9 years ago

Volume 13 - Issue 2 - October 2007

include countless

include countless awards, featured guests at major festivals,broadcasts and recordings.In its 15th anniversary season, TYWO was honouredas the first Canadian youth band to perform at CarnegieHall in the Ensemble Spotlight Series. The Wind Orchestrawill embark on its first intercontinental tour in 2008,performing at the Opera House in Sydney, Australia.Encompassing three ensembles of varying age rangesand levels of proficiency, TYWO offers a unique opportunityfor the aspiring musician to develop musically, personallyand inter-personally within a frame-work of professionalleadership, clinics and workshops, and to gain theexperience of rehearsing varied, challenging repertoireperformed at prestigious venues, encouraging students tostrive for a consistently high level of performance.TYWO is a community-driven youth ensemble operatingthrough the support of volunteers and patrons. TY­WO's mandate is to raise awareness of wind band repertoireand promote the importance of music education andthe arts.Taly Stopnicki, administrator416-321-TYWO (8996)manager@tywo.cawww.lywo.caTOYICH INTERNATIONAL PROJECTSToyich International Projects is a non-profit organizationdevoted to developing the skills of young, culturally diverseCanadian classical music students and performers. Ourorganization is unique in that we nurture aspiring youngprofessional and pre-professional musicians by providingthem marvellous opportunities to present their talents acrossCanada and abroad.Best known for our Gala Monster Concerts (] 0 pianos,20 pianists, 200 fingers) presented in Canada and Italyand on local and national television, we encourage youngCanadian talent to audition and be part of this one-of-akindmusical experience.Our goals are to enhance performance opportunitiesfor young musicians, to advance the public'sunderstanding and appreciation of the musical arts byproviding classical music performances in public places,to educate up-and-coming performers and providedevelopmental opportunities for music teachers.TIP in collaboration with the University of Toronto'sFaculty of Music is pleased to announce its Summer MusicInstitute to be held in Rome, Italy from July 24-August 7 I08. The Institute will offer performance programs, masterclasses and lectures for musicians, including Uof T creditcourses for eligible students.Boyanna Toyich, president and CEO416-922-0755hoyanna@sympatico.cawww.toyichinternalionalprojects.caTHE TRILLIUM BRASS QUINTETThe Trillium Brass Quintet (Philip Seguin and ScottHarrison, trumpets; Christine Passmore, horn; Cathy Stone,trombone; and Courtney Lambert, tuba) is a versatile andprofessional chamber ensemble.Formed in 1996, TBQ has performed throughoutOntario including recital appearances at the LindsayConcert Foundation Series, the inaugural Brass in the GrassFestival, the Kincardine Summer Music Festival and theToronto International Chamber Music Festival. The quintethas collaborated with, among others, the Exultate ChamberSingers, the Pax Christi Chorale, and the Cantores CelestesWomen's Chamber Choir. TBQ also recently performed asfeatured guests with the Sault Ste. Marie Symphony. TBQmaintains a strong commitment to education with a busyschedule of educational concerts through Prologue to thePerforming Arts.By commissioning new works as well as transcribingmusic from many styles and eras, TBQ has developed asophisticated and dynamic stage presentation.TBQ's recordings include their debut CD, "Revecy",and "Seasons of the Spirit" (with the Pax Christi Chorale).Please visit our website for audio and video samples,and more information about this unique ensemble.The Trillium Brass Quintelc/o Scott Harrison416-604-4365inlormation@trilliumhrass.comwww.trilliumhrass.comTRUE NORTH BRASSTrue North Brass is: Jim Gardiner, Raymond Tizzard -Trumpets, Joan Watson - Horn, Alastair Kay - Trombone,and J. Scott Irvine - Tuba.• Truly Musical: True North Brass is a critically acclaimedgroup comprised of five of Canada's most virtuosic soloistswhose wealth and diversity of experience give the group itsbrilliant presentations.