9 years ago

Volume 13 - Issue 5 - February 2008


extraordinary, oftentimes hau ntingwanderer is invoked by sopranoKathleen Brett, baritone GilesTom kins and pianists lnna Pe rkisand Boris Zarankin.Enjoy the intimacy of the I 9thCentury Salon with our "special blend" of music,d . .Tickets: // adults/seniors/studentsGlenn Gould Studio Box Office:•..r--u..•TORONTO CHILDREN'S CHORUSElise Bradley, Artistic DirectorAll Songs CanadianFebruary 24, 2008, 4:00 pmTimothy Eaton Memorial Church230 St. Clair Avenue West, TorontoThis family concert will feature the five TCCTraining Choirs and the Boys' Choir in anall-Canadian tribute. Repertoire will includeworks by John Govedas, Marilyn Broughton,Paul Halley and Stuart Calvert.... SECTION 1: Toronto and GTA· 3:00: Toronto Mendelssohn Choir. SacredMusic for a Sacred Space. See Feb 22.· 4:00: Toronto Children's Chorus TrainingChoirs I Boys' Choirs. All Songs Canadian.Works by John Govedas, Marilyn Broughton, PaulHalley & Stuart Calvert. Elise Bradley, artisticdirector; Carole Anderson, Teri Dunn & Marie·Claire Gervasoni, conductors. Timothy EatonMemorial Church, 230 St. Clair Ave. W. 416·932-8666 x231 . ; (sr/st).-5:00: Masaryk Memorial Institute Inc.George Grosman Jazz Ouintet. Prague Restaurant,450 Scarborough Golf Club Road. 416-439·4354. ; (st).- 7:30: Christ Church Deer Park. OrganMusic and Compline -Six Sunday nights in lent.Compline from The Book of Common Prayer.Julia Doker, organ. 1570 Yonge Street. 416-920-5211. Collection taken._Tok~i-String QuartetMonday February 25· 8:00: Rendez-vous with Jane Birkin.Songs of Serge Gainsbourg and others. TheMusic Hall, 147 Danforth Ave. 416· 778-8163 I416-870-8000.-.· 8:00: Toronto Organ Club. Kings oflnstru·ments. Concerts played on the X-66, the Allenclassical organ and the Baby Grand. St. JamesUnited Church, 400 Bumhamthorpe Road. 905-824-4667. ; free(under 1 OJ.Tuesday February 26-12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre Vocal Series:Opera Division of the University of Toronto·Spotlight on Handel. Showcase of forthcomingproduction of Handel's Ariodante. Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St.W. 416-363-8231 . Free.· 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz at Noon: York U Jazz Orchestra. AlHenderson and Mike Cado, directors. ACELounge, 219 Accolade East Building, YU, 4 700Keele St. 416· 736-5 186. Free· 2:30: Alchemy. An Hour of Chamber Music.Quantz: Trio Sonata; Strauss: Theme & Variations;Beethoven: Serenade; Parker:Pieces;Arnold: Quintet op 7. Henneke Cats, flute; ElkeStreisslberger, horn; Larkin Hinder, bassoon;Catherine Sulem, violin; Beverlee Swayze, viola;Mari on Wilk, piano. New Hori zons Tower, 1140Bloor St. W, 416-536-611 1. Free.-7:30: St. Clement's Anglican Church.Aaron Tan, organ. Works by Albright, Bach, Eben,Franck & Vierne. 59 Briar Hill Ave. 416-483-6664. Freewill offerin g.Adult - .00 Student/Senior - .00TCC Box Office 416.932.8666 x231Have Fun and MakeLife-long Friends!Join our world-renownedchildren's choir forexceptional musical trainingand the experience of a lifetime!Auditions for 6-16 year olds areheld March through May.416.932.8666· Newmarket Theatre· 505 Pickering Crescent•,· 8:00: Music Toronto. Jon Kimura Parker,piano. Stravinsky (arr Parker): The Rite of Spring;&other works. Jane Mallett Theatre, St.Lawrence Centre for the Arts, 27 Front St. East.416-366-7723 I 800-708-6754. ,; 18-35 pay your age; (st, accompanying adult Y,price).· 8:00: Talisker Players Chamber Music.Perfect Propriety. Works by Coulthard, Weill,Seymour Barab, Omar Daniel, Lee Hoiby &Stephen Chatman. Melanie Conly, soprano; VilmaVitals, mezzo.soprano; Doug MacNaughton,baritone. Trinity St. Paul's Centre, 427 Bloor St.W. 416-466-1800. ; (sr); O(st).40 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM FEBR UARY 1 - MARC H 7 2008

