... CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAarias, art songs & ensemble pieces. NathalieDoucet-Lalkens, piano. Tribute CommunitiesRecital Hall, Accolade East, YU, 4700 KeeleSt. 416· 736-5186. Free.. 7:00: St. James' Cathedral. The Eve of allSouls. Faure: Requiem. Choir of St. James'Cathedral/St. James Singers. Andrew Ager,conductor. 65 Church St. 416-364-7865.Free; offering.. 7:30: Opera Atelier. Monteverdi- Returnof Ulysses. Carla Huhtanen, Olivier Laquerre,Cory Knight, Stephanie Novacek, Laura Pud·well, Vicki St. Pierre, Michiel Schrey and otherperformers; Artists of the Atelier Ballet; TheToronto Consort; David Fallis, conductor; Mar·shall Pynkoski, director; Jeannette Zingg, cho·reographer. Elgin Theatre, 189 Yonge St. 416·872-5555. -$130, (st). For completerun see Opera/Music Theatre listings.· 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Faculty Concert Series: The SundarViswanathan Ouartet. Jazz standards andoriginal compositions. Sundar Viswanathan,sax & voice; Dave Restivo, piano; Ethan Ardel·Ii, drums; Mike Downes, bass.Tribute Com·munities Recital Hall, Accolade East, YU,4700 Keele St. 416-736-5888. (1series);$ 5(st).. 8:00. Canadian Opera Company. RichardBradshaw, 1944-2007: A Musical Celebration.Free tickets (limit two p/p). Available asof Saturday, October 27 at 8:00am. Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts Box office,145 Oueen St. 416-306-2303.. 8:00: Curtain Call Players. Joseph andthe Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. AndrewLloyd Webber, music; Tim Rice, lyrics. FairviewLibrary Theatre, 35 Fairview Mall Drive.416-703-6181. . For complete run seemusic theatre listings.Music TORONTO-8:00: Music Toronto. Ouatuor Bozzini.Vivier (arr Oesterle): Pulau Dewata; Stiegler:Namenlose Garten; Brahms: String Quartet inB flat, Op.67. Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 FrontSt. East. 416-366· 7723, 800- 708-6754., (18-35); (st, accompanying adultY, price).. 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Bach: St. John Passion. Laura Albino, AgnesZsigovics, soprano; Roxana Constantinescu,contralto; Lothar Odinius, tenor; Nathan Berg,Klaus Haeger, bass; University of TorontoBach Festival Singers; Helmuth Rilling, conductor.Part of the International Bach Festival. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828 .-3 .Friday November 02. 11 :00am&2:00: Solar Stage Children'sTheatre. Tailor of Gloucester. Musical basedon the Beatrix Potter story. Zenon Skrzypczyk:director & musical adaptation; MartynSkrzypczyk, composer: Carly Heffernan; JessicaLeibgott; Madryn McCabe; Nicholas Terpstra.100 Upper Madison Ave. 416-368·8031. $13; O(Nov. 3 only). Ages: 3-8. Forcomplete run see music theatre listings.. 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Singing our Songs. Raisa Nakhmanovich,piano. See Nov 1.. 8:00: Music Gallery. Hauschka, piano/electronics; John Kameel Farah, piano/electronics/harpsichord.Church of St. George theMartyr, 197 John. 416-204-1080. ; O(advance/member/st).. 8:00: Jazz at Oscar's. Jenny Owen Youngs.Arbor Room, Hart House, University of Toran·to, 7 Hart House Circle. 416-978-2452. Free.-8:00: Music Gallery. Double bill: JohnKameel Farah. piano + electronics, with videoby Eamon Mac Mahon; Hauschka, piano +electronics. 197 John St. 416 -204-1080.; O(adv/st/member). 8:00: Show One Productions. TeremOuartet. Andrey Konstantinov, domra soprano;Alexey Barshchev, domra alto; Andrey Smirnov,bay an-accordion; Mikhail Dzyudze, bauble·bass balalaika. Jane Mallett Theatre, St. LawrenceCentre for the Arts, 27 Front StreetEast. 416.872.1111 /416.366. 7723. ;.. 8:30: Mississauga Arts Council. GoodRockin' Tonight. Living Arts Centre, 4141Living Arts Dr. Mississauga. 905-306 -6000. and up.Saturday November 03- 3:00: Toronto Children's Chorus. Songsfrom across the Seas and SeasoNZ. Songsthat celebrate the connection between Canadaand New Zealand. Elise Bradley, artistic director.Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St.East. 416-932-8666 x231 . ; (sr/st).. 7:00: Nomans Land Promotions. IndianOcean. Indian music fused with jazz and rock.Queen Elizabeth Theatre, Exhibition Place.647 -294-1410, 416-263-3600. -.· 7:30: Gilbert & Sullivan Society of To·ronto. Trial by Jury & 1875. St. Andrew'sUnited Church, 117 Bloor St. East. 416-922·4415. (vistor); free(member) .. 