9 years ago

Volume 13 - Issue 3 - November 2007

... CONCERTS: Toronto

... CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAPre-concert lecture by Kera la Snyder. KnoxCollege Chapel, 59 St. George St. 416-363-0331 x26. ; (st/RCCO members).· 8:00:The Toronto Consort. The Oueen.See listing for Nov. 9.· 10:30: Harbourfront Centre. SalvadorAllende Arts Festivalfor Peace. N ache dePercusi6n. Arabic and North African influencedLatin American music, Afro Peruvian,and Cuban music, with Sambito and Son Ache.Brigantine Room, 235 Queen's Quay West.416-973-4000. .CBSO/RCMcompetitionwinnerKatie MurphySoprano:Opera excerptsfrom MozartCharpentier andBernsteinto ron t d a rtsbou n c i I.-.n arm's l ~ngth b

Fick, conductor. Christ Church United, 1700Mazo Cr., Clarkson. 905-278-7059. Free willoffering.· 3:00: The Windermere String Quartet.Concert Series. Fodor: Quartet 114; Eybler TrioOp. 2; Beethoven Quartet in F, Op. 59111. St.Olave's Anglican Church, 360 WindermereAve. 416.769.7054. -.· 3:00: Canadian Ballet Theatre. Giselle.See Nov.10.· 3:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. AStar is Born. Roy Thomson Hall. See Nov 10.· 4:00: Christ Church Oeer Park. Mozart'sRequiem. The combined choirs of ChristChurch Deer Park and The Church of St. MaryMagdalene; Renita Reitz, soprano; HeatherJewsen, alto; Sasha Bataligin, tenor; MatthewZadow, bass; Bruce Kirkpatrick Hill, musicdirector. 1570 Yonge St., 416-920-5211..· 4:00: All the King's Voices. Requiems byFaure and Mozart. A presentation of two requiemsmarking Remembrance Day. With or·chestra and soloists. Grace Church on the Hill,300 Lonsdale Rd. 416-225-2255. ;(st./sr); (children).· 4:00: Association of Sound HealingTechnologies and Research. World MusicW.AMOZARTREQlJIEMDIRECTORBRUCE KIRK.P AlRICK HILLRenita Reitz, sopranoHeather Jewsen, alto4:00 PMSasha Bataligin, tenorMatthew Zaaow. bassCHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK1570 YONGE STREET, TORONTO, ON M4T 1Z8www.christchurchdeerpark.orgNOVEMBER1 - D ECEMBE R 7 2007Back to Ad IndexWWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COMPeace Concert. Ash'tar Ron Allen, Indian barn·boo flute, and the Whole Wide World MusicEnsemble. Upstairs Studio, The Village Hea l­ing Centre, 240 Roncesvalles Ave. 416-545-7141. ; O(adv) free(ch w/ adult).· 4:00: St. James Cathedral. Music forRemembrance Day. Andrew Ager, organ; St.James Singers. 65 Church Street. 416-364-7865. Free.· 4:00: Vesnivka Choir. Dlzhych: Poetry inMusic. Music by Lawryshyn. Katerina Tchoubar,soprano; Serhij Danko, baritone; TorontoUkrainian Male Chamber Choir. All Saints'King sway Anglican Church, 2850 Bloor St.West. 416-763-2197, 416-246-9880.;.· 4:30 : St. Clement's Church. Organist inRecital.· Thomas Filches. Music of Bach,Braga, Franck, Langlais. 59 Briar Hill Ave.416-483-6664. Freewill offering.· 7:00: Harbourfront Centre. SalvadorAllende Arts Festival for Peace. Quilapayun.Chilean instrumental and vocal folk musicensemble. Enwave Theatre, 235 Queen'sQuay West. 416-973-4000. .· 7:30: Or. Vicky Santiago. MarthaJoylive.Canadian Idol finalist Martha Joy isjoined by tenor Larry Tozer and Cardinal CarterAcademy for the Arts choir. Proceeds do·nated to Sunnybrook Veteran's Wing. GeorgeWeston Recital Hall, 5040 Yonge St. 416-872- 1111. - .