9 years ago

Volume 13 - Issue 5 - February 2008


LISTINGS: SECTION 2CONCERTS: Beyond the GTAN.B. For a list of communities in this sectionsee LISTINGS INTRODUCTION, page 30Friday February O 1. 12:30: Don Wright Faculty of Music.Allison Wiebe, piano. 20th-century pianomusic. von Kuster Hall, University of WesternOntario, London. 519-661-3767. Free.· 8:00: Capitol Theatre. Lunch at Allen's.Musical revue by Ian Thomas, Marc Jordan,Cindy Church and Murray Mclauchlan. 20Queen St. Port Hope. 905-885-1071 1800·434-5092. .. 8:00: Come Rain or Shine. Tribute tosongwriter Johnny Mercer. Written by BethMcMaster & directed by Gillian Wilson.Showplace Performance Centre, 290 GeorgeSt. Peterborough. 905-742-7469. .Saturday February 02. 8:00: Come Rain or Shine. See February 1.· 8:00: Grand Philharmonic Choir. Rossini:Petite Messe Solennelle. Howard Dyck,conductor. Centre in the Square, 101 QueenSt. N. Kitchener. 519-578-15701800-265·8977. -.. 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberOrchestra. Viola and Strings. Music by Beck,Hamerick, Juan, Partoe & Telemann. SharonWei, viola; Graham Coles, music director.Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, Wilfrid Lauri erUniversity, 75 University Ave. W. Waterloo.519-744-3828. ; (srlst w ID); S5(Eye­Go); free(under 13).Sunday February 03. 3:00: Primavera Concerts. lsrae/ievitchDuo. St. Barnabas Church, 33 Queenston. St.Catharines. 905-685-4734. ; (st).· 3:00: Wellington Winds. London Town.Jennifer Enns Modolo, mezzo-soprano; VirginiaScarfino & Joe Schwartz, bassoon; CoreyRempel, tuba; Michael Purves-Smith, conductor.First United Church, 16 William St.Waterloo. 519-66944091519-579-3097.-$ 20. 4:00: Grand Philharmonic Choir. Rossini:Petite Messe Solennelle. Central PresbyterianChurch, 7 Queen's Sq., Cambridge. SeeFeb 2.· 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Akemi Mercer, Violin &Rachel Mercer, Cello. Works by Haydn, Ravel,Kodaly & Handel-Halvorsen. KW CMS MusicRoom, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886·1673. $ 20; (sr); O(st).Friday February 08· 12:30: Don Wright Faculty of Music.Bobbi Thompson, Classical Sax. Explorationsof the instrument. von Kuster Hall, Universityof Western Ontario,, London. 519-661 ·3767. Free .. 8:00: Capitol Theatre. Michael Costello ·Sounds of Chopin. 20 Oueen St. Port Hope.905-885-10711800434-5092. .. 8:00: Don Wright Faculty of Music.Street Scene. Opera by Kurt Weill. TalbotTheatre, University of Western Ontario,London. ; (srlst). 519-679-8778.· 8:00: McMaster University School of theArts. Celebrity Concert Series· Valerie Tryon,piano. Works by Chopin, Rachmaninov, Liszt,Scarlatti. Convocation Hall, 1280 Main St West,Hamilton. 905-525 -91 40 x24246. -.Saturday February 09. 7:30: Algoma Conservatory Concerts .Intimate Sounds Series· Penderecki StringDuartet. Jeremy Bell & Jerzy Kaplanek, violin;Christine Vlajk, viola; Simon Fryer, cello.Water Tower Inn Pavilion, 360 Great North·ern Road, Sault Ste. Marie. 705-945-7299.; O(st).. 8:00: Capitol Theatre. Jane Bannett,soprano saxophone, flute & bandleader. 20Queen St. Port Hope. 905-885-10711800·434-5092. .. 8:00: Don Wright Faculty of Music.Street Scene. See Feb 8.· 8:00: Kawartha Jazz Society. Emilie·Claire Barlow Sextet. Reg Schwager, guitar;Nancy Walker, piano & Kelly Jefferson, tenorsaxophone. Market Hall, 336 George St.Peterborough. 