Wednesday February 27. 12:00 noon: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. lmre Olah, organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free.. 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Small Jazz Ensembles. Walter Hall, 80Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.. 8:00: Talisker Players Chamber Music.See Feb 26.. 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Tchaikovsky Symphony 5. Chen Yi: Momentum(Canadian premiere); Bart6k: Viola Concerto;Tchaikovsky: Symphony #5. Teng Li, viola;Ludovic Morlot, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60Simcoe St. 416-593-4828. -$ 123. 9:00 & 10:15: Mezzetta Restaurant.Wednesday Concert Series · Bill Mc Birnie, flute&RobiBotos,piano. 681 St. Clair Ave. W. 416-658-5687. .TALISKERPLAYERSCHAMBERMUSICMelanie Conly, SOPRANOVilma Vitals, MEZZO SOPRANODoug MacNaughton, BARITONEPeter Longworth, PIANOThe Talisker PlayersFebruary 26 e, 27, 2008, 8 pmTrinity St. Paul's CentreTickets: / / Information: 416-466-1800www.taliskerplayers.caThursday February 28. 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre Vocal Series:Robert Pomakov, bass. Biblical Songs. Rarelyperformed song cycle and other works basedon biblical texts set by Schutz, Buxtehude andCharpentier. CDC orchestra brass, woodwindand string sections. Four Seasons Centre forthe Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free .. 12:00 noon: Roy Thomson Hall. I IthAnnual Noon Hour Choir & Organ Concerts·Bach Children's Chorus. Linda Beaupre, conductor;Eleanor Daley, organ. 60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. Free.. 12: 10: St. Paul's Foundation for theArts. Noon Hour Recital Series · AngusSinclair, organ. St. Paul's Bloor St., 227 BloorSt. E. 416-961-8116 x251. Free .. 12: 15: Metropolitan United Church.Noon at Met Concerts: Andrew Adair, organ.56 Queen St.E. 416-363-0331 . Free.- 2:00: Northern District Library. ChamberMusic Recital: Works for Piano and Winds.Beethoven, Will an, Ameller & others. PeterMargolian, piano. 40 Orchard View Blvd. 416·393. 7610. Free.- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Faculty Concert Series: The BarryElmes Ouintet. Barry Elmes, drums; MikeMurley, saxophones; Kevin Turcotte, trumpet& flugelhorn; Reg Schwager, gui_tar; SteveWallace, bass. Tribute Communities RecitalHall, Accolade East, YU, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-5888. ; $ 5(st).. 8:00: Bullhorn. Ciara Adams· CD Release:Last of the Bohemians. Featuring DavideDirenzo, Mike Janzen, Marc Rogers, ArthurKerekes (GMMF) & others. Lula Lounge, 1585Dundas St. W. 416-588-0307. (or with new CD).. 8:00: CBC Radio - Canada Live. OavidRudder's Calypso Journey: lord Superior,Orew Gonsalves. Three generations of calypsorevealed. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St.W. 416-205-5555. .. 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra .Tchaikovsky Symphony 5. Roy Thomson Hall.See Feb 27.Friday February 29. 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Choirs in Concert: From Tallis toTaverner. Master Chorale; Brad Ratzlaff,conductor. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. ; (sr/st).. 8:00: COBA. Next Steps Series: Yebo!Dance program celebrating the 15" season.Ba Kari Lindsay, artistic director. Prem1ereDance Theatre, Harbourfront Centre, 235Queen's Quay W. 416-973-4000. - .. 8:00: Nathaniel Oett Chorale. Voices ofthe Oiaspora Afro Brasileira. Brainerd Blyden·Taylor, artistic director. George WestonRecital Hall, Toronto Centre for the Arts,5040 Yonge St. 416-872-1111. -.50.. 8:00: Opera York. Mozart: Oon Giovannni.Markham Theatre 171 Town Centre Blvd.Markham. See Feb 22.. 8:00: Toronto Consort. Music for aMedieval labyrinth. Music for the labyrinthincluding medieval dance-songs and renaissancepolyphony. David Fallis, artistic director.Trinity St Paul's Centre, 427 Bloor St. W.416-964-6337. -.Saturday March 01. 7:00: Amadeus Choir. A Celtic Celebration.The Celtic Band & highland dancers. Benefitconcert to support the artistic initiatives of theAmadeus Choir. Lydia Adams, conductor.Toronto Botanical Garden, 777 Lawrence Ave.E. 416-446-0188. ; (sr/st).. 7:30: Music on the Oonway. SandyMacintyre, celtic fiddler. Irish songs, fiddling,step dancing & more. 7-piece Cape Bretontraditional band, "Steeped in Tradition."Donway Covenant United Church, 230 TheDonway W. 416-444-8444. ; (12 &under).. 7:30: Tallis Choir. Rachmaninoff Vespers.Rachmaninoff: Vespers; works by Tavener andFriday, February 29, 2008VOI~ES OFTHE DIASPORAAfro-B r asileiraGeorge Weston Recital HallToronto Centre for the Arts I 5040 Yonge St, TorontoTickets: .00-.50Children under 12- At box office section ConlyTo Buy Tickets, call Ticketmaster:416-872-111 1 or visit www.ticketmaster.ca40 Baycrest Ave• Toronto, ON • M6A 1 WI

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