EPO is also keeping the young at art through theEtobicoke Youth Strings, providing a unique experience forhighly motivated string players aged I O to 18 to rehearseand perform as an ensemble, and to shine individuallywith solo work, conducting and composing opportunities.Roberto De Clara, music director416-239-5665eporchestra@hotmail.comwww.eporchestra.caEYS:Shari Lundy, music director416-239-0523the.lundys@sympatico.caETOBICOKE SuzuK1 SCHOOL or MusicThe Etobicoke Suzuki School of Music, founded in 1982, isa co-operative of teachers with undergraduate or graduatedegrees in music and specialized training in the Suzukimethod obtained in North America, Europe and Japan.Our programme includes private lessons and group classesfor violin, viola and cello, music and movement, rhythmicreading, orchestra, and a daylong workshop with guestteachers and a variety of activities.Private lessons are held throughout Etobicoke,Brampton and West Toronto. Group classes are Wednesdayevenings in Etobicoke. ESSM holds school-wide groupconcerts in the late fall and spring and solo recitals inJune, with many other performing opportunities throughoutthe year. The ESSM believes every child can learn andenhance their quality of life through the study of music.Parental involvement is key to the Suzuki approach. Theparent attends lessons with the child and acts as "hometeacher" in practice sessions. Thus a strong co-operativerelationship between teacher, parent and child isestablished, and they can grow together through the mutualexperience of learning to play an instrument.Ann Balmer, administrator:416-239-4637etobicoke.suzuki@sympatico.cawww.etobicokesuzukimusic.caEXULTATE CHAMBER SINGERSOver a 27-year history, the Exultate Chamber Singers havegarnered praise from all quarters for sensitive, preciseand seamless performances. The choir was established in1981 by conductor John Tuttle, and is enriched not only bythe excellent musicianship of its members but also by theirvaried academic and professional backgrounds. Together,they form a passionate, committed ensemble with a widerangingrepertoire, which was awarded the Healey WillanGrand Prize for a third time at the 2004 CBC Competitionfor Amateur Choirs.Exultate's fourth CD, All Around the Circle, featuresfolk songs from across Canada and was launched at thefirst performance of Exultate's 25th anniversary seasonin October 2005.Exultate presents a four-concert subscription series inToronto and makes guest appearances in various Ontariocommunities. Auditions are held as required to fill vacanciesin the fixed-membership group. For concert informationplease call or visit the website.John Tuttle, conductorBrian Wismath, operations manager416-971-9229exultate@exullate.netwww.exullate.netFESTIVAL WIND ORCHESTRAFounded in 1996, the Festival Wind Orchestra rehearsesweekly and performs concerts to further its musicianshipand educate the public. Its I Ith season includes classicaland contemporary selections of varying difficulty, tochallenge and inspire musicians from intermediate toadvanced levels including Huckleberry Finn Suite, TheNutcracker Suite, Candide Overture, Espana, and vocalselections by George Gershwin. This year we will feature ayoung Canadian soprano at our Christmas and Juneconcerts.The ensemble seeks to maintain its high-qualityperformance level and help musicians hone their skills.The ensemble will play at local retirement homes andperform three public concerts in December 2007, April2008 and June 2008.Musical director Gennady Geller is an accomplishedflautist and conductor currently teaching music at EarlHaig Secondary School and leads the adult flute choir,Flautandia. His talent and dedication have created thishigh-calibre community wind orchestra. There's a feelingof family in this ensemble. New members are alwayswelcome.Rehearsals are Tuesdays, 7 :30-9:45pm at Earl HaigSecondary School (Yonge and Sheppard area).Shelley Goodman , administratorGennady Geller, musical director416-491-1683www.festivalwindorchestra.comFORTE - THE TORONTO MEN'S CHORUSForte, now in its I Ith season, is a 24-voice men's chamberchoir under the leadership of Edward Connell, one ofCanada's finest choral directors.Its membership is drawn from Toronto's talented anddiverse gay community, performing the broadest spectrumof repertoire, from Renaissance motets to Motown, fromBach to Broadway. This TTBB men's chorus mounts annualholiday and spring productions as well as performing atmany community events. The choral season runs