9 years ago

Volume 13 - Issue 5 - February 2008

... SECTION 1: Toronto

... SECTION 1: Toronto and GTAMoroney, organ; Robert Cooper, conductor.Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St.E. 416·530-4428. ,(sr),(st).. 3:00: St. Clement's Anglican Church.Sundays at Three· The Art of the Organ. Worksby Bach, Guilmant, Esposito, Nosetti & Vierne.Massimo Nosetti, organ. 59 Briar Hill Ave. 416-483-6664. ; (sr/st).. 3:00: Syrinx Sunday Salons. Peter longworth,piano.Works by Brahms, Prokofiev &Kuerti. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416·699-4949. $ 20; (st).. 3:30: Koffler Centre of the Arts. AnAfternoon of Music and Culture. Works byMozart, Glick, Mozetich, Buczinsky, Gilles,Leclerc & Levkovich. Koffler Chamber Orchestra;Joseph Macerollo, accordion. Temple Emanu-EI,120 Old Colony Road. 416-636-1880 x228.; (sr/st). Pre-concerttalk: 1:30.. 4:00: Luba & lreneus Zuk. Piano Duo. Worksby Hummel, Burge, Stankowych, Piazzola, Fiala,Lashenko & Liszt. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 FrontStreet W. 416-762-7988. .-4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. JazzVespers· Joe Sealy, piano & Paul Novotny, bass.MUSIC AT ST. CLEMENT'SSunday, March 2, 3:00 pmSUNDAYS AT THREETlfE ART OF TlfE ORGAl'fMassimo Nossetti, the organistof the Cathedral in Turin Italy,will perform the music ofJ.S. Bach, Esposito, Guilmant,Nosetti & Vierne adults, students & seniors1570 Yonge St. 416-920-5211. Free I donations.. 7:30: Christ Church Deer Park. OrganMusic and Compline · Six Sunday nights in Lent.Compline from The Book of Common Prayer.Elisa Mangina, organ. 1570 Yonge St. 416-920-5211. Collection taken.. 7:30: Victoria Scholars Men's ChoralEnsemble. Gracias a la Vida · The Gift ofSpanish Song. Works by Tomas Luis de Victoria,Javier Busto, Pablo Casals and Heitor Villa-Lobos.Jerzy Cichocki, music director. Our Lady ofSorrows Church, 3055 Bloor St. W. 416-761-7776. ; (sr/st).. 8:00: CORA. NextSteps: Yebo! See Feb. 29.. 8:00: Esprit Orchestra. Off the Edge· 25thAnniversary Season. Vivier: Zipangu; Somers: OfMemory and Desire; Cashian: Tableaux; Ford:Peter and the Wolf Overture; Schmidt: A Fair.Alex Pauk, conductor. Jane Mallett Theatre, 27Front Street East. 416-366-7723. ; (sr);(st). 7: 15: Pre-concert talk.Monday March 03. 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: Classical instrumentalrecital featuring student soloists.Tribute CommunitiesRecital Hall, Accolade East, YU, 4700Keele St. 416- 736-5186. Free.. 8:00: JAZZ. FM91. Sound of Jazz ConcertSeries - Dave McMurdo Jazz Orchestra. 21 stcentury musical compositions and arrangements.19-piece all-star jazz orchestra. Old Mill Inn, 21Old Mill Rd. 416-595-0404. ; (sr/st) .Tuesday March 04-12:00: Canadian Opera Company. TheRichard Bradshaw Amphitheatre Vocal Series:University of Toronto Faculty of Music· Lives ofOthers: A Prism of Song. Concert of art songsfrom the 18" to 20• centuries. Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St.West. 416-363-8231. Free.· 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz at Noon: York Student JazzEnsemble. Mike Murley, director; Tom Ionescu,guitar; Jonathan Lum, alto sax; Andrew Maynard,tenor sax; Zach Sutton, drums; Ben Young, bass.Tribute Communities Recital Hall, Accolade East,YU, 4 700 Keele St. 416-736-5186. Free.· 6:30 Alchemy. An Hour of Chamber Music.Ouantz: Trio Sonata; Strauss: Theme & Variations;Beethoven: Serenade; Parker:Pieces;Arnold: Quintet op 7. Henneke Cats, flute; ElkeStreisslberger, horn; Larkin Hinder, bassoon;Catherine Sulem, violin; Beverlee Swayze, viola;Marion Wilk, piano. Valleyview Residence, 541Finch Ave W, 416-398-0555. Free.· 8:00: Dancap Productions. 3 Mo' Divas.Musical celebration of Class, Sass & Style.Marion J. Caffey, writer/director. Winter GardenTheatre, 189 Yonge St. 416-644-3665/800-950-7469. Call for individual pricing.St. Clement's Anglican Church59 Briar Hill Avenue, TorontoTel: 416-483-6664 www.stclements-church.orgruEVICTORIASCHOLARSMen's Choral Ensemblewww.victoriascholars.caMystical VoicesLush choral sonorities byMacMillan, Widor and moreFeaturing Requiem, the Toronto premiere ofDr. Derek Holman's dramatically compelling choralorchestralmasterpieceJennie Such, soprano; Wallis Giunta, mezzo-sopranoCian Horrobin, tenor; Alex Dobson, baritoneTalisker PlayersEdward Moroney, organRobert Cooper, C.M., conductor

