9 years ago

Volume 13 - Issue 5 - February 2008


LISTINGS SECTION 5 CONTINUEDANNOUNCEMENTS, WORKSHOPS, ETCETERAmore liberated experience in performance. Forsingers working in every style of music. Class isaccompanied. Winchester Street Theatre, 80Winchester. 416· 703-8554. Class size islimited; please book in advance.*February 10 2:00: CAMMAC. Reading ofMozart's Vesperae Solennes K.339 and AveVe rum Corpus K.618, under the direction ofClaudio Vena. For singers & instrumentalists.Instrumentalists are asked to register in advanceat so that sufficientparts will be available for the strings. Elliott Hall,Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416·421-0779. (non-members); members &students free.*February 16 2:00·4:00: long & McOuade.Heart of the Horn Clinic: Robi Botos. Discussinghis views on the jazz pianist's role in a variety ofsettings, from combos to big band. Bring yourhorn 1 935 Bloor St. West. To register: 416·588·7886. Free.*February 20 7:30: Toronto ShapenoteSinging from Sacred Harp. Beginners welcome.Music Room, Bloor Street United Church. 300Bloor St. W. (at Huron). 416· 922-7997*February 22 & 23: Toronto Mass Choir.4th Annual PowerUp Gospel Music Workshop.Clinicians include Karen Burke, Nicole Sinclair·Anderson, James Linderman & Kevin Pauls. Allregistrants can be part of the Power UpWorkshop Mass Choir, featured in the Saturdayevening concert (see concert listings). WellspringWorship Centre, 89 Centre Ave., North York. Formore info: 905-794-1139, ,(st), group rates.(*February 23 2:00·4:00: long & McOuade.Heart of the Horn Clinic: Mark EisenmannrTorontoDistrictSchoolBoardComping the Horns. Jazz pianist Eisenmanndiscusses the techniques and strategies forsupporting the horns when you are on a gig. Greatfor pianists and horn players alike. Bring yourinstrument. 935 Bloor St. West. To register:416-588· 7886. Free.*February 25 7:30: Toronto Early MusicCentre. Vocal Circle. Recreational reading ofearly choral music. Ability to read music isdesirable but not essential. 12 Millbrook Cres.416-920-5025. (non-members). membersfree.*February 26 8:00: Toronto Folk Singers'Club. An informal group that meets for thepurpose of perfonnance & exchange of songs.Audiences are welcome. Tranzac Club, 292Brunswick Ave. 416-532-0900.*February 29 7:30· 10pm: RecorderPlayers' Society. Church of theTransfiguration. See February 8.*March 110:30am·1:00:TorontoMendelssohn Choir. Singsation Saturdays.Choral workshop for everyone who loves to sing.Explore selections from Russian masterworks.Zimfira Poloz, featured conductor. YorkminsterPark Baptist Church, 1585 Yonge St. 416-598·0422. .*March 21:30·4:00: Toronto Early MusicPlayers Organization. Workshop on earlymusic for winds & strings, led by Colin Savage,perfonner on recorder, baroque clarinet & bassethorn. Bring your early instruments and stand;music provided. Lansing United Church, 49 BogertAve. 416-778-7777. , members free.*March 2 2:00: CAMM AC. Reading of Bach'sCantata BWV 4 Christ lag in Todesbanden. Forsingers & instrumentalists. Elliott Hall, ChristChurch Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416-421 ·0779. (non-members); members & studentsfree.CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGINSTRUCTIONEVE EGOYAN seeks advanced,committed piano students( or 416-894-6344)PIANO LESSONS: All ages, styles -beginner, classical. jazz, pop, RCM exams.Feel the joy of making music' Peter Ness,ARCT. 416-767-9747.PIANO LESSONS North of Bloor WestVillage. per month. Experienced, nice ladyteacher. Beginners welcome (children, ladies).416-766-7981 Sabine.THEORY, SIGHT-SINGING, EAR­TRAINING LESSONS: All grades, RCMexam prep (rudiments, harmony, history,counterpoint). Learning can be fun and easy'Peter Ness, ARCT. 416-767-9747.INSTRUMENTS BOUGHT & SOLDBALDWIN 7ft EBONY GRANDPIANO Renner action. New hammerswere installed in 1998. New treble strings in2006. Cabinet and structural parts inexcellent condition. Well maintained. Askingprice ,000. Contact: 416-593-0558.MISCELLANEOUSARE YOU PLANNING A CONCERTor recital? Looking for a venue? ConsiderBloor Street United Church. Phone: 416-924-7439 x22 Email: tina@bloorstreetunited.orgMUSICIANSAVAILABLEBARD - EARLY MUSIC DUO playingrecorder and virginal available to providebackground atmosphere for teas, receptionsor other functions - greater Toronto area. Forrates and info call 905-722-5618 or email us atmhpape@interhop.netMUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Smallensembles, Dance Band, Big Band; CocktailHour, Dinner music, Concerts, Shows;Job OpportunityPart-Time Itinerant Music Instructors - BandClassical, Contemporary, Dixieland, Traditionaland Smooth Jazz I )SL Musical Productions905-276-3373.MUSICIANS WANTEDACCOMPANIST WANTED for ALL THEKING'S VOICES, a 40 + member semiprofessionalmixed-voice choir that rehearseson Tuesday nights. 