The church has just finished amajor restoration of the mechanical/electrical aspects of the 1952 threemanualCasavant organ.Last season the choir presentedRequiem (Eleanor Daley) on GoodFriday. This coming season, inaddition to the eclectic repertoire ofthe weekly liturgy, the choir willpresent Gloria (Vivaldi) withorchestra at Christmas along with "O Magnum Mysterium"(Morton Lauridsen). On Palm Sunday, the choir will offerMass in G (Schubert) with orchestra and Requiem (MalcolmArcher) on Good Friday.Melvin James Hurst, director of music416-767-6122www.humbercrestunitedchurch.comI FURIOSIBAROQUE ENSEMBLEI FURIOSI Baroque Ensemble is one of the world's mostinnovative Baroque ensemble, comprised of four of Canada'sleading early music specialists: soprano GabrielleMcLaughlin, violinists Aisslinn Nosky and Julia Wedman,and cellisVgambist Felix Deak. These four daring musiciansbring their skill and expertise to this edgy new voice in theearly music world.For almost a decade, I FU RIOS!' s Toronto concert serieshas been revitalizing the lace of early music in Canada,inspired by the practice of the Baroque era while invokingthe "bizarre and unnatural" aesthetic both cherished anddespised in its time. Intelligent and inspired programmingin addition to a captivating performance style has garneredthis group a reputation as a revolutionary force in theCanadian and international early music scene.In addition to their Toronto concert series, the 2007 -2008 season will see I FURIOSI engaged at prestigiousfestivals in Canada, the US and abroad. I FURIOSI' s de butCD "Defiled is my (Middle) Name" (2005) continues to gaininternational recognition and RESOURCE CENTRE FORPERFORMING ARTISTSA charitable organization incorporated in 1985, the IRCPAhas a twofold mandate.Bridging the Gap: The IRCPA provides mentoring toemerging artists in auditioning, wardrobe and business,and other appropriate guidance for artists to focus andfulfil! their career goals in their early years. Its EncountersWith Employers program offers qualified assessment anddirection; and business-oriented Career Moves workshopsaddress challenges identified by the performers, managers,producers and presenters, publicists and arts executiveson the Board.Creating public awareness of Canada's icons of the pastand present and of the unique needs of our performingartists, the IRCPA is seeking to establish a CareerDevelopment Centre, including a Gift/Souvenir shop tosustain the Centre. The memorabilia sold to fans andtourists of Canada's greatest singers, instrumentalists,conductors, and composers will remind us of the greatcontributions Canadians have made and are making oninternational stages.Ann Summers Dossena, founder/directorJell Muzzerall, TOURING PRODUCTIONSMaestro Kerry Stratton is on a lifelong mission to sharehis knowledge of and passion for music with the widestpossible audience. Through his company, InternationalTouring Productions, he has created Canadian tours forsuch renowned orchestras as the Georg Solti Orchestra ofBudapest and Vienna Concert-Verein. Recently, [TPprovided the orchestra, chorus, pipes and drums for theRoy Thomson Hall production of Scotland the BraveOctober 2007, ITP presents the Canadian debut of theacclaimed Czech Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra.Maestro Stratton leads the orchestra in concerts inPeterborough (Oct 9); Orillia (Oct 10); Kingston (Oct 11),Milton (Oct 12), Barrie (Oct 13), Belleville (Oct 14), andToronto's Metropolitan United Church, Monday, October15, 8pm. Prize-winning Korean-born violinist Ji-Yoon Parkmakes her North American debut, as featured soloist onthis tour.Arrangements are being finalized to tour the OrchestraInternationale d'ltalia in 2008.Maestro Stratton also founded and tours the 21-pieceGrand Salon, Canada's Palm Court Orchestra. It recreatesthe elegant, early 20th-century salon era, with irresistiblemusic by the likes of Kern, Berlin, Gershwin and Porter.Kerry Straiton, directorFax CHORAL SOCIETY OF CANADAICSOC is a community adult SATB choir performing sacred,secular and folk works that centre around Irish and otherCeltic themes and includes genres such as Baroque, Classicaland Canadian Folk. The choir performs three times a year;often with special guest artists including Toronto's finestIrish traditional musicians. The choir has had an everincreasing audience since its inception and is delighted tobegin