9 years ago

Volume 13 - Issue 2 - October 2007

generating opportunities

generating opportunities for dynamic encounters betweencreators, performers and audiences.Soundstreams has presented hundreds of unique andcompelling concerts, from intimate chamber music eventsto multi-choral spectaculars, operas, music-theatre worksand 8 highly successful international festivals.The 25th Anniversary season includes Patricia Rozarioand the Elmer Iseler Singers performing Byzantineinspired music by John Tavener, Jonathan Harvey, ChristosHatzis and Michael Oesterle; The Hilliard Ensemble andTafelmusik Chamber Choir performing a premiere by BrianCherney; Moscow's Academy of Choral Arts performingRachmaninov's Vespers; the premiere of The Journey byTomson Highway and Melissa Hui; the premiere of 7 LastWords by Paul Frehner paired with James MacMillan's(UK) work on the same theme, and the 2008 CoolDrummings International Percussion Festival.Soundstreams offers extensive outreach programs inschools throughout the GTA, including student performances(The Young Artist Overture) before most concerts.Lawrence Cherney, artistic director416-504-1282soundstreams@soundstreams.cawww.soundstreams.caSOUTHERN ONTARIO CHAPTEROF THE HYMN SOCIETY (SOCHS)The Southern Ontario Chapter of the Hymn Society (SOCHS)is a vibrant organization- this year celebrating its tenthanniversary-supporting congregational song inSouthern Ontario. Each season SOCHS offers three eventsto the city and surrounding region. Anyone with an interestin hymns and congregalional song is invited to join theChapter and I or to participate in its public activities. Pleaserefer to the website for informationon membership and upcoming events and a summary ofour past few seasons.In recent years we have brought to Toronto twointernational voices in the persons of John L. Bellrepresenting the Iona Community in Scotland and JimmieAbbington from the United States representing AfricanAmerican music to our Centre. We have also hosted eventsfeaturing internationally recognized hymn writers CarlDaw, Brian Wren and Mary Louise Bringle.This season, our first event is at 2:30pm on 28 Octoberat Grace Lutheran Church, Oakville and features anentertaining and enriching look at the new (2006)Evangelical Lutheran Book of Worship.647-722-1618inlo@sochs.orgwww.sochs.orgST. CLEMENT'S ANGLICAN CHURCH CHOIRSSince 1897 at the early mission, St. Clement's Choirs hasbeen presenting special services to mark Christmas, Easterand other festival days, and given concerts throughout theyear. Highlights of the 2007-08 musical season include:Nov.4, 4:30pm Commemoration of All Souls, music MesseSolennelle, Louis Vierne; Dec 2, 4:30pm Advent CarolService; Good Friday, March 21, 2008, 2pm Music forPassion tide including The Sacrifice by Antonin Tucapsky.Details can be found on the Church's website under MusicThe Psallam Spiritu Choir is a treble voice choir forboys and girls between the ages of 8-17 who lead the musicat the 9:15 am Sunday liturgy. Vocal training with emphasison sight-reading is given. Rehearsals take place everyThursday afternoon 4:30 - 5:30 pm from September to theend of May.The Senior Choir is an auditioned mixed-voice choir ofabout 25 singers that sing a wide range of sacred repertoirefrom plainsong and 16th century to music of the 2 lstcentury. The choir sings at the I lam Sunday liturgy andthe occasional Choral Evensongs.Thomas Filches, organist & director of music416-483-6664lfitches@stclemenls-church.orgwww.stclemenls-church.orgST. }AMES CATHEDRALThe Cathedral of St. James has three choirs serving themusical requirements of its Sunday and special liturgies.The Parish Choir sings at the Sam Holy Eucharist andconsists of four section leads and a group of volunteers. Itrehearses on Thursday evenings during the year and at8: I Sam on Sundays, just prior to the service. Singersinterested in volunteering their lime are most welcome tocontact Andrew Ager, Interim Music Director at 416-364-7865 #224.The St. James Singers, with a core group of eight leads,and a large complement of volunteers, rehearses Tuesdayevenings and sings two Evensongs per month, and joinswith the Cathedral Choir for the main concerts of the season.Anyone interested in inquiring about either section lead orvolunteer positions in this ensemble is also welcome tocontact Andrew Ager.The Cathedral Choir is a fully professional group ofeighteen singers who sing at the Sunday 11 am HolyEucharist, and at two Evensongs per month, as