416-225-2255www.allthekingsvoices.caMUSIC DIRECTOR WANTED. KnoxUnited Agincourt-Toronto has 1928 2 manualCasavant, 7' Yamaha Grand, 20 voice choir.13 hours/week.Job Description availablefrom secretary Jone or 416-293-4424.RYERSON UNIVERSITY OAKHAMHOUSE CHOIR - Established choirperforming classical repertoire seeks newmembers to perform Haydn's "The Seasons"with Toronto Sinfonietta orchestra. Choralexperience, reading ability helpful, but notessential. Rehearsals Monday nightsRyerson campus. 416-763-8746.TENOR: Paid section leader/soloistsought. Take part in an excellent choralprogramme at Rosedale PresbyterianChurch, directed by Melody McShane, M.Mus. Please apply to: RPC, 129 MountPleasant Rd., Toronto M4W 2S3 by February 29.The TORONTO WELSH MALE VOICECHOIR is seeking an Associate MusicDirector. Please send a letter of application anda copy of your resume to TWMVC, 33 MelroseStreet. Toronto, ON M5M 1 Y6 to the Attentionof Dr. Ray Freebury or by e-mail For informationabout the choir visit www.twmvc.comWANTED IMMEDIATELY! Newmembers for exceptional community concertband. If you are a musician looking for amusical outlet, the Festival Wind OrchestraThe Toronto District School Board is seeking qualified Music Instructors who are interested in part-time banditinerant work. Your primary duty would be to provide appropriate instruction on band instruments to groups ofstudents in grades 5-8 in a classroom setting. Working independently, you will incorporate your knowledge ofeffective music teaching and learning strategies to create and deliver well-organized lessons on band instruments,and demonstrate effective classroom management skills. You are expected to maintain an inventory ofinstruments, and communicate regularly with administration and students.Qualifications include a University Degree in Music or Music Education with professional experience on at leastone orchestral wind, brass or percussion instrument (or an equivalent combination of education and experience),and the ability to demonstrate and instruct on orchestral wind, brass and percussion instruments.We are accepting applications immediately. Candidates who are shortlisted for an interview for availableassignments will be contacted in early February or sooner. All other applications will be accepted and reviewed ona regular basis up to Friday, March 7, 2008. Please submit your resume with a covering letter, indicating the timesthat you are available to work to: Program Coordinator - Music, Toronto District School Board, 1 Civic CentreCourt, 1st floor, Etobicoke, ON M9C 2B3, or by fax to (416) 394-7969. No phone calls, please. The TorontoDistrict School Board adheres to equitable hiring and employment practices. Please identify that you are applyingfor "Part-Time Itinerant Music Instructors- Band" in your correspondence and mention this advertisement.52WWW.TH EWHOlENOTE. COM F EBRUARY 1 - M ARCH 7 2008

wants to hear from you. We are currentlyseeking new members to join our ensemble.Alto sax, oboe, bassoon, French horn,trombone, tuba and percussion players areespecially welcome' If you play a concertband instrument at an intermediate toadvanced level we invite you to join us. Wepractise every Tuesday evening, from 7:30pmto 9:45pm in the Yonge/Sheppard area. Formore information, please call 416-491 -1683, orlog on to AND INCOME TAXSERVICE for small business andindividuals, to save you time and money,customized to meet your needs. Norm Pulker,B. Math. CMA. 905-251 -0309 or 905-830-2985.ENERGY BALANCING ANDTHERAPEUTIC TOUCH. Practitionerwith twenty years experience as a healer aswell as forty years experience as a musicianspecializes in performance related ailments.Feel the amazing benefits of this gentle,relaxing and non-invasive approach lo healingthe natural way. Rod Fogarty 416-760-8161.IMPROVE POSTURE, POISE &APPEARANCE. Resolve stiffness,limitations & pain. Enhance performanceGregorian Chant EnthusiastsThe Tridenline Schola ofSt. Vincent de Paul Church,located at 263 Roncesvalles Ave,is accepting new members.The Schola provides full propersand ordinary for Toronto's onlyweekly Sung Tridentine Mass,at 9:30 on Sunday mornings.Interested singers should contactmusic director Philip Fournier foran audition: 416.538.5893, or emailsvpmusic@oratory-toronto.orgskills. Call Graeme Lynn, STAT certifiedAlexander Tec hniq ue teacher. 