. 3:00: Durham Community Choir. HandelMessiah. John-Charles Coolen, director, MelanieConly, Vicki St.Pierre, James Mclennan, AlexanderDobson & The T alisker Players. College ParkSeventh-day Adventist Church. 1164 King StreetEast, Dshawa. 905-683-3197. ;(ch1ldren12 and under).. 3:00: University of Western Ontario. BrennanConnolly and Orchestra. Concerto for Marimba;Frehner: Overture 200; Kodaly: Hary JanosSuite; Ravel: Alborada del gracioso. Alumni Hall,Don Wright Faculty of Music, University of West·ern Ontario. London. 519-679-8778. $ l 5;.. 3:30: Gerald Fagan Singers. Christmas withBach. A concert of music celebrating the seasonsof Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. With theConcert Players Orchestra. Gerald Fagan, artisticdirector. Windermere on the Mount, 1486 RichmondSt., London. 1-866-244-0762. ;(sr); $ l 5(st).. 8:00: Achill Choral Society. The Silver Sounds ofChristmas. Wood: On this Day Earth Shall Ring(cantata) & other music. A. Dale Wood, director.St. James RC Church, 2118 Adjala-T ecumsethT ownline, Colgan. 519-925-3765. .. 8:00: Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir.Christmas With A Welsh.Accent. NorthumberlandOrchestra.Trinity United Church, 15 ChapelSt. Cobourg. .Beyond GTA: Tuesday November 27. 12:30 and 8:00: University of WesternOntario." Percussion Ensemble. Talbot Theatre,University of Western Ontario. London. 519-661-2043. Free.Beyond GT A: Wednesday November 28. 12: 15: Greensleaves. Playford&Purce/1: MadSongs. Magdalena T omsinka, lute; ShannonPurves-Smith, recorders/viols; Marilyn Fung, violada gamba. Stephanie Kramer, soprano. St. Andrew'sPresbyterian Church, 54 Queen St. North,Kitchener. 519-669-1327. Free with lunchpurchased. .. 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Early Music Studio. 17th-and 18th-century musicon period instruments. van Kuster Hall, DonWright Faculty of Music, University of WesternOntario. London. 519-661-2043. Free.. 5:00: THEZine. 4th Annual Kiss My Tiara.Adele Alfano, chief sparkle officer; Lilac Cana,vocal; Marishka, dance; Way-Off Broadway Singersfrom London. Burlington Holiday Inn, GuelphLine/South Service Rd, Burlington. 519-620-3852. .. 7:30 Oshawa Durham Symphony Orches·tra.A Night at the Opera. Popular Italian andFrench operatic areas. Jose Luis Duval, tenor;Guillermo Ruiz, baritone; Marco Parisotto, conductor.Calvary Baptist Church, 300 Rossland Rd.E., Oshawa. 905-579-6711. ,.. 8:00: Showplace Performance Centre.Holly Cole. 290 Gage St N Peterborough. 1-..• fr!f705-742 7469. .Beyond GTA: Thursday November 29. 12:1 O: University of Guelph. Thursdays atNoon Concert Series: Student Soloists Oay. Ashowcase of students in the applied music program.MacKinnon Building, Rm. 107, Universityof Guelph. Guelph. 519-824-4120 x 53988 .Free.. 8:00: Harlequin Singers. Christmas in Sang.Cabaret concert. John Packer, director. DruryLane Theatre, 2269 New St., Burlington. 905-637-3979. .. 8:00: University of Western Ontario. Pianoduo: Anagnosan & Kinton. Works by Martinu,Mozart, Dvorak, Lutoslawski and Gershwin. vanKuster Hall, Don Wright Faculty of Music, Universityof Western Ontario. London. 519-661-2043. Free.Beyond GT A: Friday November 30. 