705-743-8750. (door):(adv); $ lO(st).Sunday February 10. 2:00: Don Wright Faculty of Music.Street Scene opera. See Feb 8 .. 3:00: McMaster School of the Arts.McMaster Concert Band. Keith Kinder,conductor. Convocation Hall, Rm 213, 1280Main St. W., Hamilton. 905-525-9140x24246. D.. 3:00: Wellington Winds. London Town.See Feb 3. Grandview Baptist Church, 250Old Chicopee Dr. Kitchener.. 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Ernesto Tamayo, Guitar .Works by Weiss, Barrios, Torroba, Brouwer &Rodrigo. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St.W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr);SlD(st).GREAT PIANO MUSIC INTHE MUSIC ROOM!57 Young St.W, Waterloo519-886-1673 • kwcms@yahoo.caFEB 15: Petrone[ MalanBach to Liszt/settingsMARCH 5: Janina FialkowskaHaydn.Schumann.Ravel.Chopin(her Q!l(y_ concert in Ontario)MARCH 26: Peter Vinograde& Penderecki String Quartetall Bach: Goldberg Var + 2 concertiMARCH 30: Juana ZayasChopin/LisztAPRIL 10: Winston Choicomplete piano works of Elliott Carterwith Minghuan Xu: Carter Violin SonataAPRIL 24: Eric HimyDebussy. Liszt 11111111111MAY 4: Marc Tothlate Beethovensee Wholenote list on relevant datessee our website for complete detailswww.k-wcms.comKitchener-WaterlooChamber Music Society• 1887 STEtl\WAY GRAl'iD •46 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COMTuesday February 12. 12:30: McMaster University School ofthe Arts. Lunchtime Concerts -Elaine Lau &Joseph Ferretti, piano. Works by Brahms,Ravel, McPhee, Rzewski. Convocation Hall,1280 Main St. West. Hamilton. 905-525·9140 x24246. Free.· 7:30: Don Wright Faculty of Music .Street Scene. See Feb 8.Wednesday February 13· 1 :OD: Halton Hills Cultural Centre.Lunchtime Concert Series- Arash Noori,guitar. 9 Church St. Halton Hills. 905-877-7915 x2517. Free .. 7:30: Marquee Productions. Singin' In theRain. Newmarket Theatre, 505 PickeringCres., Newmarket. 905-713-1040. ;$ 54(srlch). For complete run see musictheatre listings.· 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Penderecki Duartet. Haydn:Quartet Op 76 #3 "Emperor"; Schubert:Ouartettsatz; Mendelssohn, Quartet Op.44#1. KW CMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W.,Waterloo. 519-886-1673 . ; S 15(sr);(st).Thursday February 14. 7:30: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Intersections 3: 2 lst century violin. GillesApap, violin; Edwin Outwater, conductor.University of Waterloo, Humanities Theatre,200 University Ave., W., Waterloo. 519·578-15701519· 7454711. ; S 15(stlch).. 8:00: Don Wright Faculty of Music. All·female choir. von Kuster Ha ll, University ofWestern Ontario, London. 519-661-3767. Free.. 8:30: Beams of Light Yoga Studio.Poetry and Sitar Concert. Neeraj Prem, sitar;Duane Tucker, poet & reader. 1304 Highway8, Winona. 905-520-7932.(adv). Poetryreading: 7 :30.Frida Februar 15. 12:30: Don Wright Faculty of Music.Mostly Messiaen. Tina Yanchus, JamesHibbard, Laura Hibbard, piano. Works for two,four and six hands on one or two grand pianos.von Kuster Hall, University of WesternOntario, London. 519-661-3767. Free.- 7:30: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Intersections 3: 21 st century violin. See Feb14 .. 8:00: Canadian Music Centre. NewMusic in New Places festival series - TradeWinds. Works by Christien Ledroit, PaytonMacDonald & Robert Rosen. East meets westmusical event. Shawn Mativetsky, tabla;Parmela Attariwala, violin. Hamilton GOCentre, 36 Hunter St. E. Hamilton. 