2007-2008Opera-IS CoursesTours & SeminarswithIain ScottINTRODUCTORY COURSEAll courses are held on Tuesdays 2.30- 4.30 or 7.00- 9.00at the Royal Canadian Yacht Club, 141 St. George St.Opera 102 - Other Forms of OperaKey things to listen for in French, Germanand Russian operas3 APPRECIATION COURSESJan. 8 - 22, 20083 Weeks I 0Why Is Janacek So Popular Today? Nov. 13 - Dec 11,2007Discovering compassion in his 5 greatest operas 5 Weeks I 0Reconsidering PucciniA reappraisal for his 150th birthdayMarch 18 -April 6, 20084 Weeks I 0Late Editions - Creativity in Later Life July 14 -18, 2008Monteverdi, Strauss, Janacek, 5 summer afternoons I 0Wagner, & Verdiand David Nagy. It is based on the novel by Czech author LadislavGrosman, best known as a 1965 Academy Award-winning film. Thestory explores the relationship of Tono, a good-natured carpenter, andRosalie, an elderly Jewish widow who runs a shop in a small Slovakiantown when the persecution of the town's Jews changes their lives.Public performances are Nov. 10 and 15 with school performancesNov. 9-16. The public is welcome to school performances subject toavailability. Performances take place at the Al Green Theatre, MilesNadal JCC - 750 Spadina Ave. For tickets and information contact TeAmim Music Theatre at 416-642-0430, email Philippa@te-amim.com orvisit www.te-amim.com.On Nov. 14 at 8pm there will be a performance of Udo Zimmermann'sopera "The White Rose" ("Die Weisse Rose") from 1968 fortwo voices with piano accompaniment. It deals with a group ofUniversity of Munich students, including siblings Hans and SophieScholl, who formed an anti-fascist resistance movement named "WhiteRose". The students wrote and circulated leaflets across Germany inprotest of Hitler's regime. They were caught and executed by theNazis in 1943 hoping their deaths would lead to further anti-waractivism. The performance takes place at The Music Room, HartHouse, University of Toronto. A discussion with Dr. GeorgeWittenstein, surviving member of the White Rose resistance group, willfollow the performance. For tickets and information, call Hille! ofGreater Toronto at (416) 913-2424.Then on Nov. 5 at 7pm at Baycrest Wagman Centre, 55 AmeerAve., mezzo-soprano Ramona Carmelly and pianist Nicole Bellamywill give a recital entitled "Out of the Depths: a Canadian MusicalResponse to the Holocaust" consisting of Canadian works inspired bythe Holocaust, featuring musical selections by Srul Irving Glick, HelenGreenberg, Milton Barnes, Oskar Morawetz, and the premiere of anew commission by Chad Martin, "A Prayer For Prayer". For moreinformation check the website at www.holocausteducationweek.com.4 WEEKEND SEMINARSAll Seminars include two lunches.Beethoven's Triumphs (with Rick Phillips)At the Royal Canadian Yacht ClubNov. 10 -112 Days I 0Tannhauser - Sex and ReligionAt the Rosedale Golf Club, top of Mt. PleasantJan. 19 - 20, 20082 Days I 0Opera Before MozartAt the Royal Canadian Yacht ClubFeb. 23 - 24, 20082 Days I 0OPERA TOURS IN 2007 - 2008with New Wave Travel. Itineraries are on website below.Wagner Weekend in California 4 Nights, Jan. 24 - 28, 2008Tannhauser (San Diego), David Hackney's Tristan und Isolde (L.A.)Winter Week: Munich & Vienna 7 Nights, Feb. 4 - 11Fledermaus, Der f/iegende Hollander, Nabucco, Norma, Cosi, AidaSpringtime in Barcelona, Valencia, & 11 Nights, Feb. 25 - Mar. 7Madrid Lucrezia Borgia, Elektra, Orlando & La GiocondaVerdi's Italy (7th Annual) 11 Nights, Apr. 29 - May 11Carmen, La Sonnambula, Previn's 1984, NormaLa Scala! Verona! La Fenice! 9 Nights, June 22 - July 1Andrea Chenier & The Joker, Nabucco, Tosca, Death in VeniceGlimmerglass Weekend (Cooperstown, NY) 3 Nights, Aug. 21 - 2422Back to Ad Index
