Angele Dubeau & La Pieta1o•h Anniversary Tourwholenot1fThe Toronto Concert-Goer's GuideVolume 13 #3, November 1 - December 7, 2007Copyright© 2007 WholeNote Media, Inc.720 Bathurst Street, Suite 503, Toronto ON M5S 2R4General Inquiries:416-323-2232 x21 fax 416 603 4791Publisher: Allan Pulker, extension 27; publisher@thewholenote.comEditor: David Perlman, extension 28; editorial@thewholenote.com6~--rich and vibrant, and performed with a passion ... "BBC Music: Maiga:;dne"Dubeau& ui Pietd is an all-women group that;. lastnight; triwnphed over an all·maie repe,toire .. , "THE T-ORONTO STARNovember a•The Winter Garden Theatre189 Yon,ge Street I TorontoTelephone: 416 II 314-2870Box Office: 416 I 872-5555Samia I November 7 1 hNiagara Falls .I November 91hBarrie I November 10'"Hamilton I November 11 u,Ottawa I December 7 1 "· www.ti cketmaster:ca·. '"'}arigel ed u t:5eau.comBack to Ad IndexCoordinator, Sales and Marketing:Carolyn McGee, extension 33; carolyn@thewholenote.comNational & retail advertising:Allan Pu Iker, extension 27; publisher@thewholenote.comEvent advertising/membership:Karen Ages, extension 26; members@thewholenote.comProduction liaison/education advertising:Jack Buell, extension 25; adart@thewholenote.comClassified Advertising; Announcements, Etc:Simone Desilets. extension 29; classad@thewholenote.comListings department: extension 21; listings@thewholenote.comDavid Perlman, Sophie Bisson, Richard Haskell, Joyce LeungJazz Listings: Sophia Perlman, extension 28; jazz@thewholenote.comCirculation, Display Stands & Subscriptions:Chris Malcolm, extension 23; circulation@thewholenote.comProduction: 416-351-7171; Fax: 416-351-7272Production Manager: Peter Hobbs, production@thewholenote.comLayout & Design: Verity Hobbs, Rocket Design (Cover Art)Systems Manager: systems@thewholenote.comWebmaster: Colin Puffer, webmaster@thewholenote.comContributors:Discoveries Editor: David Olds, discoveries@thewholenote.comBeat by Beat: Quodlibet (Allan Pulker); Early (Frank Nakashima); Choral (AllanPulker); World (Karen Ages) ; New Music (Jason van Eyk); Jazz (Jim Galloway);Band (Jack MacQuarrie); Opera (Christopher Haile, Phil Ehrensaft); Musical Life(mJ Buell): Books (Pamela Margles)Features (this issue): mJ Buell, David PerlmanCD Reviewers (this issue): Seth Estrin, Daniel Foley, Jim Galloway, John S. Gray,Tiina Kiik, Pamela Margles, Heidi McKenzie, Alison Melville, Leslie Mitchell-Clarke,Frank Nakashima, Ted O'Reilly, James Parker, Cathy Riches, Terry Robbins. BruceSurtees, Andrew Timar, Robert Tomas, Ken Waxman, Dianne WellsProofreaders: Karen Ages, mJ Buell, David PerlmanListings: Richard Haskell, Joyce Leung , Sophie BissonDATES AND DEADLINESNext issue is Volume 13 #4 covering December 1, 2007 • Feb 7, 2008Display Ad Reservations Deadline: 6pm Thursday, November 15, 2007Free Event Listings Deadline: 6pm Thursday, November 15, 2007Advertising Materials Due: 6pm Monday, November 19, 2007Publication Date: Thursday, November 29, 2007WholeNote Media Inc. accepts noresponsibility or liability for claims made forany product or service reported on oradvertised in this issue.Circulation Statement.November 2007:30,000 printed and distributedPrinted in Canada by Couto Printing andPublishing ServicesCanadian Publication Product SalesAgreement 1263846ISSN 14888-8785 WHOLENOTEPublications Mail Agreement #40026682Return undeliverable Canadianaddresses to:WholeNote Media Inc.503-720 Bathurst StreetToronto ON M5S 2R4www.thewholenote.comWWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM N OVE M BE R1 - D ECEMB ER 7 2007
