Fri., Feb. 29 at 8 pmMarkham Theatre171 Town Centre Blvd .MarkhamCiovctnniThe infamous Don Juan comes to lifeunder the artistic direction of Geoffrey ButlerFeatu ri ng the Opera York Orchestra and ChorusStarring Andrew Teesas Don GiovanniFri., Feb 22 at 8 pmandSun., Feb 24 at 8 pmYCDSB Arts Centreat St. Elizabeth Tickets & 525 New Westminster Dr. Call:Vaughan Opera York at (905) 763 7853Or emai l: Laura@operayork.comTOKONTOormmm,Tim~Guillermo Silva-MorinFounderondGeneral DireaorWORLD PREMIERE!A port of history ... TOT presents the firstnew Canadian operetta in 100 years!1!J~KtVictor Davies~,o ~r by· ).V" l!, Eugene DensonAfter a standDut reading/concert atStratford Summer Music, this adaptation ofOscar Wilde's comic maste7JJiece is fully staged.Jeffrey Huard, Conductor • Guillermo Silva-Marin , Stage Directorfeaturing ... Laird Mackintosh , Robert Longo, Mia Lennox-Williams,Deanna Hendriks, Heather Shaw, Michael York, Keith O'Brien. Sean Curranwith special appe,IJ'auce by Barbara Barsky irz the role offady BracknellThree performances only!February 22 6 23 at 8 pm& February 24 at 2 pmHi@iiiTHE BEDOLF'EFOUNDATIONST. LAWRENCE CENTRE FOP. THE ARTS416-366-7723 1-800-708-6754 www.stlc.comRobertoDeC/araMusic DirectorInauguralSeasonEtobicokePhilharmonicOrchestra... SECTION 1: Toronto and GTARITMO MEDITERRANEOwith theWarren Nicholson Guitar QuartetFebruary 22 www.eporchestra.caGuitar Quartet; Roberto De Clara, conductor.Scarlett Heights Entrepreneurial Academy, 15Treharne Dr. 416-231 -5665. ; (srlst);free(under 16 wladult).- 8:00: Masterworks of Oakville Chorusand Orchestra. Beethoven and Mozart Masses.Beethoven: Mass in C; Mozart: Coronation Mass,Regina Coeli K 276 & Ave Verum Corpus.Charles Demuynck, music director. St. AndrewCatholic Church, 4 7 Reynolds St. Oakville. 905·257-7308.(adv); (adv srlst); $ lO(adv eh).· 8:00: Music Gallery. Les Moineauxd'entendre· Decage. Evening dedicated to John Cage andFluxus. Works by Malcolm Goldstein, PaulineOliveros, Kunsu Shim, Gerhard Staebler, MartijnVoorvelt and others. Nadia Francaville, D' AreyPhilip Gray. 197 John St. 416-204-1080. ; O(srlmember); (st). Doors open 7pm.-8:00: Opera York. Mozart: Don Giovannni. Fullorchestral production. English surtitles. YCDSBTheatre, 525 New Westminster Dr. Thornhill.905-763-7853. -.-8:00: Sony Centre. Trinity Irish Dance. TrinityDancers, Chicago; Mark Howard, artistic director.1 Front St. E. 416-870-8000. --8:00: Toronto Mendelssohn Choir. SacredMusic for a Sacred Space. Masterworks performeda capella. Guests: the Victoria Scholars;Noel Edison, conductor. St. Paul's Basilica, 83Power St. 416-598-0422 x24. --8:00: Toronto Operetta Theatre. Earnest,The Importance of Being. By Davies & Benson.Laird Mackintosh, Robert Longo, performers;Jeffrey Huard, conductor. Jane Mallett Theatre,27 Front St. East. 416366-7723 I 800-708-6754. -.Saturday February 23· 1 :30 & 3:30: Toronto Symphony Orches·tra. And Furthermore They Bite! Saint-Saens:Carnival of the Animals; Rimsky-Korsakov: Flightof the Bumblebee; Kapilow: setting of poem byJohn Gardner; for ages 5 to 12. Rob Kapilow,conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St.416-593-4828. -.-4:30: Oakville· Children's Choir. Stories &Songs in Canada & Beyond. Guest artists: BoniPueri Czech Boys Choir; Sarah Morrison, artisticdirector. Clear View Christian Reformed Church,2300 Sheridan Garden Dr. Oakvill e. 905-337-7104. ; (srlunder 12).· 7:00: Mississauga Children's Choir.Mississauga Choral Festival. Stephen Hatfield &6 choirs from Canada & the US. Cawthra ParkSecondary School, 1305 Cawthra Road. 905·624-9704. ; O(srlst).-7:30: Opera by Request. Massenet: Werther.Concert version. Laura McAlpine. Nicole Bower,James Janz, Tyler Kuhnert & Henry Irwin;William Shookhoff, piano & music director. ChristChurch Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416-455·2365. ; (srlst).· 8:00: Academy Concert Series. Magic ofthe Basset Horn. Mozart: Divertimenti &Notturni for basset horn trio and voices. ColinSavage, Stephen Fox, Nicolai Tarasov, bassethorns; Michele OeBoer, soprano; Ariel Hardwood,:;~ (l,I • if Ii
