9 years ago

Volume 13 - Issue 2 - October 2007

the Canada Council,

the Canada Council, CAPACOA, and various Universitiesin training arts administrators.416-410-8224marilyn@mgam.comwww.mgam.comMARKHAM CONCERT BANDThe Markham Concert Band, formed almost thirty yearsago, is now one of the largest community bands in Canada.At the Ontario Band Association Festival last year, theband was awarded gold, the top ranking, and the woodwindsection received a special Award of Excellence. In addition,the band earned an invitation to next year's National BandFestival, at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa.The band performs its 4-concert series in the beautifulMarkham Theatre: October 21, 2007: "The AmazingJourney"; December 2, 2007: "A Seasonal Celebration";March 2, 2008: "Broadway Show Stoppers"; May 4, 2008:"An Afternoon at the Bandstand". All concerts areSundays at 3pm.The band can also be seen at many Markham and YorkRegion festivals and events. Expect a great variety of music:contemporary, marches, show tunes, light classics and,occasionally, a little jazz - the kind of music that appeals toany audience. Special guests are featured at manyconcerts.The band performs under Doug Manning, who holdsthe degrees of B.Mus. and B.Ed. from the University ofToronto.Derek van Dassen, contactbooklime@sympatico.cawww.mcband.on.caMARKHAM THEATRE FORPERFORMING ARTSWelcome to Markham Theatre for Performing Arts' newProfessional Entertainment Season- September 2007 -April 2008, featuring over 44 exciting shows highlightingmusic, theatre, comedy, date and family shows. This season"UPick" your entertainment experience, by choosing anyfour or more events, including our Speaker's Showcasefeaturing Maude Barlow and "The Wealthy Barber", DavidChilton.Markham Theatre is committed to presenting awardwinningprofessional entertainment, community andeducational performing arts programs, in addition to thecelebration of Canadian talent.With 23 years of success behind us, we are proud of ourachievements and look forward to many more as one ofCanada's premiere arts facilities. Our box office hours areMon- Sat II am- 6pm. Tickets can also be ordered online.Wendy Woof-Severn,marketing & development coordinatorAdmin: 905-415-7537, 866-768-8801;Box Office: 905-305-7469305 show@markham.caww-;,.markhamlhealre.caMASSEY HALL AND RoY THOMSON HALLMarking the 25th anniversary of Roy Thomson Hall, theentire audience is invited to a post-concert reception October9 (the La Scala Philharmonic featuring conductor RiccardoChailly and Canada's own Ben Heppner). Dame Kiri TeKanawa, part of the inaugural 1982-1983 season, returnsthis October as she closes the last chapter of her illustriouscareer. Measha Brueggergosman, a live-year old in 1982,continues her ascent to stardom. Favourites Valery Gergiev,leading the Kirov Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theatre, andpiano star Yundi Li also return.Massey Hall has great programming range. Jazz &Blues highlights include John McLaughlin & the 4thDimension, the return of the charismatic Buddy Guy, andthe great Chick Corea, solo. Massey Hall debuts includePink Martini and Toronto's Sophie Milman.In world music, RTH welcomes Bollywood's "GoldenVoice" Asha Bhosle, Yamato Drummers of Japan, SpiritucrlSounds of Central Asia, and Ravi & Anoushka Shankar.Canadian talent at Massey Hall includes The CowboyJunkies, Colin James, and Ron Sexsmith (the latter two bothwith orchestra).Toronto's lecrding and legendary performance venuescontinue al the forefront of musical diversity, showcasingvirtuosity from East to West.Liz Parker, publiclyliz.parker@rth-mh.comwww.masseyhall.comwww.roylhomson.comMILES NADAL JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTREThe MNjcc is a vibrant community centre at Bloor andSpadina. We have music, thecrtre, film, art, ensembles,events and classes. With a Community Choir, Women'sChorus, Youth Choir, Klezmer Ensemble, Suzuki MusicClasses, Drumming Circles, Lectures, Private MusicLessons, Musicality Classes for all ages and as the home ofthe Down town Community Choral Summit we have a largeand diverse music department. The MNjcc is also home tothe Al Green Theatre, a state of the art facility presentingdance, film, music, theatre and more. This year we featureMitch