9 years ago

Volume 13 - Issue 3 - November 2007

KorngoldSonata in

KorngoldSonata in GProkofievSonata in FBrahmsSonata Movement (F.A.E.)performed byArkady Yanivker, violinYuri Meyrowitz. pianoNovember 24, 8 pmGlenn Gould Studio250 Front Street WestBox Office: Mon.- Sat. 2 - 6:30 pm416-205-5555... CONCERTS: Toronto and GTA Ii guitarist. Pre-Opening Season Concert. Rich·by Korngold, Prokofiev & Brahms. Glenn GouldStudio, 250 Front St. West. 416-205-5555.; (sr); (st).· 8:00: Brampton Lyric Opera. Gala Concert.Mark Dubois and Shek Ko, conductors.Maria Pellegrini with BLO soloist, orchestraand chorus. Rose Theatre, 1 Theatre Lane,Brampton. 905-874-2800. -(adu11);.50-.50(sr/st).· 8:00: Jubilate Singers. The Roots ofChristmas. Caroline Spearing, conductor. EastminsterUnited Church, 310 Danforth Ave.416-536-5750 . ;(sr);(st).· 8:00: Mississauga Children's Choir. TheAdvent of Song. Westminster United Church,4094 Tomken Rd. 905-273-9505. $ 5-.· 8:00: Mississauga Symphony. MostlyMendelssohn. Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto;Symphony #411.talian); Handel: Royal Fireworks.Benjamin Bowen, violin; John Barnum,conductor. Hammerson Hall, 4141 Living ArtsDrive, Mississauga. 905-306-6000. -.· 8:00: Mooredale Concerts. Takai StringGuartet. Krammer: Quartet in B flat for Clarinetand Strings; Czerny: String Quartet in e;Bartok: String Quartet #2; Murphy: Dark Energy.Guest: Robyn Choi, clarinet. WillowdaleUnited Church, 349 Kenneth Ave. 416-922·3714 x103. ; (stlsr).· 8:00: NUMUS/Arraymusic/The MusicGallery. Celebrating James Tenney. Tenney:Koan for solo violin; Three Rags for solo piano;Three Pieces for Drum Quartet; To Weave (ameditation) for piano; Ergodos Ill for pianos.Eve Egoyan, Casey Sokol, piano; MalcolmGoldstein, violin; Toronto Percussion Quartet.Church of St. George the Martyr, 197 John.519-896-3662. ; $ l 5(Gallery members);(srlst, arts workers, underemployed).· 8:00: Richmond Hill Centre for the Per·forming Arts. Daniel Bolshoy, Canadian-lsrae-mond Hill United Church, 10201 Yonge St.Richmond Hill. 905-737-8985 x6007. $?· 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall/Massey Hall/Lexus. Eastern Expressions: Yamato Drummersof Japan. Yamato, drums. Roy ThomsonHall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. .50-.50.· 8:00: Toronto Saxophone Society. Saxophonewith Strings. Music of Denisov, Steinberg,Anklewicz and more. Mike Anklewicz,saxophone; Soohyun Nam, cello; Ben Plotnick,viola. Arraymusic Studio, 60 Atlantic Ave.416-558-9457. .Sunday November 25· 12:00: Derek Macrae. Guitar Solo Concert.See Nov.4.· 1 :00: Mooredale Concerts. Music & TrufflesChildren's Concerts: Takai String Guartetwith Robyn Choi, clarinet. Music by Bartok,Krammer & Czerny. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's~6°"RICHMOND HILLCentre for the Performing ArtsProudly PresentsDaniel BolshoyCanadian-IsraeliClassical GuitaristOur first presentation in ourpre~opening season!Saturday November 24, 2007 8:00 p.m.Richmond Hill United Church10201 Yonge Street, Richmond HillFor tickets call (905) 737-8985 ext. 6007Proudly sponsored by Richmond Hill@ TOYOTAFeaturing our Host of theNight, MultipleAward-Winning Actress,and Star on CBC's SitcomLittle Mosque on thePrairie - Sheila McCarthy!UniversitY. of Toronto Medical Students and Facult.Y. bringto you a night of music in support of MSMF and GuluwafkDate: Saturday, November 24th, 2007Time: Doors open at 6:30pm Show starts at 7pmLocation: Univer.;ity of Toronto Convocation HallTickets: in advance at the doorFor More Information call:\ !.• · l l· IJllT,/·Id36www.Mooredaleconcerts.comTOKAI QUARTETwith Robyn Cho, clarinet1 st Toronto performance of a stunningCarl Czerny Quartet, plus Bartok #2 &an enchanting Krammer Clarinet QuartetSat. Nov. 24, 8 pm - Willowdale United ChurchSun. Nov 25, 3 pm - Walter Hall(Music & Truffles at 1 pm)/ 416 587-9411LIVING ARTS CENTRE BOX OFFICE (905) 306-6000WWW. THEWHOLENOTE,COM N OVEMB ER1 · D ECEMB ER 7 200 7Back to Ad Index