its fifth anniversary season commencing inSeptember 2006. The choir is looking for experiencedsingers to join the organization in its time of great growth.All voices are needed. Tenors and basses are particularlywelcomed!Karen D' Aoust, director416-653-9102icsoc@canada.comwww.icsoc.caJOHN LAING SINGERSRenowned for their tonal beauty and interpretive excellence,the John Laing Singers, have received widespread acclaimin Canada, the U.S.A. and abroad.Their 25-year standard of excellence includes aperformance at the American Liszt Society Festival, whichgarnered accolades from both the American and Europeanpress. In 1997, and again in 2006, they presented thecentrepiece concert celebrating "Hamilton Day" inSarasota, Florida.The JLS 2007 /8 Subscription Series, based in Hamilton,Ontario, at Central Presbyterian Church, offers an excitingmix of the best in choral music:Saturday December I, 2007, "A Garland of Carols",810 Wholenote MEMBER PROFILES 2007-2008features traditional Christmas treasures and a premiere ofa new choral work by John Laing; Sunday January 27,2008, "Gala Concert", highlights soprano Janet Obermeyerand pianist Valerie Tryon - featuring music by Chopin,John Ireland and a delightful choral setting of T.S Eliot's"cat" poetry; Saturday April 26, 2008, "Gloria", the seasonfinale, pays tribute to the music of French composer, Poulencand his contemporaries.Compact Discs: "My Love Dwelt in a Northern Land",1998; "Merrily Sing We", 2006Marta Vandermarel905-628-5238john.laing.singers@cogeco.ca MUSICAL PRODUCTIONS"... Bringing performers and performance opportunitiestogether!"Devoted to the promotion,support and development ofexcellent community andprofessional musical andartistic talent, JSL MusicalProductions connectstalented artists with local,regional and nationaltalent and entertainmentseekers. In addition, JSLMusical Productions* creates performance opportunitiesfor artists to showcase their talents, develop networkingopportunities and enhance their careers.Events and venues are as varied as the artists. Fromworld class music halls to acoustically superior churchsanctuaries; vintage jazz clubs to elegant white linen diningexperiences; concerts-in-the-park to 'jammin' street parties,JSL Musical Productions excels in bringing performersand performance opportunities together!Roselyn Brown, principal artist and administrativeofficer, continues to seek and provide musical opportunities,create musical productions and be a voice in thedevelopment, support and promotion of musical and artistictalent within the musical community.* A Division of JSL Enterprises905-301-6295inlo@jslmusic.comwww.jslmusic.comJUBILATE SINGERSThe Jubilate Singers is an auditioned, mixed-voice chamberchoir of some 35 members. Our Canadian/Winter concertis November 24, 2007 at Eastminster United Church,conducted by Caroline Spearing. At Grace Church on-theHill, April 5 and 6, 2008, the choir joins forces with CoroVivo Ottawa and the North York Concert Orchestra forBrahms' Deutsches Requiem, conducted by David Bowser,with performances in Ottawa on April 12 and 13. GeoffreyButler leads the choir in a June 7, 2008 concert of Africanand South American music.The Jubilate Singers rehearse Tuesdays at 7:30pm atSt. Leonard's Anglican Church, 25 Wanless Avenue, ablock north of the Yonge/Lawrence subway. Occasionalsectional rehearsals are held, and we also make communityappearances. We are a hard-working but congenial group,striving for excellence under the energetic artistic directionof Isabel Bernaus (on partial leave), with Sherry Squires,accompanist. Choristers may be sighted at a pub across thestreet after rehearsal, though this is not a requirement.New members are welcome.Diane Knowler,
KAREN SCHUESSLER SINGERSFounded in 1993 by noted London musician and conductor,Karen Ann Schuessler to explore the wealth of choral music,the Karen Schuessler Singers is one of London's premierconcert choirs, known for varied, accessible and innovativeprogramming.Each season this 35-voice mixed choir presents a threeconcertsubscription series and several specialperformances designed to appeal to crll crges crnd tcrstes.The choir performs repertoire ranging from the classics togospel to Brocrdwcry and from Medieval to the 2lst century.KSS has become noted for its performances of concertsaddressing the issues of our world and the human condition.Themes have included examinations of