VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTSNEWMARKETOrganized in 1988 lo bring together arts lovers andcampaign for a performing arts facility, in 1997 VPANtook advantage of a new slate-of-the-art theatre inNewmarket and created Three For The Show, a threeconcertSunday afternoon classical series.Many outstanding artists have appeared, including JohnArpin, Maureen Forrester, Mimi Blais, Antonin Kubalek,Alexander Tselyakov, True North Brass, Hannaford StreetSilver Band, Susan Hoeppner, Beverley Johnston, TorontoChildren's Chorus and Quartello Gelato. Seven years ago,VPAN added a popular fourth concert, Young Artists'Showcase, featuring talented young musicians. During ourlOth Anniversary Season in 2006/2007, one-lime youngartist baritone Peter McGillivray look lo the stage onceagain ... on our main concert series!VPAN proudly prepares for its eleventh season featuringpianist Andre Laplante November 4, 2007; Takai StringQuartet February 24, 2008 and the Bach Children's ChorusApril 6, 2008.All concerts are Sundays at 2pm. Subscriptions are (adults), (seniors) and (students). Single ticketsare , , and . Call the box office at 905-953-5122or .Judy Craig905-895-8713art_judycraig@rogers.comwww.vpan.caVIVA! YOUTH SINGERS OF TORONTOVIVA! Youth Singers of Toronto was founded in 2000 at alime of widespread cuts to school arts programs and iscomprised of four choirs organized by age, experience,and ability. The Preparatory Chorus, ages 5-7 engages infun, age-appropriate, musical activities. Singers in MainChorus I, ages 7-10, and Main Chorus II, ages 10-16,receive regular structured instruction in vocal technique,theory, and sight-singing.The fourth level is a project-based SATB Youth Choirdevoted lo large choral works with orchestra, and is a choirfrom which vocal coaches, voice teachers, and teachingassistants are drawn. New program highlights of ourupcoming 2007-2008 season include:A specialized program for boys, the Junior Boys Chorus,and a Choral Mentoring and Leadership Program foraspiring educators.All choristers produce a beautiful singing tone as theywork through a varied repertoire. VIVA! provides youngsingers with the opportunity to participate in artisticallyexcellent endeavours with an integrated arts approach,commissions original works annually, and supportsCanadian musicians and artists. Rehearsals are Mondaynights at Trinity-St. Paul's United Church.Carol Woodward Ratzlaff and Brad Ratzlaff,joint artistic directorsSusan Suchard, preparatory chorus conductorLaura Menard, assistant conductorSue While, general manager416-788-8482vivayouth@vivayouthsingers.comwww.vivayouthsingers.comTHE VOCAL ART FORUMThe Vocal Art Forum was founded in 1999 lo provide anopportunity for instructors of the highest competence loconduct workshops in their fields of expertise in the realmof classical vocal performance.Conceived as an alternative or supplement loinstitutionalised training, The Vocal Art Forum providesan opportunity for singers lo focus on those individualelements of training required al a particular phase of theirprofessional development. Workshop sessions are offeredaccording to the availability of the instructors and the needsof singers. All workshops conclude with publicperformances.The vision of The Vocal Art Forum also includesproviding performance venues for recitals and opera,where care is taken lo create a context and atmosphereconducive lo the art itself.Peter Nell, artistic directorvocalart@gto.netVocALPornT CHAMBER CHOIRFounded in 1997 by musical director Ian Grundy, VocalPoinlquickly established itself as one of the country's finestamateur chamber choirs, reaching the national semi-finalsin four consecutive CBC Radio competitions since itsinception.VocalPoinl has also performed for Roy Thomson Hall'snoon-hour series and al Glenn Gould Studio for livebroadcast on CBC Radio's Music Around Us. The choirpresents an annual series of concerts al Grace Church onthe-Hillconcentrating on works from the l 6th, l 7th and20th centuries.VocalPoint's season begins on Sunday December 2 al3pm with Rutter's Gloria and works by Pinkham andTresham for choir, organ and brass. At 3pm on SundayMarch 2 2008 leading into Easler will be an a cappellaperformance of Marian motels. And on May 11, the lastconcert in the series will be a 3pm performance of Orff'sCarmina Burana.New singers are always welcome. You can contact us althe address below lo arrange for an audition.Hugh