well asnumerous special services.This year the Cathedral Choir/St. James Singers areperforming, amongst many other works, the Faure Requiem,Vivaldi's Gloria, and a concert of Venetian Master workswith the English Cornetta and Sackbut Ensemble.416-364-7865music@stjamescalhedral.on.cawww.sljamescathedral.on.caSr. MICHAEL'S CHOIR SCHOOLThe treasury of Roman Catholic sacred music can beencountered every week at St. Michael's Cathedral, Toronto,where a fine choral tradition has been maintained since1937 when St. Michael's Choir School was founded. Threetreble and SATB boys' choirs sing at the Saturday eveningand Sunday morning Masses and for all the solemnliturgies of the Christmas and Easter seasons, as well asimportant archdiocesan and civic events.Our 2007-2008 concerlizing begins with a benefit concert"A Gift of Music" on October 15, 7:30pm at Roy ThomsonHall, with Kevin Hearne and the Barenaked Ladies,Matt Dusk, John McDermott, Stewart Goodyear and MichaelBurgess - all alumni of the school. On December 14 at8pm and December 15, at 3pm we present "A ChristmasCelebration" at Massey Hall.The choir school provides an enriched learningenvironment for boys in grades 3 to 12, with daily choralrehearsals, and individual instruction in piano, organ,voice, strings, and guitar. For admission information,please visit our website or call the school's music secretary.Dr. Jerzy Cichocki and Marie-Claire Liptay,conductorsRev. John-Mark Missio, director416-393-5518johnmark.missio@tcdsb.orgwww.smcs.on.caSYRINX SUNDAY SALONSSyrinx Concerts Toronto was created in 1986. In 2005,Syrinx Sunday Salons was established. Our focus is toencourage and promote Canadian artists and to introducethe works of one Canadian composer each year. The pastfive seasons have featured the works of Srul Irving Glick,Walter Buczynski, Oskar Morawetz, Steven Gellman, andJean Coulthard.818 Wholenote MEMBER PROFILES 2007-2008This year we will celebrate the music of Anton Kuerti,integrating within each concert a substantial chamber workof his, along with the more familiar repertoire. Anton Kuertiis known throughout the world as an outstanding pianist,composer, teacher and humanist. His enormous repertoireincludes familiar and modern compositions, many of whichhe has premiered. Kuerli devotes his lime to performingand composing and giving master classes. He has receivedmany honorary doctorates and is an Officer of the Order ofCanada.Our six-concert series will include performances byRea Beaumont, The Duke Trio, The Cerberus Ensemble,Peter Longworth, The Angela Park Quartet, Shalom Bard,Rafael Hoekman, and Anton Kuerti.The 6-concert subscription is $ !00. Single tickets are-.Dorothy Sandler-Glick, contact416-654-0877dorolhyglick@hotmail.comwww.syrinxconcerts.orgTAFELMUSIK BAROQUE ORCHESTRA &CHAMBER CHOIRA Season of Greats!Experience the music of great 17th and l 8th centurycomposers performed by Tafelmusik, Canada's nine-timeJuno Award-winning baroque orchestra and chamber choir.Join Tafelmusik in 2007 /08 for two premieres: the Canadianpremiere of a Bach suite played on a viola da spalla (Feb13- 17), and Tafelmusik' s Toronto premiere of Beethoven'srevolutionary Symphonies 7 and 8 guest conducted byBruno Weil (March 27- April I). Also not to be missed isHandel's opera arias with countertenor Daniel Taylor andsoprano Carolyn Sampson (April 9- 13), and Mozart'sRequiem (May 7- 11).Complete the holiday season with Bach's ChristmasOratorio and Magnificat (Nov 29- Dec 2) and Handel'sMessiah (Dec 19- 22 at Trinity-St. Paul's, and Sing-AlongMessiah at Massey Hall Dec 23).Tafelmusik continues its 3-concert series at the GeorgeWeston Recital Hall: Sound the Trumpet' (Sept 25); BachChristmas Oratorio and Magnificat (Nov 27); andBeethoven Symphonies 7and 8 (April I) .The new and revamped Face the Musik programmestill offers 18-30 year-olds some of Tafelmusik's hottestconcerts for -25; but now includes a Pay-What-You-Cannight.Jeanne Lamon, music directorTricia Baldwin, managing director416-964-9562, 416-964-6337 (box office)inlo@tafelmusik.orgwww.talelmusik.orgTALISKER PLAYERSTalisker Players is a unique ensemble of instrumentalistsdedicated to working with singers. It was founded in1995 as a choral music orchestra, and has earned anenviable reputation for excellence in the art of choral accompanying.A flexible-size group, it is available for performancewith choirs large and small, in repertoire rangingfrom baroque (on original or modern instruments) to2 lst century.

