Year End ConcertFeaturing theUTSC Concert Choir & String Ensembleand Concert Band & Flute Choir ~Sunday, March 30, 2008AMANDA MARTINEZWith Kevin Lallberti, Drew 8/rston, Osvaldo Rodriguez,and Chendy LeonSaturday, March 8 1 20087:30 pm in The ARC Theatre (Academic Resource Centre)University of Toronto Scarborough (l 265 Military Trail)Tickets (Reserved Seating):S 12 Adults and S 10 Students/ Seniorsllft3 pm in The ARC Theatre (Academic Resource Centre)Unlv..rsity ofToronto at Scarborough (1265 MllitaryTralOInformation: or 416.208.4769Parking/Maps: www.,.Presuned & Sponsored by:@ UNIVERSITY·l~(;RONTO ffll Manulife Financial mbna f.' ~ TI eaii] Meloche Monnex"''" 0 0'0 " 'o' COU NCIL ON STUDENT SERVICES- -··~··--- THE MIRR! R Univers ity of Toronto ScarboroughJazz Notesby Jim GallowayThe Jazz Convention2008 got off to a high energystart when the 35th AnnualIAJE Convention Juggernautrolled into town with four daysof wall-to-wall concerts, clinics,classes, panels, jam sessionsand displays all centred roundthe business of jazz education. Itwas impossible to take in everythingand an endurance test justto be there; but it gave someopportunities to listen to somesignificant members of the jazzcommunity - and not necessarilyas players, but expressing theirviews and experiences verbally. The panel on the music of pianistWynton Kelly, for example, was a unique opportunity to hear bassistPaul West, drummer Jimmy Cobb and pianist Randy Westonshare their memories of and experiences with Kelly who, incidentally,died at age 43, in 1971, following an epileptic fit. He was, atthe time, appearing in Toronto at The Colonial Tavern.On the Saturday afternoon there was a separate but timely event atRoy Thomson Hall in the form of a tribute to Oscar Peterson. Itwas free to the public thanks to the generosity of TD Canada Trust,Roy Thomson Hall , National Arts Centre and a host of donors andin-kind sponsors and suppliers.Among the performers were pianist Monty Alexander and threemusicians who worked frequently with Mr. Peterson, Toronto bassistDave Young, guitarist Ulf Wakenius and drummer Jeff Hamilton.It has to be said that the afternoon was something of a mixed bagrang ing from a sincere if lengthy speech from the Right HonorableMichaelle Jean, Governor General of Canada, an honest and revealingexpression of love from Oscar's daughter Celine, a warm tributegiven by Phil Nimmons and a somewhat self-indulgent speech byQuincy Jones , interspersed with a variety of instrumental and vocalperformances, and winding up with the majestic voice of sopranoMeasha Brueggergosman and the combined voices of The NathanielDett Chorale, The University of Toronto Gospel Choir, and SharonRiley and the Faith Chorale, performing Peterson's "Hymn To Freedom",directed by Andrew Craig. The proceedings were broadcastlive by CBC Radio.Although he was acknowledged from the stage, it remains a mysteryto me that Oliver Jones was sitting in the audience when hemost certainly should have been one of the participants .In the December issue of WholeNote in 2002 (ironically, justbefore the IAJE' s previous visit to Toronto), there is a conversationbetween Oscar Peterson and myself, recorded at his home in Mississauga.In it he talks about his feelings on the direction jazz is taking,about his favourite recording, about influences that shaped his musicand various incidents in his career. If you have any interest in readingit again, or for the first time, it has been posted conspicuouslyon WholeNote's website, For FebruaryAlso off on a high powered start to the year are bassist DaveYoung, saxophonist Mike Murley and saxophonist/pianist Phil Dwyerwho are leaving on the "2008 Canadian Jazz Tour of Chile" .It's an example of the wheels of industry doing a good turn for jazz.More specifically it's about the fact that Chile and Canada share a lotin common through their links in mining, and the jazz tour is aimedat strengthening cultural links between the two countries. Canada'sBarrick Gold Corporation , which has major mining operations inChile is supporting the tour and Air Canada is helping with transportation.(Let's hope the flight isn ' t cancelled.)24 WWW.THEWHOlENOTE .COM F EBRUARY 1 - M ARC H 7 2008
