9 years ago

Volume 13 - Issue 3 - November 2007

of Western Ontario.

of Western Ontario. London. 519-661 -2043.Free.· 4:00: Canadian Ballet Youth Ensemble.Jazzcracker. Ellington: Nutcracker Suite. NewHorizon Ensemble and All Star Jazz Band; Rober·to Campanella, choreography. Hamilton PlaceGreat Hall, 50 Main St. West. Hamilton. 905-527-7666. and up.· 7:30: Cellar Singers. Brahms: Requiem. Jan·et Obermeyer, soprano; David Jefferies, bass;Huronia Symphony; John Barnum, /conductor.Fisher Auditorium, 125 Dunlop Street West,Barrie. 705· 721-4752. ;(st).Beyond GTA: Monday November 05· 7:30: Cellar Singers. Brahms: Requiem. Jan·et Obermeyer, soprano; David Jefferies, bass;Huronia Symphony; John Barnum, /conductor.Guardian Angels Catholic Church, 115 West St.North, Orillia. 705-325-3722. ;(st).Beyond GTA: Tuesday November 06· 12:00 noon: Brock University. Music byBach, Clarke & Outilleux. Patricia Dydnansky,flute; Erika Reiman, piano. Concordia LutheranSeminary, Brock University, 22 Robinson St., St.Catharines. 905-688-5550 x3817. Free.· 7:30: River Run Centre. The Songbird Cate.Local acoustic singer/songwriters. Co-operatorsHall, 35 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519· 763-3000,800-520-2408. .Beyond GTA: Wednesday November 07· 8:00: Angele Dubeau and La Pietit 1 OthAnniversary Tour. Works by Saint-Saens,Glick, Morricone, Piazolla, De Falla, Brahms,Liszt, Enescu & Heidrich. Imperial Oil Theatre,Samia. 519-332-6591.Back to Ad IndexBeyond GTA: Thursday November 08· 12: 10: University of Guelph. Thursdays atNoon Concert Series: Moonlight Recital. OniBuchanan, piano. MacKinnon Building Rm 107,University of Guelph. Guelph. 519-824-4120x53988. Free.· 12:30: University of Western Ontario. LesChoristes. von Kuster Hall, Don Wright Faculty ofMusic, University of Western Ontario. London.519-661-2043. Free.· 7:30: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra.Intersections 2: Latin Currents withGabriela Lena Frank. Edwin Outwater, conductor.Humanities Theatre, Waterloo. 519-578-1570. ; (st/children).· 8:00: Nuncrackers. Port Hope FestivalTheatre. A nunsense Christmas musical withhumour, carols and a "Secret Santa" audienceparticipation. November 8-25: 8:00. Capitol ArtsCentre, 20 Queen street, Port Hope. 905-885·1071/800-434-5092. ; (mat).· 8:00: University of Western Ontario. Patri·cia Green and Midori Koga. Pentland: Ice Age andImagination of Their Hearts. Patricia Green, mez·zo soprano; Midori Koga, piano; Kimberly Cole,clarinet; Caroline Stuart, violin and DessislavaNenova, cello. von Kuster Hall, Don Wright Facul·ty of Music, University of Western Ontario. London.519-661-2043. Free.Beyond GTA: Friday November 09· 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Mathieu Langlois and Sandra Mangsen. MathieuLanglois, baroque flute; Sandra Mangsen, harpsi·chord. von Kuster Hall, Don Wright Faculty ofMusic, University of Western Ontario. London.519-661-2043. Free.WWW.THEWHOLENOTE,COM· 7:00: The Gibson Centre. Jerry White & HisGentlemen of Swing. Dance, swing, la tin & dixielandMusic. Jerry White, trumpet & voice; BobLivingston, trombone; Stan Perry, drums; LennyBoyd, bass & Mike Lewis, piano. 63 TupperStreet West, Alliston. 705 435 2828 x22. .· 8:00: Capitol Theatre. Creaking Tree StringDuartet. Sculthorpe Studio Theatre, Capitol Thea·Ire, 20 Queen street, Port Hope. 905-885·1071..· 8:00: King Edward Choir. Special Remem·brance Day Concert. Karl Jenkins: The ArmedMan, A Mass for Peace. Barbara McCann, direc·tor; Jim Leonard, accompanist; Cantabile Choraleof York Region, guest. Collier Street UnitedChurch, 112 Collier Street, Barrie. 705· 726-1916. .