Hymnathon fundraiser. All concerts take place at GraceChurch on-the-Hill. Auditions take place annually.Laura Adlers, general managerlaura.adlers@paxchrislichorale.orgwww.paxchristichorale.orgPENTHELIA SINGERSPenthelia Singers is a dynamic women's ensemblecommitted to excellence in performing a diverse, musicallysophisticatedrepertoire in several languages, spanningthe Renaissance to the 21 st century.Founded in 1997 the group is named Penthelia after theancient Egyptian priestess-musician. The PentheliaSingers' mission is to provide singers and audiencesopportunities for musical and personal growth throughconcerts, festivals and collaborations, to demonstrate thediversity of choral music, and to cross ethnic and culturalboundaries. The choir strives to stimulate and challengeboth itself and its audience, and to promote contemporarychoral music by talented Canadian Composers.Major Concerts 2007-2008: "Season of Light" at RosedalePresbyterian Church (Dec 9/07) & "A Victorian Salon"at St. Lawrence Hall (June 1/08)Penthelia Singers rehearse Wednesdays at 7:30pm atRosedale Presbyterian Church (129 Mt. Pleasant Rd.)Alice Malach, artistic director,416-579-SING (7464)penlheliasingers@yahoo.cawww.penthelia.comPERIMETER INSTITUTEPerimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics is a researchcentre of the highest international standing based inWaterloo, Ontario. Complementing its twin mandates ofresearch and educational outreach, Perimeter Institutepresents Event Horizons, an ambitious agenda of top qualitymusical and cultural events.Performances, talks crnd exhibitions capitalize on theintimacy of the Mike Lazaridis Theatre of Ideas, theinnovative possibilities of the four-storey atrium, and thecasual atmosphere of the roof-top Black Hole Bistro.Past and upcoming guest artists include the KronosQuartet, pianist Emanuel Ax, artist Jim Dine, photographerEdward Burtynsky; Bang on a Can All-Stars, violinist JamesEhnes, musician Brian Eno, the Juilliard String Quartet,Jeff Healey' s Jazz Wizards, Beaux Arts Trio, violinist GidonKremer, the Tokyo String Quartet, violinist Nadja SalernoSonnenberg, baritone Sir Thomas Allen, Academy of St.Martin in the Fields Chamber Ensemble, pianist RichardGoode and cellist Yo-Yo Ma.Audience members are invited to fully engage in theexperience by mingling with the artists and others at postperformanceevents. Visit our website for complete EventHorizons listings.www.perimelerinstilule.caQUEEN OF PUDDINGS Music THEATREToronto's Queen of Puddings Music Theatre burst onto thearts scene in 1995 with its forward-thinking, absorbing,fantastical approach to the tradition we know as classicalopera. Created by John Hess and Dairine Ni Mheadhra, itwas born of their desire to blend their extensive creativeknowledge and vision with a performer-based physicalsinging theatre aesthetic to produce original Canadianchamber opera.From its auspicious beginning, Queen of Puddings hasconsistently produced provocative, dramatic presentationsof the highest quality that have moved audiences beyondtheir expectations and challenged the parameters of theopera genre.Spectacular company successes include BeatriceChancy, the opera that launched the career of acclaimedCanadian soprano Measha Briiggergosman and mostrecently, The Midnight Court that premiered atHarbourfront Centre Theatre and went on tour to theprestigious Linbury Theatre, Royal Opera House, CoventGarden, London.Other new operas in development include Ines, developedaround Toronto Fadista Catarina Cardeal.Nathalie Bonjour, artistic producer416-203-4149queenolpuddings2@bellnel.caTHE ROYAL CONSERVATORY OF MusicCOMMUNITY SCHOOLThe RCM Community School is the largest community-basedmusic school in North America. Designed for people of allages and levels of ability, it is recognized for its outstandingprivate lesson teaching, group classes and commitment tolifelong learning. The high quality instruction offered byThe RCM Community School represents a constantlyevolving selection of musical traditions, including earlymusic, classical, popular, folk, jazz, and world music.With a faculty of over 270 professional music educators,The RCM Community School offers something for everyone:classes for parents and babies, classes, choirs andensembles for children, classes in music theory, historyand appreciation, music technology, DJ and emceetechniques, electric and