liner notes stated could be found on the band'swebsite!The cold weather is coming. Warm yourselfup by putting on your dancing shoes and getting"On the Line" with Swamperella.Tiina KiikConcert Note: Swamperella will release "Onthe Line" at the Gladstone Ballroom on November17.Live at Massey HallPavloIndependent SGM 09 ( to Pavlo's"Live at Massey Hall"I feel like I missed oneof the best parties ofthe year. Pavlo is a Toronto-basedguitaristand songwriter whoseoeuvre is self-describedas "Mediterranean music". The main influence is Greek, with GeorgeVasilakos and Spyros Gazetos' fiery bouzoukiplaying being a big feature, but flamenco, salsaand other Latin styles also rear their rhythmicheads. With about a dozen musicians filling outthe ranks of the band, naming them all would betoo space-consuming, but besides those mentioned,the core players are Randy Rodrigues onbass, and Gino Mirizio on percussion. The energyand exuberance of the October 21, 2006 performanceis infectious as the audience clapsalong, hoots and whistles (and I suspect dancesin the aisles) and it's apparent from the liner notesand photos of salsa and belly dancers that muchof the rich, varied performance couldn't be capturedon the recording. Pavlo is a true performer,if his extensive touring schedule is any indication.(I got tired just reading it - and cold. ThetfordMines in February??That's dedication.) Sowhile I can recommend getting this disc, betteradvice would be to get yourself to any of thedozens of upcoming performances listed on hiswebsite (above).Cathy RichesConcert Note: Pavlo returns to Massey Hallon November I 7th.Holiday Gift Shopping Made Easy!A subscription to WholeNote givesthe gift of music for the entire yearto the music lovers on your list. + GST for10 issues.subscriptions@thewholenote.comwhole note·62bACKbEAT ... READERS REPLYLetters of the MonthMUSICAL AND OTHER RECREATIONAL PURSUITSI received a multi-layered treat yesterday.I: I picked up my copy ofWholeNote early this time! 2: I noticed my name amongst theMusic's Child winners. The Bach Gamba Sonatas CD will be something new to ourears. 3: I was thrilled to read the "Musical Life" article highlighting Nat Watson andElly Winer, especially since it arose from a casual bit of e-mail correspondence withyour writer, who used it to craft a polished article with photos, in a very short time.mJbuell, the writer, said your magazine is not big enough for long detailed articles, butyour agility and speed probably make big (and some small) publications sit up and takenotice. Bravo! (Note: so far, I am stumped on October's Music's Child.)My husband Michael added that the benefits for musicians of biking (or getting out forany activity) are not just to preserve our physical, spiritual and mental fitness, but onealso gets to meet interesting characters. If ever you hear about musicians wanting toorganize a sporting event (specifically: cycling), let me know. Michael, has decades ofexperience racing, coaching and organizing bike races. He is involved in severaldifferent sports, has contacts in sports marketing and organization, and would enjoybeing involved in such a pursuit.Best wishes and Happy ThanksgivingTrina WasilewskiLISTINGS A VANTI thought I would take the opportunity to put forward an idea I have been mulling overfor some time. This stems from the fact that, while having the first week of thefollowing month included in each issue is a great idea, it is nonetheless still true thatthere is a time in the month when one might want to plan activities for the comingweekends and one has only one or perhaps two weekends' listings available to go on.With the print medium this may be the best solution possible, but now that the listingsare online something better seems to me to be attainable. In the nature of things manyconcerts are planned months ahead and I don't see why, ifWholeNote has informationabout them, a provisional listing could not be made and posted on line, with amplewarnings that the list is not final and that it will be updated at intervals. If posters donot presently notify Whole Note of their long-term plans, presumably they would do soonce they were made aware that there was a reason why they should. I assume thatWholeNote staff prepare the listings in advance with such information as they have,rather than doing the job all at once and just before publication (I know that is how Iwould do it if it were my job!), so all that would be required would be to format the listfor on line access and put it up, not a huge addition to your workload. Thanks for yourconsideration of this idea.Peter NewtonGET WITH THE PROGRAM!Some of your words from your website: " ... perhaps concerts in London should not belisted under the same rubric as concerts in Belleville." Who cares about rubrics? You'redoing great, Just keep on doing it. I have no problem scanning a page Kingston toLondon, if the listings are good. An example of a good listing would be one that showsthe detailed program of what we' re going to hear. Make everybody show the programor say "no listing". There's music that I can't stand. I want to know before I drivefrom Oakville to Kitchener, see the program, then make an ugly scene at the box officefor my money back.Small cavil: Just add the date to every entry. Save me shooting off the top of the pagefor it, and finding my way back to make a reservation.I love Whole Note!Arthur Holland, OakvilleHow to send a letter to bACKbEAT:Mail to WholeNote Media, Inc., 720 Bathurst Street, Suite 503,Toronto ON M5S 2R4 or editorial@thewholenote.comWWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COMBack to Ad Index
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