North 44° (see separate listing) is a 20-voice auditionedchoir dedicated to excellence and eclecticism in choralmusic. The Street Haven Women's Choir is drawn fromwomen who have used the services offered at Street Havenat the Crossroads Women's Shelter.Geoffrey Butler, artistic director;Deborah Micucci, president416-410-3509www.torontochoralsociety.orgTORONTO CLASSICAL SINGERSOratorios Are UslSinging great repertoire with I 00 + people and anorchestra is exhilarating. If you love big choral-orchestralworks, the TCS is for you. CBC' s Jurgen Petrenko, conductorand founding artistic director brings an infectiousenthusiasm to the rehearsals and concerts. The past 15years the TCS has performed great choral classics byHandel, Mozart, Bach, Mendelssohn and VaughanWilliams. The choir presents three concerts, each seasonfeaturing professional guest soloists accompanied by theTalisker Players orchestra.This season includes performances of Bach's ChristmasOratorio (highlights) December 9, 2007; Handel'sCoronation Anthems plus Gilbert & Sullivan (highlights)March 9, 2008; Haydn's Creation May 4, 2008. All Concertsare Sundays at 4pm.Rehearsals: Monday September to May, 7:30-9:30pm atChrist Church Deer Park. 1570 Yonge St. at Heath St. West(2 blocks north of St. Clair)For tickets or to arrange an audition phone, e-mail. orvisit the website.416-443-1490torontoclassicalsingers@sympatico.cawww.torontoclassicalsingers.orgTORONTO CONSORTOne of Canada's premiere period music ensembles, TheToronto Consort breathes life into the music of the MiddleAges, Renaissance and early Baroque. Founded in 1972,the Consort presents an annual subscription series atTrinity St Paul's Centre in down town Toronto. The Consorthas toured extensively, has recorded eight eds, and hasrecorded music for film and television, including the CBCseries airing this fall, The Tudors.Artistic Director David Fallis has programed a widerange of contrasts for 2007 /2008: "The Queen", November9, 10 with actor Karen Woolridge; "Serenissima UnaNoche", December 7, 8; "Ayl! Amor. .. " February 8, 9 withguest ensemble Constantinople and singer Fran~oise Atlan;"Music for a Medieval Labyrinth", February 29, March I;and "The Glory of St. Mark's", April 4, 5, featuringFrancesco Cavalli' s Missa Concertata. Outside of its regularsubscription series, the Consort joins Opera Atelier to presentMonteverdi's masterpiece, The Return of Ulysses October27 to November 3, conducted by David Fallis. For moreinformation, visit www.torontoconsort.orgDavid Fallis, artistic director/general managerAdmin: 416-966-1045; Box Office: 416-964-6337www.torontoconsort.orgTORONTO EARLY Music CENTREThis non-profit organization promotes the appreciation ofhistorically informed performances of early music in thecommunity through sponsorship of concerts and activitiessuch as lectures, workshops, exhibitions and masterclasseswith visiting and local artists.Benefits of membership include: discounts to certainearly music events in the city; a subscription to the quarterlyToronto Early Music News which contains a calendar ofupcoming events, reviews, profiles, essays, etc.; borrowingprivileges from the TEMC library of books and recordings;participation in music circles (e.g. viola da gamba, or vocalmusic circles); admission to the Musically Speakingpresentations of early music performed on original orreplica instruments, and the Early Music Fair; join theemailinformation list of historical performance in Toronto!The six Musically Speaking events take place on Sundaysat 2:30, once a month, from January to June. The24th annual Early Music Fair, an all-day event celebratingthe delights of historical musical performance, will takeplace September 2008 at Montgomery's Inn, 4709 DundasStreet West, at Islington Avenue.Annual Membership: individual; family; student/seniorFrank T. Nakashima, artistic director: HELICONIAN HALLLocated at 35 Hazelton Ave., Toronto ON M5R 2E3, theToronto Heliconian Hall is a visual and acoustic gem datingfrom 1875, with a vaulted ceiling providing excellent concerthall acoustics, seating for 120 guests, and a Steinway grandpiano.Heliconian Hall is an ideal setting to present intimateconcerts. Warm wooden walls, Victorian carved rosewindow, fireplace, lounge, bar, patio, P.A. system, and airconditioning.John Greco, manager416-922-3618TORONTO JEWISH FOLK CHOIRStarted in 1925 by