9 years ago

Volume 13 - Issue 3 - November 2007

... CONCERTS: Toronto

... CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAPRESENTSCINNAMON,CEDAR,C:AROL.'i& Cl!O!R.SPATAPAN!\J-,.- !1~-+~ -Wl LLlAM BR.OWNArtisti,: Dimto;-JAMES BOUR.NEPianistSATURDAY. DECEMBER 1, 2007 · 8PMGrace Church on-the-Hill300 Lonsdale Road, TorontoTickets: 125.00 Regular i2 0.oo SeniorsSPECIAL GUESTSBeverley Jor, Newmar.F!ul~ilo.oo StudentsContact Oria.n2:Manulife PO Box 19551, 55 Blour Street West, 'lbronto, ON /..l1W 3T9Tel: 416 923-3123Email: info@orian~choir.curr.\/Veb: www.orianachair corn! ( •onto:irts:;:)J 'l.:11A Sing-AlongMESSIAHSunday, December 2nd 3:00 p.m.Peter Merrick, Music DirectorRuth Watson Henderson, PianoWith Organ, Trumpet & TimpaniAdults: Students: For tickets call: 416-481-1141 ext. 250VISA and MasterCard are acceptedFeaturing:Lawrence P2rk CollegiateConcert choirWilliam llrowr., Cocd11c\or~o·,• I duA-t,d~ (>"• d•Add your voice to thesplendour of Handel'smasterpiece in an intimatechurch setting.Seating is by voice partand non -si ngers arewelcome. Please bring ascore if you have one.Always wanted to singsolos in Messiah, Singerswho wish to will be invitedto join our fabuloussoloists for parts of th earias.Eglinton St. George'sUnited Church35 Lytton BoulevardToronto, ON M4R 1 L2(S,x blxks south of ' awrrnceAve, one block ,'lest ot Y1ngc Si)· 8:00: Masterworks of Oakville Chorusand Orchestra. Messiah by Handel. MaryMother of God Catholic Church, 2475 NorthRidge Trail, Oakville. 905-257-7308. ;15(sr/st); children.· 8:00: Mississauga Arts Council. ChristmasConcert. City Centre Musical Productions.Eleanor Calbes, director. ClearviewChristian Reform Church. 905-820-1833.-20.- 8:00: Mississauga Festival Choir. ABrassy Christmas. Rutter: Gloria; other works;music by Chilcott, Loomer, Pinkham; guestbrass and percussionists; sing-along. AndreaGrant, accompanist. Royal Bank Theatre, LivingArts Centre, 4141 Living Arts Dr., Missis·sauga. 905-306-6000. , (sr/stJ,(12 & under).· 8:00: Nagata Shachu. Tsuzure (tapestry).Japanese taiko and music group. Annual concertpremiering new works and celebratingKiyoshi Nagata's 25 years as a taiko performer.Ryerson Theatre, 43 Gerrard St. E. 416-978-8849. ;(st/sr); (adv);20(· 8:00: Oriana Women's Choir. Patapan!Carols. William Brown, artistic director;James Bourne, piano; Beverley Johnson, marimba;Leslie Newman, flute. Grace Church onthe-Hill., , .· 8:00: Perth Productions. A Celtic Christmas.An evening of traditional holiday and Celticrepertoire. Peter Ian Mccutcheon, tenor;Margaret Mikelait, piano; Rob Crabtree, piper.Jubilee United Church, 40 Underhill Drive,416-438-9458. .· 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall/Massey Hall.Jazz & Blues: Toronto Blues Society's 21 stAnnual. Women's Blues Revue, artists. MasseyHall, 15 Shuter St. 416-872-4255. -.· 8:00: Ryerson University. The libertiesof Susan Howe: a pOemPERA by Udo Kasemets.Live & pre-recoded singing and speakingvoices; instrumental music & video projections;Susan Howe & Linda Catlin Smith,speakers, Susan Layard, singer/speaker; UdoKasemets, piano; Pierre Tremblay, video artist;Richard Sacks, audio master. The EatonAuditorium, Rogers Communication Centre(Auditorium 204); 80 Gould Street. 