acoustic guitar, world music andinternationally recognized certification courses in teachertraining.In addition, The RCM Community School offers musicprograms to inner city youth at no charge through RCMOutreach.Stephen Green, interim dean; Morwenna While,marketing manager for Student Recruitment416-408-2824 or 905-891-7944communilyschool@rcmusic.cawww.rcmusic.ca/communilyscboolRCM - THE GLENN GOULD SCHOOLThe Glenn Gould School of The Royal Conservatory of Musicis an internationally recognized centre for professionaltraining in music performance. Courses are offered at thepost-secondary and post- bachelor levels for piano, voice,and all orchestral instruments.Glenn Gould School students, faculty, and special guestsperform in a variety of settings and venues, includingorchestra, chamber groups, opera ensemble, and solorecitals. In addition, The School offers over I 00 masterclasses every year, always free and open to the public,with such artists as Leon Fleisher, Russell Braun, LeonMajor, Jorge Chamine, Dudu Carmel, Stephane Lemelin,and more.The 2007 /08 Royal Conservatory Orchestra concertseason features Beethoven's Symphony No. 9, Berlioz'sSymphonie Fantastique, Nielsen's Clarinet Concerto,Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet Suite and more, withconductors Uri Mayer, Peter Oundjian, and Alasdair Neale.The Great Artist Series features The Madawaska StringQuartet, Kathleen Rudolph, and Russell Braun. The 2007 I816 Wholenote MEMBER PROFILES 2007-200808 Opera Ensemble presents Mozart's The Marriage ofFigaro, led by music director Mario Bernardi with stagingby Valerie Kuinka.James Anagnoson, deanDavid Visentin, associate deanSarah Cowan, student services manager;Tyler Dunham, performance manager416-408-2824glenngouldschool@rcmusic.cawww.rcmusic.caRENAISSANCE SINGERSThe Renaissance Singers were founded in 1972. Thechoir's early reputation was based on its polishedperformances of Renaissance a cappella literature. Today,the choir sings music from the masters of all centuries. TheRenaissance Singers have also commissioned andpremiered the works of leading Canadian composers. Everyyear, the Singers perform four Saturday and Sundayconcerts in the Waterloo Region. The choir was the firstCanadian choir to sing in the fringe of The Three ChoirsFestival, the oldest music festival in the world. In 1989, thechoir was invited to return, becoming the first Canadianchoir to sing in the main festival. The choir has been ontour four times, and has sung in Westminster Abbey,Yorkminster, and the cathedrals of Canterbury, Chichester,Ely, Guildford, Norwich, Salisbury, Wells, Winchester, St.George's Chapel, Lincoln, St. Alban's and Ripon. The highlyregarded chamber choir has four recordings to its credit,with plans for more in the near future.Contact info: kathybob@golden.netRIVERDALE YOUTH SINGERSIn only eight years, RYS has undergone a steady, excitingtransformation from a new, rapidly growing choir towardsa mature organization. Its overall mandate is to providean accessible, high quality musical education that embracesa communitarian and social justice ethic. Singing is amagical entry point for developing creative skills,leadership, and collaboration, providing a positive imageof what youth can contribute to our communities locallyand globally.With our dynamic new artistic director, RyanSlashinsky, we plan to expand our programming in excitingand innovative new directions this season, focussing onconnections with contemporary artists from diverse culturaltraditions and styles, becoming increasingly youth-driven,and increasing our community involvement.For example, this year we will offer two major concertswith strong local, diverse, and contemporary flavours. InDecember, we share the stage with folk musicians for atheatrical "Festival of Lights". June brings "Drumbeat", acollaborative exhibition of international percussionists.We audition young people aged 7-16 year-round. Formore info, visit the website or contact our staff.Ryan Slashinsky, artistic director416-875-1587artisticdirector@riverdaleyouthsingers.orgwww.riverdaleyoulhsingers.orgROYAL CANADIAN COLLEGE OFORGANISTS - TORONTO CENTREFounded in 1909 as the Canadian Guild of Organists, theRCCO is Canada's oldest musicians' association. Today, theRCCO is a nationwide interdenominational community ofprofessionals, and amateur organists, church musicians,choral conductors, and others sharing an interest in theorgan and church music.
