E!I arnaaeusmllcnoirLydia Adams,Conductor and Artistic DirectorPRESENTSPr1*?Jfs;uPHYMNS FOR HERSWILLIAM BROWNArtis lie DirectorJAMES BOURNEPianistSATURDAY, MARCH I. 2008 · 8PMA Celtic CelebrationThe Amadeus Choir's Annual Gala FundraiserSaturday March 1 st, 2008 7:00 p.m.Doors open and auction preview 6:15 p.m.Toronto Botanical Garden (formerly Edwards Gardens) 777 Lawrence Ave. EastPipers and singers and dancers - oh my! Enjoy a celebration of our Celtic roots, withthe Choir's special guests Kettle's On, Highland dancers, and Mrs. Bridges' famoussweet treats. There will be silent and live auctions and lots of singing, of course!Tickets: Adult Senior/StudentTo order or for more information: 416-446-0188torontda rt sboun ci I canada Council BlfB Conseil des Artsfor the Arts c!:, du CanadaNorman ReintammPrincipal ConductorPercussionistAndrewDunsmoresee listings for March 1toro ntda rtsbo u nci IAn arm• , 1•ngt h bo dy ot t h~ Cit y ot 10,on10CathedralBluffsSy_mphonyOrchestra--Ada skinDivertimento No. 6MendelssohnHebrides OvertureBizetCarmen SuiteSchumannSymphony No. 1Grace Church on-the-Hill300 Lonsdale Road, TorontoTickets: 125.00 Regular 120.00 Seniors 110.00 StudentsR -··COMMISS IONS BY:..Contact ORJANA:·. ,,: 1110 Morrow Avenue. "I"" ••,. ~Suite 202',--,,Toronto, OntarioM6R 2)!Tel: (416) 538-1650Email:info@orianachoir.comWeb:www.orianachoir.comRuth Watson Derek Holman Jon WashburnHendersontorontdart sbou ncil B1fB C..n •d• CouMil (onu lldHAru~forthe Aru duCanadoWilliam Woloschuk, ConductorJulie Loveless, AccompanistpresentsSt. David's Day ConcertCyngerdd Dydd Gwyl DewiChristopher Thomas - M.C.Northumberland OrchestraShannon Mercer - SoloistMerched DewiClement Carelse - OrganistGerald Martindale - CarillonneurSaturday, March 1, 2008, 7:30 p.mMetropolitan United Church56 Queen Street EastTickets: .00Contact:416-410-2254 TICKET. BREAKWWW.tWmVC.COm www.TICKETBREAl
Part. St. Patrick's Church, 141 McCaul St.416-286-9798. ,(sr),(st).· 7:30: Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir.St. David's Day Concert. NorthumberlandOrchestra & guests. William Woloschuk,conductor. Metropolitan United Church, 56 QueenSt. E. 416-410-2254. .· 7:30: Village Rhapsody Concert Series.Duet & Trio. Works by Barber, Dvorak &Juozopaitis. Terry Holowach, violin; Agile Storyk,cello; Leokadija Kanovich, piano; Ilona DamasiusBeres, piano. Runnymede United Church, 432Runnymede Rd. 416-766-9959. ; (adv).· 8:00: Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra.Subscription Concert 3. Mendelssohn:Hebrides Overture; Bizet/Shchedrin: CarmenSuite; Adaskin: Divertimento No.6; Schumann:Symphony No.6. Nonman Reintamm, conductor;Andrew Dunsmore, percussion. P.C. Ho Theatre,Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto, 5183Sheppard Ave. E. 416-879-5566. , ,children under 12 free.· 8:00: COBA. Next Steps: Yebo! See Feb. 29.· 8 :00: Living Arts Centre. Peter Appleyard.Tribute to popular music from the 30s, 40s &50s. Voices of Showtime. 4141 Living Arts Dr.Mississauga. 905-306-6000. -.· 8:00: Oriana Women's Choir. Praise mySoul.· Hymns For Hers. Commissioned works byBeckwith, Daley, Enns, Henderson, Holman &more. William Brown, artistic director; JamesBourne, piano; Michael Bloss, organ. GraceChurch on-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Road. 416-923-3123. ; (sr); O(st).· 8:00: Toronto Consort. Music for a MedievalLabyrinth. See Feb 29.· 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Special Performance. Beethoven: Piano Concerto111; Symphony 117. Lang Lang, piano; PeterOundjian, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60Simcoe St. 416-593-4828. . 50-0.· 8:00: Windmill Theatre Productions. ALittle Night Music. Romantic music by Dvorak,Faure & Debussy. Brian Pritchard, artisticdirector; Joshua Tamayo, musical director. GreatHall, Unitarian South Peel Congregation, 84 SouthService Rd. Mississauga. 905-338-5702. .Sunday March 02· 12:00 noon: Derek Macrae. Guitar SoloConcert. See Feb 3.-1:30: CAMMAC/McMichael Gallery.Sunday Concerts- Dr. Norman Bethune CollegiateInstitute Piano and Flute Duartet. McMichael Gallery, 10365 Islington Avenue,Kleinburg. 905-893-1121 / 888-213-1121.Freewith admission to gallery: ; (sr/st).· 2:00: ROM. Sunday Concert· Tafelmusik. 100Queen's Park. 416-586-8000. ; (sr/st wID); (5-14); free (members + 4 and under).Includes access to all galleries and exhibitions.LLIS CHOIRDirected By Peter Mahon· 2:00: Toronto All-Star Big Band. They'rePlaying Our Song. Tribute to the Big Band Era.Zygmunt Jedrezejek, artistic director. HarbourfrontCentre, 235 Queen's Quay W. 416-973-4000. PWYC( suggested).· 2:30: Aldeburgh Connection. Sunday Series· The Tale of the Ostrich. Songs by RichardStrauss. Joni Henson, soprano; Laura Tucker,mezzo-soprano; Phillip Addis, baritone. WalterHall, Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen's Park.416- 735 7982. $ 50.~www.aldeburghconnection.orgCelebrating the Art of SongThe TAL~f the OSTRICHJoni Henson sopranoLaura Tucker mezzoPhillip Addis baritoneStephen Ralls and Bruce Ubukata pianoperforming works by Richard StraussSUNDAY, MARCH 2, 2:30 p.m.WALTER HALL / Student (416) 735-7982Tea will be served at intermission· 3:00: Mississauga Choral Society. SingCanadian, eh! Beckwith: new work; contemporaryCanadian compositions. Guest: John Beckwith;Mervin Fick, conductor. Hammerson Hall, LivingArts Centre, 4141 Living Arts Dr. 905-306-6000. -.· 3:00: Orpheus Choir. Mystical Voices.Holman: Requiem; works by MacMillan, Widorand more. Jennie Such, soprano; Wallis Giunta,mezzo-soprano; Gian Horrobin, tenor; AlexDobson, baritone; T alisker Players; Edward~~l.09-p'..--