~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Quoolibetby Allan PulkerToronto Symphony OrchestraThe 36 days from February 1 to March 7 bring a wealth of music inall genres - chamber music, orchestral music, instrumental and vocalrecitals. Less usual, the five weeks bring a veritable parade of distinguishedguest conductors to the TSO podium.Charles Dutoit willconduct one night only, on February 2; former TSO maestro JukkaPekka Saraste will lead the performances on February 7 & 9; YannickNezet-Seguin will conduct on February 13, 14 and 16. RobKapilow, who conducts the TSO's student concerts on February 23,may not be a household name but you may want to take the householdto hear him. Roberta Smith, Associate Director of Artistic Administration,Education at the TSO, writes: "Rob's student concerts,delivered with incredible enthusiasm and energy, are the perfectcombination of education and entertainment." Ludovic Morlot, conductorof the TSO's February 27 & 28 concerts, made his debutwith the New York Philharmonic in March 2006, replacing ChristophDohnanyi, and is, according to the New York Times "all businesson the podium."Then, TSO music director Peter Oundjian returns to the podium:March 1 for an all-Beethoven program, with soloist Lang Lang; andMarch 5 & 6 for performances of the Britten Violin Concerto andShostakovich's Leningrad Symphony. Looking further ahead, theOundjian-inspired New Creations Festival, April 9-17, will focus onthe work of French composer, Olivier Messiaen, whose 100'h birthdaywill be December 10, 2008, making this his centenary year.MessiaenNo surprise therefore that works by Messiaen appear on a numberof programs listed in this issue: February 5 the Canadian OperaCompany's Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre Piano Virtuoso Seriespresents pianist Benjamin Cruchley who will perform, amongother things, selections from Messiaen's Catalogue d'oiseaux andVingt Regards sur l'Enfant Jesus. Music Toronto's February 14.Discovery Series program includes Messiaen's Poemes Pour Mi. OnFebruary 15 the Don Wright Faculty of Music in London willpresent Mostly Messiaen, works for two, four and six hands on oneor two grand pianos.Messiaen, as you may know, was intrigued by birds' songs, andin fact transcribed many of them. Recorder and baroque flute specialistAlison Melville picks up on this theme in a recital on February14 in the Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, and later in themonth includes works by Messiaen in The Bird Project, on February23 at the Church of St. George the Martyr.3rd AnnualTORONTO SINFONIETT A CONCERTOCOMPETITION 2008For the best performance of solo concerto withorchestraInstruments: Strings, Piano, and WoodwindsAge Categories: Under 16, 16 to 19 yearsApplications must be received before April 25, 2008Gala Concert: November 22, 2008, 7:30 PMIsabel Bader Theatre, 93 Charles Street WestFor application and information Yisit:toront inft. ni tta mInnovative ProgrammingMusic Toronto's February 14concert, mentioned above,presents soprano, Zorana Sadiq,and pianist, Peter Tiefenbach,with tabla player, Shawn Mativetskyin an innovative program ofworks by Olivier Messiaen,Grieg, Tiefenbach, and the worldpremiere of Songs of Ecstasy byAmerican composer, Shirish Korde.The juxtaposition of Messiaenand Korde seems particularlyfitting, as Korde's "compositionsare characterized by a I ife- Zorana Sadiq comes tolong search for a personal musi- Music Toronto Feb 14ea! language [embodying] the influences of diverse musical traditions."Of Messiaen it has been written that "[his] musical languageis derived from a number of varied sources, including Greek metricalrhythms, Hindu tradition, the serialism of Schoenberg, Debussy andbird-song .... " It will be fascinating to hear music by these two composerstogether, on what looks like a very versatile and challengingprogram.Music Toronto is also responsible for another innovative program,February 15, when the Gryphon Trio, violinist Lynn Kuo,and violist Steven Dann, collaborate with The Roberto