· 7:30: Flying Cloud Folk Club/Maripo·sa. Tamarack reunion · Songs of the Canadianlandscape. T ranzac, 292 Brunswick Avenue.416-410-3655. ;(members).· 7:30: Aradia Ensemble. Israel in Egypt byHandel. Kevin Mallon, Conductor; JennieSuch, soprano; Jennifer Enns Modolo, alto;Nils Brown, tenor; Sean Watson, bass.Church of the Holy Sacrament, 24 CheritanAve. 416-461 -3471. .· 8:00: Music Gallery. Rock Plaza Central& Inhabitants. A double bill featuring twoCanadian ensembles where country rockmeets instrumental jazz. 197 John St.. 416-204-1080. ; ( adv.); (members& students).· 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall/Massey Mrisica Magnffica from South America:Caetano Veloso. Caetano Veloso, singer/poet/guitar. Massey Hall, 15 Shuter St. 416-872-4255. .50-$ 69.50.Tuesday November 13· 12:10: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Voice Performance Class: StudentPerformances. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park.416-978-3744. Free.· 1 :00: St. James Cathedral. Music atMidday Recital Series -Stillman Matheson,organ. 65 Church Street. 416-364-7865.WINDERMERESTRING QHAUTETon period instrumentsRona Golden she,; \·iol inGenevieve Gilardeau, violinAnthony Rapoport, violaLaura Jones, celloSunday, Nov. 11, 3:00Free.· 5:3 0: Canadian Opera Company. TheRichard Bradshaw Amphitheatre Vocal Series:Duetting Divas. Prog ram of operatic & art songrepertoire. CDC Ensemble Studio GraduatesShannon Mercer & Krisztina Szabo, voice; LizUpchurch, piano. Four Seasons Centre for thePerforming Arts, 145 Queen St. West. 416·363-8231 . Free.· 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. YU Women's Chorus. Mechem: SevenJoys of Christmas & other works by Hawley,M. Haydn, Reger, Hatfield, Daley & Henderson.Nathalie Lalkens-Doucet, piano. Lisette Canton,director. Tribute Communities Recital Hall,Accolade East, YU, 4700 Keele St. 416· 736·5186. Free.· 8:00: 416 Toronto Creative ImprovisersFestival. Intro to lmprov. Nobuo Kubota solo;Sarah Peebles, sho; David Sait, guzheng; Drum·heller; The Selfish Gene. Tranzac Club, 292Brunswick. 416-923-8137. .);tusic TORONTO· 8:00: Music Toronto. Duatuor Arthur-leb·lane. Prevost: Mouvement; Shostakovich:String Quartet 114; Schubert: String Quartet1114 in d (Death and the Maiden). Hibiki Koba·yashi, Brett Molzan, violins; violist Jean-LucPlourde, viola; Ryan Molzan, cello. Jane MallettTheatre, St. Lawrence Centre for the Art s, 27Front St. East. 416-366· 7723, 800· 708·6754. ,; 18-35 pay your age; (st,accompanying adult Y, price).Wednesday November 14· 12:00: Canadian Opera Company. TheRichard Bradshaw Amphitheatre Jazz Series:Mainstream Jazz. The Humber ContemporaryJazz Ensemble, 10-piece band accompanied byvocals. Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen Street West. 416-363-8231.Free.· 12:00: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. William Lupton, organ. YorkminsterPark Baptist Church. 416-922-1167. Free.· 7:00: Tafelmusik. Dazzling Baroque. Worksby Boccherini, Zelenka, Veracini, Locatelli, Mon·donville, and Vivaldi. Jeanne Lamon, musicdirector. Trinity- St. Paul's Centre, 427 BloorSt. West. 416-964-6337. -68, /- 61(st/sr).· 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Small Jazz Ensembles. Walter Hall,80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.31

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