Smolkin & Klezmer en Buenos Aires, A Tribute tocomposer/conductor Milton Barnes, Musica Cuba!, TheThelma Yelin School Jazz band from Israel, our 88 Keysfundraiser and much more! We also offer many otherprograms in Cultural Arts, Jewish Lile, Computers,Preschool and Youth and have a fully equipped fitnesscentre & pool! Our members start at nursery school andstay to our seniors' clubs! We welcome members andparticipants of all faiths and cultures as a centre forcommunity in Down town Toronto.Harriet Wichin, music director416-924-6211 ex.133harrietw@mnjcc.orgwww.mnjcc.orgMILTON CHORISTERSCurrently celebrating our 39th year of continuous song,our group is a vital component of the Milton community,providing the Halton Region with excellence in choral musicwith a minimum three-concert series annually. We alsoparticipate regularly in various community events. Therepertoire presented varies from classical to contemporaryand from the sacred lo the secular. We welcome new singers.Rehearsals are Tuesdays 7:30- 9:30pm crt KnoxPresbytericrn Church, 170 Main Street, Milton.Jim Douglas 905-878-1632info@miltonchorislers.comwww.miltonchorislers.comMISSISSAUGA CHILDREN'S CHOIRCelebrating over 25 years of choral excellence, theMississauga Children's Choir is a treble voiced choir ofover 120 children aged 6-17 yrs. Under the leadership of812 Wholenote MEMBER PROFILES 2007-2008Music Director Thomas Bell the Choir has grown to includethree graded ensembles - Training, Intermediate, andConcert. The MCC is dedicated lo providing young singerswith exceptional musical experiences through excellence inperformance, music education, recording, touring andservice to the community. The MCC has toured acrossCanada and in Europe.Major performances take place at Mississcruga's LivingArts Centre on Saturday December 8, 2007 and SaturdayMay 31, 2008. A gala concert on Scrturday Feb 22 willconclude the 3rd Mississauga Choral Festival with guestconductor Stephen Hatfield and choirs from Ontario andthe US. The Choir will release a CD of commissioned musicby the MCC from many of Canada's principle composers!crier this year.Auditions are held April - June by appointment. Detailsare on our website.Thomas Bell, music directorKathy Brisley, choir manager905-624-9704info@mississaugachildrenschoir.comwww.mississaugachildrenschoir.comMISSISSAUGA CHORAL SOCIETYThe Mississauga Choral Society is an 80 + voice, semiprofessionalchoir that brings to the stage mcrjor choralrepertoire of the 16th to 2lst centuries, commissioning andperforming new Canadian choral works and hosting someof Canadcr' s outstanding guest soloists, instrumentalistsand choral ensembles.The subscription series commences Sunday, December9 with the presentation of Messiah crt the Living Arts Centre,featuring a quartet of outstanding soloists and accompaniedby Sinfonia Mississauga. The second in the series al thesame venue is a performance on Sunday, March 2, 2008,Sing Canadian, eh I. At this performance MCS sings themusic of some of Canada's finest contemporary composers,featuring a commissioned work by well known composerJohn Beckwith titled "Derailed", a short sound documentcrrytelling the story of the Mississauga Train Derailment andEvcrcualion which occurred twenty-eight yecrrs ago. Aninformal cabaret style concert, Pops at the Cabaret, endsthe season on Saturday, May 3 at First United Church,Port Credit and Sunday, May 4 at Eden United Church,Meadowvale.Mervin Fick, acting conductorBox Office: 905-306-6000, Auditions: 905-278-7059www.mcs-on.caMOOREDALE CONCERTS/MUSIC & TRUFFLESThe untimely death of cellist Kristine Bogyo, founder andartistic director of Mooredale Concerts, the Mooredale YouthOrchestras and the Music & Truffles series for youngchildren, has deeply saddened everyone she touched withher soulful music-making and tireless devotion to herprojects.It was unthinkable to let these splendid assets to Toronto's