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Guarneri Dua with Vasile Beluska. Tchaikovsky'sop.50. van Kuster Hall, Don Wright Faculty ofMusic, University of Western Ontario. London.519-661-2043. Free.. 7:30: Fanshawe Chorus London. ChristmasCelebration. The annual family concert of Christ·mas favourites. Percussion Trio; St. Mary SchoolChoir; Children's Audience Choirs; Peter Garland,Master of Ceremonies, Gerald Fagan, artisticdirector. Centennial Hall, London. 1-866-244-0762. ; (children 12 and under).. 7:30: University of Western Ontario.UWD Singers and St. Cecilia Singers. St. Peter'sBasilica, London. 519-661 -2043. Free.. 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Alexander Tselyakov.Beethoven: Sonata no.7 in D op.10 #3;Liszt: Sonata in b S.178; Rachmaninov: Sonatafor Piano no. 2 in b flat op. 36; Carrabre: Sonata#1 for Piano Solo. KWCMS music room, 57Young St. West, Waterloo. 519-886-1673.;;$ l 5.. 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra.Pops 3: The Magic of Mark DuBais.Brian Jackson, conductor. Centre In The Square,Kitchener. 519-578-1570. -; $ l 5(st/chidren).. 8:00: Harlequin Singe~s. Christmas in Sang .See Nov 29 .. 8:00: McMaster University School of theArts. Celebrity Concert Series:Baraque Music.Luc Beausejour, harpsichord; Phillippe Magnan,baroque oboe; Tracey Smith Bessette, soprano.McMaster University Convocation Hall, 1280Main St. West. Hamilton. 905 -525-9140x24246. , , .. 8:00: The Gibson CentrelAlenbe Theatre.Crossing Delancey. Romantic comedy/musical.63 Tupper Street West, Alliston. 705 435 2828x22. . See music theatre listings.;:~sr;r~1~023rd Season presented byCanada Trnst /JftHicALPINE CHRISTMASUNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO CHAMBER CHOIRSunday, December 9, 2007 at 7:00 pmAnnual Silent Auction starts at 6: 15 pm.Maureen Forrester Recital Holl, Wilfrid Lourier University, WaterlooFor ticket information and program details go to: www.lcNchamberorchestra.ca48 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE. COMBack to Ad IndexBeyond GT A: Saturday December O 1-9:15am, 10:15am & 11:15am: Kitchener·Waterloo Symphony Orchestra. Kindercancerts2: Special Gifts! Tony Christie, cello. CentreIn The Square Lobby, Kitchener. 519-578-1570. .. 7:30: Grand Philharmonic Children'sChoir. Christmas concert. Susan Watt and Rob·ert Wilkie, co-conductor. St. Aloysius Church,Traynor Ave. Kitchener. 519-578-1570/1 -800-265-8977. .. 7:30: Guelph Youth Singers. ChristmasConcert. River Run Centre, 35 Woolwich St.Guelph. 519-763-3800. ;$ l 6(sr/st);(eyeGO w ID).. 8:00: Grand River Chorus. Christmas withThe Grand River Chorus. Concert including carolsing & songs from our first CD. Stephanie Kramer,soprano; Richard Cunningham, director. WesleyUnited Church, 69 Superior St., Brantford.519-759-7885. Call for ticket prices .. 8:00: Harlequin Singers. Christmas in Song.See Nov 29.. 8:00: John Laing Singers.A Garland ofCarols. Christmas carol and new collections.Central Presbyterian Church, corner of Charltonand Caroline St. Hamilton. 905-628-523811 ·877-628-5238. ; (srlst).. 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra.Pops 3: The Magic of Mark DuBois.Brian Jackson, conductor. Centre In The Square,Kitchener. 519-578-1570. -; $ l 5(stlchildren) .. 