9 years ago

Volume 13 - Issue 3 - November 2007

... CONCERTS: Toronto

... CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAMass. Lisette Canton, director.Tribute Com·munities Recital Hall, Accolade East, YU,4700 Keele St. 416· 736-5888. ; (st). 8:00: JAZZ. FM91. Sound of Jazz ConcertSeries - lush Life: Billy Strayhorn Remem·bered. Works of the Duke Ellington arranger.Mike Murley; Kevin Turcotte; William Carn;Nick Fraser; Steve Wallace and more. Did MillInn, 21 Did Mill Rd. 416-595-0404. ; $ 2 2.. 8:00: Koffler Concerts. A Bach Evening. Aconcert featuring the music of Bach with theKoffler Chamber Orchestra. Works include theTriple Concerto in C major, the Violin Concertoin E; Piano Concerto in d. Robert Silverman,piano, Jacques lsraelevitch, music director andviolin. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St.W.416-205-5555. . Preferred seating andchampagne reception, 0.· 8:00 Marjorie Sparks, soprano. In Recit·al, with Brahm Goldhamer, piano. Song byDebussy, Duparc & R. Strauss. Grace Churchon the Hill, 300 Lonsdale Rd. 416-944-3343.Tuesday November 20· 12:00: Canadian Opera Company. TheRichard Bradshaw Amphitheatre Dance Se·ries: Bas-Reliefs. Duets set in a scenic environ·ment. Marie-Josee Chartier & Dan Wild,dance; Betty Goodwin, visual art; Ginette Laurin& Guillaume Bernardi, choreography. FourSeasons Centre for the Performing Arts, 145Queen St. West. 416-363-8231 . Free.- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. New Music by Young Composers.Works by graduate composition students fromthe studio of David Mott. Tribute CommunitiesRecital Hall, Accolade East, YU, 4700Keele St. 416-736-5186. Free.. 1 :00: St. James Cathedral. Music at MiddayRecital Series -Duirino DiGuilio, organ.Music of Italy. 65 Church Street. 416-364·7865. Free.-2:00: Lowe's. White Christmas. Irving Berlin,composer. Graham Rawat, Kate Baldwin,Nora Mclellan, Barry Flatman, Jayme Arm·strong. Sony Centre for the Performing Arts.416-872-2262. -0. For complete runsee music theatre listings.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. 7 O'Clock Swing Band. John Jasavala,director. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978 3744. Free.· 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. York U Jazz Festival - York U JazzChoirs. Bob Hamper, Mim Adams, directors.Tribute Communities Recital Hall, YU, 4700Keele St. 416-736-5186. Free.- 8:00: Talisker Players Chamber Music.The Harp of Fire. Works by Sohal, Shepherd,Foulds, Caplet and Ivanov. Zorana Sadiq, soprano,Kristina Szabo, soprano, Mary McGeer,artistic director. Trinity St Paul's Centre, 427Bloor St. West. 416-466-1800. $ 30, (sr), (st).- 8:15: York University Department ofMusic. York U Jazz Festival · York Jazz Ensembles.Mark Eisenman, Frank Falco, KelleyJefferson & Mike Murley, directors. ACELounge, 219 Accolade East, YU, 4700 KeeleSt. 416-736-5186. Free.-9:00: Small World Music. Tinariwen.Musicians of the Touareg people of the Saharadesert. (Advance tickets at SoundscapeRecords, 572 College St.) Mod Club, 722 Col·lege St. 416-588-4663. advance, door.Wednesday November 21· 12 :0 0: Canadian Opera Company. TheRichard Bradshaw Amphitheatre Piano VirtuosoSeries: Romanticism. Works by Granados,Mompou, Albeniz. Jose Menor, piano. FourSeasons Centre for the Performing Arts, 145Queen St. West. 416-363-8231. Free.- 12:00: Hart House Music Committee.RECITALMARJORIE SPARKSBR·\Hl\l C,OLUHAl\ll l{Pl.\:llC:IUCL CHURCH ON ·111L H!U300 I onsdalc> Hoad, 1 oro n lo.Nm ember 1'l, 2007 al 8 p.m.I 01 ,nfonnation call 4 16-944-3,-H\l>\ll'i'ilO'\'~~Celebrating the art of songwww.aldeburghconnection.orgAllison ArendssopranoKathleen PromanemezzoBruce UbukatapianowithThe Faculty of MusicUniversity ofTorontoTALISKERPLAYERSCHAMBERMUSICZorana Sadiq, SOPRANOKrisztina Szabo, MEZZO SOPRANOEd Hanley, TABLAPeter Longworth, PIANOThe Talisker PlayersNovember 20 e, 21, 2007, 8 pmMONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 7:30 p.m.WALTER HALL / (416) 978-3744torontdartscoun ciPA ONTARIO ARTS COUNCILM CONSEIL DES ARTS DE L"ONTARIOTrinity St. Paul's CentreTickets: / / Information: 416-466-1800www.taliskerplayers.ca34 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM NOVEMBER1 - DECEMBER 7 2007Back to Ad Index