· 8:00: Angele Dubeau and La Pietit 1 OthAnniversary Tour. Works by Saint-Saens,Glick, Morricone, Piazolla, De Falla, Brahms,Liszt, Enescu & Heidrich. Kingston College, Nia·gara Falls Campus 905-353-8709Beyond GTA: Saturday November 10· 7:30: Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra.Lest We Forget. Beethoven: Egmont Overture &Incidental music; Morawetz: Concerto for Harpand Orchestra; Hindemith: Mathis der Maler.Erica Goodman, harp. James Sommerville, con·ductor. 1 Summers Lane, Hamilton. 905-526·7756. .· 7:30: Oriana Singers. New Beginnings. T rini·ty United Church, 15 Chapel St., Cobourg. 905·372-2210, 888-262-6874 x4153. , $ l 6(sr.& st.), (child).· 8:00: Angele Dubeau and La Pietit 10thAnniversary Tour. Works by Saint -Saens,Glick, Morricone, Piazolla, De Falla, Brahms,Liszt, Enescu & Heidrich. Hi-Way PentecostalChurch. Barrie. 705- 728-0720· 8:00: DaCapo Chamber Choir. One- In theBeginning. Copland: In the Beginning; Rautavaara:Credo; R. Thompson: The Peaceable Kingdom.Esther Farrell, mezzo-soprano. Leonard J. Enns,director. St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church,corner Duke and Water Streets, Kitchener., .· 8:00: The Gibson Centre. Justin Hines -sing·er, songwriter. 63 Tupper Street West, Alliston.705 435 2828 x22. $ 22· 8:00: Guelph Chamber Choir/Universityof Guelph Choirs/Hart House Orchestra. InRemembrance Concert. Music includesBeethoven: Symphony #9. River Run Centre, 35Woolwich St., Guelph. 519-763-3000, 877-520-2408. ; (st).· 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Sandra Mangsen & Mathieu Langlois.Darnel: Suite in b; Telemann: 2 Fantasias for soloflute; Froberger: Toccata IV; Bach: Sonata in G;Couperin: Septieme Concert; Scarlatti: 3 Harpsi·chord sonatas. KWCMS music room, 57 YoungSt. West, Waterloo. 519-886-1673.;;.Beyond GTA: Sunday November 11· 2:00: Royal Conservatory of Music.Through History to the Future: Young People'sConcerts at the Royal Botanical Gardens · FromChant to Madrigal.· Early Music. Sacred & seculargenres of the time period, including the variousinstruments of the Medieval & Renaissance era.Students from the Glenn Gould School. 680Plains Road West, Burlington. 905-845-9504.; (sr/st).· 2:00: University of Western Ontario. Op·era Guild Scholarship Concert. Bishop CronynMemorial Church, 442 William St. London.519-661-2043. Free.· 3:00: Elora Festival Singers. In Remem·brance. Music by Vaughan Williams; Faure; Chat·man and others. Noel Edison, artistic director. St.John's Church. Elora. 519-846-0331 , 1-888·747-7550. .· 4:00: Centenary United Church. CentenaryUnited Concert Series · Grant Us Peace. Vaughan·Williams: Dona Nobis Pacem; Glick: Triumph ofThe Spirit Massed Choir. Dr.Adam Adler &Shawn Grenke, conductors. 24 Main St W.,Hamilton. 905-522-6843. .· 7:00: Angele Dubeau and La Pietit 1 OthAnniversary Tour. Works by Saint-Saens,Glick, Morricone, Piazolla, De Falla, Brahms,Liszt, Enescu & Heidrich Convocation Hall, Mc·Master University, Hamilton. 905-525-9140 x27671-· 7:30: McMaster University School of theArts. Celebrity Concert Series. Angele Dubeauand La Pietil String orchestra. McMaster Univer·sity Convocation Hall, 1280 Main St. West.Hamilton. 905-525-9140 x24246. .Beyond GTA: Tuesday November 13-12:30: Mc Master University School of theArts. Lunchtime Concerts. Shoshana Telner,piano. McMaster University Convocation Hall,1280 Main St. West. Hamilton. 905-525·9140x24246. Free.Beyond GTA: Wednesday November 14· 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Sophie Roland and John Hess. Sophie Roland,mezzo soprano; John Hess, piano. von KusterHall, Don Wright Faculty of Music, University ofWestern Ontario. London. 