416-691-6601.Free.. 8:00: Don Wright Faculty of Music.Street Scene. See Feb 8.. 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Petrone/ Malan, Piano.Works by Haydn, J. S. Bach, Mozart, Liszt &Rachmaninoff. KWCMS Music Room, 57Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673.; (sr); D(st).Saturday February 16. 7:00: Music at St. Luke's. Never onaSunday. Greek Night featuring the ZorbaDancers. Parish hall, 1832 Ontario St.,Burlington. 905-639· 76431905-335-5392. (show and dinner· cash bar)

- 7:30: Burlington Civic Chorale. Musicof George Shearing and ABBA. Gary Fisher,conductor. St. Christopher's Anglican Church,662 Guelph Line, Burlington. 905-681-8109 .-7:30: Peterborough Singers. Songs ofRomance. Orff: Carmina Buran a. Leslie Fagan,soprano; Daniel Taylor, countertenor; AlexanderDobson, bass; Peterborough Children'sChamber Choir. George Street United Church,Peterborough. 705- 745-1820. (adult/sr); (st).· 8:00: Georgetown Bach Chorale. AnEvening of Early Music. Bach: Ciaconne forsolo violin and voices; Mazzinghi: Ye ShepherdsTell Me. Guest: Linda Melsted, violin.St. Alban's Anglican Church, 537 Main St.Glen Williams. 905-877-8321. ; O(st/ch).Sunday February 17· 2:00: Gallery Players of Niagara.Niagara Winds. Music for flute, oboe, clarinet,bassoon and French horn by Nielsen, Rossini,Barber & Pierne. Douglas Miller, flute; ChristieGoodwin, oboe; Zoltan Kalman, clarinet;Patrick Bolduc, bassoon; Tim Lockwood,French horn. St. Barnabas Anglican Church, 31Queens ton Street. St. Catharines. 905-468-1525. ; (sr); (st/ch).· 2:00: Young People's Concert Series.Through History to the Future -Harmony andthe Masters. Viennese chamber music andoperatic arias by Mozart. Olga Tcherniak,artistic director; students from the GlennGould School and YAPA. Royal BotanicalGardens, 680 Plains Road West, Burlington.905-845-9504/416-408-2824 x321. ; O(sr/st).· 2:30: Georgian Bay Symphony. WinterWinds. Music by Debussy, Nielsen, Arnold &lbert. GBS Woodwind Quintet. Knox UnitedChurch, 890 4'" Ave. E. Owen Sound. 519-372-0212. ; (sr/st); free(l 2 & under);eyeGO.-3:00: Don Wright Faculty of Music.Piano Plus Commentary. Gwen Beamish,piano. von Kuster Hall, University of WesternOntario, London. 519-661 -3767. Free.· 3:00: Port Hope Friends of Music.lluartetto Gelato. Works by Piazzolla, Leoncavallo,Piaf, & others. Capitol Arts Centre,20 Queen St. Port Hope. 905-885-1071/800-434-5092. ; (stl.- 7:30: Brantford Symphony Orchestra.Jeans 'n Classics - 50 Years of Rock and Roll.Music as popularized by the Beatles, RoyOrbison and other icons. Dan Warren, conductor;The Jeans and Classics Band & guestartists. Sanderson Centre, 88 Dalhousie St.Brantford. 800-265-8781. -; -(st). Pre-concert chat: 6: 15.Tuesday February 19- 12:30: Don Wright Faculty of Music IEarly Music Studio. Period Music. Music ofthe 17th and 18th centuries on period instruments.von Kuster Hall, University of WesternOntario, London. 519-661-3767. Free.Wednesday February 20· 12:30: Don Wright Faculty of Music. Alittle Theatre Music. Symphonic Band programaround the comedy by Aristophanes andthe plays of Shakespeare. Talbot Theatre,University of Western Ontario, London. 519-661-3767. Free.- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Canadian Chamber Ensemble 2. RegistryTheatre, 122 Frederick, Kitchener. 