9 years ago

Volume 13 - Issue 5 - February 2008


WHOLENOTE LISTINGSSECTIONS 1-5: INTRODUCTIONWholeNote's listings are arranged into five distinct sections:I) Toronto & GTA (Greater Toronto Area); 2) Beyond the GTA;3) Opera and Music Theatre; 4) Jazz in Clubs; 5) Music-relatedevents that are not concerts, a.k.a. "the etcetera file".This issue contains listings from February I to March 7 in allsections except Jazz in Clubs which stops at the end of Feb.SECTION I: Toronto & GTA (page 30-45) covers all of the Cityof Toronto plus the adjoining "905" area - more or less correspondingto the areas accessible from Toronto by phone without long distancecharges. Section I includes communities as far west as Oakville, as farnorth as Aurora and as far east as Ajax.In this issue Section I includes: Ajax, Aurora, Brampton,Brampton, Kleinburg, Markham, Mississauga, Oakville,Pickering, Port Credit, Richmond Hill, Thornhill,Vaughan, WoodbridgeSECTION 2: Beyond the GTA (page 46-48) covers all areas ofOntario outside Toronto and GTA. The towns and cities vary frommonth to month depending on where we receive listings from. aretaking place.In this issue Section 2 includes: Barrie, Brantford,Burlington, Cambridge, Elora, Glen Williams, Guelph,Halton Hills, Hamilton, Kitchener, Lindsay, London,Newmarket, Oshawa, Owen Sound, Peterborough, PortHope, Sault Ste. Marie, St. Catharines, Stratford,Sudbury, Waterloo, WinonaSECTION 3: Opera and Music Theatre (page 49) summarizes rundetails for operatic and music theatre productions (including dance). Itoffers a quick overview of what is happening is these genres.SECTION 4: Jazz in Clubs (pages 49-50) is organizedalphabetically by club, and provides as much detail on what the clubsare offering as we had at the time of publication, which varies greatlyfrom club to club. Phone numbers and website addresses are providedto facilitate access to more up to date information.SECTION 5: Announcements, Lectures/Symposia, MasterClasses ... EtCetera (pages 50-52), are for music-related events andactivities, other than performances, which in our judgment will be ofinterest to our readers.A word of caution: a phone number is provided with every listing; infact, we won't publish a listing without one. Concerts are sometimescancelled or postponed; artists or even venues change after the listingsare published. or occasionally corrected information is not sent to us intime. So please check before you go out to a concert.HOW TO LlSTListings in WholeNote Magazine in these five sections are a freeservice available, in our discretion, to eligible presenters. If you havean event, send us your information NO LATER than the J 5'h of themonth prior to the issue or issues in which your listing is eligible toappear. Listings can be sent by e-mail or by fax to 416-603-4791 or byregular mail to the address on page 6. We can also answer questionsabout listings at 416 323-2232 extension 21.We do not, however, take listing information over the phone.LISTINGS: SECTION 1CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAFriday February 01· 12: 10: University ofToronto Faculty ofMusic. New Music Festival.· Opera Scenes byStudent Composers. Walter Hall, 80 Queen'sPark. 416-978-3744. Free.· 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday. Oo la la/Frenchmelodies, performed by young singers from thestudios of Catherine Robbin, Stephanie Bogle,Norma Burrowes, Michael Donovan, JanetObermeyer & Karen Rymal. Tribute CommunitiesRecital Hall, Accolade East, YU, 4700 Keele St.416· 736-5186. Free.· 7:30: Canadian Opera Company. Puccini:Tosca. Eszter Sumegi, soprano; Alan Opie,baritone; Mikhail Agafonov, tenor; Robert Pomak·ov, bass. Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. 5; (under 30). For complete run seemusic theatre listings.· 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. New Music Festival.· Karen Kieser Prizein Canadian Music Presentation and Concert.Prize winning composition; works by T sontakisand graduate student composers. Walter Hall, 80Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.· 8:00: Bell' Arte Singers. High School ThreeChoir Festival. Bramalea SS, Sir John A. Mac·Donald SS & Unionville HS; Brenda Uchimaru,guest director. Christ Church Deer Park, 1570Yonge St. 416-207-6000 x6946. -.· 8:00: Brenda Carol and Jon Long of Long& McOuade .. 2008 Brenda Carol RenaissanceJazz Fair. Nathan Hiltz, Ross Macintyre, SarahJerrom, Janice Hawke, Sam Dickinson andothers. Renaissance Cale, 1938 DanforthAvenue. 416-467-7959. (adv); (door).· 8:00: Dancap Productions. The 25th AnnualPutnam County Spelling Bee. Elgin Theatre, 189Yonge St. 416-644-3665 / 800-950-7469. -0. For complete run see music theatre listings.· 8:00: Music Gallery. Bernardo Padron Group.New jazz.folk sound of Venezuela. BernardoPadron, saxophone/composer; Marilyn Lerner,keys & accordion; Justin Haynes, guitar; AlanHetherington, drums; Eliana Cuevas, guestvocalist. 