WE ARE ALL Music's CHILDRENby mJ BuellNovember's ChildThe water is wide, I cannot get o'erAnd neither have I wings to fly ..Give me a boat, that can carry twoAnd both shall row, my love and I.No wings required for this curly hairedcherub. Already a choirboy at St. Matthew'sChurch in Ottawa, he went on to find hisown unique way to soar very, very high,travel far over the water, and home again.photo circa 1976, a cottage near MuskokaThink you know who November's child is?Send your best guess to musicschildren@thewholenote.comWinners will be selected by random draw among correct replies receivedby November 15 2007.OCTOBER'S Child ... was Angele DubeauEarliest musical memory?At home, in my bed every Sunday morning waking up to music from theold stereo, my father's way to wake up the family to go to church: oftensingers ... opera ... he loved opera ... there was a funny LP of Hawaiianmusic ... if we were running very late to make us laugh and hurry .... .I started violin at 4, so I don't remember my first notes. But Iremember playing in the kitchen for my parents ... the stand is verylow ... and putting music on it knowing I was not able to read it, but Ifelt so important, playing for them ...Where did music, both formal and informal, fit into your everydaylife?I am the 'Jh of 8 children, almost the youngest. Everyone played aninstrument at home. You stood in the hall or on the stair and wouldhear a trumpet, a viola, a cello a flute. So when I got my own instrumentI felt so proud that I was finally old enough to do like them ... Itwas just very natural to play music. ...Do you remember ever thinking you would do anything else?In short, no. I never made a decision that way. It just became naturallymy life. Somebody asked me in an interview "what would you be if not aviolinist" and I think I looked completely stupid ... because I don 'tknow. I'm a curious person, I love to discover new things ... but theviolin - it 's what I do. it 's how Iexpress myself I speak with myviolin: much easier than speakingwith words.If you could time travel andmeet face to face with the littleperson in that photo, is thereanything you'd like to tellthem?Oh for sure! Number one is listento your heart. Also: a musician 'slife is great! And then: your raisond'etre is the public. If you givethem all what you have inside theywill give you even more back.They are the source of your energy.Finally: don't ever trust conductors.What do you mean?!You will find out by yourself!Know someone whose photoshould appear in this contest?Are YOU hoarding a precious oldphoto? Your suggestions welcome(you can even suggest yourself)!musicschildren@thewholenote. cornTickets! Recordings!CONGATULATIONS TO OUR WINNERSJosiane Elary, and Jeanne Yuen each win a pair of tickets to hearAngele Dubeau and La Pieta Thursday November 8, 7:30pm, at theWinter Garden Theatre (Saint-Saens, Glick, Morricone, Piazolla, DeFalla, Brahms, Liszt, Enescu, and Heidrich.) .The concert is sponsoredby The New Classical 96.3, and KPMG.INDEX OF ADVERTISERSMiriam Chun, John Van Burek, and Paulette Popp will receiveUn Conte de Fees - Fairy Tale, (ANALEKTA 