519-578-1570. ; (st)Thursday February 21-8:00: Don Wright Faculty of Music. St.Cecila Singers. All-female choir. King'sCollege, University of Western Ontario,London. 519-661-3767.Free.- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Pops 2: Sorry, I'm Canadian. Daniel Warren,conductor. River Run Centre, 35 Woolwich St.Guelph. 519-745-4711. -; (st/eh).Friday February 22-8:00: Capitol Theatre. Abba, Tina and Rod(A Tribute). 20 Queen St. Port Hope. 905-885-1071 / 800-434-5092. .- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Pops 5: Sorry, I'm Canadian. Centre InThe Square, 101 Queen St. N. Kitchener.See Feb 21.Saturday February 23· 9:15am, 10:15am & 11:15am: Kitchener­Waterloo Symphony. Kinderconcerts 3:Sounds from Around the World. Centre in theSquare, 101 Queen Street North, Kitchener.519-578-1570. .· 7:30 Oshawa Durham SymphonyOrchestra. Baroque Gems. Albinoni: Adagio;Bach: Orchestral Suite No.2; Vivaldi: Concertofor 2 Trumpets; Flute Concerto "The Goldfinch"RV428; Handel: Water Music; RoyalFireworks Music. Massimo Mercelli, flute;Koji Kawamoto, guest conductor. CalvaryBaptist Church, 300 Rossland Rd. E., Oshawa.905-579-6711. -.· 8:00: Grand Philharmonic Choir·Chamber Singers. Brahms: Motets op.74;Tallis: Lamentations of Jeremiah; Part:Beatitudes; Langlais: Messe Solennelle; Enns:Logos. Howard Dyck, conductor. First UnitedChurch, 16 William St. Waterloo. 519-578-1570 / 800-265-8977. ; O(up to gr.8);(eyeGO).· 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Pops 5· Sorry, I'm Canadian. Centre In TheSquare, 101 Queen St. N. Kitchener. SeeFeb 21.-8:00 Niagara Symphony. From Glencoeto County Derry. Music of Ireland and Scotland.Lionel Tupman, piper; Daniel Swift;conductor. Sean O'Sullivan Theatre, 500Glenridge Ave. St. Catharines. 905-688-5550 x3257 / 866-617-3257. -. Preconcerttalk: 7: 15.-8:00: Tactus Vocal Ensemble. The GreatService of William Byrd. Catherine Robertson,director, Michael Bloss, organ. Guelph'sChurch of Our Lady 28 Norfolk St. Guelph.; $ lD(st). 519- 763-3000 / 8 77-520-2408.Sunday February 24· 2:30 Niagara Symphony. From Glencoeto County Derry. St. Catharines. See Feb23. Pre-concert talk: 1 :45.-3:00: La Jeunesse Youth Orchestra. Inthe Spotlight. Selections by Dvorak, SaintSaens, Sammartini & Weber. Port HopeUnited Church, 34 South St, Port Hope. 866-460-5596.; (st).· 4:00: Grand Philharmonic Choir · ChamberSingers. St. James Anglican Church, 6Hamilton St., Stratford. See Feb 23.SATURDAY FEBRUARY 23, 20087:30 pm Calvary Baptist Church300 Rossland Road E.OSHAWAThe greatest musicof the Baroque byHandel, Bach andVivaldi withItaly's premierflutist MassimoMercelli andconductorKoji Kawamoto.TICKETS:GENERAL S T U D E N T $ 1 S r;:1udedCall 905-579-6711 Availableon-line at;... #CAN,o.OP.'Celebrating 80 yearsof diplomatic relationsbetween Japan and CanadaOSHAWA DURHAMSYMPHONY ORCHESTRAGRAN)PHII.J-IARMONICCHOIRc~ ~; t, er !ti gersPresentsFive Centuries - Five Countries:A Choral OdysseyFebruary 23 2008, 8 pm \First United Church, WaterlooFebruary 24 2008, 4 pmSt. James Church, StratfordMusic by Enns,Part, Langlais,Tallis and Brahmsl\Howard Dyck, conductorCall Centre in the Squarebox office for tickets519-578-1579 or1-800-265-8977www.grandphilchoir.comFEBR UARY1 - M ARCH 7 2008 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE , COM 47/

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