• Truly Canadian: True North Brass takes great pride inits Canadian roots. Composer/arrangers Alastair Kay andJ. Scott Irvine have created wonderful music for the grouptogether with friends/writers like Howard Cable, JimMcGrath, Gary Kulesha and Laryssa Kuzmenko.• Truly Unique: In their tenth year True North Brass willrelease their fourth CD featuring more amazing Canadianmusic and Canada's own Guido Basso! Note our scheduleof performances across Canada and an incredible CDlaunch. True North Brass continues its educationalinvolvement across North America, is publishing morescores for brass ensembles, and continues to feature greatinformation at TrueNorthBrass.comThe members of True North Brass are Yamaha Artistsand work passionately with Yamaha to keep the joy inmusic and music education.True North Brass866-509-0724inlo@truenorlhhrass.comwww.truenorlhhrass.comTRYPTYCH PRODUCTIONSTrypTych, Canada's Passionate Advocate of the Vocal Arts,was formed in 1999 by Edward Franko, Lenard Whitingand William Shookhoff. Entering its ninth season,TrypTych's mission is to present concerts, festivals, music822 Wholenote MEMBER PROFILES 2007-2008theatre and opera featuring the best of Canadian vocaltalent, and to provide educational and developmentalopportunities for young and upcoming singers. TrypTychis comprised of TrypTych Concert and Opera; The TorontoInternational Chamber Music Festival and EnsembleTrypTych Chamber Choir (see separate listing).Our repertoire ranges from early music to the new musicof the 2lst century. TrypTych's productions have appearedin Canada, The Czech Republic and Great Britain withgreat success.In our ninth season we will be presenting operaticworkshop productions, our entertaining cabaret series, oureclectic choral series and much more. The season openedin September with a concert celebration of Shakespeareanopera, "Much Ado about Opera". In January, we will presenta special celebratory concert at the Isabel Bader Theatreand in April, a Shakespearean musical theatre eveningentitled "The Musical is the Thing".Edward Franko, Lenard Whiting, artistic directors416-763-5066 xlinlo@tryplych.orgwww.tryplych.orgwww.torontochambermusic.comwww.tryplychoperaworkshop.comUNIVERSITY SETTLEMENTMusic & ARTS SCHOOLThe University Settlement Music and Arts School has beenproviding quality, affordable music lessons and groupclasses for over 85 years in down town Toronto. We believethat the arts are a right, not a privilege, and we offer musicand arts programs to everyone, regardless of age, ethnicity,perceived talent, disability, or ability lo pay.Individual lessons are available on a wide variety ofmusical instruments, in voice and theory. Group activitiesinclude Children's Choir, Drama for Kids, Community Choir,Chamber Music, Ear Training for Kids, Drumming Circle,Theory Classes and Dance (jazz, tap and ballet). Our facultyconsists of highly qualified professionals.Lesson fees are modest, and we offer subsidies to lowincomefamilies who qualify. Scholarships, practice facilitiesand instrument rentals are also available to our students.Regular student recitals offer excellent performanceopportunities to our students in a family environment. Wealso present faculty concerts, special events with specialguests, and workshops.For specific information, call the office. Office hoursare: Monday 9:30am-4:30pm, Tuesday to Friday 9:30am-7:30pm, and Saturday I0:30am- 2:30pm.Anne Yardley, directorMichelle Simmons, program assistant416-598-3444 x243 or x244anne.yardley@usrc.cawww.usrc.caUNIVERSITY OF TORONTOFACULTY OF MusicThe University of Toronto Faculty of Music is widelyregarded as a leading centre for the scholarly andprofessional study of music in North America. For almost acentury, many of Canada's greatest musicians have studiedand taught at the Faculty, including John Weinzweig, LoisMarshall, Elmer Iseler, Teresa Stratus, and the St.Lawrence String Quartet.The Faculty presents over 100 events annually featuringits students, faculty and distinguished guests. Thegoal is to enrich the University and its surrounding communitywith music presentations of the highest professionalcalibre.Highlighting the 2007- 08 season are appearances bypercussionist Dame Evelyn Glennie, soprano Carol Vaness,composer George Tsantakis; clarinetist James Campbell;