musical community perish with her, just as they werereaching new heights of success. Music and Truffles soldout for the third year in a row on subscriptions alone.Ms. Bogyo's celebrated husband, pianist Anton Kuerti,has taken over the artistic direction of all threeorganizations, and will attempt to preserve the spiritedand warm-hearted atmosphere that she managed toconjure.Highlights this seasoninclude the winnersof the MooredaleConcerto Competition(winners will performwith an orchestra ofTSO members); thestellar vocal groupNordic Voices; theTokai Quartet; anevent featuring someof Ms. Bogyo's favouritechamber musiccompanions - Erika Raum, Scott St. John, Olivier Thouinand Sharon Wei - and Anton Kuerti performingBeethoven's rarely heard Diabelli VariationsAnion Kuerti, artistic director416-587-9411mooredaleconcerts@sympatico.cawww.mooredaleconcerls.comMOZART SOCIETYThe Mozart Society in Toronto is starling its twenty fifthseason. Under the chairmanship of John Endrenyi, theSociety usually organizes six events per year - classicalconcerts, lectures or video presentation of operas, as wellas discussion and an annual party.We strive to keep our membership dues modest. Theyare currently for an individual or 0 for a couple orfamily. These dues include all six events including theannual party. We ask for donations from members; recentlywe formed different levels of memberships. As a charitableorganization, all donations are tax deductible. We welcomenew members.This year's season includes concerts by the ZemlinskyString Quartet from Prague with clarinetist JoaquinValdepenas, Katerina Englichova, Peter Macecek, violinist,Gustav Belacek, bass and Prof. lain Scott in his Octoberlecture of Mozart operas.Most concerts take place al First Unitarian Church at175 St. Clair Avenue West in Toronto. Please join us for theupcoming season. You can download our membership formfrom our Web site or you can write to: PO. Box I 125, 31Adelaide St. East, Toronto, MSC 2K5416-201-3338www.mozarlsociely.loronlo.comMusic AT METROPOLITANMusic al Metropolitan presents a variety of concerts atMetropolitan United Church, featuring Metropolitan's choir,soloists, and guest artists.The 2007 /08 series includes a free organ recital seriesNoon at Met on Thursdays 12:!5- !2:45pm beginning onSeptember 13; our annual Hallowe'en Phantoms of theOrgan concert on October 26; a benefit concert with jazzartist Tim Elliott on November 16; the choir Variety Showon February 9; the annual Good Friday concert with choirand orchestra on March 21 (Bach St. John Passion); theopening concert of Organix on May 2, and our annualDoors Open Toronto concerts.Carols United with organ and the Metropolitan SilverBand is Sunday December 9, and the annual CandlelightService of Lessons and Carols is on Sunday December 16at 7pm.Metropolitan also has a variety of children's, youth andhandbell choirs which are open to all. Please contact us fora concert brochure.Patricia Wright, artistic director416-363-0331 x26palriciaw@meluniled.orgwww.meluniled.orgMusic AT Sr. CLEMENr's SERIES- SUNDAYS AT THREEThe Music Committee of St. Clement's have an exceptionalconcert series planned for 2007 /08 for all lovers of finemusic and live performance. All concerts are on Sundaysat 3pm and include refreshments and 'meet the musicians'afterwards. Concerts are: October 28, 2007: ElizabethFraser, a leading young Canadian flautist from Vancouver;December 9, Brother Heinrich's Christmas by John Rutter- Christmas music, stories cmd sing-along with choirs,orchestra and Toronto actor Daniel Chapman-Smith asnarrator; February 10, 2008 Marion Singers - the finestin a cappella songs from this renowned Toronto choir, fromBach lo Beatles, from sacred to profane; March 2, MassimoNosetti-one of Europe's leading organists and organist ofthe Cathedral in Turin, Italy, in a program of Bach, Liszt,Widor, and N osetti; April 13, Glenn Gould School Ensemble- an afternoon of elegant chamber music with DavidHetherington, and company.Thomas Filches, organist and director of music416-483-6664tlilches@stclemenls-church.orgwww.stclements-church.orgMusic GALLERYThe Music Gallery is a centre for presenting and promotinginnovation and experimentation in all forms of music, andfor encouraging cross-pollination between audiences,genres and disciplines.Toronto's centre for creative music since 1976, theMusic Gallery launches its season every September withthe X Avant new music festival on an intensely curatedweekend celebrating the diversity of avant-garde musicsthat the MG presents.Our core concert series includes the Classic Avant(contemporary classical, electroacouslic, sound art, etc),Pop