7:30: Music On The Donway. Music ofDaniel Rubinoff and his Influences. Works byRubinoff, Debussy, Schumann & Tallis; Klezmer.Vania Chan, soprano; Ellen Meyer, piano;Daniel Rubinoff, saxophones; singers from theTafelmusik Baroque Choir. Donway CovenantUnited Church, 230 The Donway West. 416-444-8444. ;(12yrs & under).· 7:30: Orpheus Choir. Ecce Car Meum.McCartney: Ecce Cor Meum; Chatman: ProudMusic of the Storm. Leslie Ann Bradley, so·prano; Orpheus Choir of Toronto, Chorus Niagara,London Pro Musica Choir; OrchestraLondon; Robert Cooper, Ken Fleet, conductors .Yorkminster Park Baptist Church, 1585 YongeStreet. 416 -530-4428. ;.. 7:30: Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir/East End Refugee Committee .. An Evening26 WWW.TH EWHO LENOTE,COMBack to Ad Indexof Song. St. John's Norway Anglican Church,470 Woodbine Ave. (door).. 7:30: Willowdale United Church. CharityFund Raising Concert for Dxfam Canada.Works by Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt. ThomasYu, Elina Kelebeev, Leonard Gilbert, RickerChoi, piano. 349 Kenneth Ave. 416-889-9461. PWYC .. 8:00: Ballet Jurgen Canada. Anastasia.A new, full-length, all Canadian original produc·tion tracing the mystery of the young GrandDuchess. Original score by Russan/Canadiancomposer Ivan Barbotin; Sue LePage: sets andcostumes; Bengt Jorgen, artistic director &choreography. The Toronto Centre for the PerformingArts, 5040 Yonge Street. 416-872-1111. - .. 8:00: Brampton Symphony Orchestra.Sympfusion. A celebration of Brampton's diversetalent plus guest dignitaries. Rose Theatre,1 Theatre Lane. 905-874-2800.;;.. 8:00: Canadian Sinfonietta. Young ArtistsConcert. Laurien Gibson, soprano; JamesZhang, flute. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 FrontSt. West. 905· 707 -1200 x2.(adult);(sr);(st); DI child).- 8:00: Korean Canadian SymphonyOrch. Gala Concert. The program includesHaydn's Cello Concerto in C, Sarasate's Zige·unerweisen, and Popper's Hungarian RhapsodyOp. 68. Soo Bae & Julie Jung, cello; ElissaLee, violin; Dale Kim, viola; Richard Lee, musicdirector. George Weston Recital Hall, 5040Yonge St. 416-937-641 D. .Euue Cor MemnBehold My Heart - on oratorio for our timesSir Paul McCartneyProud Music of the StormStephen ChatmanFeaturingOrpheus Choir ofTorontoChorus Niaga raLondon Pro Musica ChoirConducted byRobert Cooper, Ken Fleet
· 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall/Massey Hall/Ad Libitum Productions Inc. Bernard Lachance,singer/songwriter. Massey Hall, 15Shuter St. 416-872-4255. .50.· 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Bach: St. John Passion. Roy Thomson Hall.See Nov 1.Sunday November 04· 12:00: Derek Macrae. Guitar Solo Concert.Classical, Spanish and popular music. RistoranteJulia, 312 Lakeshore Rd. East. 905-844-7401.Free.· 1 :30: CAMM AC/Mc Michael Gallery.Sunday Concerts. Stephanie Chua, piano/cello.McMichael Gallery, 10365 Islington Ave. 1-888-213-1121 . ;;.. 2:00&7:30: Living Arts Centre. SweetDreams: A Tribute to Patsy Ch'ne with LeisaWay. Living Arts Centre, 4141 Living ArtsDrive. 1-888-805-8888, 905-306-6000.-.· 2:00: George lgnatieff Theatre. Flute andGuitar Concert. Eileen Fawcett, flute; PatDoherty, guitar. 15 Devonshire Place. 416-463-9126. .· 2:00: Jazz at R.Y. The Rick Wilkins Duartet.Royal York Road United Church, 851 RoyalYork Rd. 416-231-1207. ;(sr). In aidof various causes including Local Outreach,Youth Without Shelter & Women's Habitat.· 2:00: Off Centre Music Salon. Italian BelCanto Salon. Cho pin's cantabile piano repertoireinspired by Bellini's melodic style. LuciaCesaroni, soprano; Lunne McMurtry, mezzosoprano; Boris Zarankin, piano. Glenn GouldStudio, 250 Front St. West. 416-205-5555.(regular); $ 35(sr/st).· 2:00: Trio Bravo. Music by Ellenwood,Jacob, Ravel, Peterson, Reade, Babiak andMozart. Terry Storr, clarinet; Baird Knechtel,viola; John Selleck, piano. All Saints KingswayAnglican Church, 2850 Bloor St. West. 416-242-2131. ;.50(regular);;(door).· 2:30: Alicier Arts Chamber Music. NotSo Strictly Ballroom. Mirobolus Jazz StringTrio. St. George's on-the-Hill, 4600 DundasSt. West.416-731-3599. ;.· 3:00: Toronto Mendelssohn Choir.Raised in Song· Great Hymns and Choruses.Audience sing-along with great hymns & cho·ruses from favourite oratorio masterworks.Noel Edison, conductor; Giles Bryant, racon·teur; William Maddox, organ. YorkminsterPark Baptist Church, 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167.· 4:00: St. James' Cathedral. Twilight RecitalSeries: Allan Pulker, flute; Andrew Ager,organ. C.P.E. Bach: Sonata in a; J.J. Quantz:~