9 years ago

Volume 13 - Issue 3 - November 2007


The BACH CHILDREN'S CHORUSand the BACH CHAMBER YOUTH CHOIRLinda Beaupre, ConductorEleanor Daley, PianistLet itSno-w!Saturday, December 8, 2007 at 7 :30pmCelebrate the season of snow, Christmas, Chanukah andfamily gatherings with the BCC's appealing youth.Toronto Centre for the ArtsGeorge Weston Recital Hall5040 Yonge Street BACH~~~~~(north of Sheppard Ave.)Tickets: and at the Toronto Centrebox office or TicketMaster at 416.870.8000Company in Residenceat the Taranto Centrefor the Artsbachorus.orgSunday, December 9, 20073:00 pmRosedale Presbyrerian Church129 Mount Pleasant Road(at South Drive)Tickets: A!1orontdartsf ou~c 11 ]44METROPOLITA~ UNITED CHURCHSATURDAY DECiMBER 8 at 8 PM General I Seniors/studentsPh0ne 416.961 .5708 or thru www.forte-chorus.comBack to Ad Index/···,,.. Toronto Classical Singers',,,., / Sunday December 9, 2007, 4:00 p.m.JS Bach: Christmas Oratorio(Highlights)Conductor: Jurgen PetrenkoAccompanied by: The Talisker PlayersSoloists:Mc1KJn Samuel.stevens, roprcm; JenriferEnns Modelo, mezz(),S()pano;Stefilen NJcaa,e, temr, G,ego,y Datt, bmoneTickets: Adults: .00 Seniors: (New) Students: .00Phone: 416.443.1490 www.torontoclassicalsingers.orgChrist Church Deer Park 1570YongeStatHeathSt. West(t.i.o bkxks norlhoflhe Sl Clalrwb.'iay) D:roettsaev.hea::hai'axessilie IJ.lll~WWW.TH EWHOLENOTE.COM N OVEMBER 1 - D ECEM BER 7 2007