from thefirst week of September until after the annual Toronto PrideWeek activities.Auditions are held in September and January. Rehearsalsare held every Monday from 6:30-9:30pm at St. Andrew'sUnited Church, 117 Bloor Street East (beside AtlantisAlliance Films).Vince J. Ciarlo, president416- 763-3783lorte-chorus@rogers.comwww.lorte-chorus.comGEORGETOWN BACH CHORALEThe Georgetown Bach Chorale is an auditioned ensemble of18 choristers, performing locally and in the surroundingcommunities.Although choral music is a staple of its programmes,the chorale also sponsors instrumental, chamber and soloperformances throughout the season. The Chorale'sconcerts give audiences the opportunity to experience andenjoy a wide range of classical music in a variety of settings.Churches and galleries are the standard performing venues,but the chorale also offers several more intimate concertsthroughout the year in a private home.In keeping with the Baroque style, the ensemble is ledfrom the harpsichord by its music director, RonaldGreidanus. Although the choir concentrates on the majorchoral works of Bach, the music of Vivaldi, Buxtehude andMozart are also on this season's programme.Highlights include Bach's Concerto for ThreeHarpsichords, Bach's 'Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring", anevening of madrigals and motets with guest Linda Melstedon the violin, and a concert of dueling pianos featuringRon Greidanus and Kathryn Tremills. The season will becapped in April with a performance of Mozart's Requiem.905-877-8321shutlleworthw@hotmail.comwww.georgetownbachchorale.com88 WholeDote MEMBER PROFILES 2007-2008GLENN GouLD STumoWith its intimate atmosphere and superb acoustics, GlennGould Studio, in the CBC building at 250 Front St. W, ishome to many of Toronto's favourite concert series andperformance groups, including Amici, The Latvian ConcertAssociation, New Music Concerts, Off Centre Music,Soundstreams, and Via Salzburg. Many additional jazz,world music and classical concerts make up our concertseason. Check our monthly listings and updates on ourwebsite.OnStage at Glenn Gould Studio, CBC Radio's flagshiplive performance concert series, will be back for a 14 thseason. The concert series begins with Variations on Gould,a series of concert celebrating Gould's 75th anniversary.This series includes some of Canada's greatest pianistsperforming in solo recitals, as well as jazz and world musicsettings. The rest of this year's concert series and otherinformation about Glenn Gould Studio is available on ourwebsite.416-205-5555ggstix@toronto.cbc.cawww.glenngouldstudio.comGRACE CHURCH ON-THE-HILLGrace Church on-the-Hill has welcomed singers for over125 years. The Choir of Gentlemen and Boys, a professionalcalibrechoir, sings at the I lam service. The St. CeciliaGirls' Choir sings at the 9: I Sam service and the Women'sChoir has a flexible schedule. Boy and girl choristers receivean exceptional music education in a nurturing environment.Adults with musical training are welcomed to both adultchoirs. Scholarships are available for both boy and girlchoristers.Our choirs perform some of the best of Anglican liturgicalmusic and participate in concerts and other musicaland social events. Our most recent tour (August 2007) tookall choirs to England, with the Choir of Gentlemen and Boysin residence at Durham Cathedral and Christ Church Cathedral,Oxford, and the combined St. Cecilia and Women'sChoirs in residence at Lichfield and Salisbury Cathedrals.During this choral season we plan to produce a recordingof Easter repertoire featuring choir and brass.Melva Trellinger Graham, director of music416-488-7884 xll7gracemusic@gracechurchonthehill.cawww.gracechurchonthehill.caGRAND PHILHARMONIC CHOIRThe Grand Philharmonic Choir enters its 86th seasonstronger than ever, both artistically and fiscally. Performingin Kitchener's acoustically superb Centre in the Square,the GPC has taken its place as one of this country's leadingchoral institutions.In 2007-08, our family of choirs presents another excitingand varied season. The children's and youth choirscontinue their well-established programmes of performanceand music education. The Chamber Singers presentworks by a variety of Canadian and international composers,including David Fanshawe' s electrifying African Sane/us.The main series, featuring the 120 voice PhilharmonicChoir, includes works by Brahms, Beethoven and StephenChatman. There will be performances of Handel's Messiah,Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle, and Bach'sJohannespassion. The season winds up in June with anevening of hilarity - "Prima Donna Choralis", starringthe inimitable Mary Lou Fallis!Howard Dyck, artistic directorRobin Vaillancourt, general managermanager@grandphilchoir.com