8:00: University of Western Ontario. Annette-Barbaraand Paulina Zamora. A program ofwomen composers including Smyth: violin sonata.Annette-Barbara Vogel, violin and Paulina Zamora,piano. van Kuster Hall, Don Wright Faculty ofMusic, University of Western Ontario. London.519-661 -2043. Free.. 8:00: York Symphony Orchestra. Frenchand Bel Canto Opera Highlights. Arias, duets &orchestral works by Massenet, Bizet, Bellini,Puccini, Donizetti, Rossini & others. GiovannaCarini & Katie Murphy, sopranos; Romulo Del·gade, tenor; Paul Weston, guest conductor.TrinityAnglican Church, 79 Victoria St., Aurora. 416-410-0860. ; (sr/st); D(children 12 &under) .Beyond GTA: Sunday December 02. 2:00: Achill Choral Society. The SilverSounds of Christmas. Wood: On this Day EarthShall Ring (cantata) & other music. A. Dale Wood,director. Christ Church, Mytham Rd, Little Lever,Bolton. 519-925-3 765. .. 2:00: The Gibson Centre/Alenbe Theatre.Crossing Delancey. Romantic comedy/musical.See Nov. 30.. 2:30: Mohawk College Singers. Gloria! · AChristmas Celebration. David Holler, directior;Cecile Desrosiers, piano. St. Mark's AnglicanChurch, 41 Byron St., Niagara-on-the-lake. 905-526- 7938. ;$ l 5(sr/st) .. 3:00: Patricia Dydnansky, flute. Recital. Dr.Erika Reiman, piano. MacNeill Baptist Church,1145 King Street West in Hamilton. Works bySchubert, JS Bach, Ian Clarke & Dutilleux. 905-308-9053. Free will offering .. 3:00: Symphony Hamilton. To the NorthPole: A Family Christmas Festival. Anderson:Christmas Festival; Waldteufel: Skaters Waltz;Mozart: Musical Sleigh Ride. James R. McKay,music director/c onductor. Royal Botanical Gardens,680 Plains Rd. West. Burlington. 905-526-6690. , , .. 3:00: Wellington Winds. Fairy Tales andChristmas Legends.Ted Follows, narrator;Michael Purves-Smith, conductor. St. Peter'sLutheran Church, 810 King St. East. Cambridge.519-669-4409/519-579-3097. ;; .Beyond GTA: Tuesday December 04. 12:30: University of Western Ontario. LesChoristes and Chorale. Talbot Theatre, Universityof Western Ontario. London. 519-661-2043.Free .. 7:30: River Run Centre. The Songbird Cate.Local acoustic singer/songwriters. Co-operatorsHall, 35 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519-763-3000,800-520-2408. .. 8:00: University of Western Ontario.Christmas concert. Music of the 17th· and 18th·centuries performed with period instruments.Thames Scholars and Early Music Studio. St.Peter's Seminary Chapel, London. 519-679-8778. $ l 5;.Beyond GTA: Wednesday December 05. 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Joyous Sounds. St. Cecilia Singers and UWDSingers. van Kuster Hall, Don Wright Faculty ofMusic, University of Western Ontario. London .519-661-2043. Free .Beyond GTA: Thursday December 06. 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety.A Thousand Twangling Voices. Lussier:Fanfare for trumpet and bassoon; Weber: Romancefor bassoon and piano; Boismortier: Duofor coma and bassoon; Beethoven: Variations on aTheme of Mozart for bassoon and piano; Hoffman:Miniatures for solo trumpet; Koechlin: T roisPieces pour basson et pian; Douglas: Partita forbassoon and piano. Guy Few, trumpet; NadiaMackie, bassoon. KWCMS music room, 57Young St. West, Waterloo. 519-886-1673.;;.Beyond GTA: Friday December 07. 