaly (including performances at St. Peter's Basilica inRome and St. Mark's, Venice), starling July 2.Eglinton St. George's choir is a hard-working, spiritedgroup, always delighted to welcome new members.Peter Merrick, director of music416-481-1141, ext. 340merrickmilchell@rogers.comwww.esgunited.orgELMER ISELER SINGERSThe 20-voice Elmer Iseler Singers, founded by the lateElmer Iseler, is entering its 29th season as one of Canada'smost illustrious, fully professional choral ensembles. Artisticdirector Lydia Adams has conducted the Singers since 1998.The choir has built an enviable international reputationthrough its concerts, broadcasts and recordings throughoutCanada, the United States and the international concertstage, performing repertoire that spans 500 years of greatchoral music. The choir has appeared at many nationaland international festivals, and, with Lydia Adams, hasrecorded eight CDs of Canadian music in the past 9 years.Touring is a major component of the Elmer Iseler Singers'activities. They were recently featured at the AmericanChoral Directors Association National Convention in Miami,Florida.Annual auditions are held each April/May.Our innovative GET MUSIC! educational outreachinitiative for secondary school students, community choirsand conductors provides inspiring workshops and stale ofthe art audio/video recording mentorship culminating inthe richness of shared performances between professionalartists and all participants.Lydia Adams, conductor/artistic directorJessie lseler, general managerJanel Johnson, administration manager416-217-0537inlo@elmeriselersingers.comwww.elmeriselersingers.comENSEMBLE TRYPTYCH CHAMBER CHOIREnsemble TrypTych Chamber Choir, a mixed choir of30 singers under the direction of Lenard Whiting, isnow entering its 7th season. ETCC performs four mainconcerts each year with music from the renaissance tonew works of the 20th century.The choir is open to all: auditions by appointment inSeptember. Weekly rehearsals are held on Tuesdayevenings from 7:30 to 9:45pm al Trinity PresbyterianChurch from September to May.This season's program starts out with a collaborationwith TrypTych Opera (see separate profile) for "MuchAdo About Opera" in September, then two performancesof Caval/eria Rusticana with Opera by Request inOctober, followed by a performance of part one of Handel'sMessiah in December and one of Finzi's Intimations ofImmortality in April, as well as the usual light-heartedconcert in May: "The Lounge Lizard's Laudation" - atribute to those glorious crooners of yesteryear.Lenard Whiting416-763-5066 ext.3elcc@tryplych.orgwww.lryplych.orgESPRIT ORCHESTRAEsprit is the only Canadian orchestra devoted exclusivelylo contemporary classical music, featuring new andestablished composers from Canada and abroad. Foundedin 1983 by music director/conductor Alex Pauk, EspritOrchestra plays an important role in developing Canadianmusical culture.Creative Sparks outreach concerts, the Toward a LivingArt Education Programme, and national and internationaltouring are important aspects of Esprit's activity. Esprithas been the recipient of three Lieutenant Governor's ArtsAwards, the Jean A. Chalmers, National Music Award, theVida Peene Award and the SOCAN Award for ImaginativeOrchestral Programming.Esprit's 2008 New Wave Composers Festival takes placeMay 4th- ll th with concerts primarily featuring works ofyoung composersAlex Pauk, music director/conductorJennifer Macerollo, operations manager416-815-7887info@esprilorcheslra.comwww.esprilorcheslra.comETOBICOKE CENTENNIAL CHOIRThe sixty-voice Etobicoke Centennial Choir is entering its41 st season of bringing the joy and beauty of choral musicto our community. Under the skilled direction of Dr. HarrisLoewen, the choir is challenged to pursue choral excellence.The choir is a welcoming group in which choristers sharea great camaraderie. Rehearsals are held on Tuesdays(7: 15 to I Opm) from September through May.Our 2007- 2008 season begins on December 7 & 8 with"That Christmas Feeling". The program combines a new"Gloria" by Peter Landey with traditional carol medleys byVaughn Williams and Holst, and includes familiar carols.On March 29, the choir performs a variety of favouriteWholenote MEMBER PROFILES 2007-2008 87oratorio choruses. Our season concludes on May 31 with"Choral Pleasures", a delightful combination of classicalmotets, Broadway selections and folksongs. All concertswill be performed at 8pm at Royal York Road United Church,851 Royal York Road, Etobicoke.New members are always welcome! Interested singersare invited to contact the choir through our website or thenumbers below, and/or attend a rehearsal.Dr. Harris Loewen, music directorHenry Renglich, accompanistLiz Fisher, president416-253-0214pslamp@sympatico.cawww.etohicokesings.comETOBICOKE COMMUNITY CONCERT BANDSpirited performances and thrilling sound characterizethe Etobicoke Community Concert Band, now into its seconddecade of music-making. An annual four-part subscriptionseries showcases a fantastic range of musical genres,innovative program themes and outstanding Canadianguest artists. This season opens with "Rhine Devine", aneclectic sampling of German-inspired works and livelyOktoberfest classics and featuring famed guest accordionistJoe Macerollo. "Christmas Pops" will serve up some of thegreatest hits of the festive season, accompanied by the sweetand swingy voices of the Etobicoke Youth Choir. "ClassicCeltic" promises energizing entertainment rooted in theCeltic tradition and performed by sizzling strings andconcert band. Then "let the games begin" as "OlympicFanfare" toasts the upcoming Summer Games in Chinawith magnificent music and special guests. And there'smore! The Etobicoke Community Concert Band alsoproduces an informal series of open-air concerts everysummer, lends great music to charitable events andcommunity causes, and provides numerous intimateperformances through its smaller ensembles such as thebrass quintet, flute choir and acclaimed Etobicoke SwingOrchestra.Dennis Locke, presidentJohn Edward Liddle, music www.eccb.caETOBICOKE PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA/ETOBICOKE YOUTH STRINGSWith an esteemed 40-year history of fine communityprogramming, the Etobicoke Philharmonic Orchestra willpresent a four-concert series of "Symphonic Sensations"under the dynamic leadership of new Music Director RobertoDe Clara. Great symphonies, wonderful shorter works, giftedguest artists and exceptional in-house talent promise todelight and inspire. "Opening Night" in October sets thecelebratory tone for this season with Mozart's Concerto forFlute and Harp and Dvorak's New World Symphony #9.Then the trumpets shall sound in December with "Comfortand Joy" featuring Haydn's Trumpet Concerto. "RitmoMediterraneo" conjures a February getaway to theMediterrranean with the Warren Nicholson Guitar Quartetand works by Rodrigo and Rossini. "Romancing theClassics" in April features the most passionate of music byVerdi and Tchaikovsky. Four sensational programs - hearit all, here with EPO!
wholenoteVolume 13, #2, October 1 -
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