The ensemble also presents its own series of vocalchamber music concerts, which take its skills in vocal/instrumental collaboration into a more intimate realm. Thisseason again offers three fascinating programmes, eachbuilt around a theme, in which core members of the groupare joined by some of Canada's leading vocal soloists."Harp of Fire" (November 20 & 21) is a celebration ofthe great Indian poet, mystic, musician and peacemaker,Rabindranath Tagore; "Perfect Propriety" (February 26& 27), takes a wry look at matters of the heart in the urbanage; "The Voyage Out" (May 27 & 28) is concerned withexploration, both of the mind and of the spirit.Mary McGeer, artistic director I managerElizabeth Shannon, administrative coordinator(Chamber Music Series)Phone & Fax: CHOIROver the past 28 years, the 36-voice Tallis Choir has earneda reputation for its innovative programming and polishedperformances. Best known for its interpretation ofRenaissance music, it has presented the first Canadianperformances of many rarely heard masterpieces of theperiod."Splendours of The German Renaissance", on October20, features a cappella masterpieces of court and cathedralfrom l 6th century Germany. Palestrina: "High Mass forChristmas Day", with choir, organ and brass is a recreationof a high mass as ii might have been celebrated inpapal Rome on December 25, 1607.On March I, 2008, the intense mysticism of RussianOrthodox choral music is explored in the "All Night Vigil",(Vespers) by Sergei Rachmaninoff. Concluding the seasonon May 3, in "Music For The Chapel Royal", choir, violsand organ combine for music of the Jacobean Chapel Royal.All four concerts will be lake place in the luxuriantacoustic of St. Patrick's Church, 141 McCaul St. Toronto,just north of Dundas, two blocks west of University Ave,and the St. Patrick subway station.Peter Mahon416-533-6179inlo@tallischoir.comwww.lallischoir.comTAPESTRYTapestry is the leading Canadian company dedicated lothe development and production of originalCanadian opera and music theatre. The 2007-2008 season includes three productions, variousworkshop presentations and the formation of aIS-member Studio Company.On September 28/29 at 8pm in The ErnestBalmer Studio Tapestry opened its season withOpera Briefs 7, an evening of 5-minute shortsfrom the Composer-Librettist Laboratory.Tapestry produces Opera to Go for a fourthlime this season at the Enwave Theatre,Harbourfront Centre February I 0- 24, 2008.With Theatre Direct Canada, Tapestry isthrilled to co-produce "Sanctuary Song", byMarjorie Chan & Abigail Richardson, at theCanStage Berkeley Street Theatre May 24- June 8."Elijah's Kite", by Camyar Chai & James Rolfe continuesto tour Ontario schools in 2007-2008 and a specialperformance is scheduled for October 23.Workshop presentations of new works in developmentwill be held in The Ernest Balmer Studio periodicallythroughout the season. Schedule information is availableal Strongman,managing artistic director416-537-6066information@tapeslrynewopera.comwww.lapeslrynewopera.comTHEATRE OF EARLY MusicThe Theatre of Early Music (TEM) is comprised of fineinstrumentalists and singers sharing a passion for earlymusic. The core of TEM is a Montreal-based ensemble ofyoung musicians whose distinctive style, under DanielTaylor's leadership, results in captivating readings ofmagnificent but often neglected works. In 2007, DanielTaylor founded the 17-voice professional Choir of the Theatreof Early Music, made up of leading Canadian singers.TEM recently signed a long-term contract with the BISlabel. Their first BIS recording was Couperin' s Le~ons withRobin Blaze, followed by the Renaissance disc featuringactor Ralph Fiennes and duets with James Bowman andDaniel Taylor. Their next release features Daniel with DameEmma Kirkby.The 2007 /2008 season includes lours to the UK Germanyas well as concerts in Canada: "Music for Hope andConsolation" starts in Montreal Oct 3, then tours Toronto,Ottawa, Lennoxville, and West Brome Oct 4-14; PergolesiStabat Mater lours Vancouver, Victoria, Kelowna, andEdmonton Nov 16-21; Bach Cantatas is Dec 3 in Montreal;and late February the Choir and Orchestra are featured in"Path to Paradise" with the Dance Company "Coleman &Lemieux".Marie-Pierre Bielle/Genevieve Plantetemadmin@holmail.com514-982-2535TIMOTHY EATON MEMORIAL CHURCHTimothy Eaton