GRAND RIVER CHORUSThe Grand River Chorus launches its ninth season this fallwith a December I CD release concert, A Grand Christmas- followed by a sing-along Handel's Messiah in lateDecember, Haydn's Oratorio The Creation in April, andDouble Choir Splendour at two venues in June. In May theGrand River Chorus travels to Carnegie Hall to participatein another performance of Haydn's Creation."This season breaks new ground with our first CD, ourfirst partnership concert with the Brantford SymphonyOrchestra, and our first performance in Norfolk County aswe present Double Choir Splendour at Our Lady of LaSaletteChurch" explains artistic director Richard Cunningham -a man committed to leading this mixed-voice communitychorus to even greater heights.The chorus was established in 1999 to present an annualconcert series of classical choral music. It is nowwidely recognized as a leading artistic force in the community.The growing sixty-five voice choir seeks every opportunityto raise the profile of choral music and often partnersin performance with other arts organizations. It rehearsesMonday evenings and welcomes new singers.Richard Cunningham, artistic directorDavid Neumann, president519-841-9708grandriverchorus@rogers.comctenor@rogers.comwww.grandriverchorus.comGRYPHON TRIOThe Gryphon Trio has been delighting audiences aroundthe globe for the last 15 years. Their celebrated recordingsinclude works by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven,Mendelssohn, Dvorak, Lalo, and Shostakovich. With astrong commitment to expanding the piano trio repertoire,the Trio has commissioned and premiered over 40 works.Their 2004 recording, Canadian Premieres, features thework of leading Canadian composers and was awarded aJuno. This season sees the release of their tenth recordingfor the Analekta label, Schubert's Complete Piano Trios.As Canada's pre-eminent ensemble, the Trio continuesto be actively involved in teaching and nurturing futuregenerations of both classical musicians and audiences.The Gryphon Trio is the Ensemble in Residence at MusicToronto, their hometown series, and all three members ofthe ensemble teach at the University of Toronto's Faculty ofMusic. Strongly dedicated to pushing the boundaries ofchamber music, their most ambitious undertaking has beenthe groundbreaking multimedia production of ChristosHatzis' Constantinople which was presented by the RoyalOpera House in their Linbury Studio in March 2007.Sophie Vayro, administrative coordinator416-532-5762svayro@gryphontrio.comwww.gryphontrio.comHAMILTON PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRACelebrating more than 120 years of orchestral music inHamilton, the HPO presents its 2007-2008 concert seasonfeaturing new Artistic Director James Sommerville. Threeguest conductors this season include, Daniel Swift, AndreMoisan and Horst Foerster. The 07-08 Masterworks seriespresents pianist Valerie Tryon, harpist Erica Goodman,violinist Karen Gomyo, the Hamilton Children's Choir, theCanadian Ballet Youth Ensemble, soprano Laura Whelan,tenor Kurt Lehmann, baritone John Fanning and the BachElgar Choir with the Grand Philharmonic Chamber singers.The Pops series presents the Canadian Brass, Quartangoand Celtic sensation "Cherish the Ladies".Ticket prices for adults begin at and special pricingis available for students and children. Several subscriptionpackages are available allowing subscribers to save up to30% over single ticket prices.All concerts are at 7:30 p.m. in Hamilton Place's acousticallyrenowned Great Hall, the HPO' s home. For ticketsand more information call the box office or come in personduring office hours. For details, visit our websitewww.hpo.orgJames Sommerville, artistic directorAlex Baran, executive director905-526-1677Box Office: 905-526-7756ollice@hpo.orgwww.hpo.orgHANNAFORD STREET SILVER BANDThe Hannaford Street Silver Band is Canada's awardwinningprofessional brass band and resident companyof Toronto's St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts. Its mission isto honour the traditions of this art form and at the sametime, place it in a contemporary context with a uniqueCanadian point of view. The HSSB has redefined what abrass band is capable of doing by facilitating