immigrant needle-trade workers, thisSATB Choir performs beloved Yiddish folksongs, Jewishthemedexcerpts from the classics, contemporary music inYiddish, Hebrew, Judea-Spanish (Ladino). Russian andEnglish, and music from other cultures.The TJFC aims to preserve and maintain our secularYiddish heritage and experience. We also strive to enhancecontemporary Jewish culture through the commissioningof new works by Jewish-Canadian composers.The choir will begin its new season on Wednesday,October 3, 2007, under the musical direction of AlexanderVeprinsky, and accompanied on the piano by LinaZemelman. On June 15, 2008, the choir will hold its 82ndannual Spring Concert at the Leah Posluns Theatre. Thechoir will feature a selection of songs to mark the 60thanniversary of the founding of the State of Israel.The choir will also present excerpts from a Gilbert &Sullivan operetta in Yiddish.Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 7:30-! LATVIAN CONCERT ASSOCIATIONThe Toronto Latvian Concert Association is one of the oldestclassical music subscription series in the city. Now in its49th consecutive season, the TLCA has organized morethan 200 concerts featuring the best Latvian artists fromaround the world. Thanks to a loyal subscriber base, theTLCA has been able to invite performers from acrossCanada, the USA, Mexico, Chile, England, Germany,Switzerland, Australia and Latvia.The 2007 /08 season begins on October 21 with a returnof the acclaimed Latvian pianist Liene Circene. On March30 2008 we present award-winning counter-tenor SergejsJegers in his North American debut. On April 20, 2008, wewelcome the Baltic Trio featuring celebrated Lithuanianflutist Algirdas Vizgirda, Latvian harpsicordist AinaKalnciema and Estonian cellist Teet Jarvi.820 Wholenote MEMBER PROFILES 2007-2008All concerts take place on Sunday afternoons at 2pm atThe Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front Street West, Toronto.Tickets: at the door or for the three concertseries (general admission)Students: Arturs Jansons, MASQUE THEATREToronto Masque Theatre performs multi-media workseffectively combining music, theatre and dance. Foundedin 2003 by artistic director LarryBeckwith, TMT has had majorcritical successes with l 7thcentury stage works, 20th centuryclassics, pastiches, andcommissions from James Rolfe,Abigail Richardson and OmarDaniel.TMT's 2007-2008 seasonincludes "Commedia!" (Winchester Street Theatre) - anevening of drama, dance, film and music exploring theclose relationship between comedy and tragedy. Featuredworks include Les caracteres de la danse by Rebel, Ariada capo by Edna St. Vincent Millay, a film from ClydeHenry Productions and short intermezzi by Marc-AntoineCharpentier.Our Purcell Cycle continues with The Indian Queen(Betty Oliphant Theatre), one of Purcell's last stage works,featuring sumptuous and evocative music to be sung bysoprano Meredith Hall, tenor Daniel Auchincloss and awide range of TMT regulars. As with all TMT mainstageevents, dancing, acting, singing and playing will beseamlessly woven together in a simple, direct and affectingway."Toronto Masque Theatre deserves a permanent placein our musical life". - John Terauds, Toronto Star.Larry Beckwith, artistic directorDerek Boyes and Marie-Nathalie Lacoursiere,artistic associatesLizzie Gault, administrative assistant416-410-4561admin@torontomasquetheatre.caTORONTO MENDELSSOHN CHOIR ANDYOUTH CHOIRThe Toronto Mendelssohn Choir is 160 voices invitingCanadian audiences to experience the choral masterworksof the world.The grand symphonic sound of Canada's largest choirhas been the TMC' s trademark for over I 00 years.Performing both the secular and sacred repertoire, theToronto Mendelssohn choristers offer audiences authenticinterpretation, clarity of expression, and a profoundemotional experience of some of the most important vocalmusic ever composed. Concerts are exhilarating anduplifting celebrations of the triumphs, great and small, ofthe human spirit.The TMC organization also includes the TorontoMendelssohn Youth Choir, and the Mendelssohn Singers, a70-voice ensemble formed from the ranks of the TMC, givingus more flexibility in both performing venue and repertoire.Under the direction of Noel Edison, the TMC concertseason includes a Hymn Festival in November,