416-964-7026.www. in telligence-in-ac lion.caMASSAGE THERAPY WITHANDREW INNES, RMT. Offering lhehighest possible standards of personal andtherapeutic care. Diaphramatic release, ribspringing, postural alignment, relaxation, andmany other treatment types available.Experience in working with singers. Callbodyone clinic: 416-516-2114www.bodyone.caThe PERFORMING EDGE Performan ceenhancement training in tensionmanagement, concentration, goal selling,imagery. Individualized lo meel yourperformance situation. Kate F. Hays,practising clinical and performing artspsychology. 416-961-0487,www.theperformingedge.comPRIVATE INVESTMENT ADVICEInvestment skills.Advice skills.Best of all, listening skills.Call Roel Olay,FCSI, CIM, FMA,Investment Ad vi sor(416) 279-1471WaterhouseWealth of ExperiencePRIVATE CLIENT SERVICEStdwoterhouse.caTD Wa1e1house Pnv:\le Investment AdvKe 1s a d1v1s10 11 ofTD Wlte rhouse C;rn,1da Inc., a subs1d1ary of Th t> TorontoDo 111 n1 on Bank TD Wa1e1house (:mada IncMembe1 CIPf. TD W:mrhouse 1s :1 t1.1de-m;11k ol theToron 10- 0 on1111 1011 Bank. used unde r license.! ! PRIZES ! PRIZES ! PRIZES ! !Birds of a Feather ... Sing Together!The May edition of WholeNote will bring youTHE CANARY PAGESour annual focus on the choral communityThe Canary Pages directory features Southern Ontario's richlydiverse choral community, with profiles of choirs to jo in .: thereare choirs in many categories: mixed voices, men 's choirs,women's choirs. children's choirs, large choirs and chamberchoirs. Some of the choirs are auditioned, some are nonauditioned;there are professional choirs, community choirs.Some are choirs whose repertoire is specialized - sacred music,early music, world, jazz, gospel, or folk. Some provide choralopportunities for people who share a particular community ofinterest - musical, social, political, or work-related.THE CONTEST?Name five southern Ontariochoirs (each from a differentcategory) with the categorystated after each choir named.Email your entryby February l Sth tocanary@thewholenote.comand you will be entered in adraw for some terrific prizes,including tickets to hear theHarlem Gospel Choir at theSony Centre, on February 23 .Be sure to include yourmailing address in your email,j ust in case you win a prize!~dlddllldldldddlldUdl~ p~ 314 Churchill Ave ?; Toronto, Ontario ~p M2R 1 E7 Canada ;~ Tel: 416-224-1956 ?p Fax: 416-224-2964 ~p MIKROKOSMOS ?? ?? pp ;~ We buy your :pp~ classical LP ~p ?~ collection ~; ?p ?~ (classical, such as ~? ~, ', Beethoven, Mozart, ,, Stockhausen) ,f~~p~ we travel anywhere ~~ for good collections tp ~~Hll,IHIHHQIHIIIIHP.-1.The Ca,i66ian Chc,ali of Torontois seeking a Music DirectorThe successful candidate will conduct and/or accompanyeither on organ or piano, a variety of types of music;must be flexible and a team player.Further information available from Leonora Benjamin, 905-837-5186,or Resumes should be mailed to:The Search Committee, The Caribbean Chorale of Toronto,P.O. Box 76638, 1661 Denison Street, Markham, ON L3R ON5Music Director WantedThe Scarborough Bel Canto Choir is lookingfor an experienced Music Director effectiveSeptember 2008. Candidates should enjoyconducting a wide range of musical sryles.Interested parties please call David Ramsayat 416-703-5749.www. be/can tochoir. camtfi.eBEACH SUMMER_ VOICEP oo ,coA.M )I Summer lf!tensive forN f\... )ldu[t SingersJuly 17-21 Choral Week: Ensembles & SolosJuly 24-28 Opera Week: Ensembles & Solos!J)ai{y Lessons ana 'M.astercfasses, Sma[[ C[asses:Marjorie SparkJ,;4. rtistic (J)irector416.893.8648mheitshu@sympatico.cawww.m arjoriesparksvoicestudio.comHOLD YOUR NEXT RECITAL 11111111bcliconian ballA beautiful restored Carpenter's Gothic board and batten churchbuilding in the heart of Yorkville can be rented at reasonablerates for musical events. Steinway Grand piano included.A high, vaulted ceiling provides excellent concert-hall acoustics.Capacity up to 120. Tel: 416-922-3618 Fax: 416-922-2431www.heliconianclub.orgrentals@heliconianclub.orgF EBRUARY 1- M ARCH 7 2008 WWW. THEWH O lENOTE. COM 53

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