519-661-2043. Free.· 8:00: Kitchen-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Trio Fibonnacci. Harley: Trio; Plamondon:Le froid dans l'escalier; Frehner: Quark'stropes; Schumann: Trio no. 1 in d op. 63. Julie·Anne Derome, violin; Gabriel Prynn, cello; Jacyn·the Riverin, piano. KWCMS music room, 57Young St. West, Waterloo. 519-886-1673.;;.Beyond GTA: Thursday November 15· 12: 10: University of Guelph. Thursdays atNoon Concert Series: Trio Fibonacci- NewPaths New Voices: New Canadian Music forViolin, Cello and Piano. Mac Kinnon Building,Rm.107, University of Guelph. Guelph. 519·824-4120 x53988. Free.· 7:30: Lindsay Concert Foundation. SinfoniaToronto. Nurhan Arman, music director; AnyaAlexeyev, Piano. Glenn Crombie Theatre, SirSandford Fleming College, Albert Street South,Lindsay. 705.878.5625. ;.Beyond GT A: Friday November 16· 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Fibonacci Trio. a concert of contemporary reper·toire. Julie-Anne Derome, violin, Gabriel Prynn,cello, and Jacynthe Riveri, piano. van Kuster Hall,Don Wright Faculty of Music, University of WesternOntario. London. 519-661 -2043. Free.· 8:00: Kingston Symphony Association.Friday Night Live Series · I'll Be Seeing You ·Songs of the War Era. Songs including It's a LongWay to Tipperary, Lili Marlene, Down by theRiverside, music of the forties, Big Band hits andsentimental favourites. Glen Fast, Conductor;Duncan Hopkins, Bass. Kingston Gospel Temple,2295 Princess Street, Kingston. 613-530·2050. -;-(sr);-(st).· 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Ann Elliott-Goldschmidt, violin; BruceVogt,piano. Brahms: Sonata no. 1 in G, op. 78;Beethoven: Sonata no. 7 in c, op. 30 #2; Jaffe:"Cluck Old Hen" Variations for solo violin; Carle-NOVEMBER1 - D ECEMBER 7 2007

ton Elliott solo piano work. KWCMS music room,57 Young St. West, Waterloo. 519-886-1673.;;.-8:00: Perimeter Institute. Jazz in the BlackHole. Dave Restivo Quartet. 31 Caroline St.North, Waterloo. 519-883-4480. .-8:00: The Gibson Centre. Almost ABBA.Featuring all the greatest hits of ABBA. 63 T upperStreet West, Alliston. 705 435 2828 x22.· 8:00: University of Western Ontario. Galaof Great Theatre Music. Theatre music fromStrauss to Lehar, Gilbert & Sullivan to Rogers &Hammerstein, and John Du Prez. UWOpera andMusical Theatre Ensemble. Talbot Theatre, Universityof Western Ontario. London. 519-679·8778. ;.Beyond GTA: Saturday November 17-2:00: Westben Concerts at The Barn. TheLittlest Angel at St. John's. Christmas story byCharles Tazewell, in a seasonal choral celebra·tion. Chick Reid, Narrator; Westben Festival Cho·rus, Westben Youth Chorus, Brian Finley, KimDafoe, directors. St. John's United Church, 50Bridge St. West, Campbellford. 705-653·5508, 877-883-5777. ; (st).-7:00: Milton Choristers. A Commemorationof the TownofMilton's 150thanniversary. Choralclassics. Milton Historical Society; JennyPanda, poet. Knox Presbyterian Church, 170 MainSt. East, Milton. 905-878-1632.;;.· 7:30: Grand Philharmonic Youth Choir.Jugendsangerfest. Schubert: Mass in G. Kitchener-WaterlooSymphony Youth Orchestra; NancyTanguay, conductor. St. Peter's Church, Kitchen·er. 519-578-1570/1-800-265-8977. -.-7:30: Opera Bel Canto of South Simcoe.Operatic Showcase. A presentation of operaticfavourites .with works by Puccini, Verdi, andLeoncavallo. Soloists include Kathryn Knapp; Alici·ja Wysocka; Athina Bahayan; with opera chorusand orchestra conducted by David Varjabed. St.John's United Church, 56 Victoria St. E. Alliston.705-435-3730. ; (sr); $ (st).