7:00: Port Hope Festival Theatre. Cinderella.Fractured fairy tale for the entire family. CapitolTheatre, 20 Queen St. Port Hope. 905-885-1071, 800-434-5092. ; (sr); $13(st).For complete run see music theatre listings.. 7:30: The Cellar Singers. Christmas Concert.Henderson: The Last Straw and a variety ofChristmas selections. Albert Greer, director.Trinity United Church, Gravenhurst. 705-645-4273, 705-687-8078. ;.. 7:30: Perimeter Institute. Classical WorldArtistsSeriesEmanuelAx,piano. 31 Caroline St.North, Waterloo. 519-883-4480. ; (stwith ID).. 8:00: Angele Dubeau and La Piela 1 DthAnniversary Tour. Works by Saint-Saens,Glick, Morricone, Piazolla, De Falla, Brahms,Liszt, Enescu, and Heidrich. St. Matthew'sChurch, Ottawa. 613-234-4024.. 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra.Signature 3. James Judd, conductor;Karen Gomyo, violin. Centre In the Square, Kitch·ener. 519-578-1570. -; $ l 5(st/children).. 8:00: Ottawa Chamber Music Society.Bach and Beyond. Attred Schnittke: Quintet(1972- 1976); J.S. Bach: Double Concerto c,BWV 1060; Mendelssohn: Octet in E flat, Op.20,leggierissimo; Johann Gottlieb Janitsch: D_ Hauptvoll Blut und Wunden; J.S. Bach: Concerto in a,BWV 1041. Moderntimes 1800; Andreas Helm,oboe; Ilia Korol, violin; Piroska Batori, violin; DavidDrabek, violin; Jan Krigovsky, violin. St. AndrewsPresbyterian Church, Ottawa. 82 Kent St.;$ l 5(st).NOVEMBER1 - DECEMBER 7 2007
Opera, Music Theatre, DancePlease note: performances are listed by show title.*Bas-Reliefs: OanceWorks. Nov 29-Dec 1: *Manga: OanceWorks. Nov 22-24; 8:00.8pm. See Nov. 29 for details.See Nov. 22 for details*Cabaret: Etobicoke Musical Productions • Nuncrackers. Port Hope Festival Theatre.Nov 8-1 0, 15-17,21 ·24:8:00; NovNov 16, 17, 23, 24,30: 8:00; Novl 8, 25, Deel:2:00. See Nov. 16 for details10, 11 , 13, 15, 17, 18, 20,22,24,25:2:00. See*Cinderella: Port Hope Festival Theatre. Beyond GTA Nov. 8 for details.Dec 7·23: shows at 2:00 & 7:00. See Beyond • Oklahoma! Stratford Festival. closes NovGTA, Dec 7 for details.4. See Nov 1 for details.* Commedia!:Toronto Masque Theatre. No· • Return of Ulysses: Opera Atelier. November1,2,3: 7:30. See Nov. 1 for detailsvember 15, 16, 17: 8:00.See Nov. 15 for details.*Crossing Delancey: Alenbe Theatre. Nov • Self Help: Mississauga Players.Nov8-30: 8:00; Dec 1: 8:00; Dec 2: 2:00. See Nov. 30 10, 15-17: 8pm; Nov 11 : 2pm. See Nov. 8 for detailsfor details.• Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of*Die Orei Pintos. Opera in Concert. December2: 2:30. See Nov. 2 for details.- Dec 9. www.mirvish.comFleet Street: : Mirvish Productions. Nov. 6*Eight Songs for a Mad King: Summer • Tailor of Gloucester. Solar Stage Children'sTheatre. Nov 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24,Opera lyric Theatre. November 23: 8:00. SeeNov. 23 for details.25, & Dec 1; 11 am & 2 pm. (Upper Madison*Grease:Brampton Music Theatre. Nov 14· Ave, North York) Nicholas Terpstra. Dec 15, 16,17. See Nov 14 for details.22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30 & Jan 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: 11*Here's love· The Miracle on 34th Street am & 2 pm. (Village Playhouse. Bloor West Vil·Musical: Civic light Opera Company. December5-23. Dec. 5, 12, 19: 7:00; Dec. 6-8, 13- *Urinetown: The Musical Hamilton Thealage) For details see Nov 2.15, 20-22: 8:00; Dec. 9, 16, 22, 23: 2:00. tre Inc. Nov 2,3,9, 10: 8:00; Nov 4 & 11: 2:00.www.civiclightopera.comSee Nov. 2 for details.*Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor *White Christmas: Sony Centre. Nov. 20 .Oreamcoat. Curtain Call Players. Nov 1, Jan 5: www.sonycentre.ca.See Nov. 20 for details.3, 7,8 & 9: 8:00; Nov 3,4, & 10: 2:00. See Nov 1for details.* Women of the Klondike: Theatre Erindale.November 15, 16, 20,21, 22, 23: 7:30;* l 'elisir d'amor: University of TorontoFaculty of Music. Nov 8,9, 10: 7:30; Nov 11: November 24: 2:00; November 17, 24: 8:00.2:30. See Nov. 8 for details.See Nov 15 for details* little Women: Randolph Academy for the *Wonderful Town: Clarkson Music Theatre.Nov23-24,29,30 & Dec 1: 8pm;Performing Arts. Nov 27-Dec 1: 8:00. See Nov27 for details.Nov25,Dec1: 2pm. See Nov. 23 for details.presentsSEMNISSIMAUNANQCHEChristmas Music fromSpain & Latin AmericaDecember 7 & 8, 2007 at 8 pmFlashy rhythms and sensuous melody have alwaysmarked Christmas celebrations in the Spanish-speakingnations of the world, on both sides of the Atlantic. Forour Yuletide concert this year we turn to I 6th and I 7thcenturySpain and Latin America, presenting musicwhich is by turns haunting, boisterous, soulful andaltogether irresistible. Join us for this journey to thelands of villancicos, ensaladas, xacaras and romances,including rarely heard masterpieces from BaroqueMexico and Guatamala.www .torontoconsort.orgNOVEMBER1 - D ECEMBER 7 2007Back to Ad IndexDecember 7 sponsored by the /" -;'\Consulate General of Spain f , ,,.....- ! ~ ~~~EMCtOf'.\, - ..,) ,xm,o•WWW .THEWHOLENOTE.COM•Jazzin theclubsAbsolute LoungeHilton Suites Toronto/Markham ConferenceCentre and Spa8500 Warden Avenue, Markham905-4 70-8500Alleycatz2409 Yonge St. 416-481-6865Every Mon Salsa Night. Every Tue. WhitneySmith and C. Berardinucci Ouintet. Every WedJasmin Bailey and Co. Every Thu Sump~Different w/ New Vocalists Weekly.Arbor RoomHart House@the University of Toronto, 7 HartHouse Circle416-978-2452Nov 2 Jenny Owen Youngs. Nov 9 Melissal.aveaux.The Black Swan154 Danforth Ave. 416-469-0537Every Wed The Oanforth Jam w! Jon Long andFriends.C'est What67 Front St. E. 416-867 -9499www.cestwhat.comEvery Wed. Hot Fo' Ghandi.Every Sat (matinee) The Hot Five Jazzmakers.Cervejaria Oowntown842 College St. (416) 588-0162.Every Wed The Jay Danley Ouintet.Chalkers Pub Billiards & Bistro247 Marlee Avenue, 416 789-2531http://www.chalkerspub.comEvery Thu Girls Night Out Jam w/ Lisa Particelli.Nov 11 Bob Brough Ouartet.Chick N' Oeli744 Mount Pleasant Rd. 416-489 -3363www.chickndeli.comEvery Tue Jam NightEvery First Mon Advocats Big BandEvery Third Mon George lake Big Band.Commensal, le655 Bay St. t 416-596-9364www.commensal.caMusic Fridays & Saturdays!6:30 pm · 9:30 pmNo Cover ChargeNov 2 Sophia Perlman/Adrean Farrugia. Nov 3Don Campbell/Dan Eisen. Nov 9 ElizabethShepherd/Dan Eisen. Nov 10 Double A JazzTrio. Nov 16 Beverly Taft/Dan Eisen. Nov 17Warren Grieg/Dan Eisen. Nov 23 Kira Callahan +Special Guest. Nov 24 leon Kingstone/ DanEisen. Nov JO Jonathan Marks Violin Jazz Duow! Fabrice Sicco.Gate403403 Roncesvalles 416-588-2930www.gate403.comNov 