violinist Erika Raum; pianists Henri-Paul Sicsic, CameronStowe, Midori Koga and Lydia Wong; the Pacifico, St.Lawrence and Turtle Island String Quartets, Los AngelesGuitar Quartet, the Gryphon Trio and Nexus.For more information visit our website, or call the Facultyof Music box office.Dr. Gage Averill, deanDr. Cameron Walter, associate dean& performance coordinatorBox office: OF WESTERN ONTARIODoN WRIGHT FACULTY OF MusicThe Don Wright Faculty of Music is one of Canada's topmusic programs. Our professors and alumni are recognizedinternationally as performers, researchers and teachers.Distinguished alumni include singers Adrianne Pieczonkaand Michael Schade, composer Patrick Cardy, playwrightTomson Highway, Stratford Festival music director BertCarriere and composer/pianist Stephan Moccio.The Faculty is small enough to foster close workingrelationships, yet large enough to support a symphony andchamber orchestras, symphonic band, wind and jazzensembles, five award-winning choirs and a fully stagedopera.More than 200 performances are given each year byfaculty, students and guest artists. Most are free and takeplace in van Kuster Hall or Talbot Theatre. Highlightsinclude three orchestra concerts featuring student soloists,a gala of opera and musical theatre selections, a choralcelebration with all choirs, and the opera, which is KurtWeill's Street Scene, February 2008. The popular Friday12:30 series will feature guests, such as the CanadianChamber Choir, Joel Quarrington and the Guarneri Duo.Student compositions, new electroacoustic works andmasterclasses are all open to the public.For more information, visit our website.Dr. Robert Wood, deanDr. John Doerksen, associate CANADA CHORISTERSThe Upper Canada Choristers is a mixed voice communitychoir in Toronto committed to musical excellence andcommunity service within a joyful, co-operative learningculture. The choir is in its I 4th year of operation. Foundingartistic director and conductor, Laurie Evan Fraser andaccompanist, Nicole Belamy, provide the professionalmusical leadership for this vibrant, growing organization.The choir performs in a number of community venues- hospitals, nursing homes, seniors' residences, schools,churches - as well as singing at special events and otherpublic concerts. Last season, the choir gave 19 concerts atcommunity venues.Highlights of our 2007-2008 season will be "Ringingin the Holidays", a concert on December 7, 2007 at StJohn's York Mills Anglican Church featuring the St. John'sHandbell Choir; and "From Aurora Borealis to the Amazon",a concert of Canadian, Scandinavian and Latin Americanmusic with percussion on May 2, 2008 at Grace Church onthe-Hill.Laurie Evan Fraser, conductor/artistic director416-256-0510www.chorister.orgURBAN ARTS BRASS ENSEMBLEThe Urban Arts Brass Ensemble is dedicated to the creationand development of new music. Comprised of Brian O'Kaneand James Freeman - trumpets, David Haskins - horn,William Carn - trombone, Al Carter - tuba, and RogerTravassos-drums, the UABE represents a broad spectrumof musical talent.In collaboration with composers such as Scott Godin,Michael Oesterle, Andrew Downing, and Richard Underhillthe UABE has embarked on a journey of fearless musicalexploration, cultivating new sounds drawn from manydiverse stylistic influences.James Freeman, artistic director416-465-6314info@urbanartsbrass.comwww.urbanartsbrass.comVESNIVKA CHOIRFounding director Halyna Kvitka Kondracki establishedVesnivka Choir in 1965. This award-winning 40-memberwomen's ensemble has delighted audiences around theworld with its rich repertoire of Ukrainian liturgical,classical, contemporary and traditional folk music .Vesnivka begins its concert season on November l l, 2007with a program of music set to the words of Ukrainian poetOleh Olzhych. The Choir has commissioned Toronto-basedcomposer Zenoby Lawryshyn to write the music that willbe premiered in this performance, including a work entitledVILLAGE VOICES"The Prophecy", featuring choir and Toronto area soloists.Vesnivka and the Toronto Ukrainian Male Chamber Choirbring in the New Year with