Rachmaninoff's Vespers in February, Bach's Mass in BMinor on Good Friday, and Haydn's Creation in May. TheToronto Mendelssohn Youth Choir will perform a programof Gospel Music in March and present a spring concert incollaboration with autorickshaw in May.Noel Edison, artistic director/conductorLynn Janes, TMYC conductorCynthia Hawkins, executive director416-598-0422manager@tmchoir.orgwww.lmchoir.orgTORONTO OPERA REPERTOIRECelebrating its 41st anniversary with its 2008 season,Toronto Opera Repertoire has delighted the community withaffordable productions of opera classics, and given students,choristers and aspiring singers the opportunity lo learnnew roles, sing in the chorus, and understand thecomplexities and challenges of opera stagecraft.Run in conjunction with the Toronto District SchoolBoard's Continuing Education Program, this communityopera company presents two fully staged, professionallycostumed operas each year at the Bickford Centre Theatre,777 Bloor St. West.For its February, 2008 season, TOR will presentPuccini's La Boheme and Verdi's Un Balla in Maschera.TOR invites aspiring soloists to audition and enthusiasticchoristers to join the non-auditioned chorus.Gerald Hannon, chair416-698-9572chair@toronlo-opera.comwww.loronlo-opera.comTORONTO OPERETTA THEATREFounded in 1985 by general director Guillermo Silva-Marin,TOT is a vibrant company with a mandate to produceclassical operettas featuring professional Canadian artistsof exceptional talent.Our 23rd season begins with the colourful SpanishFantasia Gala Concert, October 20, 21, starring GuillermoSilva-Marin, Elena La Comadre & Arte Flamenco andpianist Jose Hernandez. Franz Leh6:r's "The Count ofLuxembourg", starring Elizabeth Beeler, Keith Klassen,Michel Corbeil, with conductor Kevin Mallon follows fromDecember 28 lo January 6. Victor Davies and EugeneBenson's "Earnest, The Importance of Being" has its worldpremiere February 22-24, starring Laird Mackintosh andRobert Longo, with conductor Jeffrey Huard. The seasonconcludes with 6 performances of Gilbert & Sullivan's TheMikado", starring Michele Bogdanowicz, Lynne McMurtry,Peter McCutcheon, Gerald Isaac and Sean Watson - withconductor Julian Wachner - April 20-27. All performancesare at the Jane Mallett Theatre ( 416) 366-7723 or 1-800-708-6754.Other special events include The President's Reception(October 21), TOT's New Year's Eve Gala Party, and ourMusical Journey "A Tribute to the Waltz King JohannStrauss" Dinner, Concert and Dance (March 29, 2008).Guillermo Silva-Marin, general director416-922-2912 Fax: 416-922-5935guillermo@toronlooperella.comwww.loronlooperella.comTORONTO PHILHARMONIAThe Toronto Philharmonia (former North York Symphony)now in its 36th season offers eight-concerts of quality,affordable classical music, very accessible to northernToronto and York Region audiences. As orchestra-inresidencein the acoustically perfect George Weston RecitalHall, the fully-professional orchestra is led by charismaticMaestro Kerry Straiton.Highlights of 2007 /08: Tour the world from your seal atthe George Weston Recital Hall as the vibrant orchestrabrings you to China for the sounds of a new concerto forerhu and orchestra, lo Vienna for a traditional VienneseChristmas, lo Britain for a celebration of "This SceptredIsle" and to France for the pastel colours of FrenchImpressionist music and the hilarity of the Opera de Paris.We offer our audience their favourite composers Beethoven,Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Bizet in generous servings but adda little seasoning lo the mix with three world premieresfrom Canadian composers.The Toronto Philharmonia has an active youth outreachprogram and offers a well-attended music appreciationand chamber series for adults, "A Little Night Music" at theNorth York Central Library.Kerry Straiton, music directorLinda Rogers, executive director416-499-2204ollice@torontophil.on.cahttp://www.toronlophil.on.caTORONTO SIGNALS BANDCELEBRATING OUR Blst YEAR OF SERVICEThe Toronto Signals Band, (Sigs as we are affectionatelyknown), have been performing for audiences throughoutCanada and the United States since 1926.We are a unique organization comprised of men andwomen dedicated to preserving the history and traditionsof this well known Canadian Military Band. We havebrought dignity, honour and wide acclaim to the 709thCommunications Regiment and the City of Toronto.We are always looking for new members. You do nothave to be able to play