2 8725): La Pieta'snew recording evokes the magical world of fairy tales, a musical a journeythrough time and place: from Vivaldi's world through to the here andnow.Music's Children gratefully acknowledges the generous and good-humouredparticipation of Adrienne Lloyd, Shira Gilbert, Marie-PierreBielle, and all the good people at ANALEKTA.ACADEMY CONCERT SERIES 33 CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK LINDEN SCHOOL 51 0RIANA WOMEN'S CHOIR 40 TORONTO CHILDREN'S CHORUS 16ACROBAT Music 56 JAZZ VESPERS 20 LoNG & McOuADE 21 ORPHEUS CHOIR 26 TORONTO CHORAL SOCIETY 30AKAFIST 16 CHURCH OF ST. MARY MAGDALENE 37 MARJORIE SPARKS 34 OUR LADY DF SORROWS CHURCH CHOIR 33 TORONTO CLASSICAL SINGERS 44ALDEBURGH CONNECTION 34, 38, 42 CIRRUS ENSEMBLE 37 MARKHAM THEATRE 9 PASQUALE BROS. 52 TORONTO CONSORT 29, 49ALL THE KING'S VOICES 30 CLASSICAL 96.3 FM 63 MIKROKOSMOS 52 PAX CHRISTI CHORALE 42 TORONTO MASQUE THEATRE 32AMADEUS CHOIR 29 CosMo Music 17 MISSISSAUGA CHORAL SOCIETY 45 PENTHELIA SINGERS 44 TORONTO MENDELSSOHN CHOIR 45AMICI 13 COUNTERPOINT CHORALE 39 MOOREDALE CONCERTS 36 PETER MAHON 16 ToRONTO PHILHARMONIA 28ANALEKTA 6, 61 DAVID VARJABED 51 MOUNT DENNIS UNITED CHURCH 52 PIANO & KEYBOARD CENTRE 13 TORONTO S1NFONIETTA 30ANNEX SINGERS 40 EGLINTON Sr. GEORGE'S Music AT METROPOLITAN 32 PIANO GALLERY, THE 18, 52 T DR ONTO SINGING STUDIO 43ART OF JAZZ 20 UNITED CHURCH 40 Music AT Sr. CLEMENT'S 27 RCM COMMUNITY SCHOOL 53 ToRONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 3ATMA CLASSIOUE 5 ELMER ISELER SINGERS 43 Music AT THREE FORTY-FIVE 43 RCM GLENN GauLD SCHOOL 24 TORONTO WELSH MALE VOICE CHOIR 27BACH CHILDREN'S CHORUS 44 ENSEMBLE TRYPTYCH CHAMBER CHOIR 43 Music GALLERY 14 REMENYI HOUSE OF Music 15 TORONTO YOUTH WINO ORCHESTRA 11BACH CONSORT 14 ESPRIT ORCHESTRA 4 Music TORONTO 7, 26, 31, 37 RICHMOND HILL CENTRE FOR THE U Of T FACULTY OF MEDICINE 36Bm' ARTE S1NGERS 53 FoRTE MEN's CHORUS 44 NAGATA SHACHU 39 PERFORMING ARTS 36 U Of T FACULTY OF Music 24CANADIAN CHILDREN'S OPERA CHORUS 44 GEORGE HEINL 20 NORTH YORK CONCERT ORCHESTRA 53 SCARBOROUGH BEL CANTO CHOIR 41 U Of T SCARBOROUGH 33CANADIAN OPERA COMPANY 22 GOSSAMER WINGS 19 NU MUS CONCERTS 35 SHOWPLACE PERFORMANCE CENTRE 38 UNIVERSITY SETTLEMENT HousE 39CANADIAN S1NFDNIETTA 26, 33 HANNAFORD STREET SILVER BAND 12 OFF CENTRE Music SALONS 41 SouNo Posr 18 VILLAGE VOICES 40CAN CLONE SERVICES 56 HARKNETT MUSICAL SERVICES 17 OLD MILL INN ANO SPA 19 SOUNOSTREAMS CANADA 12 WHOLENOTE CLASSIFIEDS 52CATHEDRAL BLUFFS SYMPHONY HELICONIAN HALL 52 ONSTAGE AT GLENN GouLD Srno10 2 ST. MICHAELS's CHOIR SCHOOL 11 WHOLENOTE INDEX Of ADVERTISERS 23ORCHESTRA 30 I FURIOSI 43 OPERA BEL CANTO OF SOUTH SIMCOE 47 ST. PAUL'S FDUNOATION FOR THE ARTS 28 WHOLENOTE MARKETPLACE 54, 55CENTENARY UNITED CHURCH 46 JUBILATE SINGERS 35 OPERA BY RrnuEsT 51 SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA OF CANADA 41 WINOERMERE STRING 0UARTET 31CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK 25 KITCHENER-WATERLOO CHAMBER OPERA IN CON CERT 41 SYRINX SUNDAY SALONS 43 YORK UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OFCHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK I ORCHESTRA 48 OPERA-IS 22 T AFELMUSIK 64 Music 25CHURCH OF ST. MARY MAGDALENE 31 Komm CHAMBER ORCHESTRA 34 ORCHESTRAS MISSISSAUGA 36 TALISKER PLAYERS 34 Yum MEYROWITZ 36N OVE MBE R1 - D ECEMBER 7 2007 WWW.THEWHOlENOTE . COM 23Back to Ad Index