their ever-popular annual"Ukrainian Christmas" concert on January 13, 2008. TheChoir's concert season ends on April 13, 2008 with "RitualVariations: Life Cycle", music that explores the roots ofUkrainian folk music and the ancient ritual song cyclesthat celebrate the important stages of a person's life.Vesnivka Choir also sings at Christmas and Easter Liturgieson January 7, 2008 and April 27, 2008, at St. NicholasUkrainian Catholic Church in Toronto.Halyna Kvitka Kondracki, artistic directorNykola Parzei, administrator416-763-2197nykola@vesnivka.comwww.vesnivka.comVIA SALZBURGVia Salzburg was created in 1999 by artistic director andfounder, violinist Mayumi Seiler, in an effort to presenthigh calibre chamber music with an emphasis on strings.Via Salzburg brings together the finest Canadian musicianswith those from the international stage, often combiningthe musical and visual arts together in a singleperformance. Our concerts are held at the Glenn GouldStudio in the CBC Broadcast Centre at 250 Front Street Westin downtown Toronto. Via Salzburg's 2007 concert seasonis as follows:October II, 12, 2007: "Conversations" with guest pianistWholenote MEMBER PROFILES 2007-2008 823Yuval Fichman;December l 3, 14, 2007: "Festivity" where Via Salzburgmusicians will be joined by a painter;February 7, 8, 2008: "Movement", with guestperformance by mime, Guiseppe Condello;April 24, 25, 2008: "Gathering" with guest artistsRichard Hosford and Michael Sweeney;June 5, 6, 2008:"Clarity", with guest harmonica playerDennis James.We look forward to seeing you at the Glenn Gould Studio.Ms. Sharon Hudson416-972-9193inlo@viasalzburg.comwww.viasalzburg.comVICTORIA SCHOLARS MEN'SCHORAL ENSEMBLEThe namesake of the Victoria Scholars, Tomas Luis deVictoria, was an outstanding composer of the Renaissanceperiod whose music is renowned for both its spiritualityand emotional expressiveness. The essence of the Scholars'music is an emphasis on the clarity and balance of soundso characteristic of Renaissance music, which the ensemblepresents through the unique sonority of male voices. Theirrepertoire encompasses medieval plainchant, works fromthe Baroque, Classical and Romantic eras, contemporaryand newly-commissioned works.Past winners of the Canada Council Healey Willan GrandPrize in the CBC Radio National Competition for AmateurChoirs, the Victoria Scholars have performed with many ofCanada's exceptional vocal soloists, including MichaelSchade, Russell Braun, Richard Margison, MonicaWhicher, and Norine Burgess, have recorded two widelyacclaimed recordings and have been broadcast nationallyon CBC Radio. Auditions are held every fall.2007 /08 concert series: "Yuletide on the Cool CanadianSide" (December 23); "Gracias a la Vida" (March 2); "AnInternational Choral Tapestry" Gune 10).Jerzy Cichocki, music director416-761-7776inlo@victoriascholars.cawww.victoriascholars.caThis year Village Voices, formed in 1989 in Unionville,celebrates nineteen years of song. The choir providesfellowship for its members and produces a high standardof achievement in all types of Choral Music: classical, sacredand secular.Village Voices has been directed by Joan Andrews sincethe fall of 1999. Christmas and spring concerts during thepast three years have included music from Handel'sMessiah, Vivaldi's Gloria, traditional Canadian folk songsas well as works by contemporary Canadian composers.This season's projected concert dates are December l, 2007and May 10, 2008.The choir continues to expand its repertoire and raiseits artistic level through vocal workshops and inclusion inits programs of professional guest soloists andinstrumentalists. The choir performs at various venues inthe Markham community as well as in the surroundingarea and continues to honour its mandate to the communityby entertaining at local retirement and group homes.Village Voices is a non-auditioned, not-for-profit, adultmixed voice community choir, that rehearses on Wednesdaynights in Unionville.Joan Andrews, conductor/artistic directorGerald Loo, accompanistMembership information: Marg Clarke905-4

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Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)