Jones, mezzo-soprano; Esteban Cambre, bassbaritone.Eastminster United Church, 310Danforth Ave. 416-927-9089. ; O(sr/st).· 8:00: Acoustic Harvest Folk Club. RosemaryPhelan. With Jason LaPrade & TrevorMills. St. Nicholas Anglican Church, 1512Kingston Rd. 416-264-2235. .· 8:00: Alison Melville. The Bird Project.Music, poetry, sound and visuals with repertoireranging from medieval to very contemporary.Music by Hildegard of Bingen, Messiaen, Bach,van Eyck, Hans Poser & others. Alison Melville,artistic director, traverso, recorders & willowflute; Katherine Hill, soprano; Kathleen Kajioka,reader; Andrei Streliaev, piano; Debashis Sinha,video/visuals. St George the Martyr Church, 197John St.416-588-4301. .· 8:00: Masterworks of Oakville Chorusand Orchestra. Beethoven and Mozart Masses.See Feb 22.· 8:00: Musicians in Ordinary. A Due Voci:Italian Baroque Music. Early Italian Baroquemusic for sopranos and theorlbo. Works byMonteverdi & Strozzi. Guest: Alexa Wing,soprano. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416-535-9956. ; (st/sr).· 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall/Massey Hall. Artof Song: Cowboy Junkies. Michael Timmins,guitar/songwriter; Margo Timmins, vocal; PeterTimmins, drums; Alan Anton, bass and guests.Massey Hall, 15 Shuter St. 416-8 72-4255..50-.50.· 8:00: Sinfonia Mississauga. Flights ofFantasy. Rossini: Overture to II Signor Bruschino;Royer: Fantasy for Violin & Orchestra; Ravel:Introduction and Allegro; Elgar: Salut d' amour &Chanson de nuit; Mozart: Symphony #40. RuthFazal, violin; John Barnum, conductor. HammersonHall, 4141 Living Arts Drive, Mississauga.905-306-6000. -.· 8:00: Sony Centre. Harlem Gospel Choir.Allen Bailey, founder, music director.1 Front St.E. 416-870-8000. -· 8:00: Toronto Operetta Theatre. Earnest,The Importance of Being. See Feb 22.Sunday February 24· 12:00 noon: Derek Macrae. Guitar SoloConcert. See Feb 3.· 2:00: Off Centre. 1 Jth Annual Schubertiad.Music of Schubert. Kathleen Brett, soprano; GilesTomkins, baritone; lnna Perkis & Boris Zarankin,piano. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. W. 416-205-5555. ; (st/sr).· 2:00: Opera York. Mozart:Don Giovannni.See Feb 22.· 2:00: Toronto Operetta Theatre. Earnest,The Importance of Being. See Feb 22.· 2:00:Visual and Performing Arts Newmarket.Tokai String Duartet. NewmarketTheatre, 505 Pickering Cres. 905-953-5122.-.· 3:00: CBC Radio - Canada Live. Francopho·nia -Nadina Mackie Jackson, bassoon/Guy Few,trumpet. Trudel: Double Concerto; works byLussier, Debussy, Jolivet. Glenn Gould Studio,250 Front St. W. 416-205-5555. .· 3:00: Heliconian Hall. Duo Recital. Works byPoulenc, Beethoven, Granados, Debussy, Golijov& Chaminade. Les Allt, flute; Roland Starr, piano.35 Hazelton Ave. 416-868-6263. ; (sr/st).Seeadnextpage..tit.. ONtARIO ARIS c::oum::tl~ CONS Ell DES ARTS OE l'ONTARIO3rd AnnualMississauga Children's ChoirAmherst Bel Canto (New York)Bach Children's ChorusGuelph Youth SingersSt Marys Children's ChoirYoung Singers (Ajax)MississaugaChoral FestivalGuest Conductor: Canadian Stephen Hatfield(\IISaturday February 23 - 7pm adults I seniors/childrenCawthra Park Secondary School1305 Cawthra Rd, Mississauga (S of QEW)Concert will also feature the mass choirperforming the world premiere ofThree Songs of Pan" composed by Michael Coghlan .The Musicians In Ordinaryfor the Lutes and Voicespresentwww.mississaugachildrenschoir.comMusic of Claudio Monteverdi, Barbara Strozzi and others~Hallie Fishel, Soprano,John Edwards, Theorbow ith guest, Soprano Alexa WingTickets and for students and seniorsSat. Feb. 23rd 2008 - 8 PMHel,con,an Hall, 35 Hazelton Avenue, TorontoFor more info email musinord@sympat,co ea or call 416 535•TheDalw~Chil.dRn's ChoirThe Oakville Children's ChoirSarah Morrison, Music DirectorJanet Stachow, Associate Music DirectorpresentsSpecial GuestsBONI PUERI Czech Boys' ChoirConductor Jakub Martinec"Stories and Song inCanada and Beyond"4:30 p.m. Saturday, February 23'd, 2008ClearView Christian Reformed Church2300 Sheridan Garden Drive, OakvilleFor tickets call 905.337.7104 or visitwww.oakvillechildrenschoir.orgFEBR UARY1- MARCH 7 2008 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM 39