Park.416-922-3714x103. .· 1 :00pm&3:00pm: Mississauga ArtsCouncil. Giggle and Stomp. Bruno Roy &Janie Gingras. Living Arts Centre, 4141 LivingArts Dr. 905-306-6000. (children off).· 2:00: Scarborough Civic Centre. SundayConcert Series· North York Concert Orchestra.Rotunda, 150 Borough Drive, Scarborough.416. 338.3295. Free.· 2:00: The Sound Post. Fall Salon Concert.Mayumi Seiler, violin & friends. 93 GrenvilleSt. 416-971-6990. Free.· 2:00: St. Anne's Anglican Church. CentennialCelebration: St. Cecilia Concert. Programof British choral music relating to theperiod of the 1 OOth anniversary of this NationalHistoric Site. St. Anne's Festival Choir. 270Gladstone Ave. 416-922-4415. Freewill offering.· 2:00: University Settlement Music andArts School. Concert of Chamber Music. St.George the Martyr Church, 197 John St. Free,donations welcome. 416- 598- 3444 x243.· 2:00: Roy Thomson Hall. InternationalVocal Recitals: Measha Brueggergosman, soprano.Roger Vignoles, piano. Roy ThomsonHall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. -.· 2:30: The Music Gallery/Arraymusic/NU MUS. Music Gallery Open House: CelebratingJames Tenney. Tenney: Road to Ubud& other music. Evergreen Club Gamelan, ArraymusicEnsemble, Stephen Clarke, piano &others. Church of St. George the Martyr, 197John. 416-204-1080. ; (Gallery members);41 O(sr/st, arts workers, underemployed).· 3:00: Moored ale Concerts. Takai StringOuartet. See Nov 24. Walter Hall, 80 Queen'sPark. 416-587 -9441.· 3:00: Toronto Chamber Choir. Kaffeemusik:Welcome to all the Pleasures. Acelebration of St. Cecilia's Day, with music byPurcell, Vaughan Willams, and more. DavidFallis, artistic director. Christ Church DeerPark, 1570YongeSt.416-763-1695. ;.· 4:00: Northdale Concert Band. Musicfrom the British Isles. Don Mills UnitedChurch, 85 Parkwoods Village Drive. 416-444-4962. Free.· 4:00&7:00: Roy Thomson Hall/MasseyHall/Starvox Entertainment. Mazowsze'sWarsaw Christmas. Polish carols and dances.Massey Hall, 15 Shuter St. 416-872-4255..75-.75.· 4:00: St. John's Convent. Cantibile Choir.Cheryl Chung, conductor. St. John's Convent,233 Cummer Ave. 416-226-2201 x305.Free will offering.· 4:30: Church of St. Mary Magdalene.Festival of Chant Concert· Celebrating 85Years of Gregorian Chant. Robert Castle, Cantor;St. Mary Magdalene's Women's Schola;Schola S. Gregoire; Jean Pierre Noiseux, MusicDirector; Andrew Adair, interim Organist.477 Manning Avenue. 416-531-7955. ;(sr/st).· 5:00: Czech Community Centre. Nocturnesat Masaryktown. Katerina Englichova,harp; Milan Brunner, flute; Marta Laurincova,piano. St. Wenceslas Church. 416-439-4354.(generall;(st).· 7:30: Flying Cloud Folk Club. Scrievet.Three piece acoustic ensemble; Christine Storey,fiddle & voice; Ed Nicol, guitar, mandolin,Sunday, November 25Festival of Chant ConcertCelebrating 86 Years of Gregorian Chant4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.Tickets: , sisPerformers include:The Ritual Choir of the Church of St. Mary Magdalene,Schola Magdalena, Sarum Schola,St. Mary Magdalene Chant ClubAndrew Adair, Assistant OrganistThis is a unique educational opportunity for the music and choralcommunity of the GTA and is also a fundraiser for the church.Church of St. Mary Magdalene, 477 Manning Avenue, TorontoFor more info: 416-531·7955 www.stmarymagdalene.caN OVEM BER 1 - D ECEMBER 7 200 7Back to Ad IndexWWW, TH EWHOLENOTE.COMbouzouki & voice; Scott Henderson, borderpipes, highland pipes, flute & whistles.Tranzac, 292 Brunswick Avenue. 416-410-3655. ;(members).· 8:00 Esprit Orchestra. Off the Edge -25th Anniversary Season. Schnittke: Concertofor Piano and String Orchestra; Schafer: Scorpius;Freedman: Town; Harman: 14 ChoraleMelodies; Gougeon: Clare Venus. AndrewBurashko, piano; Marie-Danielle Parent, soprano;Alex Pauk, conductor. Jane MallettTheatre, 27 Front Street East. 416-366-7723., (sr), (st). 