Tracy, administratorIan Grundy, conductor416-484-0185h.tracy@look.caWOMEN'S MUSICAL CLUB OF TORONTOThrough its Music in the Afternoon concert series, the 110-year-old WMCT presents chamber music concerts featuringmusicians on the threshold of international recognition, andalso established artists and ensembles.Concerts are held Thursday afternoons al I :30pm alWalter Hall, Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen's Park.The WMCT is pleased lo announce that its l lOthAnniversary season is sold out.Artists for this celebratory season are: St. LawrenceString Quartet (October 18); Anton Kuerti, piano, & TengLi, viola (November 15); James Ehnes, violin, & StewartGoodyear, piano (December 6); Karina Gauvin, soprano,Marie-Nicole Lemieux, contralto, & Michael McMahon, piano(February 7); WMCT Career Development Award winnersoprano Shannon Mercer & Steven Philcox, piano (March6); and The Beaux Arts Trio (April 10), in its final appearancein Canada. The December 6 concert will premiere a newwork, commissioned by WMCT, composed and performedby pianist Stewart Goodyear.Member/subscriber's benefits include "Tuning YourMind", a free pre-concert lecture series presented inpartnership with the Faculty of Music, University of Toronto,on a topic related lo the day's concert.416-923-7052wmct@wmcl.on.cawww.wmcl.on.caWoRLDs OF Music TORONTOWorlds of Music Toronto (WOMT) is a non-profit corporationdedicated lo promoting cultural interchange through music.Since 1994, we have offered hundreds of workshops in824 Whotenote MEMBER PROFILES 2007-2008traditions from around the world to students from all walksof life.The organization's mandate is lo further inlerculturalunderstanding through music, by uniting interestedstudents with qualified teachers from diverse cultural andmusical backgrounds. The instructors are all dedicatedteachers and performers with years of experience in theirrespective traditions.The WOMT 2007-2008 Season features I-lime andmulti-week adult workshops, concerts and schoolprogramming. Musical training is not required forparticipation - just enthusiasm and a desire lo learn andhave fun.Through workshops and concerts, WOMT has offeredhundreds of Toronlonians an accessible way lo enrich theirmusical vocabulary and broaden their culturalunderstanding. WOMT remains quintessentially Toronto:a program that exists lo build bridges between communities,celebrate and expose the talents of musicians representingvarious traditions and reflect the cultural mix of the city.Neil Gardiner, artistic producer416-588-8813info@worldsofmusic.caYORK UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MusicYork University's Music Department showcases student andfaculty talent in more than 100 public events each year.Most performances take place in the superb new TributeCommunities Recital Hall al York.The Music al Midday series offers free lunchtime concertsthroughout the season. Other performances take place onweekday and Saturday evenings and on Sunday afternoons.Highlights this season include a seven-concert FacultyRecital Series, the Salon de Chant featuring classical voice,and two world music festivals presenting the repertoire ofmany different global traditions, from Caribbean, Balkanand Middle Eastern music lo West African drums, flamencoguitar and Chinese orchestra. Classical chamber concertsand a vocal music series spotlighting the York UniversityConcert Choir, Chamber Choir, Women's Chorus and Men'sChorus are offered alongside culling-edge electro-acousticexplorations and original works by student composers.Masterclasses led by distinguished guest artists are open loobservers. Each term concludes with concerts by the YorkUniversity Symphony Orchestra, Gospel Choir and WindSymphony, and a four-day jazz festival featuringperformances by small combos, jazz choirs and big band.Barry Elmes, chairMark Chambers, associate chairMichael Coghlan, graduate program directorBox Office: especially want to thank our WholeNoteMembers for making these Blue Pagespossible, and a staunch WholeNote team formaking them a reality: membership andprofiles coordinator Karen Ages, proofreadersCarolyn McGee and Karen Ages; and theproduction team of Peter Hobbs and VerityHobbs.Allan Pulker, publisherDavid Perlman, editorNote: All inquiries relating to Blue Pagesmembership (print and online) should bedirected to Karen Ages at 416-323-2232 ext.26 or
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