9 years ago

Volume 13 - Issue 3 - November 2007


CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: e-mail phone 416 323 2232 x29INSTRUCTIONCLARINET LESSONS from an experiencedteacher, ARCT graduate, supportive andencouraging approach, all ages, RCM exams,hobby. Telephone: 416-467-8759.CLASSICAL GUITAR LESSONS RCMtrained. Beginners welcome. Walter 416-924-2168.COMPOSITION - THEORY ANDPRACTICE with John Burke, DMA (1995Jules Leger Prize for New Chamber Music)647-502-4375 or 64 7-343-5531jburke@earsay.comCREATE, COMPOSE, IMPROVISE!Private/Group Classes. (Beginner - Advanced).JAZZ PIANO/ arranging, for allinstrumentalists. Classical Players welcomeI Barry Livingston 416-413-1066pianoandimprov@yahoo.comEVE EGOYAN seeks advanced, committedpiano students (emu@ or416-894-6344)HARMONY/RUDIMENTS LESSONS RCMexam preparation. Experienced RCM examiner/musicteacher. UolT music graduate.Down town Toronto location. Call M. Molinari at416-763-2236 or info@mariamolinari.comVOICE: DEVELOPMENT ANDTRAINING of operatic voice - all repertoires.35 years experience. Re-positioning ofimproper placement. Preparation for auditions,concerts, recordings etc. 416-636-7642.The YOUNGEST SHAKESPEARECOMPANY. Classical theatre, music,singing. 416-588-8077csk.allegro@sympatico.caZEN & THE ART OF DREAMING. Privatelessons over the phone. 416-760-3413.INSTRUMENTS BOUGHT & SOLD•BALDWIN 7lt EBONY GRAND PIANORenner action. New hammers wereinstalled in 1998. New treble strings in2006. Cabinet and structural parts inexcellent condition. Well maintained.Asking price ,000. Contact: 416-593-0558.MISCELLANEOUSARE YOU PLANNING A CONCERT orrecital? Looking for a venue? Consider BloorStreet United Church. Phone: 416-924-7439x22 Email: tina@bloorstreetunited.orgART OF JAZZ STUDIO AVAILABLE. Forconcerts, workshops, masterclasses andmore. Ideal for groups ol 5 to 50, thestudio comes complete with Yamaha grandpiano, drum kit, bass amp and microphones.Located in the beautiful DistilleryHistoric District. Available by the hour orby arrangement for monthly usage.Contact Art of Jazz at 416-840-7663 oremail for details.The CANADIAN CHILDREN'S OPERACOMPANY (CCOC) requires a Director,Development and Administration. Responsiblefor revenue development, marketing communications,and administration, financialreporting and budgeting, human resourcesand facilities of the CCOC. Reporting to theBoard of Directors, the Director will workclosely with the Artistic Director to ensuresuccess of the company. Applicants withsenior level of management, fund raisingCheeses from around the world,meats, groceries, dry goodsgift baskets ...Everything you needfor reception planning.416-364-7397www.pasqualebros.com16 Goodrich Rd., Etobicoke(south of Bloor, west off Islington)•HOLD YOUR NEXT RECITAL-beliconian ballA beautiful restored Carpenter's Gothic board and batten churchbuilding in the heart ofYorkville can be rented at reasonablerates for musical events. Steinway Grand piano included.A high, vaulted ceiling provides excellent concert-hall acoustics.Capacity up to 120. Tel: 416-922-3618 Fax: 416-922-2431experience and success, excellent communicationsskills and proven ability to work wellin an artistic environment should apply to:Lino Ferrara, Summit Employment Solutions,10 St. Mary St. Suite 830, Toronto, ON M4YIP9.MUSICIANS AVAILABLEBARD - EARLY MUSIC DUO playingrecorder and virginal available to providebackground atmosphere for teas, receptionsor other functions - greater Toronto area. Forrates and info call 905-722-5618 or email us atmhpape@interhop.netMUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Smallensembles, Dance Band, Big Band; CocktailHour, Dinner music, Concerts, Shows;Classical, Contemporary, Dixieland, Traditionaland Smooth Jazz! )SL Musical Productions905-276-3373.MUSICIANS WANTEDCOUNTERPOINT COMMUNITY OR­CHESTRA needs volunteer musicians.Monday evening rehearsals. Concerts(December, March & June). All sections,esp. violins. Terry 416-658-5359 web: FESTIVAL WIND ORCHESTRA seeksthe following instrumentalists to join us forthe 2007 /2008 season: oboe, bassoon, altosax, bari sax, French horn, trombone, baritoneand percussion. Professional conductor.Rehearsals in the Yonge/Sheppard area.Please call Shelley for more information.416-491-1683.STUDIO ORCONCERT SPACEFor rentReasonable ratesUpright Grand100+ seatingParkingFully AccessibleMount Dennis Church416-763-2893SERVICESACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX SERVICEfor small business and individuals, to save youtime and money, customized to meet yourneeds. Norm Pulker, B. Math. CMA. 905-251 -0309 or 905-830-2985.IMPROVE POSTURE, POISE & APPEAR­ANCE. Resolve stiffness, limitations & pain.Enhance performance skills. Call GraemeLynn, STAT certified Alexander Techniqueteacher. 416-964-7026. www.intelligence-inaction.caMASSAGE THERAPY WITH ANDREWINNES, RMT. Offering the highest possiblestandards of personal and therapeutic care.Diaphramatic release, rib springing, posturalalignment, relaxation, and many other treatmenttypes available. Experience in workingwith singers. Call bodyone clinic: 416-516-2114www.bodyone.caThe PERFORMING EDGE Performanceenhancement training in tension management,concentration, goal setting, imagery.Individualized to meet your performancesituation. Kate F. Hays, practising clinical andperforming arts psychology. 416-961-0487,www.theperlormingedge.comWOODWIND REPAIRS. Saxophone andClarinet. Not expensive. Toronto location.Guaranteed service. Instrument resoles.Students welcome. Fraser 416-994-7110.~QIIIIIIIIIIRllll,IPII ~~ 314 Churchill Ave fp Toronto, Ontario ~f M2R 1E7 Conado ;~ Tel: 416-224-1956 :~ Fax: 416-224-2964 ;~ MIKROKOSMOS ;p ;p ,; p~ We buy your ~; classical LP ~~ ;~ collection ~~ p~ p~ (classical, such as ~p ~~ Beethoven, Mozart, fp ,I Stockhausen) ~; ;I ;~ we travel anywhere ~~ ~~ for good collections ;~ pI ~# 11,11111,,,,,,,,,,,.Need a Piano?" Bri11gi11g hD t1 l(' C()I/Ct'Yf sfnl!dard n•itli oPr r 30 ymrs DJ Excclle11cc"We can help... -Uprights & Grands- Home & Studio- Concert Grand RentalsS t einway - Baldwi n - Heintzman - BechsteinSch imme l - Be sendo r fer - Yamaha - KawaiOfficial Tuning & Service Cent re for'""'.Th e Pi ano Gallery ·""570 King Street West Toronto rentals@heliconianclub.orgTHE NATIONAL Ballet OF CANADA'i l(i-8(i(i-Tl!'JE52 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM N ovEMBER 1 - D ECEMBE R 7 200 7Back to Ad Index