an instrument, we will teach you toplay and to march. There is a place for you in one of thefollowing areas: Trumpet: Soprano, Mellophone, Baritone,Contra Bass or Percussion: Snare or Tenor Drum, SwingingTenor Drum, Bass Drum, Cymbals, Glockenspiel or ColourGuard: Carry a Flag or Rifle.Visit our website and gel in touch with us. Join us tohave fun and start a new chapter in your life.Envision if you will, the sight of Scarlet and the sound ofBrass, as we present the Toronto Signals Band!Maude McHallie, public relations manager905-432-7367or Jim Kennedy, business manager 416-540-5465info@toronlosignals.comwww.loronlosignals.comTORONTO S!NFONIETTAFor 20 years Toronto Sin!onietta has challenged itsprofessional musicians and devoted audiences bypresenting classical music with innovation and creativityand performing ii with a "spirited edge". At its concerts,one can hear a fusion of jazz and classical, opera excerpts(with comic twist), an oratorio, witness silent movies withlive symphonic music, and listen to some of our youngestaccomplished Canadian soloists sharing the stage.This season's highlights: October special presentationof the 1922 silent movie Nosferatu with original music byCanadian composer Philip McConnell; Gala Concert of theSecond Toronto Sin!oniella Concerto Competition inNovember; and a February concert of works by the greatestAzerbaijan composer Kara Karayev, with guest conductorIsmail Gadjiev.Artistic collaboration with Oakham House Choir ofWholenote MEMBER PROFILES 2007-2008 821Ryerson University brings in a presentation of Gloria byVivaldi and Gloria by Rutter in December; and Haydn'sThe Seasons in May 2008.Matthew Jaskiewicz, music director416-488-8057www.loronlosinloniella.comTORONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAPrepare lo be amazed during the Toronto SymphonyOrchestra's 2007-2008 star-studded concert season!Canada's premiere symphonic ensemble, the TorontoSymphony Orchestra, presents its season in the visuallystunning and acoustically superb Roy Thomson Hall.Under the artistic leadership of music director PeterOundjian, the TSO is delighted lo perform over I 00 concertsfeaturing an impressive lineup of guest artists andrepertoire.This season is highlighted by performances by Yo-YoMa, Anne-Sophie Mutter, Lang Lang, Evgeny Kissin,Emanuel Ax, and more of today's biggest classical stars.Season highlights include Toronto's Favourite Messiah, avisit from the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and the NationalArts Centre Orchestra.Great deals for the younger generation, ages 15 - 29:sign up for FREE at and gel TSOtickets for ! (Some restrictions apply.)Peter Oundjian, music directorSir Andrew Davis, conductor laureateAndrew R. Shaw, president and CEOLoie Fallis, director artistic administration416-593-7769Box office: 416-593-4828www.lso.caTORONTO WELSH MALE VOICE CHOIRThe TWMVC is a SO-voice ensemble which has brought theunique sound of four-part Welsh male voice singing toaudiences in Canada, the US and the UK. We performapproximately ten concerts a year, presen ling a selectionof Welsh songs and hymns (in Welsh and English), operachoruses, popular tunes and spirituals, all sung off book.Under artistic director and principal conductor, WilliamWoloschuk, associate conductor, Andrew Ager andaccompanist Julie Loveless, the choir looks forward to anexciting season which includes the Dewi Sant Welsh UnitedChurch Centenary "100 Voices Concert", an evening withthe Northumberland Orchestra in Cobourg, the AnnualOntario Welsh Festival and our own Christmas and Springconcerts. Preparations for our next lour of Wales andIreland are also under way.Membership requires an elementary audition, a ·commitment to practices and concerts, a desire to sing withall your heart and enjoy a sociable evening or two! Sightreading is an asset, but not required.Practices are held Wednesdays 7 :30-!0pm, Septemberto June at Dewi Sant Welsh United Church, 30 MelroseAvenue (Yonge/Lawrence).William Woloschuk, principal conductorJulie Loveless, accompanist416-410-2254president@twmvc.comwww.lwmvc.comTORONTO YOUTH WIND ORCHESTRATYWO SYMPHONIC WINDSTYWO CONCERT WINDSFounder and Artistic Director is Colin Clarke. The orchestradebuted in 1991. winning its first Gold award a year laterat a division of MusicFest Canada. Its accomplishments
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