OcchipintiQuartet in the 6th annual "Crossings 2, Chamber at Lula" - a performancethat fuses classical music with jazz and world music. Thisyear's event features the music of Roberto Occhipinti - bass player,composer, arranger, impresario, bandleader, producer, frequent winnerof the National Jazz Awards, and - along with Gryphon Triocellist, Roman Borys - resident genius of Music Toronto's Lulaevents. The music begins at 8:00 but the doors open at 6:00 forthose who wish to begin the evening with dinner and a drink. Thissounds like a great night out!?BOcliCONSORtJCHORUS & ORCHESTRAST. MATTHEW PASSIONby J.S. BachSOPRANOMonica WhicherTENORSLawrence Wiliford EvangelistColin Ainsworth AriasCONDUCTORYannick Nezet-SeguinToronto Children's ChorusCONTRALTOElizabeth TurnbullBASSESAlex Dobson JesusRussell Braun AriasFriday, February 15, 2008 at 7:30 pmEglinton St. George's United Church35 Lytton Boulevard, TorontoTICKETS (including beverage): per personDRESS REHEARSAL TICKETS: To reserve tickets, call 416-481-1141, ext. 250Visa and MasterCardProceeds shared by youth programmes of Eva's Phoenixand Toronto symphony Adopt-A-PlayerFor more information on the Bach Consort, visit Bachconsort.net28 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE,COM FEBRU ARY 1 - MARCH 7 2008
The Majesty of the HornOn February 8 St. Paul's Foundation for the Arts presents a uniqueevent, The Majesty of the Horn, directed by Canadian Opera Companyprincipal horn player Joan Watson, and horn player/educatorGloria Ratcliffe. The horn sections of the COC Orchestra, the NationalBallet Orchestra and the TSO will perform; and horn playersfrom a number of local schools, along with the Festival Singers ofDr. Norman Bethune Collegiate, will join guest artist, Juno AwardwinnerJack Grunsky, in a performance of his composition, Child ofthe Universe. The grand finale will be a fanfare by one hundredhorn players. What a fantastic idea! Kudos to Joan and Gloria!Healey WillanSaturday, February 16 is the fortieth anniversary of the death ofHealey Willan, the composer, organist and choir director whosework is generally acknowledged to have shaped the development ofchoral music in Canada. His musical language, though consideredconservative, even during his lifetime, was uniquely and recognizablyhis own; and his compositions are proving durable enough to befrequently performed even today. Fittingly, the choirs of the Churchof St. Mary Magdalene, under the direction of their new music director,Stephanie Martin, are presenting "A Celebration of HealeyWillan's Music" at 3:00 on February 16. Also February 16, in theevening, the Healey Willan Singers are presenting tenor Ryan Harperand baritone Andrew Mahon with pianists Brahm Goldhamer andAndrew Ager in a solo recital of music by a number of composers,including Andrew Ager, one of a number of fine composer/churchmusic directors around Toronto, a role pioneered by Willan so manyyears ago.Faculty RecitalsOne of the benefits of living near several music schools is the professionallevel recitals frequently given by faculty. To mention afew: February 1, Glenn Gould School flute-teacher Kathleen Rudolphwill give a recital with TSO percussionist John Rudolph andUniversity of Western Ontario piano-teacher Stephan Sylvestre. February7, York University professors, cellist Mark Chambers andpianist Christina Petrowska Quilico perform in the wonderful newTribute Communities Recital Hall. While Humber College doesn'tappear to have anything this month, two Humber Music Departmentteachers, pianist Hilario Duran and percussionist Mark Kelso, areparticipating in Music Toronto's Lula Lounge event. March 7, brilliantU of T Faculty of Music theory professor and pianist JohnKruspe, will perform a recital called, "A Hundred Years Ago,"music by Debussy, Scriabin, Prokofiev, Berg, Webern and Stravinsky.Check the listings for many more music school concerts.WE ARE ALL Music's CHILDRENFEBRUARY'S Child ...Ah, the memorable pleasuresof summer music camp: thepastoral setting, occasionalmoonlight adventures, and ofcourse ... the I imitlessvariations of chamber musicwith your friends!photo: summer, circa 1950At Greenwood Music Camp,Massachusetts: this Austrianbornyoung man had not evenvisited Canada, although hehas now spent most of his lifehere.Think you know whoFebruary's child is?Send your best guess tomusicschildren@thewholenote.comPlease include your fullmailing address, just in caseyou win a prize!Winners will be selected byrandom draw among correctreplies received by February15, 2008.by mJ BuellKnow someone whose photoshould appear in this contest?Are YOU hoarding a preciousold photo? Your suggestionsare welcome (you can evensuggest yourself)!musicschildren@thewholenote.comWholeNote wants to knowSpeaking of summer musiccamp: the March edition ofWholeNote Magazine willinclude our annual look atSummer Music Education. Ifwe did NOT include y ourfavourite summer programlast year (amateur,professional,youth, adult) orif you know about awonderful new one,please letus know!summer@thewholenote. cam.index of advertisersACADEMY CONCERT SERIES 38 CHURCH OF ST. M ARY MAGDALENE 36 Music AT M ETROPOLITAN 19 ROEL OLAY INVESTMENT ADVISOR 53 TORONTO OPERA REPERTOIRE 27A CROBAT Music 56 CIVIC LIGHT OPERA COMPANY 27 Music AT Sr. CLEMENT'S 34, 44 ROLAND STARR/ LES A LLT 40 TORONTO OPERETTA T HEATRE 3 8ALDEBURGH CONNECTION 43 CLASSICAL96.3FM 63 Music GALLERY 13 Roy T HDMSDN HALL 41 TORONTO PHILHARMDNIA 33ALL THE KING'S V DICES 20 CosMo M usic 22 Music PAD 56 SCARBOROUGH BEL CANTO CHOIR 53 T DRDNTO S1NFDNIETTA 2 8AMADEUS CHOIR 42 DAN CAP PRODUCTIONS 61 Music TORONTO 7, 24, 33, SINE NDMINE 35 T DRDNTO SUMMER M usicAMERICAN SOUND COMPANY 59 ELDRA FESTIVAL SINGERS 48 35, 40, 45 SINFONIA foRONTD 17 A CADEMY ANO FESTIVAL 2 0AMI CI CHAMBER ENSEMBLE 34 ESPRIT ORCHESTRA 4 M USICIANS IN ORDINARY 39 SONY CENTRE 12, 39 T DRDNTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 6ART OF TIME ENSEMBLE 15 ETOBICDKE PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA 38 NATHANIEL Orn CHORALE 41 SouNo PosT 15 TORONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (#1) 2A SSOCIATES OF THE TSO 37 GEORGE HEINL 16 NEW M usic CONCERTS 14, 45 SOUNDSTREAMS CANADA 15 T DRDNTO W ELSH M ALE VmcE CHOIR 42ATMA CLASSIDUE 5 GLIM MERGLASS 0 PERA 46 0 AKVILLE CHILDREN' S CHOIR 39 Sr. ANNE'S CHURCH 45 U OF T FACULTY OF M usic 31AUTDRICKSHAW 37 GRAND PHI LHARMONIC CHOIR 4 7 OFF CENTRE Music SALON 40 Sr. JAMES' CATHEDRAL 32 LJ OF T SCARBOROUGH CAM PUS 24BACH CONSORT 28 HANNAFORD STREET SILVER BAND 23 OLD MILL INN AND SPA 25 Sr. VINCENT DE PAUL CHURCH 53 LiLYSSEAN SOCIETY OF T DRDNTD 54CAMERON 0 GLIVIE RECORDING SERVI CES 56 HARKNETT MUSICAL SERVICES 2 2 0NS TAGE AT GLENN GOULD STUDIO 11 SYRINX 43 VIA SALZBURG 33CANADIAN Music CENTRE 46 HELICDNIAN HALL 53 OPERA BY RrnuEsT 26, 38 T AFELMUSIK 64 VICTORIA SCHOLARS 44CANADIAN OPERA COMPANY 13 KITCHENER WATERLOO CHAMBER Music OPERA YORK 38 T AFELMUSIK BARDDUE SUMMER VISUAL AND PERFORMING A RTSCANADIAN SINFDNIETTA 34, 45 SOCIETY 46 ORCHESTRA T DRDNTO 36 INSTITU TE 51 NEWMARKET 40CANCLDNE SERVICES 56 Komm CENTRE 43 0RIANA W OMEN'S CHOIR 4 2 TALISKER PLAYERS 41 WHDLE NDTE CLASSIFIEDS 5 2CARIBBEAN CHORALE 53 LONG & M c0 UAOE 16 ORPHEUS CHOIR 44 T ALLIS CHOIR 43 WH OLE NOTE INDEX or ADVERTISERS 29CATHEDRAL BLU FFS SYMPHONY M ARJORIE SPARKS 53 0 SHAWA DURHAM SYMPHONY 4 7 TAPESTRY NEW OPERA WORKS 17 WHDLENDTE M ARKETPLACE:ORCHESTRA 4 2 M ARKHAM T HEATRE 9 PASQUALE BROS. 56 TORONTO CHILDREN'S CHORUS 40 EDUCATION 54CHAT AUOUA Music FESTIVAL 23 M ERRIAM SCHOOL OF Music 3 PETER M AHON 21 T ORDNTO CLASSICAL SINGERS 45 WHDLENDTE M ARKETPLACE:CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK 35 MIKRDKOSMOS 53 RCM COMMUNITY SCHOOL 51 TORONTO CONSORT 18 SERVICES 55CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK MISSISSAUGA CHILDREN' S CHOIR 39 RCM GLENN GOULD SCHOOL 31 ToRONTO DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD 5 2 YIP' s M usic ScHDDL 5 0J AZZ VESPERS 25 M ooREDALE CONCERTS 32 RE MEN YI H DUSE OF MUSIC 19 TORONTO MENDELSSOHN CHOIR 2 1F EBRUARY 1 - M ARCH 7 2008 WWW. THEWHO LENOTE . COM 29