7: 15: Pre-concerttalk.Monday November 26· 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Chamber Music Series: Wind Spectacular:Strauss Edition. R. Str~uss: SerenadeOp. 7; Suite in B flat Op.4; First Sonatina forWinds "From an invalid's workshop". Membersof the Toronto Wind Quintet & guests.Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. ;.· 8:00: Toronto Organ Club. Frank lacinoand Andre van den Hoogen, organ. St; JamesUnited Church, 400 Burnhamthorpe Rd. 905-824-4667. ; free to children under 10.Tuesday November 27· 12:00noon: Canadian Opera Company.The Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre UrbanMusic Series: Hymn to Night. Works byR.Murray Schafer. GGS New Music Ensemble,chamber orchestra & soprano. Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts, 145Queen St. West. 416-363-8231. Free.· 12:10: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Voice Performance Class: French ArtSong. With Ginette Duplessis and Mia Bach.Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744.Free.· 1 :00: St. James Cathedral. Music at MiddayRecital Series -Rachel Mahon, organ. 65Church Street. 416-364-7865. Free.· 1 :00: York University Department ofMusic. YU Medieval & Renaissance Ensemble.Judith Cohen, director. 235 AccoladeEast, YU, 4700 Keele St. 416.736-5186.Free.· 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Student Composers Concert. WalterHall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.· 8:00: Cirrus Ensemble. Chamber Musicfor Woodwinds and Strings. Works by Bach;Krammer; Strauss; Stravinsky and Schoenberg.Walmer Road Baptist Church, 188Lowther Ave. 416-535-6728. By donation.. 8:00 Hart House. Hart House SymphonicBand. Repertoire including John Adams: ShortRide in a Fast Machine. Great Hall, Hart House, 7Hart House Circle. 416.978.2452. $?8:00: Opera Ontario. Hamilton PhilharmonicOrchestra: Daniel Lipton, director; RichardMargison, tenor; Sondra Radvanovsky, soprano;Daniel Sumegi, baritone; CatherineKenn, mezzo-soprano. Living Arts Centre,4141 Living Arts Dr., Mississauga. 905-306-6000. and up. *POSTPONED*· 8:00: Music Toronto. Arnaldo Cohen, piano.Schoenberg: Six Little Pieces, Op.19; Chopin:4 Scherzi; works by Brazilian composers includingBraga, Dutra, Gnattali, Guarnieri, Levy,Mignone, Nazareth, Nepomuceno, Santoro,Villa-Lobos. Jane Mallett Theatre, St. LawrenceCentre for the Arts, 27 Front St. East.416-366-7723, 800-708-6754. , ;18-35 pay your age; (st, accompanyingadult Y, price).· 8:00: Randolph Academy for the PerformingArts. little Women. A musical adaptation.Jim Betts, music & lyrics; Nancy Early,book; Jeffrey Huard, musical director.Bathurst Street Theatre, 736 Bathurst St.416-924-2243. . For complete run seemusic theatre listings.· 8:00: Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra.Bach· Christmas Oratorio. Anne Monoyios,soprano; Daniel Taylor, countertenor; RufusMuller, tenor; Tyler Duncan, baritone; lvarsTaurins, conductor. George Weston RecitalHall, 5040 Yonge St. 416-872-1111. -.Wednesday November 28· 12:00noon: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. William Maddox, organ. YorkminsterPark Baptist Church. 1585 Yonge Street. 416-530-4428. Free.· 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. YU Male Chorus. Works by Whitacre,Mantyjarvi, Sibelius, Hoddinott, Spevacek,The CirrusEnsembleChamber Music forWoodwinds and StringsIncluding works by Bach,Krammer, R. Strauss,Stravinsky and SchoenbergTuesday, November27th, 8:00 pmWalmer Road Baptist Church188 Lowther Ave.(north of Bloor, west of Spadina)Admission by donation(416) 695-8208michellezb@gmail.com37

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