Memorial Church presents Music atTimothy's- a series of musically diverse concertspresented in our sanctuary.Music al Timothy's features professional guest artistsfrom across Canada. The music presented in this series isunlike any other: don't miss this wonderful opportunity lohear instrumental and choral music that will challengeand inspire.We are pleased lo present: "Big Band Jazz!" featuringCaitlin Smith and "The Tiny Alligator Large Band"­November 2, 2007- 7:30pm; Annual Christmas Concertfeaturing our Sanctuary Choir and the Salvation ArmyNorth York Temple Band, led by Glenn Barlow- DecemberI, 2007, 4pm; "Songs of Love and Passion" featuring theTEMC Chamber Choir in opera arias, duets and choruses­February 15, 2008- 7:30pm; "Pipe Organ Spectacular!"featuring Marty Smyth playing our magnificent 5-manual,7,000-pipe Casavant organ - March 28, 2008- 7:30pm;"Choral Masterworks" featuring the TEMC Concert Choirs­May 9, 2007- 7:30pm.Tickets / Group/Student/Senior, available al thedoor or by calling the box office. For more information, visitthe website.Marty Smyth, director of musicTimothy Eaton Memorial ChurchBox Office MEMBER PROFILES 2007-2008 819TORONTO CHAMBER CHOIRWell known for its interpretations of Baroque andRenaissance music, the Toronto Chamber Choir is a 40-voice SATB ensemble marking its 40th season performingearly music masterpieces in period style. Our inspiredleader, David Fallis, has led the choir for 23 years. We alsosponsor a mentorship program for students at our partnerschool, Rosedale Heights School for the Arts.During this season, TCC will present four concertscelebrating St. Cecilia, Buxtehude's 300th anniversary,England's Golden Age of music, and the great Baroquecomposer, J.S. Bach. All events are held at Christ ChurchDeer Park. The choir has two CDs available, "Welcome MyLord Sir Chrislemas", and "The Voice of My Beloved".TCC rehearses Monday evenings from 7:30- !0pm.Auditions are held in the spring but may be requested atany lime during the season.David Fallis, music directorMary Ella Magill, presidentinlo@toronlochamberchoir.cawww.torontochamherchoir.caTORONTO CHILDREN'S CHORUSOne of the world's leading choral ensembles for children,the TCC's artistry inspires audiences and critics alike.Now entering its 30th season, "From Across the Seasand SeasoNZ" celebrates our connection to New Zealand,homeland of new artistic director Elise Bradley. Repertoirebased on the sea and seasons includes works of Canadianand New Zealand composers plus Vaughan Williams,Debussy, Brahms, Mendelssohn, and more.Concert highlights include concerts on October 28 atTimothy Eaton Memorial Church and November 3 al theMetropolitan United Church; "A Chorus Christmas" onDecember 15 at Roy Thomson Hall, featuring all choirs,the TCC Alumni Choir, and guests Judy Loman and RussellHartenberger; a February 24 concert at Timothy EatonMemorial Church.On February 15, the TCC joins the Bach Consort loperform St. Matthew Passion; on April 9, the TCC presentsa joint concert with the National Children's Choir of GreatBritain. The final concert of our 30th season will be onMay 3 at Toronto Centre for the Aris.For more details, please visit the TCC website.Elise Bradley, artistic directorLisa Griffiths, manager of artistic administrationJohn Peltier, manager of business administration416-932-8666info@toronlochildrenschorus.comwww.loronlochildrenschorus.comTORONTO CHORAL SOCIETYEstablished in 1845, the TCS nurtures musical ability al alllevels. Under the direction of conductor Geoffrey Butler,accompanist William O'Meara and assistant conductor,Jenny Crober, the TCS is comprised of three groups: theTCS Community Choir, North 44° Ensemble and the StreetHaven Women's Choir.The TCS Community Choir is a non-auditioned 130-voicechorus offering the chance lo sing, learn and have fun.The Community Choir performs al least two major concertsper year. Repertoire ranges from traditional favourites suchas Handel's Messiah to Ariel Ramirez' Misa Criolla. Thisseason, the Community Choir presents a RemembranceDay tribute on Saturday, November 10 and a ChristmasConcert on Wednesday, December 12 featuringCharpentier's Messe de Minuit par Noel, Poulenc's Gloria,and French carols. The spring concert, Wednesday, May28, 2008, features Bruckner's Te Deum.

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)