slavery, theenvironment, multicultural understanding, intentionalspiritual journeys as well as simple direct "feel good"concerts such as "Strawberry Fields", "Pirates ofPenzcrnce" and Broadwcry.The Karen Schuessler Singers is proud to work withsome of London crnd Ccrncrda' s finest established soloistsand instrumentalists while also providing opportunitiesfor many up-and-coming talents as guest artists.Rehearscrls are Tuesdcrys 7:30-9:30pm. Auditions areby appointment anytime, but most take place prior to theconcert secrson.Karen Schuessler 519-473-1668contact@kssingers.isp.cawww.kssingers.isp.caKITCHENER-WATERLOOCHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETYK-W Chamber Music Society is one of Canada's busiestpresenters of chamber music concerts, with over 50 concertsper year ranging from solo to sizeable ensembles.Programs range from medievctl to contemporary; most hcrveboth clcrssics crnd recent music.Artists from loccrl to world-standing have been featured:quartets such as the Penderecki and Lafcryette from Canada;Prazak, Stamic, Zemlinsky, Panocha from Prague; AVIVfrom Israel; Gryphon and ABEGG trios; pianists JaninaFialkowska, Robert Silverman, Eric Himy, Till Fellner;violinists Moshe Hammer, Joshua Bell, Movses Pogossian;cellists Steven Isserlis, Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi, Soo Bae, andmore.Active since 197 4, since 1980 most of our concerts havetaken place at 57 Young Street West, Waterloo, a privatehome where our KWCMS Music Room holds about 85 people.A superb Steinway piano, good acoustics, a supportiveaudience, and an intimate, informal atmosphere make fora great concert experience.Single tickets are available as well as subscriptions.kwcms@yahoo.cawww.K-WCMS.comKITCHENER-WATERLOOCHAMBER ORCHESTRAThe Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Orchestra is now in its23rd season under founding music director Graham Coles.A unique combination of professional players, talentedamateurs and students from the Faculty of Music, WilfridLaurier University, the orchestra presents a six concertseries featuring many lesser known works mainly fromthe I 8th century. Soloists this season include Canadianpianist Ronald Greidanus (Hummel: Piano Concerto in AMinor on Sep. 29), Toronto ballet company Ballet Espressivodancing Telemann's Don Quixote on Nov. 3, violist SharonWei on Feb. 2, and violinist Jeremy Bell (Beethoven: ViolinConcerto) on May 3. Our Christmas concert on Sundcry,December 9 will feature the University of Waterloo ChamberChoir. The theme this year is "Alpine Christmas" with musicby several basically unknown. Austrian and Germancomposers from the l 7th and 18th centuries. Our annualStudent Concerto Competition takes place on November 24with the winners performing in our Showcase concert onApril 12, 2008.Graham Coles, music director519-744-3828kwchamberorchestra@on.aibn.comwww.kwchamberorchestra.caKITCHENER-WATERLOO SYMPHONYNationally praised for its world-class performances, theKW Symphony is a cultural centerpiece of the WaterlooRegion and serves as an entertainment resource forSouthern Ontario. Currently in its 62nd season, theorchestra welcomes its new music director, Edwin Outwater,formerly Resident Conductor of the San Francisco SymphonyOrchestra. The KWS is comprised of 52 professionalmusicians sharing the stage with internationally-renownedguest artists.The KW Symphony resides in one of Canada's finestacoustic performance spaces- Kitchener's The Centre InThe Square.As part of its commitment to education and outreach,the KWS supports the extensive activities of the KWS YouthOrchestra Program and performs a number of communityconcerts in soup kitchens, seniors' homes and schoolsthroughout the year. The orchestra is heard regularly acrossthe nation on CBC Radio Two.519-745-47llmail@kwsymphony.on.cawww.kwsymphony.on.caKIYOSHI NAGATA ENSEMBLEThe Kiyoshi Nagata Ensemble (changing its name toNagata Shachu in 2008) has enthralled audiences with itsmesmerizing and heart-pounding performances of theJapanese drum (taiko) since its formation in 1998. TheEnsemble has toured widely throughout Canada, the USand Italy performing in theatres, concert halls, and majormusic festivals.While rooted in the folk drumming traditions of Japcrn,the Ensemble's principal aim is to rejuvenate this ancientart form by producing innovative and exciting music thatseeks to create a new voice for the