~~ ~m~s-oncoM~Acting ConductorWITH SINFONIA MISSISSAUGA ANDMISSISSAUGA CHILDREN'S CHOIRPRESENTSGEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL'SMessiahSOLOISTS:MONICA WHICHER, SOPRANOLYNNE MCMURTRY, MEZZO-SOPRANOLAWRENCE WILIFORD, TENORMARK PEDROTTI, BARITONESun. Dec. 9 2007HAMMERSON HALL3:00 PM Living Arts CentreTICKETS - ••• ca/l ••• 905-306-6000CONCERT LISTINGSBeyond the GT AIn this issue: Aurora, Barrie, Belleville, Brantford, Burlington, Caledon, Cobourg, Cookstown,Drayton, Dundas, Georgetown, Guelph, Hamilton, Kingston, Kitchener, Lindsay, London,Milton, Newmarket, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Orillia, Oshawa, Peterborough, Port Hope,St.Catharines, Stratford, Waterloo, Whitby.Concerts: Toronto & GTA PAG E 25Music Theatre/Opera/Dance PAGE 45Jazz in the Clubs PAGE 49Announcements/Lectures/Etcetera PAGE 49Performers and repertoire change!Events are sometimes postponed or cancelled .Call ahead to confirm details with presenters.Beyond GTA: Thursday November 01. 12: 10: University of Guelph. Thursdays atNoon Concert Series: Derek Yaple-Schobert, piano.Works by Grieg. MacKinnon Building,Rm.107, University of Guelph. 519-824-4120x53988. Free .. 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Thames Scholars. Musical gems from the Renais·sance, Baroque and beyond. 12-voice vocal ensemble.van Kuster Hall, Don Wright Faculty ofMusic, University of Western Ontario. London.519-661-2043. Free.. 2:00: Stratford Festival. Oklahoma! Basedon the play Green Grow the Lilacs by Lynn Riggs;Richard Rodgers, music; Oscar Hammerstein II,book & lyrics; Agnes de Mille, dance; BertholdCarriere, musical director; Donna Feore, director/choreographer. Festival Theatre, 55 Queen St.Stratford. 800-567-1600. Call for ticket prices.For complete run see music theatre listings.Beyond GTA: Friday November 02-12:30: University of Western Ontario.Anita Kraus and John Hess. Mahler songs. AnitaKraus, mezzo soprano; John Hess, piano. vanKuster Hall, Don Wright Faculty of Music, Universityof Western Ontario. London. 519-661 -2043. Free.-8:00: Capitol Theatre. Juan Martin· A FlamencoGuitarist. 20 Queen street, Port Hope.800-434-5092/905-885-1071. .. 8:00: Hamilton Theatre Inc. Urinetown: TheMusical. Book & lyrics by Greg Kotis; music &lyrics by Mark Hollmann. Steven B. Andrews,Erik Canaria, Lauren Dobbie, Matt Dyck, SabrinaFeser & other performers. The Downtown ArtsCentre, 28 Rebecca St., Hamilton. 905-522-3032. $ 23; (sr); (st); group rates. Forcomplete run see music theatre listings.. 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra.Signature 2. Steven Sitarski, violin;Edwin Outwater, conductor. Centre In TheSquare, Kitchener. 519-578-1570. -;(st/children).Beyond GT A: Saturday November 03. 7:30: Fanshawe Chorus London.A MozartFestival. A concert of music by Mozart includingthe Requiem, the Vesperae Solonnes & thePriest's Chorus from the Magic Flute. Leslie Fagansoprano; Stephen Harland, tenor; Robert Towers,bass; the Concert Players Orchestra, GeraldFagan, artistic director. Centennial Hall, London.1-866-244-0762. ; (sr.); (st).. 7:30: Opera by Request.Mascagni.· CavalleriaRusticana; Purcell.- Dido and Aeneas. Completewith Prologue, in concert with piano accompaniment.William Shookhoff, pianist/music director;Kristine Dandavino; Lenard Whiting; Tyler Kuhnert;Henry Irwin, performers. Whitby BaptistChurch, 411 Gilbert St. 416-455-2365.;(sr/st).. 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra.Signature 2. Centre In The Square,Kitchener. See November 2.. 8:00: Port Hope Friends of Music. PendereckiGuartet. Haydn: String Quartet in F, Op.77/2; Beethoven: String Quartet in e, Op.59/2. CapitolArts Centre, 20 Queen St., Port Hope. 905-885-1071, 800-434 5092. ;$ l 5(st).Beyond GTA: Sunday November 04. 2:00: Visual and Performing Arts Newmarket.Andre Laplante. Works by Mozart,Schubert, Beethoven & Prokofiev. Andre Laplante,piano. Newmarket Theatre, 505 PickeringCres. Newmarket. 905-953-5122.;;.. 2:30: Kingston Symphony Association.Masterworks Series concert · Musical Monarchs.Anhalt: World Premiere; Mozart: ClarinetConcerto in A, K. 622; Beethoven: Symphony No.1. Glen Fast, Conductor; Gordon Craig, Clarinet.Kingston Gospel Temple, 2295 Princess Street,Kingston. 613-530-2050. -; -(sr); $ l 5-(st).-2:30: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra.Generations 1: The Magic of Music .Edwin Outwater, conductor. Centre In TheSquare, Kitchener. 519-578-1570. -; (st/children).. 3:00: Chorus Niagara. Sublime Love! EcceCorMeum. Sir Paul McCartney, composer. LakeStreet Armoury,cnr welland and lake. 905-688-5550, ext. 3257. ; (sr);$ l 5(st).. 3:00 St. Luke's Anglican Church. The2007Great Fall Hymn Sing. Works by Bissell, Bach,Shaw & Rutter; selection from the 7000 hymnswritten by Charles Wesley, to celebrate the300th anniversary of his birth. The choirs ofWest Plains United &St. Luke's Anglican Churches.St. Luke's Anglican Church 1371 Elgin Street,Burlington. 905-639-7643. ;(sr/st) .. 3: OD: Symphony Hamilton. Finnish Adventure:The Music of Jean Sibelius. Sibelius: Finlandia,Op.26; Violin Concerto in d, Op.47; SymphonyNo.2 in 0, Op.43. Corey Gemmell, violin; JamesR. McKay, music director/conductor. RoyalBotanical Gardens, 680 Plains Rd. West, Burlington.905-526-6690. ;$ l 5;.. 3:00: University of Western Ontario .UWO High School Honour Choir. van KusterHall, Don Wright Faculty of Music, University45Back to Ad Index

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