foR OPENERS •••Of many Messiahs, new Malletts, ·old Mad Kings, and moreGREAT CHAMBER MUSIC DOWNTOWNQUATUOR BOZZINIMad KingOne of the particular pleasures of swimming in the WholeNoteconcert listings stream for as long as I have, is you start picking upresonances from concert seasons long hidden in the mists of time.Take Summer Opera Lyric Theatre's Nov 23 presentation of EightSongs for a Mad King by Peter Maxwell Davies, celebrating 100years of the Department of Psychiatry (U of T). Who but aWholeNote listings junkie (and an insider at that!) would rememberthat very same piece featured in the very first issue of thispublication as the very first production of a brand new operacompany called Queen of Puddings.Never willing to let any show see the light of day before its time,Q.o.P. co-directors Dairine Ni Mheadhra and John Hess willsometimes wait years for a show to ripen, before unleashing,apparently out of nowhere, a Beatrice Chancey or Midnight Court.So it's fun to notice that in the selfsame month as Maxwell Davies'mad old king is re-rearing his head, Queen of Puddings will be givingus a glimpse of not one but two new shows: Ana Sokolovic 's SixVoices for Sirens; and James Rolfe's Fire. (Nov 7, RichardBradshaw Amphitheatre Vocal Series)Vivier, Stiegler, BrahmsThursday, November 1 at 8 pmQUATUORARTHUR-LEBLANCNote, too, that it is the level of detail in the listings in question thatmakes this delightful bit of associative thinking possible. As readerArthur Holland observes (see BackBeat, page 62) there's adifference between a good listing and a bad one.New MallettThinking back to those early days of WholeNote (Pulse as it was thencalled) it's easy to fall into the trap of seeing the city's significantpresenters as having evolved in the same time frame as our ownmagazine - Queen of Puddings, OffCentre Music Salons, even theGryphon Trio all fit the bill. But it's also true that some of the majorplayers in today's scene were already major players before weexisted: Jeanne Lamon's Tafelmusik; Bob Aitken's New MusicConcerts, Alex Pauk's Esprit Orchestra, to name but three ..It's actually Alex Pauk and Esprit that have got me thinking alongthese lines, because I attended a week or so ago at the Jane MallettTheatre as Pauk received the Molson Award, the Canada Council' srichest prize. At some moment during the breezy concert thatencapsulated the award ceremony, I found myself looking round atthe Jane Mallett thinking, "gee I had forgotten how much I like thisplace." Then and only then I remembered that the whole building hadjust undergone a renovation. I'd call that a success - fixing things upso your audience feels right at home, only more so.Many MessiahsIt's too early to tell whether the seasonal flood of productions ofHandel's Messiah has abated this year, but I'm guessing it has,somewhat. I count only eight between now and December 7, which iswhere this month's listings end. Right now, as I say, my moneywould be on last year once all the December listings are in.... And moreSpeaking of December's listings reminds me to remind you -- nextissue is a DOUBLE ISSUE (December/January combined). SoJanuary listings will need to be in by November 15 -- a whole lotearlier than usual - in order to avoid ro ntdartsb au n c i I~oor,•>> longlhbody oT1hoC 11yo!Tocon10Shostakovich, Elizabeth Raum, BeethovenTuesday, November 13 at 8 pmARNALDOCOHENSchoenberg, Chopin,works by BraziliancomposersTuesdayNovember 27at8pml:ifB Canada CouncH Conseil des Arts ....... Canadian Patrimolr\e "~,~© for the Arts du Canada T Heritage canadien ~jatJ Mallett TheatreSt. Lawrence Centrefor the ArtsDavid Perlman, • 1-800-708-6754order online at www.stlc.comNOVEMB ERl - DECEMBER 7 2007 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM 7Back to Ad Index
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