197 John St. 416-204-1080. ;(sr/member); (st).· 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. GreatArtist Series· With French Flair. Music by Ravel,Debussy & Jolivet. Kathleen Rudolph, flute;Stephan Sylvestre, piano; John Rudolph, percussion.RCM Concert Hall, 90 Croatia Street. 416·408-2824 x321. ; (sr/st).· 8:00: Sinfonia Toronto. Toronto's Own.Shostakovich: Chamber Symphony, Op.83;Boccherini: Cello Concerto in B-flat; Beethoven:Quartet Op.135 (orchestral version). KarenOuzounian, cello; Nurhan Arman, music director.Grace Church on-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Rd. 416-499-0403. ; (sr); (16-291st).· 8:00: Sony Centre for the PerformingArts. Rain: The Beatles Experience. Multi·dimensional tribute to the Beatles featuringdifferent scene, costume changes, video screensand live camera projection, combining televisioncommercials and historical video footage fromthe '60's. 1 Front St. E. 416-870-8000. -$ 70. For complete run see music theatre listings.· 8:00: St. Clement's Drama Group.Schwartzspell. Based on the music and lyrics ofStephen Schwartz. Revue conceived and compiledby Gerald Isaac. St.Clement's AnglicanChurch, 59 Briar Hill Ave. 416-203-1977 x25.-.· 8:00: Univox Choir Toronto. The Art of theMotet. Works by Byrd, Handel, Lotti, Schutz,Schein & others. Dallas Bergen, director. Dover·court Baptist Church, 1140 Bloor St. W. 416-697-9561. -; free(TDSBITCDSB).· 8:15: Stage West Hotel Theatre. 70s Fever.A musical celebration. 5400 Dixie Rd. Mississau·ga. 905-238-00421888-263-0684. Call forprices. For complete run see music theatre listings.· 8:30: Enter the Haggis. A night of celticmusic, Scottish piping and Canadian fiddling.Hugh's Room, 2261 Dundas St. W. (adv);(door). 416-531-6604. Doors open at 6pm.Saturday February 02· 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday. Oo la Lal See Feb 1.· 2:00 & 5:00: Toronto WinterCity Festival.Alice in Wonderland Based on the original story.Netherlands' Theatre Gajes. Nathan PhillipsSquare, 1 DO Queen St. W. 416-338-0338. Free.· 5:00: Glenn Gould School. Student Recital·Alice Yoo, piano. Studio of Leslie Kinton. RCMConcert Hall, 90 Croatia St. 416-408-2824.Free.· 7:30: Canadian Opera Company. Janacek:From the House of the Dead. Based on Dos to·evsky's novel. Robert Pomakov, bass; DavidPomeroy, tenor; Pavlo Hunka, bass-baritone;Robert Kunzli, tenor. Four Seasons Centre for thePerforming Arts, 145Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. -5; (under 30). For completerun see music theatre listings.· 7:30: Clarkson Community Concerts.Marvin Munshaw and Friends. Music from jazzto classical. Christ Church, 1700 Mazo Cr.,Mississauga. 905-855-0112. ; (srlst);(pre-teen).· 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. U of T Symphony Orchestra. Beethoven:Leonore Overture #3; Tsantakis: Violin Concerto#2; Brahms: Symphony #1. Raffi Armenian,director. MacMillan Theatre, 80 Queen's Park.416-978-3744. ; .· 8:00: Ashkenaz Foundation. Theodore Bike/.Legendary star of song, stage, and screen. Mix ofsongs in Yiddish, Hebrew, Ladino, Russian &English. With Tamara Brooks. George WestonRecital Hall, Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040Yonge St. 416-979-9901. .25-.75.· 8:00: Brampton Lyric Opera. Verdi:Rigoletto.Sabatino Vacca, conductor; Rachael Harwood·Jones, Jay Stephenson, Charles DiRaimondo,Gerrit Seppenwoolde. Rose Theatre, 1 TheatreLane, Brampton. 905-874-2800. -.· 8:00: Brenda Carol and Jon Long of Long& McOuade. 2008 Brenda Carol RenaissanceJazz Fair. Performers include Nathan Hiltz, RossMacintyre, Sienna Dahlen, Layah Jane, Ori Dagan& Brownman. Renaissance Cale, 1938 DanforthAvenue. 416-467-7959. (adv); (door).· 8:00: Oakville Symphony Orchestra.Mediterraneo. Rossini: Overture to La GazzaLadra; Rodrigo: Concierto Andaluz for FourGuitars & Orchestra; Ravel: Ma Mere L'oye;Rimsky-Korsakov: Capriccio Espagnole. FeaturingWarren Nicholson Guitar Quartet. Oakville Centrefor the Performing Arts, 120 Navy St. Oakville.905-815-2021. ; (sr); (st/ch).· 8:00: Richard Margison & Friends. AnEvening of Song. Highlands Opera Studio Benefit.YorkminsterPark Baptist Church, 1585 YongeStreet. 888-222-6608. .· 8:00: Scaramella. Music a Humana: Garden ofEarthly Delights. Works by Dvorak & Vaughan30 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM FEBR UA RY 1 - MAR C H 7 2008

VISITINGARTISTSGeorge TsontakisJan 28-Feb 2F b 4 & 5Carol Vaness eNOON-HOURNew Opera Scenes Feb 1Carol Vaness Master Class Feb 5Music and Poetry Feb 14Opera Symposium: Ariodante Feb 28U of T Symphony Orchestra Feb 2Wind Symphony Feb 8Wind Ensemble, with James Thompson Feb 9Women's Chorus Feb 15Master Chorale Feb 29

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)