-8:00: Music Toronto. Gryphon Trio. Mozetich:new work; Schumann: Trio in F, Op.80;Beethoven: Trio in D, Op.36 (Beethoven's owntranscription after Symphony #2). AnnaleePatipatanakoon, violin; Roman Borys, cello; JamieParker, piano. Jane Mallett Theatre, St. LawrenceCentre for the Arts, 27 Front St. East. 416-366- 7723 / 800-708-6754. ; .-8:00: Nightwood Theatre. FemCab 2008.Performing artists of every discipline celebrateInternational Women's Day. Featuring Eve Ensler,Dawn Whitwell, Lillian Allen, Diane Flacks &others. Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St. W. 416-944-1740 x7. .Wednesday March 05- 12:00: Canadian Opera Company. TheRichard Bradshaw Amphitheatre Vocal Series:Canadian Children's Opera Company. HighlightsImm Dragon on the Rock, newly commisionedopera by Alexander Rapoport ( rrusic) & Marie DayOyrics). Four Seasons C!lltre for the Perfonning Arts,145 OueEll St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.· 12:00 noon: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. Daniel Norman, organ. 1585 Yonge St.416-922-1167. Free.-8:00: Roy Thomson Hall/Massey Hall. Jazz& Blue. Chick Corea, piano. Massey Hall, 15Shuter St. 416-8724255. .50-.50.-8:00: TSO. Mini Wednesday Masterworks 3:Shostakovich Leningrad Symphony. Britt Ell: ViolinConcerto; Shostakovich: Symphony #7 (Leningrad).Janine Jansen, violin; Peter Oundjian,conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St.416-593-4828. -3.Thursday March 06-12:00: CDC. Richard Bradshaw AmphitheatreVocal Series: CDC Ensemble Studio -RussianProgram. Program of Russian arias & art songs.Four Seasons Centre for the Perfonning Arts.145 Oueen St. West. 416-363-8231. Free.-12:10: St. Paul's Foundation for the Arts.Noon Hour Recital Series -Janet Peaker, organ.St. Paul's Bloor St., 227 Bloor St. E. 416-961 -8116 x251. Free.· 12:15: Metropolitan United Church. Noonat Met Concerts: Senan Whelan, organ. 56 OueenSt.E. 416-363-0331. Free.· 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday. Young singers in theclassical vocal performance program.TributeCommunities Recital Hall, Accolade East, YU,4 700 Keele St. 416- 736-5186. Free.-1:30: Women's Musical Club of Toronto.Shannon Mercer, soprano. Walter Hall, EdwardJohnson Bldg., 80 Queen's Park. 416-923-7052.. *SOLD OUT*- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Le Salon de Chant. Young singers fromthe studios of Catherine Robbin, Norma Burrowes,Stephanie Bogle, Michael Donovan, JanetObenneyer and Karen Rymal. Tribute CommunitiesRecital Hall, Accolade East, YU, 4700 KeeleSt. 416- 736-5186. Free.· 8:00: DanceWorks. Sashar larif DanceTheatre · Choreographies of Migration. Anar:Pomegranate (world premiere); Zari!: Life is theFeeling of a Migrating Bird (world premiere); &other works. Harbourfront Centre, EnwaveTheatre, 231 Queens Quay W. 416-9734000.; (SR/STCADA/WIFT/SCDS).-8:00: Tafelmusik. In the Garden offarthlyDelights. Music by Purcell, Monteverdi, the Bachfamily, Healy Willan, and a new piece by ChristosHatzis. Tafelmusik Chamber Choir; lvars T aurins,conductor; Jeanne Lamon, music director. TrinitySt. Paul's Centre, 427 Bloor St. W. 416-864-6337. -; -(sr/st).