416-979-5000. Free.· 8:00: Scarborough Philharmonic.Christmas Around The World. Humperdinck:Hansel and Gretel Prelude; Liadov: RussianFolk Songs; Waldteufel: Skater's Waltz;Adam: 0 Holy Night; Gassi: Ding Dong Merrily.Bach Children's Chorus & Bach ChamberYouth Choir; John Barnum, conductor. BirchmountPark Collegiate Institute, 3663 Dan-forth Ave. 416-429-0007. ; (sr);(st).· 8:00: Tafelmusik. Bach, Christmas Orato·rio (Cantatas 1-3) & Magnificat. See Nov. 29.· 8:00: Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra.Orff.- Carmina Burana. Leslie Fagan, soprano;Darryl Edwards, tenor; Kevin Macmillan, bari·tone; Toronto Mendelssohn Choir; and choirsfrom Agincourt Collegiate High School,Woburn Collegiate Institute, MacDonald HighSchool and Northlea Elementary School. TorontoCentre for the Arts. 5040 Yonge St.416-870-8000. -.Sunday December 02- 11 :00am&2:00 Solar Stage Children'sTheatre/Shoestring. Magic Flute. Opera forchildren based on Mozart's opera. 1 DO UpperMadison Ave. 416-368-8031. $13. Ages: 4+.· 1 :30: CAMMAC/McMichael Gallery.Sunday Concerts. Camerata Tibia, early musicensemble. McMichael Gallery. , , .- 2:00: Off Centre Music Salon . Franco­Spanish Salon: Mallarme et/y Garcia lorca.Music by Ravel; Poulenc; Bizet; De Falla andT urina. Norine Burgess, mezzo soprano; OliverLaquerre, baritone; Joe Macerollo, accordion.Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. West. 416-205-5555. (regular);(sr/st).· 2:00: Scarborough Civic Centre. SundayConcert Series· Dukes of Harmony. Rotunda,150 Borough Drive, Scarborough. 416.338.3295. Free.- 2:30: Aldeburgh Connection. SundaySeries. Martha Guth, soprano; Colin Ainsworth,tenor; Peter McGillivray, baritone;Stephen Ralls & Bruce Ubukata, piano. WalterHall. 416-735-7982. $ 50;(stl.· 2:30: Opera in Concert. Die Orei Pintos.By Weber/Mahler. Eric Shaw, Daniel Lichti,Jesse Clark, performers; Opera in ConcertChorus, Robert Cooper, director; Robin Wheel·er, music director/pianist. 1 :45: Backgrounderwith host lain Scott. Jane Mallett Theatre, 27Front St. East. 416-366-7723, 800- 708-6754. , , group rates.· 2:30 & 7:30: Scarborough Bel CantoChoir. Once upon a Christmas. Brian Taylor,director; guest organist. St. Dunstan of CanterburyChurch, 56 Lawson Rd. 416-284-4428. .· 3:00: East York Choir. Songs for a Winter'sDay. Excerpts from Handel's Messiah;selections by Canadian composers & song·writers including Eleanor Daley, Gordon Lightfoot,Jane Siberry. Charlene Santoni, KasiaSadej, Andrew Haji, Jeremy Ludwig, soloists;Talisker Players Orchestra & other performers;Jenny Crober, artistic director. Eastmin·ster United Church, 310 Danforth Ave. 416-40IMAGNIFICAT :Back to Ad IndexVillage Voices, directed by Joan Andrews presentsJ.S.Bach's Magnificat with orchestra and guestsoloists Alicia Clemens soprano, Joy Klopp mezzosoprano, Arunas Radtka tenor and Michael Thomasbaritone. The program continues with carols andour ever popular audience sing-along.WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM-.~BA@HSaturday December lst. 7:30 pm.St. Andrews Presbyterian Church143 Main St. North MarkhamTickets: at the dooror call 905.294.8687.Children 12 and under free.N OVEM BERl - DECEMBER 7 2007