Examinations are held annually and RCCO festivals offeropportunities to hear and meet world-class recitalists andclinicians. The RCCO works across Canada in support ofline church music and organ playing. For all who careabout these arts, regardless of background, skill-level orreligious affiliation, the college has a place.The Toronto Centre maintains an active program. TheOctober event is a Halloween recital Friday, October 26 at!Opm at Metropolitan United Church, at Queen and ChurchStreets. University of Toronto Faculty of Music organstudents will play a variety of scary music!The Centre has published Organs in Toronto-a wonderfulbook of pictures and descriptions of many of the pipeorgans in Toronto. Check the up-to-date website for detailson the 2007-08 program and for membership information.Patricia Wright, presidentGordon Mansell, membership secretary416-363-0331 x26 (Patricia); 416-769-5224 (Gordon)www. glohalserve.nel/-chuhh/rccoSCARAMELLASampling from a broad range of genres, Scaramellafeatures Canada's finest early music specialists, showcasedin energetic and accessible chamber music programs.Scaramella combines the unique and subtle timbresinherent lo period instruments with the excitement andanticipation of performing new, or little-known works, andeach program reveals some unexpected elements.In a sixth century treatise on the philosophy of music,Boelhius classified music according to three types: Musicamundana (music of the spheres), Musica humana (of moreearthly concerns) and Musica inslrumenlalis (exemplifiedthrough numerical ratios and musical intervals).Scaramella's 2007-2008 season lakes Boelhius'classification as its inspiration. Each program also includesrelevant 20th and 21st century works, with an emphasison Canadian compositions specifically for periodinstruments.Scaramella performs atVictoria College Chapel.Tickets are available at thedoor, or order them throughthe mail by downloading theform from the website.October 13, 2007, 8pm:Musica Mundana: "CelestialHarmony"February 2, 2008, 8pm: "Musica Humana: Garden ofEarthly Delights"March 15, 2008, 8pm: "Musica Instrumentalis:Variations and Enigmas"Joelle Morton, artistic director416-760-8610inlo@scaramella.cawww.scaramella.caSCARBOROUGH BEL CANTO CHOIRThe Scarborough Bel Canto Choir is a 45-voice communilybasedSATB choir which serves the community, raisesmoney for charity, promotes Bel Canto style singing, andprovides fun and fellowship. Audition, lo determine voicerange, required. We perform 2 concerts per year, fall andspring. We also sing for senior residences and in fundraisersfor other organizations. Repertoire is varied, andincludes folk, movies, swing, spirituals, Broadway, andclassical selections. Rehearsals are 7:30-!0pm, Tuesdaysal St. Nicholas Anglican Church, Birchcliff.Brian Taylor, musical directorDave Ramsay, presidentContact: Joanne Hawthorne, 416-284-4428www.belcantochoir.comSILVERTHORN SYMPHONIC WINDSSilverthorn Symphonic Winds (SSW) is a vibrant new bandthat got its start a year ago. Now based in Vaughan, ii is anauditioned group for advanced amateur and semiprofessionalmusicians. Our goal is lo work together at ahigh level lo promote excellence in musical performanceand musicianship, fostered by interaction betweenadvanced amateur and professional musicians within theSymphonic Wind Band genre.SSW is also committed lo the community, and has hadseveral opportunities to work with local regional Arisstudents in the past few months. Developing young talentin the areas of performance and arts administrationthrough a menloring relationship is a founding goal of thegroup.We are currently auditioning candidates for MusicDirector, and have been ably supported to dale byoutstanding conducting and composing talent within thegroup.SSW is performing several concerts in the GTA duringthe 2007 /2008 season, the first of which will be in October.in!o@SilverthornSymphonicWinds.cawww.silverlhornsymphonicwinds.caSINE N OMINE ENSEMBLE FORMEDIEVAL MusicSine Nomine is an ensemble of talented, versatile singersand instrumentalists, passionate about the music of theMiddle Ages and about bringing it lo life for modernaudiences. Since 1991, the group has performed in Torontoand other Ontario centres, and has toured in Alberta,Quebec, the Maritimes, the eastern U.S.A, and England.Concerts take