,, - ··125th ·e 8 p r I annrvers.ary seasonorchestraal,ex p.auk 'director~=.~conductorAlex Pauk • CONDUCTORGUEST ARTISTS • Andrew Burashko / pianoMarie-Danielle Parent / sopranoAlfred Schnittke (Russia)Concerto for Piano and String OrchestraR. Murray Schafer (Canada)Scorpiusoriginally commissioned and premiered by EspritHarry Freedman (Canada)Townoriginally commissioned and premiered by EspritChris Paul Harman ( Canada)14 Chorale Melodies· World PremiereDenis Gougeon (Canada)Clere Venus2007 JUNO Award - Best CompositionBOX OFFICE: (416) 366·7723 • 1·800·708·6754 • www.stlc.comlocation & time for all esprit orchestra concerts:8 pm concert I 7:15 pm pre-concert talkJane Mallett Theatre, St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts, 27 Front St. E. , Toronto, ONESPRIT ORCHESTRA GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES T HE FOLLOWING FOR THEIR SUPPORT OF THE 2007-2008 SEASONo .•H,IIA IO A:ilS cour, CIL(OSS! !L ul5 AlirS !H l'Otif,,Sl.lOtorontdartsbou n ci IOntario ArtsFoundationCanada Councilfor the ArtsConseil des Artsdu CanadaTH• ONTARIO·,·,~iV'·TllrlLLIUMl'oUNDATIONLA FONCl.-,TIONTll'ILLIUMCU t.. • ONTAltlOCanadianHeritagePatrimoinecanadien~L,1idl,111·~Fnu11cl,1ti 11n~ Scotiabank GroupMetcali 1,; 11Fo 11 nc!a l1onc 1 '.:ITi\'I' Tl(l ' STThe Koerner Foundation The Julie-Jlggs Foundation Margery Griffith Bequest Jean Eccles Bequest Henry White Kinnear Foundation The Mclean FoundationThe BLG Foundation Imperial Tobacco Canada Foundation Max Clarkson Foundation Leonard Foundation J.P. Blckell Foundation The Fleck Family Charitable FoundationR::ir.k tn Arl lnrlF> ')(
wholenote·Volume 13, #3, November 1 - December 7, 200707 For Openers: Messiahs, new Mallet(t)s, and old Mad Kings08 COVER STORY: Anton Kuerti David Perlman10 Feature: Angele Dubeau ml Buell10 Discoveries: Thoroughly modern Monteverdi Phil EhrensaftBEAT BY BEAT (The Live Music Scene)13 Quodlibet Allan Pulker14 World View Karen Ages15 Early Music Frank Nakashima16 Choral Scene Allan Pulker17 Band Stand Jack MacQuarrie18 Some Thing New Jason van Eyk19 Jazz Notes Jim Galloway21 On Opera Christopher HaileMUSICAL LIFE ( 1)23 We are all Music's Children mJ BuellCALENDAR (Live Music Listings)25 Concerts: Toronto & GTA45 Concerts: Beyond the GTA49 Opera, Music Theatre and Dance: run details49 Jazz in the Clubs (listings)50 Announcements, Lectures, Workshops, ... EtceteraMUSICAL LIFE (2)53 How I met my teacher - remembering Donna Wood56 BookShelf Pamela MarglesDISCOVERIES: records reviewed57 Vocal57 Early Music57 Classical and Beyond58 Modern and Contemporary59 Jazz & Improvised60 Pot PourriBACKBEAT: readers reply62 Musical Pursuits; Listings Avant; Getting with the ProgrammeOTHER ELEMENTS06 Contact Information and Deadlines23 Index of Advertisers52 Classified Ads54,55 WholeNote MarketPlaceIN THIS ISSUEPlumbing Factorypage 17Jazz in a 500-year old cellarpage 19Music's Child?page 23NOVEMBERl - DECEMBER 7 2007Back to Ad IndexWWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM5
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Book Shelfby Pamela MarglesRuth Cra
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