463-8225. ; (sr); $ lD(st).· 3:00: Eglinton St. George's UnitedChurch. Sing-along Messiah. With organ,trumpet and timpani. Peter Merrick, conductor;Ruth Watson Henderson, Piano. EglintonSt. George's United Church, 35 Lytton Blvd.416-481-1141, ext. 250/416-690-3880.; (st).· 3:00: Markham Concert Band. A SeasonalCelebration. Anderson: Christmas Festival& other seasonal music; carols; singalong.Doug Manning, music director. Markham Theatrefor the Performing Arts, 171 Town Cen·tre Blvd. 905-305-7469.· 3:00: Northdale Concert Band. Christ·mas Concert. St. Jude's (Wexford) AnglicanChurch, 10 Howarth Ave. 416-444-4962.Free.· 3:00: Ryerson University. The libertiesof Susan Howe: a pOemPERA by Udo Kasemets.See Dec. 1.· 3:00: Symphony Orchestra of Canada.Expressions of Canadian Heart. Canadian andWorld classical music. Stefanos Karabekosconductor. George Weston Recital Hall, 5040Yonge St. 416-872-1111. -.· 3:00: York University Department ofMusic. YU Wind Symphony. Works byGrainger, Hazo, Colgrass, Holst, Bernstein &others. William Thomas, director.TributeCommunities Recital Hall, Accolade East, YU,4700 Keele St. 416- 736-5888. ;(st)· 3:30: Tafelmusik. Bach, Christmas Orato·rio (Cantatas 4-6/ & Magnificat. See Nov.29.· 4:00: St. James Cathedral. Twilight RecitalSeries· Christopher Ku, organ. 65 ChurchStreet. 416-364-7865. Free.· 4:30: St. Clement's Church.Advent CarolService. Music by Archer, Mc Kie, Near, Palestrina,Vann. St. Clement's Choir. 59 BriarHill Ave. 416-483-6664. Freewill offering.· 7:30: Counterpoint Chorale. Sing-AlongMessiah. St. Mary of the Angels RC Church,1435 Dufferin. 416-253-4673. ; (adv).· 7:30: Flying Cloud Folk Club. Jiig. Traditionalsongs & tunes. Ian Robb, voice; JamesStephens, viola, violin, mandolin & tenor guitar;Ian Clarke, guitar; Greg T. Brown, fiddle &accordion. T ranzac, 292 Brunswick Avenue.416-410-3655. ;(members).· 7:30: Peel Choral Society. ChristmasConcert. St. Mary's Catholic Church, 66AMain St. South. 905-840-6547.(adult);$ l 2(sr&st);(5-1 Oyrs).· 7:30: York Symphony Orchestra. Frenchand Bel Canto Opera Highlights. Arias, duets& orchestral works by Massenet, Bizet, Bellini,Puccini, Donizetti, Rossini & others. GiovannaCarini & Katie Murphy, sopranos; RomuloDelgade, tenor; Paul Weston, guest conductor.Markham Theatre, 101 Town CentreBlvd, Markham. 905-305- 7469. Call for ticketprices.· 8:30: Hugh's Room. 3 For the Road. TimHarrison, Mose Scarlett, Mike Stevens. 2261Dundas St. West.416-531-6604. ; (adv).ScarboroughBel Canto Choiris proud to present theirChristmas concert:"Once upon aChristmas"Brian Taylor, directorSunday Dec. 2at 2:30 and 7:30St. Dunstan of CanterburyChurch, 56 Lawson Rd.Tickets at the doorIn memory of Richard BradshawI lth Season!at Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. W.December 2, 2007 · 2pmFranco-Spanish Salon:Mallarme etly Garcia Lo eaLying at the crossroads of exoticism, r0manticisrrr and earth!paradise, Spain and France have long found themsehtes en~trenched in one the most fruitful cr0ss~cmltural 1:>attles. In acelebration of Stephane Mallarme and Federico Garcia Lerca- eur personal favourites and true ~atienal Treasures - ancltheir artistic circles, we invite you10 experieFJce this culturalcernucopia through the music of Ravel, Paulene, Bizet, DeFalla and Turina with mezzo soprano Norine Burgess, baritene Olivier Laquerre and ae::corclionist Joe Macerollo,back by popular demand!Enjoy the intimacy of the l9thCentury Salon with our "specialblend" o~~ry_Ql]Q_/2!lli._ryjJ~SymphonyOrchestra oF Canada~ml4 o/tlteCf.Jwuulill/Ji .JfeadMusic By+Weinzweig+ Burge+ Evangelista+ KarabekosBrahmsBizetSmetanaSaint-Saensvon SuppeSTEFANOS KARABEKOSMusic DirectorFor tickets call ( 416) 872- 1111 or purchasein person at Ticketmaster outlets or at theToronto Centre for the Arts Box OfficeNovEMBER1 - DECEMBER 7 2007Back to Ad IndexWWW. TH EWHOLENOTE.COM41

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