place al Saint Thomas's Church, 383Huron Street. In collaboration with the PLS, we presenttwo English mystery plays for the Advent season, withrich musical elaboration: Friday, December 21 (8pm) andSaturday, December 22 (2pm/8pm). The second concert,February 15 (8pm), explores medieval musical responseslo the Black Death and other plagues. The third, April 25(8pm), traces the connection between music and astronomyin the medieval worldview.Sine Nomine has produced three recordings: anindependent cassette, the CD-ROM The Art of the Chant(PBS/Jasmine), and the CD A Golden Treasury of MediaevalMusic (Saydisc/AmonRa).Sine Nomine is ensemble-in-residence al the PontificalInstitute of Mediaeval Studies.Contact: Andrea Budgey416-638-9445sine.nomine@3web.netwww.pims.ca/amici/sinenomine.htmlSINFONIA TORONTOSinfonia Toronto performs its seven Masterpiece Seriesconcerts in Grace Church on-the-Hill (300 Lonsdale Road).The Strauss & Swing Viennese Ball is on March 29, 2008.The orchestra travels to other Ontario centres, broadcastson CBC and holds and performs a number of communityoutreach concerts.Sinfonia Toronto's strings perform standing, in thetradition of great chamber orchestras, blending eachmusician's soloistic energy into a brilliant ensemble undermusic director Nurhan Arman. A rosier of winds andpercussion joins the strings for programs drawn from thechamber orchestra repertoire. In October 2007 the orchestrawill record its second CD for Marquis Records.Soloists for 2007-2008 include pianists Anya Alexeyevand Heather Schmidt; violinists Judy Kang and PhoebeTsang; cellists Shauna Rolston and Karen Ouzounian, andguest conductor Paolo Ponziano Ciardi.Sinfonia Toronto has been acclaimed by critics. TheToronto Star writes of "a remarkable range of colour,"Whole Dote MEMBER PROFILES 2007-2008 B 17"ample eloquence" and "gripping authority," while LaScena Musicale declared, "Nurhan Arman and hisorchestra literally conquered us."Nurhan Arman, music director and conductorMargaret Chasins, administrator416-499-0403sinloniatoronto@sympatico.cawww.sinloniatoronto.comSMALL WORLD MusicSmall World Music is a not-for-profit organization dedicatedto the presentation of world music, community outreachand developing the careers of Canada's diverse musiccommunity.Since 1997 Small World has grown into a year-roundpresenter employing a wide variety of facilities rangingfrom Massey Hall to Lula Lounge.Our presenting cycle has evolved to include not onlystand-alone concerts but as many as three festivals in the2004 and 2005 calendar years. The season included ourMay participation in South Asian Heritage Month withJyafest, the July staging of Global Cale and our premierongoing event, the Small World Music Festival held for tendays in late September.Presentations of major touring artists such as Persianmusic master, Zakir Hussain, Abdeli, and many more havebeen mixed with concerts featuring Canadian artists suchas Maza Meze, Aditya Verma, autorickshaw, Eccodek, anddozens of others.Alan Davis, artistic directorDerek Andrews, board presidentMiriam Schacter, publicityDougal Bichan, sponsorship416-536-4 769alan@smallworldmusic.comwww.smallworldmusic.comSONY CENTRE FOR THE PERFORMING ARTSThe Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, al I Front StreetEast, is Canada's premier performance venue and anhistorical and cultural landmark. Toronto's onlymainstream civic theatre in the heart of the downtown, ii isthe largest performing arts venue in Canada with 3,187seats. This theatre is operated to benefit the people of Torontoand to celebrate the cultural diversity of the city, adding toentertainment excellence in Canada.The Sony Centre has a glorious and prestigious historyfrom its opening in 1960 with Richard Burton and JulieAndrews in Camelot to current day presentations as diverseas Charles Aznavour, Celine Dion, Bjork, Bum the Floor,Riverdance, Dora the Explorer, the Mozart Orchestra,Shaolin Warriors, Luther VanDross, Gigi D' Alessio andIrving Berlin's While Christmas.For more info: visit www.sonycentre.caJennifer Lee416-393-7 482Jenniler@sonycentre.cawww.sonycenlre.caSOUNDSTREAMS CANADAFounded by renowned oboist Lawrence Cherney in 1982,Soundstreams commissions and presents Canadian andinternational new music, igniting audiences with fresh,compelling and innovative live music experiences and
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