MUSICAL LIFE"How I Met My Teacher"remembers Donna Wood 1920-2001BY MJBUELLWe must have a light touch and a special sense of humour. Takemusic seriously, but don't take yourself too seriously ...(Donna Wood in her book for teachers: Move, Listen, Sing, Play)Music's Child for October, Angele Dubeau (see page 10) speaksardently about a first teacher whose teaching method included ensembleplaying from the (then radical and new) Suzuki method, tojoyfully engage children in sharing music so that music would alwayshave a place in their lives ... "Jean Cousineau 's approach was to putin each child this little spark ... " she says.Her remark made me think of someone who, directly or indirectly,was the first teacher of my own children who today are all diverselybut intensely musical and musically appreciative. Each ofthem attended classes, from the age of 3, called "Preparatory Music"taught either by Donna Wood, or by a teacher trained by Donna.A few days after speaking with Ms Dubeau I was saddened to hearthat Donna Wood died on October 7, at the age of 87. Many are feelingthis loss: colleagues, former students and their parents, andformer students who became teachers, or better teachers.Born in 1920, in Saskatoon, Donna Wood came to Toronto in thelate 1930s on a scholarship, and graduated from the Royal Conservatoryof Music. She later certified as an Early Childhood Educator,Institute of Child Study, U ofT.As an RCM student Donna began teaching at St. Christopher SettlementHouse in Kensington Market. Years of practical experiencein inner-city day care and co-op nursery schools inspired her to developPreparatory Music classes at the Conservatory for childrenaged 3 to 7 and Music with your Baby classes for parents and theirchildren aged 6-36 months.Donna taught courses in teacher training, gave workshops acrossCanada for teachers and caregivers, and presented papers at theInternational Society of Music Education (ISME) in the USA, Austria,Hungary, Australia, and Finland. In 1987, The Association forCONTINUES NEXT PAGETHE BELL'ARTE SINGERShave launched a search for aMUSIC DIRECTOR.Interested candidates can contact theSearch Committee by email atinfo@bellartesingers.comor visit the website at www.bellartesingers.comFor more information contactNancy Smith-Laid man 416-673-8610nyc-e- North YorkDavid Bowser Concert OrchestraMusic Director and ConductorNYCO Assistant Conductor Position AvailableThe North York Concert Orchestra is seeking an Assistant Conductor tojoin us Wednesday evenings starting January 2008. This is an unpaidapprenticeship position for a trained and developing conductor offeringpodium time in sectionals and full rehearsals and under the direction ofthe Music Director. Performance opportunities may follow. Please sendapplications with curriculum vitae and a recording or video if available toNorth York Concert Orchestra, 57 York Road, Toronto, ON M2L 1 H7 oremail't just listen to music ...Make it!Progressive SongwritingWorkshopSunday, November 18Only .00Join other songwriters to craft a newsong and then give it a twist! Thisday-long workshop, explores threedifferent approaches to modern songwriting - jazz, production & spokenword.Limited to 20 participants416.408.2825www.rcmusic.caToronto: (Dufferin & Bloor)Lawrence Park: (Glenview Senior P.S.)416.408.2825Mississauga: (Cawthra & Lakeshore)905.891. 7944N OVEMBER ] - D ECEMBER 7 2007WWW. THEWHOLENOTE,COMBack to Ad Index

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