-8:00: TSO. Leningrad. See Mar 5.-8:30: Peggy Baker Dance Project. Portal.New work from James Kudelka and PeggyBaker. Andrew Burashko, piano. Betty OliphantTheatre, 404 Jarvis St. 416-504-7529. ;(sr/st/CADA/ Equity); Friday: PWYC. Forcomplete run see music theatre listings.Friday March 07- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: York U Brass Ensemble.James Macdonald, director.Tribute CommunitiesRecital Hall, Accolade East, YU, 4700Keele St. 416-736-5186. Free.-7:30: U of T Faculty of Music. Faculty ArtistSeries: A Hundred Years Ago ... Music by Reger,Debussy, Scriabin, Prokofiev, Berg, Webern &Stravinsky. John Kruspe, piano; John Beckwith,commentator. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park.416-978-3744. ; (sr/st).· 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Le Salon de Chant. See Mar 6.· 8:00 DanceWorks. Sashar larif Dance• Toronto Classical SingersG.F. Handel: Coronation Anthems r·'@Gilbert & Sullivan (highlights) · :'.:,Conductor: Jurgen Petrenko 1, ,·.)fiiAccompanied by The Talisker Players Orchestra (\-::;_•·.:' .; 'S un d ay M arc h 9 , 2008 , 4'00 . p.m. ,.: i,(· '/· i1 't \ ·. .Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. ,, ·,r,,( •''::,-..,(two blocks north of the St. Clair subway) I"•·'Tickets: Adults: .00 Seniors: Students: .00Phone: 416.443.1490Website: www.torontoclassicalsingers.orgmTheatre · Choreographies of Migration. See Mar6.-8:00: Etobicoke Community ConcertBand. Classic Celtic. Strings and concert band,John Edward Liddle, music director; SandyMacintyre, guest fiddler. Etobicoke CollegiateAuditorium, 86 Montgomery Rd. 416-410-1570.; (sr); (st); free(ch).· 8:00: New Music Concerts. Michel Gonnevilleand his Protl!ges. Music by Gonneville, Ristic,Cote, Frechette, McKinley & others. MaxChristie, clarinet; Jean Laurendreau, OndesMartenot; Accordes String Quartet; New MusicConcerts Ensemble; Robert Aitken, flute andartistic direction. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 FrontSt. West. 416-961 -9495. ; (sr); (st).· 8:00: Sinfonia Toronto. Con Amore. Mozart:Divertimento, K.137; Bach: Violin Concerto in a;MacMillan: Two Sketches on French CanadianAirs; Verdi: Sinfonia. Mary-Elizabeth Brown,violin; Nurhan Arman, conductor. Grace Churchon-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Rd. 416-499-0403.;(sr);(st.16-29).END OF SECTION 1:Toronto and GTASt. Anne'sAnglican Church207 Gladstone Ave., TorontoSunday, March 9, 2.30 pm.Jvlozart in LentMass in C MinorandExultate]ubilate, Ave VerumBenedictus (Requiem), Gloria in excelsis deoMusic Director: J. Bev StaintonSoloists: Corinne Lynch, Laura SchatzBernie LynchSt. Anne's Festival ChoirThe Oakville Choral Societyand Chamber OrchestraTickets: , (sr/st)For tickets & information: 416 922 4415Concerts are wheelchair accessible 1!!11f EBR UA RYl- M ARCH 7 2008 WWW. THEWHOLE N OTE. COM 45

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)