Call the St. Lawrence Centre Box Officeat 416-366-7723 or 1-800-708-6754or book on-line at www.stlc.comVisit us at www.hssb.caBattlefield BrassSunday, November 11, 2007, 3 p.m., Jane Mallett TheatreCurtis Metcalf, Resident Conductor; Tom Allen, Host and Story TellerSponsored by NSK Canada Inc. NSKTom Allen, host of CBC Radio Two's Music and Company, weaves his unique form of storytellingaround the history, myths and legends that arise from human conflict. This concertfeatures such stirring works as William Walton's film score to The Battle of Britain, BarbaraCroall's remarkable lament for Native Canadian soldiers Gi-Giiwe Na?, commissioned bythe HSSB, and Tchaikovsky's 7872 Overture.CanadaThe Hannaford Street Silver Band 1s gratefu l for the assistance received from its corpora te and its many individual donors, and from the fo llowing:_,lffi.\!?. :::::-:.- =- -~- ""'"""'""'" OYMM.~ , .. ni:"-H -~ -- MullUl lnllUmtnU... !NSK NTN s"6'£6X::l "-Of!D_/'rrA." IIENOLD SKF SCHAEFFLER JUPl!ffl._lD12WWW.THEWHOLENOTE. COM N OVEMBER 1 - D ECEMBE R 7 2007Back to Ad Index
Quoolibetby Allan Pu IkerBrampton Lyric Opera and the Rose TheatreNovember 24 at 8pm, Brampton Lyric Opera will present its annualfundraising concert, "An Evening of Opera with Maria Pellegrini. " Pellegrini,who in a career of over four decades has sung with some of thegreatest names in opera, will perform with fu ll orchestra and chorus aprogram of great arias from the operatic repertoire.Brampton Lyric Opera was incorporated in2004 as a not-for-profit charitable corporation,by tenor/entrepreneur, Emilio Fina, whobegan producing concerts ten years ago withthe aim of starting an opera company. Thefirst four full operatic productions were doneunder less than ideal conditions in the spacesavailable in Brampton at the time, the Heritageand the Lester B. Pearson Theatres. "Theground work of becoming known over thenext two years," he told me, "was vital before Emilio Finawe moved into the Rose Theatre." The 2006-07 season, the company'sfirst in the Rose Theatre, in Fina's words," ... helped put us on themap ...." It gives the company" ... everything we need to function properlyand gives the audience the feeling of intimacy that the houses in Europegive." The company's tenancy in the Rose Theatre has been, he says,"harmonious and mutually beneficial." November 24 we can experiencethe company at the Rose Theatre, and their first operatic production ofthe season will be Verdi's Rigoletto on February 2, 2008.Early in the month the TSO withthe University of Toronto BachFestival Singers, conducted byHelmuth Rilling wi ll perform J.S.Bach's St. John Passion at RoyThomson Hall on November 1 & 3.On November 2 Show One Productionsbrings the Terem Quartet tothe Jane Mallett Theatre - not astring quartet but accordion, domrasand a very large bass balalaika -whoperform Russian folk and gypsymusic, pop and classical music with"virtuosity ... freakish humour[and] a ... wild attitude .. . !" Anotherunusual concert will be Soundstreams'"An Unfinished Life,"featuring Canadian composer BrianCherney's settings of the writingsof Dutch Jewish writer EttyHillesum on her experience of theHolocaust. The performers willinclude a "virtuoso chamber orchestra,"the Tafelmusik Choir andBritain's renowned Hilliard Ensemble,one of the finest vocalensembles in the world. Soundstreams'artistic director, LawrenceCherney, was the recipientof the 2007 Muriel Sherrin Awardfor International Achievement inMusic, presented to him at theMayor's Arts Awards Luncheonin October.Distinguished Visitors AngeleDubeau's La Pieta will perfonn atthe Winter Garden Theatre onThursday, November 8th, and invarious other Ontario cities in Novemberand December.NOVE MB ER1 - D ECEMBER 7 200 7Back to Ad IndexThree pianists of internationalstature visit in November, two ofthem, regrettably, the sameevening, November 16. Venezuelan-bornGabriela Monteroperforms the great piano repertoireand also magnificent improvisationsin a baroque style.Russian pianist, Anya Alexeyev,will perform an orchestral versionofDvorak's Piano Quintet withSinfonia Toronto. The third pianist,Brazilian-born Arnaldo Cohen,will perform a mostly Brazilianprogram for Music Toronto atthe Jane Mallett Theatre Nov 27.On November 16 British flutistand composer, Ian Clarke, willgive a master class and a recital atthe Victoria College Chapel, presentedby Long and McQuade.Soprano Measha Brueggergosmanwill perform at Roy ThomsonHall on November 25 , and ShowOne Productions will present Russianbass-baritone, Dmitri Hvorostovskyon November 29 at RoyThomson Hall.The same evening at theMarkham Theatre for PerformingArts our September 2006 coverartists, Duo Diorama, MinghuanXu and Winston Choi, wi ll give arecital bridging the worlds of classicalmusic and jazz, with musiccomposed by George Gershwin,Paul Schoenfield, and WilliamGrant.There is much more to di scoverin the listings. Enjoy.WWW .THEWHOLENOTE.COMGlenn Gould Studio , CBC Bu ild i ng ,2 50 Front St ree t WestBEETHOVEN - Qu i n t e t in E Fla t for p i ano & windsDVORAK - Serenade for w i ndsSCMIDT - Ic i cles of FireI cic l es of F i re . f ea ture s C an ad i an p ia n i s t and c omposerHea t h e r Schm i dt w h o j o i ns f orce s w i t h David H e th erin g t ona s the y p e r f o r m h e r r em a rkable c o m pos ti ti on .J o inin g fo u ndi n g A MICI mem bers .J oaquin Valdeponas a n d David H e thering t on are : H e atherSchmid t, piano; Sarah J e ff e ry & K athy Halvorson , obo es ;Jose p h Orlowski , c lari net; Michae l Swe e n ey & Kathl ee nMclean .ba ssoon s ; F raser Jackson .con t ra - b asso o n;Ne i l Doland, Gabriel Radfo r d , & Wendy Li mb e rt ie , horns ,an d Je f frey Beecher , dou b le ba s s .Ca l l t h e Am i c i Chambe r EnsembleBox Offi ce : 4 16 - 368 - 8743 $ 10 .00. . 00Subscription packages starting at stillavailable . Call now and saveup to 22% on 4 great concertslCALL : 416-368-8743www. am i ciensem b le . cornBis cat1.Jd•Coc1l'Kil c~dHAm .PA. omMuoARrscourrm t orontda r tsbounci l~ far 1heArts du C.noda )'-\ (OIISUI. 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