1 Ashley St. Pierre, The Peddlers. Nov 2Michael O'Grady Blues Band, Terry van Horne.Nov J Bill Hefffernan with his friends, Mr. Rickand the Biscuits. Nov 4 Ken Yoshioka Blues Band,Salsa and Swing Dance night. Nov 5 KevinLaliberte. Nov 6 Thomas Juhas Jazz Band,James Thomson, Donee Roberts andJulian FauthBlues Trio. Nov 7 Joel Visentin Jazz Band,Patrick Tevlin's New Orleans Duo. Nov 8 Emilyand the Blue Callers, Scott Kemp Jazz Collective.Nov 9 Vantana 5Jazz Band, Sweet DerrickBlues Trio. Nov 10 Bill Heffernan with hisfriends, Allyson Morris Group. Nov 11 AlexColeman Jazz Trio, Cocktai/Jazz Band. Nov 12Graeme ThompsonJazzBand. Nov 13KennySimon, James Thomson, Donee Roberts andJulian Fauth Blues Trio. Nov 14 Amy Medvick,Karry ladyshewsky and Robert Murphy. Nov 15Double A Jazz, String Theory. Nov 16 FraserMelvin Blues Band, Patrick Tevlin 's New OrleansDuo. Nov 17 Bill Heffernan with his friends, MaxSenitt Latin Ouartet. Nov 18 Chris Virtue JazzDuo, Peter Hill Jazz Duo. Nov 19 Up The lineBlues Duo. Nov 20 Joshua Goodman Jazz Band,James Thomson, Donee Roberts and Julian FauthBlues Trio. Nov 21 Martin Alex Aucoin PianoSolo, Jason Raso Funky JazzBand. Nov 22 SarahJerrom Jazz Trio, Amaury Sanchez FifuerdoJazz Band. Nov 23 Heidi Lange Jazz and SwingBand, Elizabeth Shepherd Jazz Ouartet. Nov 24Bill Heffernan with his friends, Sultans of String.Nov 25 Ori Dagan: Swinging at Gate 403, YinHwang Jazz Band. Nov 26 Ashley St. PierreJazz Duo. Nov 27 Adam Teixeira Jazz Trio,James Thomson, Donee Roberts and Julian FauthBlues Trio. Nov 28 Blue Canoe, Syndi CarletonJazz Duo. Nov 29 Chantelle Wilson Jazz Band,Suzana Da Camara Jazz Band. Nov JO HarleyCard Jazz Band, David Rotundo and JimmyHelverson Blues Duo.Grossman's Tavern379 Spadina Ave. 416-977-1210www.grossmanstavern.comEvery Mon Laura Hubert BandEvery Tue Brokenjoe of' timey tuesdays.Every Sat Matinee: The Happy Pals.Every Sun Night: The Nationals with BrianCaber -Double Slide Guitar Open Stage Jam.Nov 1 Homeless. Nov 2 Sandi Marie andCompany w/ Alan Mason, Gary Kendall BluesBand. Nov 3 Dare Devils of Soul. Nov 8 PatrickTevlin New Orleans Ouartet. Nov 9 Soul Stack.Nov 10 Blues of Cats Fundraising. Nov 14 Chloeand the Crossroads. Nov 16 The Blues Drivers.Nov 23 loose Wires. Nov 24 Caution Jam. Nov29 Box Full of Cash. Nov JO Frankie Foo.Home Smith BarThe Old Mill, 21 Old Mill Rd. 416-236-2641www.oldmilltoronto.comNov 2 linda Carone Trio. Nov J Russ Little Trio.Nov 9 Stevie Gee Duo. Nov 10 Heather BambrickTrio. Nov 16 Mike Cada Duo. Nov 17 BillMcBirnie Trio. Nov 23 Bryan Toner Trio. Nov 24Shawn Bray Trio. Nov JO Harris Mark Duo.Hot House CaleMarket Square, 416-366-7800Every Mon. Jazz Brunch with the Ken ChurchillOuartet.Lula lounge1585 Dundas W. 416-588-0307www.lula.caNov 1 Jake Langley. Nov 2 Flamenco with laMorocha and Juan Dino, Cuban Dance Party w/lady Sony Articulo Veinte and DJ Fab. Nov 3Salsa Saturday w. Ricky Franco and DJ Fab. Nov8 Princess: The grrrls play Prince Live. Nov 9JorgeMiguel's Trio + Cache. Nov 10 CubanDance Party w/ Tipica Toronto and DJ BillyBryans. Nov 14 Robert Scott Trio Live In Concert.Nov 15 Swing Rosie's Farewell Concert andDance Party. Nov 16 Evaristo Machado, Klimaxw/ DJ Billy Bryans. Nov 14 Afternoon Percus-49