Claude Vivier ( CaMda)Zlpng,uThis performance t1onours t he60th anniversar y or Claude Vivier's bir U1.Harry Somers ( Canada)Of Mtnli'U}' i-md Oo~lti1PhlUp t;ashian ( England)TafJl,1uJJU' • Canadian Pre1111ieteDouglas Schmidt ( c.anarJi:i)A Folt • World PremiereDou1f s music is back by populiar demand follow ingStiai.llia Rolston 's siulir•{l p~t for rnance of''Grnndma·s Aching Bac k ~ last season ... ~ESP RH ORCHf:$H11' C R~HFIJ L L'I' I\Ci(NOW LECtGES HIE f(1U OW IN(; FQR TrlE IR SIJPP OR l~ t~':,· · 1111} •• lj ,(_'). ......... ~~fr.""T;'l:fl~,ll!';'t.t.:l'jttrlll!Ul·~1.11rll.,w~ frnmrl~t1r111•to,ontd.artsbounci Ill,· :1.1-. I ll !lll!'r1" a-..:-, I ~ ! ! f C!r1 ,U f.:111•-'.-IIIo~ta,fo Arisf a1111'd1ilic,~Scotl111benk Gr-01.1p~~ .. fj}r Cc~IIMnlr.ihr l ' I ,Ill' HifuumMiaFITJ11,1 0•if' ... 1•1'" 1~i.l'V"1f''a:11•-Tl a l!I\t,;,Af\:A l"-i!ilJli~Tl ... lit1i•l~1'.!'1illN'• • J.'VlfN.DI-C IU:.\ T 1\"!·_ ,ltt SiOF Hlf 2007· :2008 8EA80 N•••' .. , ,.SOC,\i·,_CEITTJJdlB"Hruitn11,1P'ii1lnm,1,1nucaoodil!;f1.di\, t.i
wholenoteNVolume 13, #5, February 1 -March 7, 200807 For Openers: David Perlman08 CovER STORY: Jacques Israelievitch David Perlman10 Discoveries (1): Editor's Corner David Olds13 Talivaldis Kenins remembered by Larry LakeBEAT BY BEAT (The Live Music Scene)14 New Music Richard Marsella16 World View Karen Ages18 Early Music Frank Nakashima20 Choral Scene Allan Fulker21 Choral Life Q & A -Julie Winn22 Band Stand Jack MacQuarrie24 Jazz Notes Jim Galloway26 Opera at Home Phil Ehrensaft26 On Opera Christopher Haile28 Quodlibet Allan FulkerMUSICAL LIFE (1)29 We are all Music's Children m] BuellCALENDAR (Live Music Listings)30 Section 1: Concerts: Toronto & GTA46 Section 2: Concerts: Beyond the GTA49 Section 3: Opera, Music Theatre, Dance: run details49 Section 4: Jazz in the Clubs (listings)50 Section 5: Announcements, Lectures, Workshops, ... EtceteraMUSICAL LIFE (2)53 Contest: choral canaries62 BookShelf Pamela MarglesDISCOVERIES (2): records reviewed57 Classical and Beyond Terry Robbins57 Traditional Jazz Jim Galloway58 Extended Play - Indie Jazz Ken Waxman60 Like fine wine: discs vintage and nouveau Bruce SurteesOTHER ELEMENTS06 Contact Information and Deadlines29 Index of Advertisers52 Classified Ads54,55 WholeNote MarketPlace55 2008 Editorial CalendarIN THIS ISSUEBANDSTANDstill stuckon the tuba?page 22BOOKSHELFThe end of earlymusic?page62QuoDLIBETSadiq sings Messiaenpage 28CONTEST:Who is Music's Childpage 29FEBRUARY 1 - M AR CH 7 2008WWW. TH EWH O LENOTE . COM
WholeNote MarketPlaceEducationCLAIM
DIS.Extended Play -lndie JazzReview
tom-like rim shots of drummer Nick
Book Shelfby Pamela MarglesCongratu