Midday Mosaics Noon Hour Concert. Brahms:Sonata #2 for Cello and Piano Op.99; Bartok:Suite Paysanne Hongroise; Poulenc: Sonata forFlute and Piano. Adriana Pera & StephanieChua, cello-piano duo; lzabella Budai & TeresaZaleski, flute-piano duo. Hart House MusicRoom, 7 Hart House Circle. 416-978-2452.Free.· 12:00: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. Andrew Adair, organ. YorkminsterPark Baptist Church. 1585 Yonge Street.416-530-4428. Free.- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. York U Jazz Festival -York jazz vocalists.Richard Whiteman, director. ACE Lounge,219 Accolade East, YU, 4700 Keele St. 416·736-5186. Free.- 7:30: Mozart Society. Works by Mozart,Haydn, Hummel. Katerina Englichova, harp;Milan Brunner, flute; Marta Laurincova, piano.First Unitarian Church, 175 St. Clair AvenueWest. 416-439-4354. (door); free tomembers.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. SmallJall Ensembles. Walter Hall,80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.· 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. York U Jazz Festival Yark· Jall Ensembles.Artie Roth, Kevin Turcotte, Roy Pat·terson, Lorne Lofsky & Kelly Jefferson, directors.ACE Lounge, 219 Accolade East, YU,4700 Keele St. 416- 736-5186. Free.- 8:00: Talisker Players Chamber Music.See Nov. 20.-9:00: Mezzetta Restaurant. David Mott,sax; Matt Brubeck, cello. 681 St. Clair Ave.West. 416-658-5687. cover.Thursday November 22-12:15:Music at Metropolitan Noon atMet Organ Recital. Dexter Roberts andfriends. 56 Queen St. 416-363-0331 x26.Free.- 12:30: Christ Church Deer Park Angli·can Church. Noonday chamber music concerts.English art songs. Rhonwen Derbez,soprano. 1570 Yonge Street. 416-920-5211.Free.· 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. York U Jall Festival· York/au vocal·ists. Bob Fenton, director. ACE Lounge, 219Accolade East, YU, 4700 Keele St. 416· 736·5186. Free.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Small Jall Ensembles. Walter Hall,NU M U S80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.· 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. York U Jall Festival -York Jazz En·sembles. Anthony Michelli, Kevin Turcotte,Lorne Lofsky, Mark Eisenman, Jim Vivian &Mike Malone, directors. ACE Lounge, 219Accolade East, YU, 4700 Keele St. 416- 736-5186. Free.-8:00: DanceWorks. Harbourfront Centre'sNext Steps Series· Manga. Serge Bennathan,choreographer; Susie Burpee & Linnea Swan,dance; Bertrand Chenier, music; Jat Gower·Taylor, set. Enwave Theatre, 231 QueensQuay West. 416-973-4000. ; (sr/st/CADA/WIFT/SCDS). For complete run seemusic theatre listings.Friday November 23- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. YU Chamber Strings. Peggy Hills,director.Tribute Communities Recital Hall,Accolade East, YU, 4 700 Keele St. 416· 736·5186. Free.· 7:30: Brampton Folk Club. Friday FolkNight concerts· Our Scottish Roots with MariaOunn & David Leask. Sanderson Hall, St.Paul's United Church, 30 Main St. South,Brampton. 64 7-233-3655. ; lD(st/sr).· 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Choirs in Concert: Celebremus. CelebratingMusic & its patron Saint Cecilia. Mu·sic by Orban. Women's Chorus, Robert Cooper,conductor. Victoria College Chapel, 93 CharlesSt. West. 416-978-3744. ;.- 7:30:Smile Theatre. Gift of the Magi Apresentation of D. Henry's classic story. YorkminsterPart Baptist Church. 1585 Yonge St.416-922-1167. .- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. York U Jazz Festival - YU Jall Orchestra.Works by Fletcher Henderson, AlHenderson, Gerry Mulligan. Al Henderson &Mike Cada, directors. Tribute CommunitiesRecital Hall, YU, 4700 Keele St. 416- 736-5186. Free.· 8:00: Arraymusic/The Music Gallery/NUMUS. Celebrating James Tenney. Tenney:Monody; Spectrum 1; Bridge.The ArraymusicEnsemble. 