-8:00: Georgetown Bach Chorale. AdventConcert. Music by Buxtehude; Vivaldi and Bach:Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring; Albinoni: Adagio ing. with the Georgetown Chamber Orchestra.Ronald Greidanus, Matthew Pope and Clara Wilson,harpsichords. Knox Presbyterian Church,Georgetown. 905-877-8321. ; O(st/child).-8:00: Karen Schuessler Singers. Of Warand Peace. Readings & reflections by Ted Barris,with organ, trumpet, bagpipes & percussion.Wesley-Knox United Church, 91 Askin St., London.519-858-3202. Advance:;(sr); O(st); door: ;(sr); O(st);children 6-12 free.- 8:00: University of Western Ontario. Galaof Great Theatre Music. See Nov 16.Be ond GTA: Sunda November 18- 2:00: Gallery Players of Niagara. TheBrahms Cycle Continues. Music for piano trio byBrahms & Mendelssohn. Julie Baumgartel, violin;Margaret Gay, cello; David Louie, piano. KnoxPresbyterian Church, 53 Church Street, St. Catharines.905-468-1525.- 2:00: University of Western Ontario. Galaof Great Theatre Music. See Nov 16.-2:00: Westben Concerts at The Barn. TheLittlest Ange/at St. John's. See Nov 17.-3:00: Georgetown Bach Chorale.AdventConcert. Music by Buxtehude; Vivaldi and Bach:Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring; Albinoni: Adagio ing. with the Georgetown Chamber Orchestra.NOVEMBERl - DECEMBER 7 2007Back to Ad IndexRonald Greidanus, Matthew Pope and Clara Wilson,harpsichords. St. James Anglican Church,Caledon East. 905-877-8321. ; O(st/child).· 4:00: St. Paul's United Church . MusicTends the Heart & Hugs the Soul. Celebrates the40th birthday of composer and hymn writer PaulChappel. Sara Chappel, Soprano; Richard Crossman,Tenor; David Gerry, Flute; Patricia John·ston, harp; Anne Barnshaw, piano. Music andpoetry by Chappel, including the world premiere ofnew music and a new hymn. St. Paul's UnitedChurch, 29 Park Street West, Dundas. 905-628-1296. A freewill offering. Reception to fol·low the concert.-8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Rocca Duarte!. Beethoven: op.18/3 inD; Brahms: op. 51 #2 in a; Hetu: #2. Kerry Du·Wars, Jenny Thompson, violins; Theresa Rudolph,viola; John Marshman, cello. KW CMS musicroom, 57 Young St. West, Waterloo. 519-886·1673. ;;.Beyond GT A: Monday November 19· 12:30: University of Western Ontario.UWO Symphonic Band.Talbot Theatre, Universityof Western Ontario. London. 519-661-2043.Free.Beyond GTA: Tuesday November 20· 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Jazz Ensemble.Talbot Theatre, University ofWestern Ontario. London. 519-661-2043. Free.Beyond GTA: Wednesday November 21· 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Whimsical Notions. Symphonic Band featuresfantasies of six composers.Talbot Theatre, Uni·versity of Western Ontario. London. 519-661-2043. Free.-7:30: Plumbing Factory Brass Band. Vocationsand Avocations. Suppe: Poet and PeasantOverture; Sousa: Nobles of the Mystic Shrine &salvation army march. Henry Meredith, director.Byron United Church, 420 Boler Road, London.519-471 -1250, 519-685-5974, 519-659-3600. ;(door), ;(advance). Stevie'sSliders trombone ensemble prelude performanceat7pm.-8:00: Kitchen-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Chamber Music Between the Wars.Khatchaturian: Trio for violin, clarinet and piano;Prokofiev: quintet for violin, oboe, clarinet andbass; Britten: Fantasy Quartet for oboe, violin,viola and cello; Gershwin: Three Preludes forclarinet and piano. Jeremy Bell, violin; MarkThompson, clarinet; Susan Lee, piano; GrahamMacKenzie, oboe; Kathleen Kajioka, viola andothers. KW CMS music room, 57 Young St.West, Waterloo. 