innovativecreative projects and collaborating with the very best ofCanada's and the world's diverse cultures and outstandingartists.The HSSB's 2007-2008 season opens on October 14 withthe distinguished British conductor Elgar Howarth directinga program entitled "The Village Band". Featured worksinclude ·Philip Harper's The Legend of Sangeet for Sitarand Brass Band and Howarth's Boddington Variations.Curtis Metcalf, artistic directorRaymond Tizzard, executive directorDavid Archer, company managerAnita McAlister, director,Hannaford Youth Education Program416-425-2874hssh@interlog.comwww.hssh.ca www.stlc.comHARBOURFRONT CENTREFor more than 30 years, Harbourfront Centre has been onthe culling edge of all that's current and creative. Wecontinue to bring together the best in both Canadian cultureand the rich mosaic of cultures from around the world. Anon-profit charitable organization, we attract more than12 million visits annually to our JO acres of revitalizedwaterfront land in the heart of Toronto.Harbourfront Centre presents over 4,000 events eachyear and works with more than 450 community groups. AWholenote MEMBER PROFILES 2007-2008B9leader in world music presentation, Harbourfront Centrehas offered audiences their first taste of various kinds ofmusic. Our summer festival season, in particular, featuresmusic from different cultures within weekend festivals. Wealso programme the City of Toronto's nearby Toronto MusicGarden with classical music concerts outdoors all summerlong, in a setting inspired by Bach. Harbourfront Centre'sexciting dance series NextSteps celebrates its second yearwith an incredible range of home-grown choreography thatbrings together an astonishing breadth of dance companiesin Toronto. Our many venues are also popular rentalfacilities for musical acts.416-973-4000inlo@harhourlrontcentre.comharhourlrontcentre.comHART HOUSEHart House is the cultural, social and recreational hub ofthe University of Toronto's St. George campus. Built in 1919,Hart House has been a driving force for creative, artisticexpression. The Hart House Music Committee presented itsfirst Sunday Concert in 1922 and has been presentingfirst rate free classical concerts ever since, making itCanada's longest running uninterrupted concert series.In addition to this long standing series, the Music Committeealso presents an ongoing jazz series, student recitals,contemporary concerts and other special projects. HartHouse is proud to facilitate and nurture students in manyof our other performing groups such as Orchestra, ChamberStrings, Symphonic Band, Jazz Choir and Singers, to namea few.Hart House is situated in the heart of the City and engageswith the community in many meaningful ways, hosting adiverse roster of multidisciplinary events. Hart Houseoperates on a model of living leadership and prides itselfon nurturing civic engagement and global consciousnessthrough a myriad of engagement opportunities.(416) 978-2452www.harthouse.utoronto.caHIGH PARK CHOIRS OF TORONTOUnder artistic director Zimfira Poloz, the children of theHigh Park Choirs learn to work together to create a beautiful,shimmering sound. We offer four divisions: Early Bird Choir(ages 5-7), Training Choir (ages 7-10), Children's Choir(ages 9-16), Senior Choir (ages 12-19), and a SeniorChamber Choir which is selected from the Senior Choir.Weekly rehearsals, held in Bloor West Village, includemusic theory and ear training; the choirs perform twoannual concerts as well as numerous communityengagements, and participate in workshops, retreats andtours. The High Park Choirs are the official Children's Choirin Residence for the University of Toronto's Faculty of Music.We continue to celebrate our 20th anniversary duringthe 07-08 season with our major concerts December 9 andMay 25; other highlights include a performance at CityHall, participation in the annual Bach Festival and a specialperformance of the Requiem for Cecilia Zhang with theToronto Philharmonia in November.Auditions are held in June, September and January;new members are always welcome. For more informationplease visit www.highparkchoirs.org.Zimlira Poloz, artistic director/conductorJosh Grossman, choir manager416-762-065 7inlo@highparkchoirs.orgwww.highparkchoirs.orgHUMBERCREST UNITED CHURCHHumbercrest United Church on Baby Point Road in westToronto has a long tradition of a rich liturgy and fine choralmusic. The superb acoustics in the sanctuary attract manyartists.
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