7: 15: Pre-concert talk. Church ofSt. George the Martyr, 197 John. 416-204-1080. ; (Gallery members); O(sr/st,arts workers, underemployed).· 8:00: Clarkson Music Theatre. Wonder·fut. Meadowvale Theatre, 6315 MontevideoRd. 905-615-4720. For complete run see mu·Kitchener-Waterloo'spre-eminent presenter ofnew music is pleased to announceTWO CONCERTSCelebrating the Life and Music of Composer,Theorist, Educator James TenneyFeaturing: Eve Egoyan, Malcolm Goldstein,Casey Sokol, and the Toronto Percussion EnsembleFriday, November 23, 8 pmMaureen Forrester Recital HallWilfrid Laurier Un iversity, Waterloo, ONSaturday, November 24, 8 pmMusic Gallery, TorontoTickets for each concert: general I studentFor more information visit: www.numus.on.caor phone (519) 896-3662sic theatre listings.· 8:00: Living Arts Centre. Holly Cole.Michael Kaeshammer. Living Arts Centre,4141 Living Arts Dr. 905-306-6000. and up.- 8:00: On Stage at Glenn Gould Studio.Dione Taylor-A little Respect. Dione Taylorpays a musical tribute to Aretha Franklin. WithDavid Clayton-Thomas; Sharon Riley; the FaithChorale. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. W.416-205-5555. , (st/sr).· 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music.Tribute Concert for the late Richard Bradshaw.Beethoven: Symphony #9; Britten: PeterGrimes, four Sea Interludes; Wagner: Lo hen·grin prelude to Act 3. Royal Conservatory Orchestra,Toronto Mendelssohn Choir, CanadianChildren's Opera Chorus. George Weston RecitalHall, Toronto Centre for the Arts. 416-872- 1111. ; O(sr/st).- 8:00: Summer Opera Lyric Theatre.Eight Songs far a Mad King. By Maxwell Dav·ies. Celebrates 100 Years of the Departmentof Psychiatry (U of T). Bruce Kelly, baritone;Jose Hernandez, conductor; Guillermo Silva­Marin, stage director. Performance followedby presentation by neuropsychiatrist Dr. AnthonyFeinstein. Betty Oliphant Theatre, 404Jarvis St. 416-978-8849. Free, but ticketsmust be pre-ordered.Saturday November 24· 3:00: Etobicoke Suzuki School of Mu·sic. Winter Concert. School concert, over 100violin & cello students ages 3 to 18 perform·ing a variety of classical and popular repertoire.Location in Etobicoke TBA. 416-239-4637. Free.- 7:00: Earth Tones 2007. Music far Hope.Students & Faculty at U of T's Faculty ofMedicine; Sheila McCarthy, host. ConvocationHall, 31 King's College Circle. 416-978-2764.$ l 5(door);$ l O(adv). proceeds to support inter·national children's initiatives.· 7:30 Mississauga Children's Choir. TheAdvent of Song. Thomas Bell, conductor.Westminster United Church, 4094 Tom kenRd., Mississauga. 905-273-9505. ,.- 7:30: Opera Encore. Puccini: Boheme. Textby Murger and lllica. Richard Valdez, artisticdirector. Heliconian Club, 35 Hazelton Ave.416-603-4791.· 7:30: The Togogo Grannies of BloorStreet United Church & The Old Or·chard Blossoms of St Timothy's Angli·can Church. A Benefit Concert an behalf ofthe Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaignof the Stephen lewis Foundation. The Nathan·iel Dell Chorale, Brainerd Blyden-Taylor, founder& conductor & The University of TorontoGospel Choir, conductor Lisa Toussaint. BloorStreet United Church, 300 Bloor St. W. 416-766-6481. .- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. U of T Wind Ensemble. Schwantner:Concerto for Percussion and Wind Ensemble;works by Bernstein & Mackey. Dame EvelynGlennie, percussion solo; Gillian MacKay, con·ductor. MacMillan Theatre, 80 Queen's Park.416-978-3744. ;$ l 0.- 7:30: Westminster United Church. TheAdvent of Song. Mississauga Children's Choir.4094 Tomken Road. 905-273-9505.(family of 4);$ l 2(adult); (sr&st).- 8:00: Arkady Yanivker & Yuri Mey·rowitz. Violin & Piano Sonata Recital. MusicN OVEM BERl - DECEMBER 7 2007WWW. TH EWHOLENOTE.COMBack to Ad Index

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