519-886-1673.;;.Beyond GTA: Thursday November 22- 12: 10: University of Guelph. Thursdays atNoon Concert Series.Pianistic Portraits. RomanRudnytsky, piano. MacKinnon Building, Rm. 107,University of Guelph. Guelph. 519-824-4120x53988. Free.- 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Wind Ensemble.Talbot Theatre, University ofWestern Ontario. London. 519-661-2043. Free.Beyond GTA: Friday November 23- 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Celebrate Canada Music Week. Works by Raumand Schafer. Gwen Beamish, piano, Ron George,horn, Mel Martin, violin, Patricia Green, mezzosoprano, and John Hess, piano. van Kuster Hall,Don Wright Faculty of Music, University of WesternOntario. London. 519-661-2043. Free.· 5:30: Perimeter Institute. Tangos for Three.31 Caroline St. North, Waterloo. 519-883·4480. .· 7:30: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra.Concertorama withleilaJosefowicz.Edwin Outwater, conductor. Federation Hall,Waterloo. 519-5 78-1570. ;(stl.-8:00: Centre in the Square. OperaSeries - Margison & Company: Popfra!. Centrein the Square, 101 Queen St.North. Kitchener.519-578-1570/1 ·800-265-8977. and up.-8:00: Clearly Classic Concerts. Music byBrahms and Khachaturian. Jeremy Bell, violin,Mark Thompson, clarinet, Susan Lee, piano. St.James Church, 137 Melville St. Dundas. 1-905·304-3637. , (sr/st).-8:00: The Gibson Centre. Erin McCallum &Roadtrip. Blues music. 63 Tupper Street West,Alliston. 705 435 2828 x22. · 8:00: NUMUS. /n memoriam: James Tenney.Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, Wilfrid LaurierUniversity, Waterloo. 519-896-3662. ;.Beyond GTA: Saturday November 24-2:00: Westben Concerts at The Barn. TheLittlest Angel. See Nov 17.- 7:30: Peterborough Singers. YuletideCheer. Canadian Staff Band of the SalvationArmy; Brian Burditt, bandmaster & conductor.George Street United Church, Peterborough.(adult/sr); O(st).· 8:00: Achill Choral Society. The SilverSounds of Christmas. Wood: On this Day EarthShall Ring (cantata) & other music. A. Dale Wood,director. St. Timothy's RC Church, 42 DawsonRd., Orangeville. 519-925-3765. .-8:00: The Gibson Centre.Amity Trio.Michael Adamson, violin; Alyssa Wright,cello;Sandra T uttan, piano & voice. 63 Tupper StreetWest, Alliston. 705 435 2828 x22. .· 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Contemporary Canadian Music Week.Enns: Three for two, Hammer and Wind;Adaskin: Daydreams; Stewart: Singen Wal; Mc­Donald: Triumph of Love. Willem Moolenbeek,saxophones; Cheryl Duvall, piano. KWCMS MusicRoom, 57 Young St. West, Waterloo. 519-886·1673. ;;.Beyond GT A:: Sunday November 25· 2:00: Westben Concerts at The Barn. TheLittlest Angel. See Nov 17.· 2:30: Kingston Symphony Association.Masterworks Series -Song of Destiny. Clarke:Festival Te Deum; Mendelssohn: Violin Concertoin e, Op. 64; Brahms: Schicksalslied; Borodin:Polovtsian Dances. Glen Fast, Conductor; MelindaRaymond, violin & assistant concertmaster KSA;Kingston Choral Society; Ian Juby, chorus master;Queen's Choral Ensemble; Mark Sirett, conductor.Kingston Gospel Temple, 2295 PrincessStreet, Kingston. 613-530-2050. -;-38(sr);-20(st); O(ch).-2:30 Niagara Symphony. The Passion ofAngels. Scriabin: Reverie, Op.24; Mozetich: ThePassion of Angels: Concerto for Two Harps;Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.6 in b, Op.74 ("Pathetique").Nora Bumanis, Julia Shaw, harp; DanielSwift, conductor. 1 :45: Pre-concert talk. SeanO'Sullivan Theatre, 500 Glenridge Ave., St. Ca·tharines. 905-688-5550 x.3257, 866-617-3257. ,,.OPERA BEL CANTO OF SOUTH SIMCOE PRESENTSfro rn:La BohemeTrovatore.La Traviata.I Pagliacci .DonGiovanniand others \ , "-' ":'

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