taiko.Under the direction of Kiyoshi Nagata, the Ensemblehas become renowned for its exacting, straightforward yetphysically demanding performances as well as for itsdiverse repertoire. Their playing is the combination ofunbounded spirit and passion with the highest levels ofmusicianship and discipline.The KNE's annual concert kicks off the season onSaturday, December I at Toronto's Ryerson Theatre. Thisyear's concert, entitled Tsuzure (tapestry), will premiereseveral new works by ensemble members. Please visit theKNE website for more details.Kiyoshi Nagata, artistic director416-651-4227taiko@kiyoshinagata.comwww.kiyoshinagata.comKorrLER CENTRE or THE ARTSMusic CLASSESThe KCA provides in-depth instruction in classiccd, jazz,pop and world music, for piano, cello, violin, fiddle andguitar. Classes are offered in Suzuki violin, babies' andpreschool music, cello and brass ensembles, youth band,African (Ghanaian) drumming, Brazilian drumming,digital music, theory, and vocal class for teens.The centre is home to the Koffler Chamber Orchestradirected by TSO concertmaster, Jacques Israelievitch; andRes a' s Pieces Adult Concert Band. Leading national andinternational artists appear in the school's renowned SalonWholeDote MEMBER PROFILES 2007-2008 811Concert Series.This season includes jazz great Heather Bambrick andher Trio, a Travellers farewell concert, with Sharon & Bram& James Grcry tributing the memory of Joe Hampson, andthe annual David Broza concert. The Koffler ChamberOrchestra season presents an all Bach evening featuringpianists Robert Silverman, Brett Kingsbury & Erica Crino;a second concert with accordionist Joseph Macerollo; anda third with Andrew McCandless, trumpet.KCA reaches out to all residents of our surroundingcommunities, offering instruction to persons of every age,ability and background while encouraging a love of music,fostering creative expression and promoting personalenrichment.Adrienne Cohen, director416-636-1880 x228music@kolllerarts.orgwww.kolllerarts.orgLIVING ARTS CENTREThe Living Arts Centre is an architecturally-stunning225,000 square foot multi-purpose facility, which openedin 1997. The Centre is located in the heart of Mississaugaand is home to one of the GTA's most exciting venues forboth performing and visual arts. Intimate entertainmentis provided in all three magnificent performance theatres,showcasing international stars, Canadian talent and localcommunity groups.The Living Arts Centre also houses an exhibition gallery,eight professional art studios, and sophisticated corporatemeeting facilities. The art studios are used by talentedResident Artists to create unique works. Art programs areoffered year-round for children, youth, adults, and families,who can explore their creativity under the guidance ofpractising artist-educators.The Living Arts Centre is a not-for-profit organizationdedicated to nurturing, fostering, encouraging, promoting,and supporting the presence and development of theperforming and visual arts in Mississauga andneighbouring communities. The Centre welcomes over300,000 visitors annually to performing and visual artsprograms, corporate meetings/conventions, and a widevariety of community events.Gerry Townsend, CEOBox Office: 905-306-6000, 888-805-8888info.lac@mississauga.cawww.livingartscentre.caMARILYN GILBERT ARTISTS MANAGEMENTMarilyn Gilbert Artists Management Inc. has for over 30years played a significant role in launching andmaintaining the careers of talented artists. The longestrunning Canadian-based management company, MGAMbooks artists with all major Canadian presenters, and isinstrumental in booking performers in prestigious venuesthe world-over.Recognized as an expert in her field, Marilyn collaborateswith and advises many high-profile colleagues inCanada, the U.S. and Europe. Through associations inEurope, MGAM has launched on-going European careersfor artists.Ms. Gilbert has lectured for the Canada Council andparticipated on juries for the Canada Council, the OntarioArts Council, and FACTOR. She has been a panelist forCINARS and a presenter for CAPACOA, the Ontario ArtsCouncil and the Canada Council at industry trade shows.In addition, she has worked with other women to raiseawareness and respect for women's contributions to theinternational music industry, and has collaborated with
wholenoteVolume 13, #2, October 1 -
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