Avant (leftfield pop, rock, techno, etc), Jazz Avant(jazz and improvised music) and World Avant (music frombeyond Western Europe and North America) series. Wehost workshops with visiting artists, the Progress series foremerging artists, take part in N uit Blanche activities, andcollaborate with a wide range of co-presenters, includingAIMToronto, Arraymusic, CONTACT, Continuum, NewMusic Concerts and Wavelength.The Music Gallery will continue its vital role as anaffordable rental venue for performances, recordings andrehearsals.Jonathan Bunce, John Gzowski, co-artistic directors;Dewi Minden, executive director416-204-1080jonny@musicgallery.orgwww.musicgallery.orgMusrc TORONTOMusic TORONTO presents chamber music and pianorecitals at the Jane Mallet Theatre of the St. Lawrence Centrefor the Arts. We're 20 going on 36 - 20 seasons as MTO,36 since the beginning.String quartets include Canada's Quatuor Bozzini andthe St. Lawrence, the Ying from the US, the Belcea from theUK making its Toronto debut, the Takacs and thePhilharmonia Quartett Berlin from Europe. Our perennialfavourite Tokyo Quartet presents 2 concerts.The piano recital series opens with returning audiencefavourite Janina Fialkowska, and introduces Brazilian-Wholenote MEMBER PROFILES 2007-2008 813born Arnaldo Cohen. The inimitable Richard Goode playsin January, Jon Kimura Parker in February andinternational sensation Simon Trpceski returns in March.The Gryphon Trio celebrates I O seasons as ourEnsemble-in-Residence - and 15 seasons as themselves.Quatuor Arthur-Leblanc joins them on the series.The Discovery series - tickets just - features pianistWonny Song, soprano Zorana Sadiq, and the Cecilia Quartet.We have great prices for younger people: students anyage , accompanying adult Yz price; 18-to-35, pay yourage (that's up to 40% off).Jennifer Taylor, general manager416 214-1660Box Office: 416-366-7723 or ADVENTURES IN SOUND ARTNew Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA) producesperformances and installations spanning the entirespectrum of electroacoustic and experimental sound art.Included in its Toronto annual productions are theSOUNDplay festival, the Deep Wireless festival, and SoundTravels. As well as performances and installations, NAISAnow includes workshops throughout the year in our newspace (the NAISA Space) as well as SOUNDwalks, lecturesand/or artist talks that teach a new perception of soundand offer the opportunity to educate artists and audienceslocally and abroad.SOUNDplay, in the fall of each year, is a meeting pointfor experimentation pushing the boundaries andencouraging new fusions of image, sound and text.(September 27 - October 28, 2007).Deep Wireless is an annual month-long celebration ofradio art in May that includes performances, a CD and aconference.Sound Travels is a Toronto Island summer event Gune- October) that takes the concert out of the hall and places itwithin the natural beauty of Toronto Island with outdoorand indoor performances, installations and SOUNDwalks.416-910-7231naisa@naisa.cawww.naisa.caNEW Music CONCERTSEnglish Canada's senior contemporary music societyopens its 37th season October 21 with the dynamicBergmann Piano Duo in a lively recital of music by WilliamBolcolm. Reserve the weekend of January 12-13 for a rareopportunity to experience live performances of major worksby Edgard Varese, with music and reminiscences of hiscolleague Chou Wen-chung. In keeping with NMC's policyof bringing internationally-renowned composers andsoloists to Toronto to work with local musicians, this seasoneminent Finnish composer Magnus Lindberg and guitaristTimo Korhonen are featured with members of our ensembleFebruary 8. Michel Gonneville curates an evening of musicfrom Quebec involving five of his foremost proteges onMarch 7. April 11 sees an evening of world and Canadianpremieres by Alice Ho, So Jeong Ahn, Rodney Sharman,Juan Trigos and Chris Paul Harman. Innovative BerlinbasedCanadian sound artist Robin Minard appears inconcert with Dutch sound-poet Jaap Blonk on June 4; aretrospective installation of Minard's works will also bemounted al Gallery 345 as our contribution to Toronto's2008 soundaXis festival.Robert Aitken, artistic directorDavid Olds, general

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