There have been visits toChi le in recent years by otherCanadian jazz artists includingOliver Jones, Barry Elmes,Bernie Senensky, Ed Bickert andothers. Dave, Mike and Phil arewelcome returnees: the threemusketeers - well, they are jazzbig shots -will join local musiciansto play at festivals in Vifiadel Mar, Frutillar, Copiap6 andConc6n, as well as theatres andclub dates in Santiago, La Serenaand Vallenar.In TOwnHere are a few of the highlightsin Toronto this month.Chil'in out;saxophonist Mike MurleyJAZZ.FM 91.1 continues their Sounds Of Jazz Series at The OldMill with the appearance on Monday February 4th of guitarist BuckyPizzarelli and special guests Neil Swainson on bass and Terry Clarkeon drums. A couple of weeks after that, The Three Tenors will holdcourt, but not a word of Italian will be heard because we're talkingabout Alex Dean, Kelly Jefferson and Kirk MacDonald in a tribute tothe tenor saxophone.If you are into something a little more esoteric you might want tocheck out the Music Gallery at St. George the Martyr Church, locatedat 197 John St. On Friday February 8 at 8pm they will presentTimo and Magnus - Finland Today in their Classic Avant Series.Artists appearing will be Magnus Lindberg, piano and Timo Korhonen,guitar, two of Finland's leading musicians and with them NewMusic Concerts Ensemble with Robert Aitken, flute and direction.Not jazz, but interesting music.Finally, if my editor permits, a smidgin of self-promotion: in 1993,my Wee Big Band made a CD called Kansas City Nights, recordedbefore an audience at Toronto's Montreal Bistro. Well, some fifteenyears later -(you can't rush these things)-we have something like 400arrangements in the book, the band has never sounded better and wehave a new CD, also recorded at the late, lamented Montreal Bistro.On February 24th we are having a CD release party at the JapaneseCanadian Cultural Centre, a beautiful facility at 6 Garamond CourtGust off Wynford Drive, east of Don Mills Road) in Toronto. Theparty gets under way at 4:00pm and you can join in the fun for amodest stipend of . If you want to make a reservation, please call416-515-0200 rather than the Cultural Centre.As always, happy live listening! Our jazz listings, on page 49offer a wealth of opportunity for it.Fri Feb 1Sat Feb 2Fri Feb 8Sat Feb 9Fri Feb 15Sat Feb 16Fri Feb 22Sat Feb 23Fri Feb 29Sat Mar 1Fri Mar 7Sat Mar 8Fri Mar 14Sat Mar 15Fri Mar 21Sat Mar 22Fri Mar 28Sat Mar 29The llome SmHh RarBlue Martini DuoPeter Smith TrioHeather Bambrick TrioSophia Perlman DuoPat Murray DuoBob Brough DuoRuss Little TrioJazzophonesStevie Vallance TrioLemon, Smylie, Peterson TrioBryan Toner TrioArnold Faber TrioWaylen Miki DuoDel Dako TrioGOOD FRIDAY - no bandElizabeth Shepherd DuoBill McBirnie TrioRichard Whiteman TrioFridays & SaturdaysJazz Sets begm8:30 pm - 11 :30 pmLimited Seating availableNo reservationsCover: .00 per personLight menu availableFree onsite parkingFeaturing some of Toronto's best jazz musicianswith a brief reflection by Jazz Vespers ClergySunday, February 3rd at 4:30 p.m.THE NANCY WALKER TRIOSunday, February 17th at 4:30 p.m.DIXIE DEMONSSunday, March 2nd at 4:30 p.m.JOE SEALY & PAUL NOVOTNYCome relax and unwind inthe intimate surroundings ofThe Home Smith Bar. Enjoy themellow and soulful soundsthat emanate from theWWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM25